Consequences of Pranking My Sister Ch. 02

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My sister ignores me, I have to fix it.
8.1k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/25/2022
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This is a follow-on story of two siblings, both of whom are over 18 years of age.

We need to talk...

For the first few days after what had happened between me and my sister, we hardly spoke or looked at one another, but fortunately that wasn't so out of the ordinary and our parents didn't seem to notice.

I knew though that she was deliberately avoiding looking at me and having any awkward conversations about what we had done. I wondered if she just wanted to pretend it had never happened and say no more about it. I think I would have been ok with that except that I was unable to forget the sight of her naked body, and the feeling of sliding my cock into her. I was reliving it often, alone in my room, with a box of tissues.

After several days, I tried to catch her eye, but she stubbornly refused to meet mine and the atmosphere between us continued to prevail. I knew that we needed to talk about it before our parents noticed something was wrong, but so far, she was showing no signs of being amenable to that.

Finally, an opportunity arose at the weekend about 10 days later, with the snow all gone, when Mom and Dad decided to go into town, to do some clothes shopping and said they would have lunch out before returning in the late afternoon.

As soon as I heard them leave, I got out of bed in my soft shorts and T shirt that I habitually sleep in, and quietly padded barefoot to the door of my sister's room.

I tapped on it.

I knew she was still in there, but there was no response.

I tapped a bit harder on the door, "Julie, it's me," I said, then realised I was stating the obvious, who else could it be...duh.

No response.

"Julie, we need to talk, can I come in?"

"No, go away," I finally heard.

"Come on, just for a few minutes," I persisted, "I think we need to."

"I don't think I want to," came the muffled reply.

"There's just us here and I am unhappy that we are hardly speaking, I think you might be too."

There was silence again, so after what seemed like several minutes, but was probably less, I turned away from the door and was heading back to my own room, when I heard the door handle turn and click. I looked back and the door had been cracked open a little.

"Ok," I heard more clearly now through the gap in the door, "you can come in for a moment."

I turned back, and after giving a polite knock on the door, pushed it further open and stepped into her room. It wasn't somewhere I had been for a long time, as she tended to guard her privacy, so I was a little surprised to see how neat and 'girly' it was, not quite the impression I had of my sister.

She was sitting on her bed in her sleepwear which seemed to consist of a pair of floppy, small, yellow, shorts and a large loose T shirt, not unlike what I was wearing. It was hard trying to be contrite when faced with a large expanse of bare leg and although I tried not to stare, I couldn't detect any obvious bra under her T shirt either. Her light hair was loose, a bit tousled, and resting on her shoulders.

She looked up at me with those blue eyes, an unfathomable look on her face.

"What do you want?" she asked, not too aggressively I thought.

"Well, as I said, I think we need to talk about what happened the other day," I said, still standing near the door.

"Why do you think we need to?"

"Because you seem to be ignoring me and it hurts knowing that you are so obviously upset with me."

She looked down and didn't say anything for a few moments, as she fiddled with a loose thread on the hem of her T shirt.

"I'm not upset with you," she said, eventually, not looking up, "but more with myself for allowing it to go so far."

As I processed that bit of information, I plucked up the courage to move further into her room and perch on the end of her bed. She didn't say anything.

"It wasn't just you though was it," I ventured.

"I could have stopped you though, but because of my stupid pride, I refused to give in right up to the end," she said, more quietly.

"To be fair, we both did the same," I replied, "I am as much to blame, it's why I thought you must be really annoyed with me."

"But I'm your older sister, I should have known better."

It was clear she was feeling guilty herself, rather than being angry with me, a thought that hadn't really occurred to me.

The silence broken only by the ticking of her clock was palpable as neither of us said anything for what seemed like minutes at the time but was probably only some tens of seconds.

"So, uummmm... what? ... I mean why... didn't you just say 'no' once it got further than you were comfortable with, you know I would never hurt you, don't you?" I said, looking at her still picking at the loose thread.

Another silence.

She finally looked up at me, "Yes I know that, but promise me you won't think I'm a terrible person if I tell you," she said, still in a quiet voice.

"Of course not, I would never think that way about you, I'm your brother, I will always love you," I replied, sincerely.

"You said that then too and it's not something I have ever heard you say before."

"Well, I think things like that, but don't often say them out loud," I said, slightly embarrassed at my own words.

A tiny smile crossed her face, "The reason I didn't give in or tell you to stop was because..." she paused, a blush creeping up her neck.

"Because what?" I coaxed her.

"Because I was enjoying our closeness and what you were doing to me, it felt different to the feelings I have had with anyone else I have been with," she managed to get out, the blush moving up into her cheeks.

"Oh," I said, inadequately, taken aback by her words, and making it my turn to blush, but also causing my cock to stir with the thought that she had actually enjoyed it.

"So now you know," she added.

I certainly did know now, and so did my cock, which despite commands from me to behave was slowly growing. There seemed to be more to say, but neither of us seemed able to be the first to start that conversation. We sat there with our own thoughts for a short while.

"Chris, I..." she started, but I had begun talking too.

"Go on," I said, "you go first."

"No, what were you going to say?" she countered.

"Ladies first," I said, a little bit of the old banter showing.

"Ok, well, I was just going to say... that I did wonder why you let us go all the way too?" she said, "I mean, you actually fucked your sister."

I was slightly taken aback by her language, and didn't know if this was going to be a one-off conversation about it, so I wanted to be honest with her.

"It didn't start off to be anything more than a silly prank, and I honestly never had any idea of where it was going to lead, but the further we went, just made me realise how beautiful and sexy you are. Seeing and touching you was the most erotic and amazing thing I have ever done."

"Really? Wow, Chris, I never expected to hear that from you," she said, almost bashfully, and now with a very red face at the compliment.

"Yes, really," I affirmed, my cock now almost fully erect despite my efforts to calm it down, "and it did take two of us," I added, gently.

"Yes, I know, but you don't think it has made anything 'weird' between us?"

"Apart from us not talking and avoiding each other you mean?"

"Well, we are talking now, so how do you feel about it?"

I thought for a moment.

"I never thought of you in that way before, even though some of my friends said how 'fit' you were, but I saw you as just my sister."

"I see..."

"What I'm trying to say is that you need to know that I haven't been lusting after you, and what happened wasn't planned or anything, so I don't find it 'weird' as such," I struggled to find the right words without being too crude. "I mean, when we actually...emmm... you know... joined together, I felt a sort of new bond with you that I didn't know about, and I do care that you might have been unhappy and upset with me these last few days."

"You mean when we actually fucked?" she said, with a small grin, a bit of the old Julie shining through.

"Yes, if you want to put it like that," I said, slightly shocked at how she had expressed it for the second time, "what about you, how do you feel?"

"I've been trying to work that out too, since then," she said, one foot moving in circles over the carpet, touching it with her bare toes now and then.

"Did you come to any conclusion?" I asked.

"As we are being straight with each other, I can't deny I did enjoy it at the time but wondered later if it was just because it was all spontaneous and the taboo nature added something to're my brother for God's sake. I kept thinking we shouldn't have done it. Do you understand?"

"I think so," I said, my erection now pressing against my loose shorts, but hopefully hidden from her view by the way I was sitting on her bed.

There was that pregnant pause again, neither of us knowing what to say next.

As I sat looking at her, all legs and ruffled blonde hair, my cock was sending me messages, filling my bloodstream with whatever chemicals emboldened me to say, "Would it be ok if you come over here and let me cuddle you for a moment?"

I stayed sitting on the bed and held my arms open. I suddenly realised that if she took offence and just told me to leave, I was going blow all the goodwill we had just built up and feel a right idiot. I trembled slightly and waited in trepidation for her to decide.

She stopped swinging her leg, then frustratingly slowly, almost as if still deciding, pushed herself up off the bed and moved down to sit alongside me.

I put my arms round her and gently pulled her to me, her head resting on my chest, her hair against my nose. I felt her warmth against me and the faintest smell of perfume in her hair, but mostly 'just woken up girl' smell that is impossible to describe, but very sexy.

A bit woodenly, she reciprocated by putting her arms round my back and we sat like that for a short while, listening to the clock ticking and each other's breathing.

"I can hear your heart beating," she said, her ear against my chest, "it sounds rather fast."

"That's because I am so close to a very beautiful woman who also happens to be my sister."

"Stop it," she said, smacking my back with one of her hands.

I released one of my hands and pulled her blonde hair back from her face, pushing it over her ear, then bent and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"What was that for?" she asked.

"Just for being you and talking to me so honestly," I replied.

We sat there just cuddling for a minute or so.

"And apart from your fast heartbeat, has it done anything else to you being this close to me?"

Oh God, was she actually asking if I had an erection, which of course I had.

"I don't know what you mean," I said, falteringly.

"I'm sure you do," she replied, "judging by the odd shape of your shorts."

So, she had noticed, but had still agreed to a cuddle, I wondered what that meant and what she was thinking. Without answering further, I began to run my fingers through her sleep tangled hair, separating the strands, with my fingers acting as a comb. She didn't object and stayed lying against me.

It was just a tender moment, sharing her closeness, until I spoiled it, by looking down to where I could see that the very wide and loose top of her T shirt was gaping wide open and clearly visible down there was one of her breasts. Resting on top of it was a darker nipple, already erect. I knew I shouldn't be perving on her, but I remembered the feel of them from before and my cock twitched at the memory, and it only made me want to look more.

She suddenly brought me out of my reverie, "Are you trying to look down my top Chris?" she asked.

I swear women have some sort of built-in radar that warns them when someone is looking where they shouldn't.

"I errrr, wasn't trying to, I just happened to look down, that's all," I said, guiltily.

"Hmmm," she said, "didn't you get enough of a look the last time?" she quipped, as I felt the accompanying slight grin move her face against my chest.

"I don't know how to answer that, I mean, is enough, ever enough, of an attractive woman," I said, making it up as I went along.

I felt her hug me just fractionally tighter, so I guessed she wasn't actually immune to a bit of flattery.

There was another pause and I kept stroking her hair. I noticed though that she didn't attempt to alter her top to cover up the view.

"We are ok then aren't we Chris?" she suddenly asked, "it really hasn't affected anything has it?"

"No, I told you, I just sort of feel closer to you than before, I don't think that's a bad thing."

I could feel the electricity building up between us like the static of a photocopier after it has done multiple copies, and I didn't know where this was going to go. The intimate nature of the conversation not only had my cock fully hard, but I could feel precum soaking into the soft material of my shorts. I was sure it would be noticeable soon.

Egged on by the feelings of excitement building up in me, on impulse, I gingerly moved the hand that wasn't stroking her hair down and over the front of her T shirt, my fingers just barely touching her covered breast. I knew she felt it, as I sensed a tiny tremor pass through her body that was leaning against me.

Not getting more of a reaction than that, I became bolder, and slowly but surely, homed my fingers in on her nipple that I could feel through the thin shirt. I ran one of my fingernails round the periphery, hardly touching it, but feeling it harden further until it was poking at the material.

"Chris, I don't know..." she said, very quietly.

"You did say you liked it," I whispered back, while extending my hand to take more of her breast in it, my palm grazing her hard nipple.

"I did, but last time was...sort of unexpected, and I'm not sure we should repeat it deliberately."

"But I think we agreed the only thing that it changed was to bond us more," I pressed her, weighing the whole of her T shirt covered breast in my hand, and massaging it gently.

She sighed, "Yes, but you know you are starting to turn me on and I'm not sure if we could stop before we go too far again," she said, "also if Mom or Dad ever find out, we will be either dead or at the least homeless."

"They weren't suspicious before, there is no reason to think they would be now, if we are careful."

"You make it sound so easy and as though it's almost going to happen, but I worry we might still live to regret it."

She didn't push me away, but let me feel all over her breast, giving out little sighs and sounds while she thought through what we were doing.

Seeing that she wasn't actively trying to stop me, I slid my hand down and under the bottom of her T shirt giving me access to her bare breasts and nipples that I immediately began to stroke and massage in earnest.

"Oh God Chris, you shouldn't be doing that, even though it feels so good, I'm very conflicted about this," she said.

"Well, we could just see how it goes," I said, hopefully, "this isn't a competition now, if one of us wants to stop we can just say so, how does that sound?"

"I suppose as we are cuddling here, it wouldn't hurt to perhaps, just touch a little," she said.

Maybe the feelings I was giving her were helping her decision.

"Would it be ok if I just take this off then?" I asked, tentatively pulling on the bottom of her T shirt.

"I dunno, it's one thing when it happened spontaneously like last time, but this is a conscious decision, I told you I don't think we should."

"It's only so I can see as well as touch," I said, wondering if I had already pushed her too far, too fast.

"My head says we shouldn't, but I admit it does feel nice, and no one's around, so I guess it won't hurt just this once, as you are already touching me, but just the T shirt," she said, "and you have to keep your clothes on."

She lifted her arms up and allowed me to pull it over her head, leaving the top half of her naked to my gaze, but she put her arms across her breasts, partially hiding them, self-consciously.

I pulled her back against me, gently moving her arms away and replacing my hand on one of her breasts and continued where I had left off, playing with her hard nipple.

She ran one of her hands over my stomach, then up, and began to play with one of my own nipples over my T shirt, in the same way that I was doing to her. Feeling her fingers doing that, was more erotic than I thought, and soon had my cock twitching in time to her ministrations.

We stayed like that for some time, she is teasing, and rolling my nipple with her soft fingers, and me doing the same to her.

"That's really got me going," I gasped.

"I can tell," she mumbled, and then slid her hand down over my stomach and onto my shorts.

The head of my cock was almost sticking out of the top of the elastic waistband, and she found it immediately, wrapping her hand around it through the material.

"Oh shit, Julie, I thought you didn't want to go too far?"

"Is that a good 'oh shit' then?" she mumbled again.

"Hmmm. Yes, oh yes," I managed, through my ragged breath, "but could we, you know, get more comfortable though?" I asked, nervously.

She continued holding my cock for a moment.

"What do you mean exactly by 'comfortable'?"

I heard the apprehension in her voice.

"I just meant... maybe lie on the bed, next to one another?" I said.

"And that's it?"

"Well, yes," I hesitated, hoping not to spoil the mood if I tried to take it too far, too quickly, "as long as you feel comfortable with it?"

"We would be almost in bed together then," she said, a bit warily, "I don't think that's a good idea, it might be too tempting...for both of us?"

I could almost hear the cogs of her thoughts and conflicts going round in her pretty head.

I thought quickly, "I know, but we both know the rules we agreed, and... emmm... it would be nice to perhaps hold you."

"I'm not sure about this Chris, you - or we - might get carried away."

"You must know I wouldn't do anything unless you agreed with it, surely?"

"Yes, I guess I can trust you... I suppose it's not something we haven't done once before..." she reasoned with herself, "so... if you promise to behave..."

I thought the situation was getting more interesting by the minute; my sister was willing to lie on the bed with me, I hoped given time she would be willing to do more than that, but I knew not to push her too quickly.

Having agreed, she removed her hand and leaned away from me, allowing me to stand up in front of her. I stood looking at her; her pert breasts displayed in front of me, the hard nubs of her nipples proudly perched on top, it was a very sexy sight.

She didn't move and I thought she must be having second thoughts and would perhaps ask me to leave, now that she had thought through what we were doing more thoroughly.

"It looks like I really have turned you on Chris, from what I can see," she said, staring at the bulge in my sleep shorts and the small wet patch where my pre-cum had leaked.

"It's not surprising with what you were just doing," I replied, a bit embarrassed at standing in front of her with my cock tenting my shorts.

She ran her tongue over her bottom lip.

"I know what I just said, but ...emmmm...could I just see it, Chris?" she asked, bashfully, a faint blush returning to her cheeks.

"I thought you didn't want to go too far, are you sure you want to even go this far?" I asked, surprised by her request.

"I didn't... I don't, Oh God, it's just that you saw a lot of me last time and I didn't see much, and I have wondered...since."

"If you're sure," I said, pausing to give her a chance to take it back.

"Yes, do it. before I lose my nerve," she said.