Considerate Boyfriend Pt. 02


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"He looks like he's getting harder!" Sydney observed a moment later. "You need to decide if you want him to cum in your mouth or all over your face like he did to me. If you try to let him cum in your mouth, he will probably splash a lot of it on your face since you're not able to get his cock down your throat."

Throughout all Betsy's excited efforts, she had earnestly labored to take more and more of me into her mouth and throat and she had made some progress. That's not to say her only intention was to take all of my cock down her throat. She had licked and slobbered over it to the point that she was now making gooey little sucking noises each time she drew her straining mouth over my cock. Saliva was dripping off my balls.

Sydney's cautions about choosing a target for my coming explosion spurred her mother to take even more startling action. Betsy stole a quick glance up into my eyes and took a deep breath. Before I knew it she had hastily grasped my balls a bit more tightly, pressed her finger against my rectum and quickly began making hard, desperate lunges with her mouth upon my rod. Apparently, she had decided she wanted every last drop of my seed in her mouth and she was moving heaven and earth to work every last inch of my throbbing firehose down her throat before I could turn on the hydrant.

"Oh, shit!" I grunted out in shock. I'm not usually given to a great deal of bad language, but she had taken me by surprise. My cock was now lodged in the back of her throat. I could feel it wedged back there at the crook in her throat.

Betsy continued to press forward, determined not to let my manhood escape. The hand she held at my back tugged ever tighter. The finger at my rectum dug more deeply, with the tip of it suddenly popping just inside me. That's when I lost all control. My hips lurched up with my first spasm, driving my cock deeper into her throat. Betsy tried to scream or moan or something but my cum drowned out the sound. I grabbed the back of her head. I wasn't trying to force myself on her. It was more a matter of steadying my cock in her mouth. I could feel my nutsack shuddering against her palm as my seed coursed up and out of my sexpistol.

I would like to say my little jam session with Betsy was a graceful, well-choreographed give-and-take between my cock and her mouth, but I would be lying. My initial salvo went straight down her throat. After that, Betsy seemed to lose her nerve or perhaps she simply began to gag out of inexperience. In any case, she pulled away slightly, and even as my hands flew up to cup the back of her head, she loosened her seal around my cock. My second salvo filled her mouth to overflowing. I watched as her cheeks swelled with this second volley and then my seed began to spill out at the corners of her mouth. I hadn't seen anything as sensual as her beautiful mouth stretched to its limits around my pistol, my frothy goo seeping from the corners her lips since I came in her pussy the first time on her bed during the night. Betsy was a beautiful, sexy, mature woman. I decided she was even more sexy and beautiful in her current cum-spattered state.

As the last of my cum spattered the tip of her nose and her upper lip, the most intelligent thing I could manage to say was a long and heartily grunted, "Un-n-nh!"

All this left Betsy out of breath and smiling. She immediately began to lick her lips and grin, first at me and finally at her daughter. She began to swipe up the splashes of my cum and lick them from her fingers. Clearly, she was proud of herself.

"That was amazing, Mom!" Sydney cooed, "You took in more of his cock and swallowed more of his jizz than I managed my first time with Tommy! Amazing!"

"Goodness!" Betsy blurted out, still out of breath, "I didn't know I had it in me to do that!" To put a sharp exclamation point to her words, she ended by grasping my withering firehose and licking up the last few drops of my seed from the tip of it.

We all took a long pause then. I was completely and totally drained, and both mother and daughter seemed content with their remarkable accomplishments for the moment.

When my breathing had finally returned to normal, I asked, "Did someone say something about breakfast awhile ago?"

Betsy and Sydney jumped into action then. They had bacon in the skillet in no time. Eggs were beaten and the toaster was at work in a matter of minutes. I was even pressed into service setting the table.

My breakfast with the dePoet mother-daughter duo was most likely the finest meal I have ever enjoyed in my life. To begin with, I had never spent so much time completely in the nude in my life. To spend it in the company of two beautiful women who were also nude and working in unison to prepare our meal ranks as the eighth wonder of the world. Their firm asses shook so invitingly as they worked intently at stove and counter. It was almost more than I could stand to watch either of them lean into the open refrigerator or cupboard, their bottoms thrust back, their slim legs thrown out in a wide stance. The divine sight of mother and daughter working together, completely unaware of the heady impact they were having on me was absolutely zen-like. This, coupled with the smell of bacon frying and toast browning did wondrous things to me. I don't believe I had ever been as contented or fulfilled as I was over this meal.

"You know, Torby, I am having a wonderful time with you and Sydney!" Betsy told me happily as she gave my forearm a soft pat, "I truly believe I have learned more about sex and about myself in the past twelve hours than I could ever have imagined. I have surprised myself."

I was flanked at the breakfast table by Betsy on my left around the corner and by Sydney on my right. Both looked every bit as contented as I certainly felt.

I reluctantly helped with the cleanup after our meal. It would have been so much nicer to simply sit and admire these two women's asses swishing and sashaying at the sink and cupboards. Instead, I picked up a dish towel and dried. I couldn't keep myself from caressing the occasional bottom or waist as either one of them shimmied past me, though. It was lovely and yes, even comforting to have a beautiful woman to touch, to caress. Having two women to caress was even more wonderful.

"Are you both nudists?" I posed this question after breakfast while sitting around the kitchen table. Mother and daughter seemed so at ease in nothing more than a bracelet, a pair of earrings, or in Sydney's case, absolutely nothing at all.

"No, not ordinarily," the older Ms. DePoet began, "But Sydney seemed to think it might be a good way to break the ice."

"Ice! The two of you turned me into slush!" I exclaimed.

"Well, actually -- I bought an extremely nice little outfit for our dinner, but Sydney talked me out of wearing it. Most of it anyway. You got to see my stockings, garter belt and heels. You didn't get to see my dress or my panties," Betsy added.

I noted she hadn't mentioned a bra but I didn't press the point. Sydney grinned broadly at me and I knew she had something to say.

"Well, I never want to wear anything unless it's cold. Sometimes when I'm at home and my nipples begin to hurt because it's cool and they've been hard for an extra-long time, I'll pull on a shawl over my shoulders. Usually, I try to avoid wearing anything at all. Tommy used to laugh and say I didn't consider clothing optional, I considered it avoidable."

In my next breath I proceeded to say something I would regret. "So that's why you didn't have any trouble taking off your clothes in that strip club!" I exclaimed. Her success in dancing made a lot more sense now. Too late, though, I also realized I had just let a major secret out of the bag. I was pretty certain Betsy didn't know about the strip club and I was pretty sure Sydney didn't want her mother to know about it.

"Strip club? What strip club? Did you go to a strip club, young lady?" Betsy lit up at the mention of a strip club in her daughter's past.

Complete silence came over the living room as mother glared at daughter and I wished I could take back the very mention of Sydney's one-night stand in that shabby exit-ramp strip bar. I wished I could curl up under the seat cushions.

Sydney appeared to wilt for a moment under her mother's glare and her sharp questions, but then, somehow, she recovered her determination. She smiled just as she had earlier with my cum all over her face. She didn't have any cum to scoop up and lick off her fingers this time but there was a mischievous, almost spiteful look of determination on her face now that told me she would be more than able to defend herself.

"Have you ever taken your clothes off in front of a roomful of men, Mom? Have you ever bared your tits to men and dared them stare at them and be aroused?" Sydney stopped speaking to let her words hit their mark with her mother.

"Well," Betsy began, fumbling for an answer.

"Did you enjoy the look on Torby's face when our front door opened and he discovered us nude? Did it please you to know you were arousing him, making him want you?" Sydney asked.

She was finding her way now and I was sure her mother didn't have a chance. I found myself agreeing with her. Seeing mother and daughter standing there in the entryway proudly, almost defiantly challenging me to drink in the sight of them was intoxicating for me and now I was certain it had given Sydney at least, an electrifying boost as well. Now Betsy appeared to be the one wilting as she accepted this same truth.

"I-I-I had never done anything like that before," Betsy countered, almost as an excuse.

"But you got a real kick out of it, didn't you? It excited you, didn't it?"

Betsy looked to me. It was almost as if she was asking me to defend her. I wasn't about to. The sight of her clad in nothing more than stockings, heels, a bit of gleaming jewelry and a big, teasing grin would be one of the most vivid and lasting memories of my life.

There was a painful silence followed by a soft whimper from the mother as she accepted the truth of all Sydney had challenged her with.

"Does that make me a bad person? A-a slut? I mean, just because I enjoyed it," she asked finally with her head downcast.

Sydney had clearly gotten the upper hand in their argument. She surprised me in that moment by making another sharp pivot in their disagreement.

"I did spend an evening stripping in a kind of grimy little strip bar that night when we had to wait for a new bus," she began, "And I have never done anything so exciting! Men wanted me! Fat men, old men, married men -- they wanted me! I'm sure that if Torby hadn't been there, I would probably have wound up being gangbanged in the parking lot later that night. As it was, Torby and I were able to slip out before things got too far out of hand." She thought for a second and added, "Before I got too far out of hand!"

Sydney hesitated a moment to let that sink in with her mother before going on, "And you know what? I was so aroused, so raunch-horny from having all those men kissing me, running their hands all over me, putting money in my stockings and slipping their hands into my panties that I would have let them have me in the parking lot. I would have been their little slut. And I would have enjoyed that too."

"And you wouldn't have felt used? Or dirty?" her mother asked.

"Well, maybe that was the point. I'm not a slut -- at least I'm not a slut very often. But it felt good to act like a naughty slut in that strip club. Didn't you feel just a little bit slutty when we both sat on the dining room table in front of Torby last night and ordered him to eat our pussies for dessert? Didn't that thrill you?"

Betsy cast her eyes to the floor and answered, "Yeah."

"After we left the bar that night, I practically raped Torby in the motel room. But after I got rid of that first rush of sexual excitement and energy I felt pretty awful. I felt ashamed. That's when Torby came to my rescue. He was horny too. Goodness but I remember how hard he was after I used him as my own personal clit-urbator machine. I know he wanted more than anything to nail me to the mattress and use me for target practice. Instead, he took the time to comfort me. We cuddled for a long time and he reassured me," she explained and then suddenly she added, "And then we acted like two horny animals until the sun came up! I have never been so worn out and so satisfied!"

"It sounds like Torby was being very considerate," Betsy observed.

"More considerate than Tommy could ever be! Couldn't have gotten through that night without him," Sydney added.

"So... dancing and stripping were exciting?" Betsy asked and then added, "Just curious."

"Oh, you have no idea!" Sydney answered with a shudder.

I felt called on to add my two cents worth here, "Oh, I have a very clear idea how exciting it was for me!"

"Well, maybe I could try it sometime. I mean, I would have to be discreet. After all, I am a college professor and I could lose my job if anyone found out."

"And I know exactly what you could wear! The dress you bought for your dinner with Torby!" Sydney chimed in.

My curiosity about this mysterious, and apparently very hot dress Betsy had planned to seduce me with was growing with each mention of it. Sydney and I both noted that Sydney's mother was gradually warming to the idea of becoming 'slut-for-a-night' at a strip club.

Betsy had reacted with disgust and shock at first sight of my cum splattered all over her daughter's face. Ten minutes later she had eagerly gotten down on her knees with Sydney standing beside her, guiding her through the steps necessary to create the very same filthy mess on her own face. Now, she and her daughter had already begun to plot an assault on the poor, unsuspecting patrons of a strip club. Just as she had with that messy load of cum sprayed all over Sydney's pretty little face, Betsy's views were softening, mellowing.

It was Sunday morning. This was supposed to be the appointed day of rest for man. Betsy and Sydney were apparently unaware of this ancient and time-honored practice of giving rest to the body and spirit on a Sunday. Even as the two of them continued plotting what they jokingly began referring to as 'prom night,' it quickly became clear that they intended to show me no mercy.

Sydney had by now perched her lithe young bottom on my knee me and was nonchalantly cradling my balls in the palm of her hand as she talked with her mother at the table. I looked down at my cock in dismay. My poor, much abused pecker had slowly, steadily risen up to look Sydney squarely in the eye!

Sydney glanced down at my newly revived boner, then across the table to her mother. "Oh my, but he's hard again!"

"You sound surprised, dear. What did you expect? You've been sitting in his lap playing with him!" Betsy said with a smile.

"Well... well, Tommy used to say a hardon is a terrible thing to waste. I'd hate to waste this one. You won't mind if I put it to good use, will you, Mom?" Sydney asked.

"Go right ahead, Sydney! It'll give me some time to think! So much has changed in the past few hours," Betsy replied.

Sydney was up and off my knee in a heartbeat, though she never lost her grip on my cock. She led me around the corner and down the hall immediately. This little trip would be only one of many I would take down that hallway to both women's rooms throughout the day. Neither Sydney nor Betsy seemed to understand the simple concept of mercy. They certainly showed me none.

Some time later, I was in the shower when Betsy joined me. She seemed to have taken responsibility for my ongoing hygiene. At least, she devoted considerable effort to soaping up my genitals. She only seemed satisfied when she had produced a new erection with my sore, reddened and much abused pecker. My afternoon passed quickly, much as my morning had. I was never offered lunch -- unless all that warm, sweet pussy I ate can be counted as a nutritious meal.

"I have decided that dancing at a strip club is something I ought to try at least once in my life," Betsy announced to both Sydney and I that evening as they were taking turns showering with me. I believe Sydney had just finished with me and her mother was climbing into the tub with me as she told us this.

Both of them claimed to be helping get me ready to go home. Both of them spent more time either pressing my face into their muffs as the water ran over us or choking down my cock. Betsy was indeed improving her oral skills, though she still couldn't match her daughter's prowess. I was absolutely exhausted, barely able to stand on my own and teetering at the edge of consciousness by this time but my near total exhaustion did permit me to make one marvelous discovery during this, the final trial of my weekend with the dePoet 'gang.'

I was so drained and so fatigued by this time that getting a rise out of my much-abused rapier had become almost impossible. That didn't discourage Betsy, though. She took a deep breath, cupped my shriveled balls in one hand, looked up into my bleary eyes and guided my cock slowly into her mouth with her free hand. She refused to give up when my manhood continued to rest limply upon her tongue. She began to roll her tongue from side to side on the underside of it. At the same time she somehow managed to work the head of it to the very back of her throat where it constricted and began to curve its way to her stomach. I could actually feel my cock straining at the tight little hollow of her throat. At the same time, her tongue was working furiously, swiping away like a windshield wiper along the underside of my cock. I was a goner in less than fifteen seconds. I whimpered softly as I realized Betsy had won out. Resistance was futile. My cock began to grow and stiffen in her mouth. Aside from a second or two here and there when she pulled back slightly for a quick breath of air, she had been relentless, frantic even in her pursuit of an erection.

"You are such a considerate boyfriend!" Betsy called out a minute later. I'm sure she was pleased with her efforts at resurrecting my poor, mistreated and overworked manhood. She turned immediately to face away from me, leaned forward to brace both hands on the shower wall, and thrust her lovely ass out at me.

"Oh, Torby! Just one last time for Betsy, please!" she called out to me over her shoulder. I gazed down into the yawning opening between her legs and whimpered. Resistance was indeed futile. Betsy's tight, sweet pussy beckoned to my poor frazzled cock. She had resurrected my cock as a length of newly hardened sturdy timber but it would take all my determination and will to please her this last time. The cock was willing. I only needed to convince the spirit.

"Oh, Torby," Betsy groaned as my cock came to rest in the sweet hollow of her opening, "You belong there! Right there!"

Somehow, as I took a ragged breath and plunged my sore, stiff cock deep into her pussy, I had to agree, I did indeed belong exactly there. I rested my quivering hands at the flair of her hips and found her clit with my fingers. As I began to thrust into her and diddle her clit with my index fingers, it also occurred to me, even as I teetered on the brink of total exhaustion, that felt I just as comforted and welcomed inside Sydney's sweet young pussy too. Stroking slowly away at Betsy's lovely backside, and laboring to build us both into a screaming frenzy, even in my exhausted state, it gradually dawned on me that neither Sydney nor Betsy had exhibited the smallest amount of possessiveness or competition during our time together. They had simply worked in harmony together and taken turns sapping me as they needed.
