Consumed Pt. 08


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Liam could feel Rick's breath ghost over his neck as he spoke. The sensation caused goose bumps to break out on his arms and he involuntarily closed his eyes.

Rick reached under Liam's arm, like he was going to pull him in and hug him to his chest, but instead, only reached for a container of parmesan cheese. "Can I help you find something?" Rick asked.

This time, Liam thought he could feel Rick's lips almost brush against the sensitive spot between neck and shoulder. It practically took every bit of self control he had not to lean forward so that his ass would press against Rick's groin. Still, he couldn't help the slight moan that escaped his lips as he tried to get his mind and body to focus. His heart was beating fast and hard as he tried to catch his breath and respond to Rick's question. God, he could even smell him, and fuck, did he ever smell good.

"I… I… Your…" 'Shit, come on Liam, spit it out.' He mentally berated himself. "Your… Uhh… Your mom… She sent me in here for the salad and dressings. I was trying to find the dressings." He finally managed.

"Oh, well, let me help you with that." Rick said, and he took the salad dressing from Liam, their fingers brushing momentarily. Rick's hand was warm and the slight touch caused the goose bumps to rise again.

"Uhh… Thanks." Liam said, as he reached back into the fridge for another bottle of dressing. Leaning down into the fridge inadvertently caused Liam's ass to actually press into Rick's groin, and he could swear he heard a hiss escape Rick.

"I think that's it. Why don't you grab the salad and I'll follow you with the dressing and parmesan cheese." Rick said, as he finally stepped back from Liam. "Mom sent me in for the cheese. I don't know how she can like this canned crap. Everything she makes has to be from scratch, but when it comes to the parmesan cheese, she has to have this processed canned stuff. Go figure." Rick said, rolling his eyes and effectively breaking all sexual tension in the room.

Dinner was delicious. Rick had barbequed the chicken and Isabella had put together a couple of Italian dishes. Rick said it was 'Risotto alla milanese' or rice with saffron. There was also a pasta dish that Rick called 'tagliatelle alla bolognese'. Liam liked the rice, but wasn't too keen on the pasta dish. The kids also ate healthy helpings of the chicken and the rice.

After dinner, several of the kids and a few of the adults decided to go swimming. They ended up forming a group to play Marco Polo. It was a competition of the adults against the kids. Even the smaller kids, like Cassie were included in the game. They went piggy back on the adults. The kids got to call Marco Polo and the adults would be their vehicles. Liam almost couldn't stop laughing long enough to play the game. It was basically eight or nine kids, who ganged up on Rick, Gino and Mitch. The adults didn't have a snowball's chance in hell. Savio finally joined in too, hoping, unsuccessfully, to give the adult team a fighting chance. They had a lot of fun and Liam couldn't remember the last time he had laughed so much and he hadn't seen the kids so carefree since the fire. It was truly a wonderful sight.

After the game ended, several of the kids, Chris included, headed inside to play games on Rick's game system. Liam and Rick were relaxing in the lounge chairs on the patio by the door and Cassie was lying with Liam, trying desperately to stay awake.

"So, Liam, tell me about yourself. Have you always lived in Manitou Springs?" Rick asked.

"Yep, both my sister and I were born here. In fact, my parents still live in the same house. I couldn't imagine living anywhere else. What about you?" Liam countered.

"No, we moved here from Colorado Springs when I was twelve. By the time we moved, there were only three of us kids left at home. Most of my brothers and sisters still live in Colorado Springs." He said.

"What made you decide to become a firefighter?" Liam asked.

"I did a stint in the Army as a field medic right after high school. When I got out, I knew I wanted a career where I could use my medical training. I did a little research, and it was firefighting that really caught my interest. It was a good choice. I really love what I do and I have a great group of men and volunteers that support me. How about you? You work in finance or something like that, don't you?" Rick asked.

"Yeah, sort of. I'm a business analyst. Basically, I do financial feasibility studies. I assess existing and new business opportunities and products and then provide my customers with business models that they can base their decisions on." Liam said, and then added. "I never know how to explain what I do to people who aren't familiar with the business. It's a hard job to define."

"That's okay, I think I have a pretty good idea." Rick said. "Well, it looks like someone finally lost the battle." Rick said, nodding towards Cassie, who was lying across Liam's chest, completely conked out.

"Yeah, it's been a busy day for her. We should probably head out." Liam said, as he stood up while cradling Cassie in his arms.

"I'll run in and get Chris." Rick said.

A few minutes later, Rick was walking Liam and the kids to the car.

"Listen, I was thinking that maybe we could go to the hospital on Tuesday. My sister will be on duty and wouldn't have any problems getting the kids in. Would that work for you?" Rick said.

"Sure, we can do that. Did you still want to meet for dinner at Frankie's beforehand?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, that would be good. How about we meet there at six, have dinner and then head over to the hospital?" Rick offered.

"Okay, that works for me. Oh, and Rick, thanks for such a great evening. I don't remember the last time that I enjoyed myself so much and I know the kids had a really good time tonight too. Maybe they'll even sleep through the night." He said.

"No problem. My family had wanted to meet you and the kids. I just hope my family wasn't too overwhelming and that you'll want to come back." Rick teased.

"We'd love to come back and your family is great. You're a very lucky man to have such a loving family." Liam said, as they reached the car and he started to get Cassie buckled into her seat. She was sleeping like a baby, didn't even wake up while he was buckling her in.

Rick helped Chris get buckled in and then came around to the driver's side as Liam was getting into the car.

"You take care of yourself, Liam, and call me if you need anything."

"I will, and thanks Rick… For everything." Liam said.

"No problem. I'll see you on Tuesday."

On the way home, Liam started thinking about the evening while both Cassie and Chris slept silently in the back. He really did have a good time. Rick really was an amazing man, in fact, his whole family was pretty amazing. Goose bumps started to rise again, when he thought about the slight contact in the kitchen. He could almost smell Rick again. 'Shit, Liam, get a grip, you don't need to start anything right now.' Liam silently reprimanded himself.

When he arrived back at his parents, he was torn against waking Chris up or leaving him in the car while he hauled Cassie into the house. He really didn't want to wake Chris up, but he didn't ponder on it too long. With everything going on, there was no way in hell he was going to leave Chris in the car. So, he got Cassie out of the car first and then carried her around to the other side of the car and woke Chris up.

"Come on Chris, let's get you upstairs and into bed. You and Cassie want to just sleep with me tonight?" Liam asked.

"Uh Huh." Chris said, as he nodded drowsily.

When Liam got to the door, he found it wide open and it appeared that all the lights were off in the house. 'That's strange.' He thought to himself, while the hairs on the back of his neck stood out in warning.

It was dark and he couldn't really make anything out inside the house, so he reached inside and turned on the entryway light. Light instantly flooded the living room and what Liam saw, made his heart skip a beat. The living room was ransacked. Everything was turned upside down, the whole place was a mess.

His first instinct was to run inside, calling for his mom and dad, but then he remembered the kids. They couldn't see this.

Instead, he grabbed Chris's hand, wheeled around and headed back to the car.

"Where are we going? What happened to Grandma and Grandpa's house?" Chris was asking.

"I don't know Chris, but I need to make a phone call really quick. You guys can wait in the car." Liam said.

Liam locked Chris and Cassie back in the car and then pulled out his cell phone to call Mitch.

Liam was pacing back and forth along the side of the car, impatiently waiting for Mitch to pick up the phone.

"Hello?" Mitch finally answered.

"Mitch? It's Liam. Something's wrong at my parent's house. I need the police here right now. I'm afraid they might be dead or hurt, or… Shit… I don't know where they are and I can't go in the house. I can't leave the kids and…" Liam rambled.

"Whoa, Whoa, Liam, slow down a minute. Where are you?" He asked.

"I'm at my parents and when I got here, their front door was wide open. When I turned on the entry light, the whole living room was a mess. God, Mitch, what do I do, what if someone is still inside. I have to keep the kids safe, but what if my parents are in there hurt?" Liam said.

"Okay, where are you and the kids right now? You're not in the house, are you?" Mitch asked.

"No, were out front. I've got the kids locked in the car." Liam responded.

Okay, that's good. Now, give me your parents address and I'll get the police dispatched out there right now." Rick said. After he got the address, he told Liam to stay on the phone and that he'd be back with him in a second.

That second dragged on for what seemed like forever before Mitch came back on the phone. In the meantime, his mind couldn't help thinking up horrible scenarios. Liam was so scared. He didn't think he or the kids could handle it if something happened to his parents too. He couldn't hold still while he waited for Mitch. He didn't know what to do with himself. He felt like he should be running into the house to make sure his parents were okay, but at the same time, afraid of what he would find if he did. Besides, he knew he had to stay with the kids. He was really starting to get agitated, when Mitch finally came back on the line.

"Okay, Liam, I've got all available units on the way now. You just sit tight and they'll be there in a few minutes. I'm still at Ricks, but I'm leaving now and I'll be there shortly as well. Why don't you get in the car and pull down the street a couple of houses down and wait for us there. I want you to stay on the line with me until I get there, okay? You don't have to say anything, I just want to keep you on the line."

"Okay, okay." Liam said while nodding his head as he got in the car and headed down the street for another interminable wait.

To be continued…

1 "Ecco i miei piccoli campioni! Come state bellissimi? Che bello rivedervi." Translates to; "Here are my little champs! How are you, cute ones? It's so good to see you again."

2 "Questo è un gran bel ragazzo, Riccardo, non fartelo scappare." Translates to; "This is a very handsome guy, Riccardo, keep it."

3 "Mamma, per favore! non di fronte a tutti! è già fidanzato; Translates to; "Mom, please, don't embarrass me! He's engaged."

4 "Tua sorella Stacey mi ha detto che ha lasciato il suo fidanzato." Translates to; "Your sister, Stacey, told me he left his boyfriend."

5 "Mamma, tu e Stacy non dovreste spettegolare cosi' tanto." Translates to; "Mom, you and Stacey need to mind your own business."

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Lily_of_the_ValleyLily_of_the_Valleyover 10 years ago

Great story - love the characters, love the tension.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Keep up the good are a very talented writer..

Danae72Danae72almost 15 years ago
Oh geez

I can't stand it!! Fabulous! Wonderful!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

OMG i understand about the why u cant post it often but please please dont keep us waiting 2 much longer. I absolutely love this story. It has just the right mix of mystery and emotion and i'm just dying 2 find out wat happens. Thanks 4 such a great story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
So aptly named...

You have named this story perfectly, I am completely "Consumed" by it. I wait impatiently for the next installment.

You have managed to create a complex web of characters and relationships without leaving your reader behind. The descriptions are done with such subtle skill that they paint a picture but leave us with enough space to complete it with our own image - only the most magnificant of authors would achieve this (erotica or no).

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