Conversation by a Burning Bed Ch. 02


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Mother and daughter left it hanging, each showing signs of amusement.

He gave in. "Well?"

"They aren't married!" His fiancée said gleefully.

He was stunned. He looked out the window at the two. He saw no rings.

"That's right," his fiancée said. "If you ask them, they are: Partners for life. Friends with benefits. Soulmates without documentation. Common law lawless spouses. Relentless roommates. Or some other ridiculous definition they will make up."

Her mother added a slice of lemon to each glass. "They were married once. It didn't work out. Now they just live together."

His fiancée noted his stunned expression. "I'll tell you the whole story later. Since you are almost family. And to initiate you, I will let you ask them the question so they have the pleasure of bullshitting you. It gives the old geezers a charge."

"Spoiler." Her mother said. "They will eventually tell you that the secret to a long whatever it is that they have is healthy mistrust and a dollop of fear."

He frowned. "That doesn't sound like--"

"Right?" his fiancée beamed. "It's not a Disney movie. It's a real story." She tilted her head in the general direction of the back porch. "Their story."

He stared back out at the rocking pair. "They seem so happy."

"They are," her mother said. She tossed a spoon in the sink and as it clattered on the porcelain turned to her daughter and her future son-in-law. "And if I and my husband are that happy when we retire, and if you two are that happy when you reach that age...." She shrugged. "Then it will have been a good life."

His fiancée looked up at him with love, then out the window at her grans. She squeezed his hand very hard.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

1-star. Idiotic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

So stupid when an author does a "thunderbolt" type of cheating slut story. Doesn't make any sense and is never believable. Never in my life have I heard a single case of this sort of shit actually happening to anyone but I see it in LW land often enough, and every time without fail, I cannot help but wonder what the fuck the author was thinking when he wrote the story.

To believe that a loving loyal wife in a 25-year marriage suddenly and inexplicable starts becoming obsessed to the point of ridiculousness with some random college student and throws away her marriage for some "magical" sex, is just asking a little bit too much for me. Then instead of moving on with his life he takes her back into some weird co-habitation setup. Yeah that'll teach her.

DormayVooDormayVoo3 months ago

A good arrangement. The aggrieved ex-husband takes her back only to the extent that he wants to. He gets from her what he is lacking in life, whether that be cookng, companionship or sex. The ex-wife gets him back to an extent, but it is on his terms. He admits that he has had his heart broken a few times since the divorce and is not looking to open his heart again to more pain. He will accept the familiarity of someone he’s known for decades, and will keep some semblance of intactness to his extended family. She paid such a horrific price after the affair, that she is unlikely to stray again.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Should have known going in. Wasted moments.

deependerdeepender4 months ago

They both stayed true to themselves.


He didn't budge. She stayed true to what she felt: BOTH to her desire to keep the ranch in the family AND to the lover. She didn't understand her desire for the lover, but stayed true to it. She did not apologize because she did not feel it.


This is NOT a reconciliation. It is, at best, an uneasy truce between to humans that decided to live with someone they knew--someone that they once loved--rather than live lonely alone.

desecrationdesecration5 months ago

I find it hard to buy, although I like many of the observations in the story. When he takes her back, he becomes The Cuck.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The reconciliation is incredibly stupid. Move on - the selfish excuse for a wife isn't worth any of that. And she deserves both the hate and the indifference completely. No repentance, just regret she got caught, and would never give up her self-centered cheating or the scumbag. No apology.

The only thing of value - the "healthy mistrust and the dollop of fear." Some wisdom there, brilliant usage, but still no reason for any sort of reconciliation. Or change the category to 'fantasy'...

slowhand21slowhand216 months ago

“She had admitted in one of the therapy sessions they thought might save them that her attraction to the kid was irrational, fiery, magical, addictive. Sexual on a primal, inexplicable level she had never felt before.

She had not been able to keep the longing from showing on her face when she said that, and it punished him so deeply he had thought his body might shut down right there.”

These paragraphs crushed my heart. To make the effort to work past the infidelity and make a recovery only to learn that she is completely obsessed—to the point that she loses everything because she’s such an irredeemable slut.

robinhodrobinhod7 months ago

I loved it.

Not sure I could believe it, but it's a story isn't it.

So, it's OK for me to love it.

Sentimental old guy that I am.

MasterKoteMasterKote7 months ago

Had the ex wife been a lil more remorseful or along those lines I can see the reconciliation but not this

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

The granddaughter's boyfriend needs to run for the hills and not take a chance with her; she's got Cat's genes and has learned the wrong lesson on what makes a couple live a happy long life together.

The college boy who earlier made Cat forsake her vows never got his comeuppance.

Four stars.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This 2 chapter story ranks among the best I’ve ever read on this forum.


But……I don’t think if I were the husband I could ever have taken the wife back, married or not. She was an arrogant slut who really didn’t seem remorseful for her actions. Not at the time…and not after 5 years. Hubby was just too much in love with her.


5 *****

MarkT63MarkT638 months ago

CUCk/ RAAC....

Donovan7777Donovan77778 months ago

Not sure how I feel about this one. Have a problem with the fact that she never gave the kid up. Well written though .

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

This is the ending Ohio's story needed. This was written just as well without the bullshit RAAC ending where hubby was even comfortable enough to shake the young prick's hand at the fsmiky bbq.

Thank you for proper story resolution.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Excellent story. First was a great, well written mild BTB. This was a great reconciliation without the RAAC bs.

oldtwitoldtwit11 months ago

Oh I'm not going to read all the posts below as most will say it’s not right, but I think it’s a great story, nicely done

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

One of my very favorite stories in these fora.


Even though I utterly dislike the wife. And that, had I been tne husband, would have NEVER taken her back.


5 *****

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Very well written. Finally closure for the two of them after 5 years apart.

StruckwrongStruckwrongabout 1 year ago

With the forward who would have thought you would just make it take a while to be the same bitch in the one that inspired it.

But you know, tougher.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

5 stars!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Wow.... what a well written, powerful story. Well done! WIth regards to limerance as discussed here, recall the old Greek Stoics. There are your emotions or feelings.... originated by hormones or other biological attractants, but to be mediated by regarding them. There are your feelings, then your thoughts about those feelings. Young adults don't usually know how to deal with them, but mature adults should. And if they cannot, then that is why divorces happen. Really that simple, even with minor children in the picture. The reaction of the husband here is correct towards the biological slut-ray. If a spouse cannot see that attraction and choose not to act on it, then they are not your life-partner any more nor should they be a legal spouse. No therapy can fix that if the offending one cannot manage that attraction. That this wife could not says she had a mental defect, particularly if she expected him to be permanent second fiddle in her affections.

PencarrowPencarrowover 1 year ago

In response to Anony (a couple of comments before mine) who said Limerence is BS.


Limerence is the more modern term for what used to be called Eros, which is a form of love that has been recognized for a long time (along with several other forms of love). The fact that several distinct forms of love can be described is not really an issue, but how to sort them into well-defined "boxes" is still open to some interpretation (which is illustrated by disagreements among experts as to how many forms there are). Whatever the consensus is, there is no doubt that Limerence does exist, and I have experienced it myself. It does not have to lead to betrayal and sex (which it didn't in my case), but it does produce extremely strong feelings of attraction to another person. I think it really is the smoking "slut ray" in many marriage breakups, and it can appear almost out of nowhere.


How the hell can I be serious, you ask. I think the answer lies in the hormones and other "feel good" chemicals that the body releases into the brain, and over which most of us have no control. After all, who hasn't experienced young love, that feeling of absolute longing for another person who you can't bear to be parted from? The all-encompassing feeling of that person being your soul-mate, your partner for life.


Those feelings are caused by the same chemicals, and several writers on Literotica have written stories where they have likened it to being drugged, and in a sense, that is what it is (except the drugs are produced internally). So yes, there is a physiological reason for experiencing Limerence, or any form of love, but we often never think about it (which is fine by me), and none of us really want to acknowledge that what we may feel is based on changes within our brain chemistry (and like most people, I'd rather believe that true love has nothing to do with some reductionist theory of brain chemistry, but rather believe in something deeper and more meaningful, whatever that may be).


I've commented on this before, but I always thought a good example would be Kristi in Jezzaz's "Words", and there are many more examples I think.


And by that way, 5 stars for this story and thanks for offering it to us for free.

Ocker53Ocker53over 1 year ago

Chapter one was good this just ruined it⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

No clear idea why he just wants to try again. What? Through his spy network he knows she has suffered? The limerence stuff is bs. Was that Linda's excuse in February Sucks? What killed the marriage was the sex was sooooo fantastic with this young stud (and why is he banging a 45 year old for more than a few days?) that she still desires him over her husband during counseling and doesn't really apologize (does she ever, maybe off page?). Women of 25 years happily married, do not do this. Either her husband and her had issues or the marriage was weak to begin with. Or some other factor drove her to fall. Surprised thr husband who had all these connections did not arrange some payback. Even if only financial or on social media. Or hire an escort to give him and STD. Something. Also Surprised that after one week when she fucks him again and gets evicted, that (a) the penalty for the assets for her is not worse, and (b) after she loses the house, she doesn't throw the young shit out of anger. Also really doubt that thr sex would remain cosmic. Doesn't matter what thr guy was packing. He doesn't know the wife's body early on. Was cosmic the first couple of times because she has this mental thrill and attraction. With a guy 25 years younger, that cannot hold up and the objective physical sex alone cannot sustain her crazed infatuation. And again why would the little shit even keep coming back? To prove he wasn't afraid? Lol henis in college. He doesn't need that grief. And doesn't give a damn for her emotionally. What a mess. Still cannot believe husband did not arrange something.

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