Cousin Audrey


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"Hey man, don't worry, Sylvie will take good care of her," Aaron retorted with a smile.

Fuck I should have known. Being the business next door, of course he would know the Red Lips Boutique. I tried to recover from my insult to his neighbor.

"I didn't mean any disrespect, I'm sure Sylvie is a nice person, it's just that I usually don't go to places like that." That was about the best apology I could muster.

Aaron didn't seem perturbed. "That's OK, different strokes for different folks. Your right, Sylvie is really nice. Did you get a load of her tits? Can you guess what size they are?"

Since he had a joking tone in his voice, I decided to play along. Plus he seemed not to take things to seriously.

"Yeah they are huge, I've never seen any bigger. Plus the fact she is short on stature, those melons are more pronounced. I would guess, but I'm no expert, maybe 44G?"

Aaron rolled his head back and laughed. "Derek my man, you saw the marvel of the world today, they are really 48 triple H."

"No fucking way that defies gravity, was my smart aleck answer. Plus how would you know?"

"Well, I fuck them every night, Sylvie is my wife."

Fuck my ass I thought to myself as I looked at a beaming Aaron who acted like he put a fast one over on me, which he had. What he said next would have put me on my ass if I wasn't already sitting down.

"Do you want to try those bad boys on for size? Sylvie likes nothing more than to have those tits fucked." Aaron sat there with a straight face as he just asked if I wanted to fuck his wife.

I sat back and gave Aaron a good going over, something I hadn't done since he sat down with me. He was a little older than me, but not by much. His hair was sandy colored and he seemed to be in pretty good shape, no apparent gut and well toned arms. He was ruggedly handsome with a little stubble on his face. Sylvie was at least twice his age and qualified more as his mother than wife. He obviously saw the questions in my face.

"I know, I know, I get the age difference all the time. But we've been married going on two years and I couldn't be happier. Sylvie owns all the businesses here, hell she owns the whole block. I came to work at the bar about three years ago, her husband had just passed and we hit it off. She is a super lady and the sex is off the charts. She is just insatiable."

That last bit of news did not set well since that described Cousin Audrey to a tee and she was together with that mega tit grandma right now. What in the world do you get when you stick two nymphomaniacs together in the same room I thought.

Now I consider myself an average Joe. Sure I fantasize as most men do, however I don't intend for my fantasies to become reality and cheating on my wife was not on the list. However I do have to admit that since Audrey's shown up I've had more wood than I can remember over the years, and with that much temptation anything is possible. But now my curiosity was peaking on this fuck my wife thing.

"Aaron, why would you ask for me to fuck your wife?"

"It's cool man, we are swingers. In fact Sylvie runs the biggest swingers club in town. Most of the strippers next door are members and you would be surprised who shows up when we party."

Shit, Audrey was next door getting fondled by the queen swinger in town. Talk about a moth going to the flame. I could envision Aunt Natalie cutting us off from the money and maybe my nuts to.

I had had enough, looking outside I finally saw Audrey, two large shopping bags in hand getting a hug from the queen as she was leaving the boutique. This was my chance to get out and I thanked Aaron for the drink and conversation, pointed out Audrey and told him we had to go. Spotting Audrey he whistled and commented how hot she was.

Once outside I motioned Audrey to the car and looked over at Sylvie still in the doorway of her shop. She threw Audrey a final kiss and like a signal to me, pushed her massive tits out, like a peacock showing off. We got in the car and took off quickly.

After tossing her bags in the back seat, I noticed Audrey put a business card in her purse. She then started to tell me how much fun she had in the store. That was too much for me and I had to blurt out what I had learned with Aaron.

"Fuck Audrey, that woman in the store runs a big swingers group in town, what the hell were you thinking?"

"I know that you prude, I think it's cool and you shouldn't be uptight about it."

"Uptight! Shit you're fucking pregnant what the hell do you think your doing?"

Audrey turned toward me in the car, and gave me a stern look. "Derek, I may be with a kid, but I'm hornier than I've ever been and if Sylvie and her group can help me, my God I'm going to use them. She gave me her address and they are having a party next Saturday and I'm going."

My ears were burning. "To hell if you're going to some swinger's party. Your Mom will kill you and fuck Linda and me up good. We are to watch out for you till this baby comes and part of that deal is not having your ass screwed off by some mindless fuckers at a party. Shit don't you remember how your ass got in to this predicament in the first place?"

I could see the anger in Audrey's face, as her skin color was starting to match her hair. However all she blurted out was a less than powerful "fuck you."

The ride home was uneventful and the more I thought about the less I wanted to inform Linda. Hell we needed the money but I didn't know if we could last these months with the oversexed Audrey. Before getting out of the car, Audrey made a comment about the party. In essence, if I didn't take her, she would have someone else or even a taxi drive her. The thought of the party or having her out of sight was too much. I told her I would take her if no mention was made to Linda or any reference to the party till the day of. Audrey agreed and that was the end of it.

The week went along smoothly, I was finishing up work as well as networking for another position, but that went slowly. Linda picked up a few more hours at work when a co-worker got hurt and she filled in. And Audrey, well, her toys were helping her out and if you passed her room at any given time, the hum of the vibrators and the moans they solicited from her throat, kept her content.

When Friday rolled around I got a nervous stomach and didn't feel well. I guess the thought of taking Audrey to that party was not sitting well with me. I had no concept of what really happens at these events, but seeing a raunchy movie now and then and some blue jokes, I envisioned an orgy and out of control sexual gymnastics.

Knowing Linda had to work; it was easy to tell her that I was taking Audrey to a movie. It also helped that she came out in a nice yellow dress, that was not form fitting but was very conservative. However when Linda left, Audrey lifted her dress to reveal a bare cunt and those wonderful ass cheeks. Commando was going to be her calling card.

We got there about an hour after the time listed and there were a number of cars already on the street. Business must be good for Sylvie, the neighborhood she was in was high class, the homes easily 1M and up. The house was a two and half story colonial with tall white columns in front.

We were greeted by Aaron at the door; me he gave a hearty handshake, Audrey got a hug and a kiss. We were then ushered into the living room, where to my surprise most of the people were dressed and the appearance was more of a cocktail party versus a fuckfest. The wide mix of people was not to be ignored, both in color and nationalities as well as age. After getting a wine for me and a coke for Audrey we milled around the room, flowing more or less with the crowd. Soon I didn't notice Audrey at my side and as I spanned my sight looking for her, a tall woman approached me and gave me a sultry hello.

"Hi, I'm Nancy, you must be a newbie" came a monotone but sexy voice from this obvious cougar. Nancy was tall, attractive with bleached blonde hair, a fine figure with cosmetic help on the tits as the sag was gone and their size did not fit her frame. Her age was telling on her hands and I placed her in the same general group as Sylvie, early 60's. She wore a slinky, shiny black cocktail dress that highlighted her attributes. She was sipping on a drink thru a tiny red straw, that as she drew the fluid up, her lips would purse and her cheeks hollow out. She was emphasizing her ability to suck with that display and it was working, I was stiff. It was then that I noticed Aaron coming toward. I excused myself from Nancy and went toward Aaron.

"Have you seen Audrey?" I wanted to know.

"Can't say that I have, was his response. Watch yourself with Nancy. She's not a one guy gal. She's a rabid cock hound and will wear your ass out; be warned I speak from personal experience." Of course he was grinning the whole time he spoke. I did not choose to pay close attention; my focus was on Audrey and her well being. I left Aaron and continued my search thru the house for her.

The house was filled with extensive artwork and expensive looking furniture. The sex, porn and bar business must be good. Some of the girls running around left me the impression they were strippers from the club. They were young, tattooed and pierced. Some women were now topless and a few totally naked as they wandered around the house. Some doors were closed, some open; those were the only rooms I looked in since I didn't want to surprise anyone. I was trying to keep my wits about me, but the little pecker head was itching and at full staff. You cannot overload your senses and not expect some repercussions, such as a hard dick.

I did a semi circle thru the house and ended up back in the main living room. There was a little more activity since I left; more nudity and some couples were playful, grab ass and the like. Still after gazing the scene over, no sign of Audrey.

I followed down another hallway that I missed earlier. Most of the doors were shut, the one at the end was open and some sounds were coming from there. Upon peering in, I found my elusive cousin in law. She was kneeling on the bed, ass high in the air, yellow dress up to her waist and an erect and obviously horny Aaron prodding her pussy with his cock. I could see the wetness of their joining, as his cock would come out, it was slick with Audrey's juices. Her inner thighs were soaked and if he withdrew completely, her pussy would drip on the bed. Her little paunch belly hung a little and shook when Aaron's cock would slam into her again. Audrey was in full throttle as her face was flushed and her moans and guttural sounds were one of heat and passion. Neither had seen me yet and I thought of turning around and leaving.

I did not get that opportunity as the next thing I felt were two arms encircling me around my lower waist, and a hard object in the middle of my back. Also something very large and soft began pressing into the small of my back and slide over my love handles and go past my sides. Looking down, the soft objects were huge tits that now peek a booed on my hips like guns in a holster. These puppies could only belong to one person.

Sylvie was mauling me and I had nowhere to go. The hard object in my back was her face and as she held me her hands wandered down and took hold of my dick and nuts. I was in a death grip of a set of monstrous tits. Slowly Sylvie moved from my back to my side and then faced me all the while keeping her grip on my cock. She was topless and as I looked down those tits were mashing to my gut. Having me in this position she moved me back to the wall past the doorway and suddenly I was in a position of surrender with my arms up. All I know is my brain was on hold and my dick was throbbing and bobbing in my pants under her spellbinding touch. A quick glance toward the bed still showed Aaron pounding his stiff cock into the buttery pussy of Audrey. It was not hurting her as she routinely wailed out and drove her hot looking ass back into his hard driving dick. I was but a plaything in Sylvie's hands. Never did I think that a woman old enough to surpass my mother in age could have me in such a heighten state of sexual arousal. Undoing my pants buttons, she shimmied down my slacks and underwear. When my shorts cleared my cock, the recoil on my dick was huge and it bobbed up and down in the breeze. Sylvie's lips encircled it and immediately created a vacuum seal on my cock.

I have had blowjobs in the past, mostly they got me erect and more in the mood for fucking. I don't recall ever coming from a suck, but then I never had Sylvie before. If they gave out a master's degree out in cocksucking, she as at the top of the list. She was performing on me in such a way, I was losing my mind. While she was sucking my cock frantically, her hand would palm my nut sack. She would run her middle finger between each ball and extend it out to make gentle contact with my asshole. Enough to make my scrotum jump every time and send tingles thru my entire body.

My eyes were rolling in my head and I tried desperately to hold off my impending cum shot. Audrey's sounds of fucking were fading in the distance, even though she was but several feet from me. My core was telling me to stop, but my body was not mine to control. Almost without warning, my first blast of cum jettisoned out of my prick straight down the hatch of Sylvie. It felt so draining that my toes hurt and a got a little woozy in the head. I continued to cum blast, more than I ever remembered and not one spec was noticeable on Sylvie face, she just kept sucking and swallowing. My eyes were closed the whole time I was releasing my fluids, but now when I opened them the scene on the bed had changed as well.

Aaron was now straddling Audrey's back and her dress was crunched more at her shoulders. Aaron was slamming his cock to the nut sack into Audrey's asshole as her pussy dripped its juices on the bed sheet. Even though I just had a mind altering blowjob, this sight had my cock struggling to rise again. Believe me, seeing this stuff in a magazine or movie does not serve you the same; a live performance with the true sights and smells brings group fucking to a new perspective.

Sylvie had drained me dry and as she rose from her crouched position in front of me, her tits made contact with my balls and then cock which sent a new jolt to my brain. I had to reach out and grab those mounds of flesh and play with her large protruding nipples. That alone almost made me hard again.

Sylvie patted my cock, turned and blew her husband a kiss and left the room. I stood, back to the wall for what seemed like a long time to gather my wits and slow my heart rate. While hiking my pants up from past my knees, I heard Audrey in the throes of an impressive orgasm. The bed shook as Aaron impaled himself all the while his balls where contracting and forcing his cum into my cousin in laws ass. Once he withdrew his cum flowed from her ass, down her inner thighs to mingle with her pussy juices on the bed. Her orgasm ebbed as her wonderful ass shook and wobbled with spasms.

I finally had my drawers up and left the room once I felt I had my balance back. I needed to get outside for some air. Most of the doors down the hallway were now open with various activities going on inside. As I walked, I would look into each room at the particular action being expressed. The first room on my left had a sex swing in the corner where a young lady with high boots to her knees, with high stiletto heels was being urgently fucked by an older man. The girls face was rather expressionless like this was her normal activity, but the man was working overtime. He was fucking the girl while swinging the swing back and forth. As he pushed off, his cock would leave the warmth and pleasure of her cunt. When he pulled the tethers to him she would impale his cock roughly.

Stumbling forward the room on the right had good old cougar Nancy being loaded up. Aaron's comment earlier about her being a cock hound was accurate. She was sitting on a man, a young man whose dick was deep in her ass. Nancy was leaning back toward his head, hands supporting her on the bed. An older man was kneeling by her face and getting a sloppy blowjob. Facing her and driving a huge cock into her pussy was a coal jet black man with an impressive physique, bulging muscles and sinewy arms and legs. His cock had splayed poor Nancy's cunt lips apart and alternating entering her body with the dick in her ass. The lady was superbly airtight.

My pulse started to race again and I knew my will would be weak if I didn't get out now. Without looking to either side I made a mad dash for the front door and my presumed freedom from this sexual frenzy.

Before I could reach the door I had to a large sofa that was in use. Several women were in various positions of fucking on that couch, but my eyes went to old Sylvie. Sylvie was straddling the back of the sofa. Each of her massive tits hung low, the right one behind the sofa, the left one on the front on top of a pillow. Her backside was toward the door and was occupied by a young man with his nipples pierced and heavily tattooed. He was holding tightly on to Sylvie's hips as he was pounding an impressive thick cock into her hole. I felt a sudden throb in my groin and knew that my cock was hard again. I tore my eyes away and rushed outside.

The cool air was a blessing to my mind as well as my body. I slowly relaxed and tried to get my thoughts in order. I just knew I couldn't go back in there; I would have to wait till Audrey got her fill. My other pressing concern was that tonight had to be the end of this, at least for me. Doubt that I could trust myself and keep control was scaring me.

I decided to take a walk around the area and the neighborhood. All of the other homes had the typical suburban feel to them I started to wonder if anyone knew of the exploits happening at their neighbor's house. Since this was such a ritzy part of time, I felt like they just had to know.

I had walked for about a half hour and decided to turn and head back. When the house got in sight, it was apparent that the activity both in and out had not diminished. I began to wonder how long I should allow Audrey to stay before trying to get her home.

Between the car and the porch I waited about another hour or so, when I noticed a man come outside for a smoke and probably some air. I didn't know if it would work but I thought it was worth a try so I asked him if he would do me a favor and find Audrey and tell her we had to go. He was looking at me funny, as if why didn't I do this myself, so I told him I had gotten ill and wanted to go home with my date. I started to describe Audrey to him, but he stopped me short saying that he had seen her and would tell her about me.

After approximately another hour, Audrey came outside, really looking the worse for wear. Her once cute yellow dress was disheveled barely covering her crotch and ass and one of the shoulder straps was broke. Her hair, make up and lips were a mess. She looked gangfucked and most probably was. After getting in the car with me the smell of smoke, cum and sweat was overwhelming and I had to roll my window down. I shook my head at her as I noticed the many cum stains on her dress, hair and face. I was hoping that Linda would be fast asleep so that I could get Audrey in and showered without Linda seeing her this way.

We had some small talk on the drive home, but it was clear that Audrey was fucked out. Whatever her level of sex itch, it was scratched in excess, and honestly I was glad for it. When word got around that she was several months pregnant, she became a hot commodity and was screwed often and usually in groups. She was a fan favorite of the older men, the reason being I think it gave a weird credibility to their virility.