Cousins & Cuisine


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I made my way to the bathroom, leaving a trail of dripping water on the floor. A quick glance confirmed that Justine was busy with her project.

She turned around with a blushing face. "How is the water?" She asked, desperately trying to hide the guilt in her voice.

"Quite refreshing," I answered puzzled, "You should try it."

"I will as soon as I have finished my project. Would you mind having a look at it? I am not sure as to the binary formation I have worked out."

"Sure I would, maybe I can steal an idea or two." I replied.

"Okay, I will leave it opened for you. I am going to have a quick soak." She said standing up.

I went into the bathroom and quickly dried myself. I made my way to the bedroom, this time more carefully with the towel wrapped around me tightly. The splash of water outside put me to ease.

The flash of her desktop screen drew my attention as I passed her door. I walked towards the desk and sat down. Attentively I started to scroll through her project. "She is good," I thought, not missing any detail. She is such a hard working clever-box; I will have to pull my socks up to beat her. I finally reached the end of her well-presented document. Just to make sure, I clicked on the 'save' icon and minimised the screen.

Instead of the familiar software background, I noticed another page open. First, I thought it might be part of her project, when my name jumped at me. As I scanned quickly through the words, I felt my heart racing. Then I looked at the top toolbar, the name 'Diary', white on blue. My curiosity over-rides my guilt as started to read:

Dear Diary,

Another week has past. I am in turmoil. How much longer do I have to carry this secret around with me? It is almost 4 months now. I am between feeling ecstatic, but also afraid. I don't know whom should I talk to. Dad, I know you understand that I am biding my time, but it is becoming too unbearable to bear on my own. Yet, I am so afraid to reveal what I know. I am tired, so tired. Time, all I need is time! I realise it is a luxury only a few can afford.

Diary, I had such a wonderful dream last night. I almost feel guilty about it. I could barely face Jack this morning. I doubt if he will ever understand. I am plagued even more by my own secret visions and fantasies, Plagued by his deep brown eyes, his sensual lips, his strong hands, making it difficult to concentrate on anything. I am getting all excited just thinking about it. Yesterday, it took all my self-control not to grab him and kiss me. Still, I am afraid of what he will think if he finds out. No, when he finds out! Will he reject me? I don't care what the rest of the family thinks. His feelings and attitude concern me most.

A rustle behind me, suddenly drew me back from what has unfolded in front of me. I spun around quickly, guilt written all over my face. Justine was standing there. I looked at her eyes! Oh, my god, her eyes, filled with tears, her lower lip trembling. The pain and disappointment branded in my brain, I felt a lump developing in my own throat.

"Uh, Justine, I am sorry, so sorry. I was just…" I stuttered. The tears were streaming down her face; her body started to shake uncontrollably. I stood up and reached for her. Surprisingly, she lunched herself into my arms, her cool wet body pressed tightly against my skin. Her body, surpassed by her grief, the floodgates releasing the weight of her burden, as tears ran down my chest.

"It's all right," I tried to console her, not knowing what else to say.

I motioned her to sit on the bed, my arm around her waist, stroking her damp hair with my other.

After a while, her sobbing subsided. In a weak trembling voice, she said, "Oh Jack, what am I going to do? I…I am so afraid."

"Justine, everything will be all right, I promise you. I will stand by you and help you through this if it is the last thing I do."

"You are so kind Jack." She said taking in a deep breath. "I have wanted to speak to you about it months ago bit, I was so afraid."

"Months ago?" I mimicked.

The burrows deepen on my forehead, confusion clearly edged on my face. "How could you have known months ago, how far are you really? You still don't show any signs anyway. Your stomach is as flat as a pancake."

She lifted her head towards me, her red puffy eyes, staring at me questioningly. "No…, Jack; that isn't the case."

Her body started to shake all over again. Suddenly she starts to laugh.

Oh my goodness, she is having a nervous breakdown, I thought as I watched her body shook.

"Calm down." I said. "You wrote…"

She gripped her sides as her head body rocked back and forth. She raised her head and I saw the tears streaming down her face.

"No, you stupid idiot, it is not that! I can see why you thought that. You will have to read my whole diary. Of course, I cannot allow that. Let me show you then you will understand." She said through fits of laughter.

Reaching down, she opened the bedside drawer.

"No, Justine," I said quickly, "It is your business. What you do in privacy has nothing to do with me." I diverted my eyes away from her drawer. I hope Tanya had not removed the batteries.

"Read this." She said, holding out a letter in a blue envelope. "You will understand fully."

I took the letter from her with a shaking hand and opened it. Three pages long, written in a neat, delicate, feminine handwriting. I started reading. I feel my heart tumble as I read line after line. Once completed, I fold the letter wordlessly as I mulled over the contents. Now I understand her fears fully. Poor, poor Justine, I thought.

Her soft touch on my shoulder pulled me back to reality. "Jack?" she said.

I turn to face her. The uncertainty edged across her face. I lifted my hand and gently touched her cheek with the back of my fingers. Trailing it down to her chin, I pulled her forward, our eyes locked together. Our lips touched, softly like a butterflies wings. Simultaneously our mouths open. I took her top lip onto my mouth as the other passed between hers. We both suck lightly without blinking. With our tongues caressing each other, tasting each other, our hands came together, our fingers entwined. We offered ourselves up as our hunger increased, our mouths joined in harmony. As if our bodies were drifting, we moved down on the bed, the towel fell away as I lifted myself on top of her. Still, our lips and eyes, joined.

Her hands ran over the contours of my muscular back, over my buttocks, and then up again. I reached behind her, pulled the strings of her bikini top loose, and slid it off. My hands moved down sides until they reached the strings of her lime-green bikini bottom. For a brief moment, I searched her eyes. Her eyelids blinked as if to say, "yes." I pulled the strings loose. Lifting my body, she followed me. I quickly pulled her wet bikini bottom free and threw it on the ground.

Our eyes, still locked together, our mouths joined, our tongues exploring. I reached up and covered her breasts with my hands. Her eyes fluttered, her legs circled around my thighs. I could feel her faint pubic hair brushing against my swollen cock. Her hips arced as she felt the electrifying sensation when I grasped her breasts. A whimper of anticipation escaped her mouth, as I squeeze her swollen pink nipples.

Slowly, I reached down with my one hand and place it between her legs, covering her soaked mound. She groaned frustratingly, the heels of her feet pushed against my buttocks, edging me on. I gently parted her engorged lips with my finger, hugging me like a glove. Her hips thrust upwards, grinding her pussy impatiently against my hand. I released her wet pussy temporarily as I took hold of my throbbing cock and slowly I started to run the swollen head between the lips of her wet quivering pussy. Her heels dug into my buttocks, trying desperately to urge me on, begging to cease this torturous act. I rubbed it across her blood-engorged clit. She groaned with pleasure, her eyes, pleading. Feeling my own anticipation increasing, I guided my cock towards the entrance of her heated furnace.

Lingering for just a second, I penetrated her tight pussy with one swift lunge. Her body goes rigid; her eyes opened wider as an involuntary scream, evidence of mind-blowing pleasure, rushed out from her mouth, her nails raking my back, leaving the skin broken. I started to slide my cock in and out of her wet tightness while I rotated her nipples; she pulled her knees up under my armpits, wrapping her long legs around the small of my back; our mouths sucking hungrily at each other, absorbing each other, our dilated eyes locked together.

Her eye filled with tears, causing my own to well up as we reached the crescendo of our first climax together. A climax beyond physical pleasure, no, more than that, much deeper than that. Our minds and bodies, linked together feverishly as the heat build up from the inside, making love in unison. Trustingly we give ourselves to each other, our inner-feelings in complete harmony. The blood soars through our bodies as wave after wave of pleasure wash over us, leaving us drained and breathless in each other's arms. Our sweat-covered bodies floated and drifted into the abyss.

We remained locked together, our legs entwined, our arms embracing each other, silently and leisurely until I felt my flaccid cock slipping out of her protective warmth. She looks at me with a wry grin.

I leaned forward and kissed her lips tenderly. "I love you, Justine. We belong to each other now. Nothing else matters."

Tears streamed down her face again. I leaned forwards again, kissing her eyes, her cheeks, tasting the saltiness of her emotions.

"I love you too, Jack," she said with a wavering voice.


Six years have passed since that day.

"Jane," I called to our daughter, "Come over here. Come meet your Grandfather."

Jane came out from behind the door, her hand shyly covering her mouth with her tangled red hair cascading over her shoulders. Her green eyes sparkled with the anticipation of receiving a present. They always do when anyone mentioned the words 'Aunt Tanya' or Grandpa'.

My heart leapt with joy as I reminisced about that day Justine gave me the letter. She received it on her 18th Birthday. Her mother wrote the letter, just before she was succumbed by cancer. The contents revealed, that Justine's real father was her first love whom she met before she married Tanya's father. She was unaware that she was pregnant at the time.

Her real father was dreadfully unaware as to the situation, which have transpired the day he board the ship. His love for the seas made him join the Navy, a situation her mother couldn't face with the knowledge of her cancer eating her up inside. Out of desperation, she married Tanya's father; her last days, living in hope that life would be kinder to her daughters than what it was towards her.

Justine managed to track her real father down, hence her chosen study field. She new it was the only way. Her computer became her friend, her confidant, and finally, her liberation. When she finally started to communicate with him, her father embraced the opportunity to reunite himself with his past. For him it was more than just a reunification with a daughter he had no knowledge of, this was an aide memoir of his first love, a new beginning to life.

Justine and I waited until we both completed our studies before we embarked on our revelation campaign. We first told Tanya, whom was more ecstatic of the love that had developed between her sister and me.

We waited until we had a New Year's family reunion. I stood up to make a toast, "Mom, Grandma and family. Justine and I are getting married."

My mother's mouth dropped, glasses smashed to the floor, Grandma started to choke, Tanya was dabbing the tears with a napkin, which miraculously appeared, laughing hysterically next to her new, somewhat bewildered boyfriend, whom was pulling desperately at the tablecloth to cover his suddenly exposed cock.

"Relax, read this while Justine and I go for a quick dip, then you will understand," I walked around the table and handed the blue envelope to my Mother.

"Oh, before I forget, Happy New Year." I said as I took Justine by the hand and walked off with my arm protectively around her shoulder; catching a last glimpse of Tanya trying to replace her napkin over her boyfriend's lap.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

It dismays me when those who aspire to be writers do not take the trouble to learn the language first. At times the grammar and syntax are so poor, it is painful to read.

For example:

"The thought of no stepfather whom will invade my territory, a place where I can find my own identity, seemed very appealing."

Try instead:

"The thought of no stepfather invading my territory, a place where I could find my own identity, seemed quite appealing."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
was not good at all

all the teasing and tying her to the bed ruined it if i wanted that i would go to the bdsm or fetish areas not here. keep the crap out of the incest area and use the other trash areas for your so called stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

This is one of the best I ever had. Good luck!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Really good story

I liked the story very much and the ending was just right

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

this is the first story from which i have actually been compelled to congratulate the author on a job well done. great introduction, a bit of the grammer/wording is off, but i would contribute that to being an aussie rather than orgasm vs. cum. I look forward to more submissions!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Great story

Very entertaining story. Not many on this site like it at all. It had all the good stuff in it; it was funny, sexy, well thought out, and very enjoyable. Good work. Don't worry about what the other loser (from Australia) said below... if you wanna get serious and write a perfect story, write a novel. For this site, this was great.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Melodramatic microcosmos.

Your use of language is excellent, but I feel you were sometimes tempted to ingratiate yourself with your readers. Your characters are often inconsistent, particularly 'I' - who is anything but a rebel in many cases. The story is mildly implausible, and your writing is so good that this DOES matter - for a change! I loathe the use of gum-chewing, 'I'm initiated!' erotica slang. Cheap words like 'cum' tended to make the story ridiculous at times. (But I'm not an American!)

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