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"Love you too Babe."

I pulled the duvet over us as we drifted off into a sated sleep, wrapped in each other's arms and a huge smile on both our faces.

It was starting to get dark when I woke with my head on Jane's chest, my body half over hers and her arms circling me. I couldn't resist lifting the covers slightly and sneaking a peek at her body as she slept -- or so I thought.

"Looking for something?"

I was so startled that I let out a small squeal as I dropped the covers guiltily, looking up into eyes that were full of laughter.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist." I grinned back at her, blushing furiously at being caught.

Jane's response was to grab hold of the edge of the covers and pull them off us both, flinging her arms and legs as wide as was possible given the fact that I was laying on her.

"Look as much as you like my love but it will cost you a kiss."

"You floozy!" But I wasn't about to deny her that kiss, laying my body flat on top of hers, cradling her face in my hands as our lips met in a kiss that was slow, sensual and yet fiery at the same time.

"Mmmmm I could get very used to waking up with you in my bed you know."

"It's a shame our houses are detached or we could just knock a hole in the wall and make them one big house" I murmured into her collarbone as my brain started whirring.

"Maybe we could build a tunnel instead?"

I liked the way Jane and I bantered but suddenly I felt serious, so I rolled off her body and sat up next to her, gazing down into her face.

"Do you think this will work?"

"What? A tunnel?" Jane asked incredulously before realising what I was talking about. "Oh -- you mean us? We only found out how we both felt about each other today so its early days but I certainly hope so! After all we've spent the last 2 years together and although we weren't a couple we've never even had a single argument, so I don't see why not. Why the sudden doubt?"

"It's not doubt it's just that it seems ridiculous for us to live next door to each other and maintain two houses when I actually want to spend every available second with you."

Jane sat up and kissed me softly, her hands running down my back and making me shiver deliciously.

"How about we see how things go for a couple of months and see how we feel then? There really is no need to rush into anything and there's no point in adding unnecessary pressure on our new relationship at this stage; however in principle I absolutely agree and I don't anticipate us spending our nights apart in the meantime!"

My stomach growled breaking the serious mood. I was starving having not eaten much of my lunch because I was too excited. Jane laughed and leaned down to kiss my tummy before standing up and grabbing my hand to pull me off the bed with her; pulling me by the hand and heading for the stairs.

"Er Jane, don't you think we should put some clothes on?"

"Why? W''ll be at the back of the house so no one will be able to see us unless they're in the back garden." At which point she bounded down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Now I've watched Jane cook before and have always marvelled at the way she seems to glide around the kitchen smoothly and effortlessly, whereas I always seem to be in a flap and causing chaos. Watching Jane cook us omelettes now however was like watching a moving work of art and I was fascinated by the way her back and thigh muscles moved under the soft skin. She was humming quietly to herself as she worked and had an air or serenity, whereas I was stood chopping a salad desperately trying to keep my mind focused on the task at hand before I chopped a finger off!

My eyes kept being drawn to Jane's bum and every now and then she bent over to get something from a cupboard, giving me a tantalising glimpse of her pussy. I remembered the taste I'd had from my fingers and suddenly I was desperate to taste her from the source; tempted to skip dinner and just dine on Jane instead.

She turned to face me with a massive grin on her beautiful face, the mirth back in her eyes as she seductively licked something from her fingers.

"Fuck you're sexy" I managed to croak.

"You're not the only one that can tease you know. I thought you were getting hot under the collar -- I could hear your breathing change." And with that she turned back to the stove, wiggling her arse at me while she laughed.

"Don't be so mean or I'll stick this cucumber where the sun doesn't shine!"

"If that was supposed to be a threat then you don't know me nearly as well as you think you do!"

The banter continued but we managed to keep our hands off each other long enough to eat, however I was very glad that the chairs at Jane's kitchen table were polished wood because I was sure I'd be leaving a stain if they were fabric. Starved as I was I demolished my omelette in record time and sat back, patting my tummy in a contented sigh.

We grabbed a bottle of wine and settled down onto the sofa to watch a film. I still felt a little strange being naked but as Jane snuggled up to me and pulled a blanket over us I felt absolutely wonderful. The last time we'd cuddled under a blanket it was for warmth and as I now realised, we were both disappointed that it didn't lead to more but this time it was a skin on skin cuddle and I knew we'd be spending the night together.

Now one thing that Jane and I don't have in common is our taste in movies. She's much more highbrow than me and half of her DVD collection has sub titles but we'd settled on a film that she assured me was a romantic comedy -- what she didn't tell me was that the romance was between two women.

We were snuggled together cosily until about 20 minutes into the film when the two main characters engaged in a very steamy kiss that set my heart racing. As Jane had her head on my chest she was fully aware of the effect and just chuckled to herself.

Ten minutes later there was a scene where they were making out and although it was artfully done, with none of the action plainly shown; it was quite obvious that one of them was caressing the other's boobs. I felt Jane's hand slip to one of my own now aching nipples and by the time the on screen characters had started to take their clothes off I was oblivious to the film because Jane had latched her mouth onto my other nipple and I was moaning in undisguised pleasure.

In a decisive move that made Jane jump, I pushed her off me and got up off the sofa, dragging her up with me by the hand.

"Problem?" That mischievous arched eyebrow again!

"Not for me but your sofa is going to be ruined if we stay here, now get your arse into the bedroom pronto!"

"Oooh getting all forceful on me now are you?" but she was already heading for the stairs and I was hot on her heels.

We lay on the bed just kissing and touching for a while (a minute, a day, an hour -- time seems to lose meaning when Jane touches me) until the kisses started to get hotter and more urgent. I felt Jane's hand travelling down my tummy and followed her example and I think this was my favourite yet! Being able to look into Jane's eyes or kiss her deeply as we fingered each other was amazing and we both tried to keep our eyes open when we came to see the other's ecstasy.

As we lay in a post coital snuggle I was just about ready to doze off to sleep when Jane untangled herself and headed to her wardrobe, rummaging around with her back to me. I wondered what she was up to until she turned around waving a harness in her hand.

"Too tired or up for another round?" she smirked.

"Bloody hell woman, are you trying to wear me out?" I did like the idea but I was just too sleepy, so I had another idea instead.

"Are you working tomorrow?" I'm self-employed and work from home, so my schedule is fairly flexible but Jane's job was more 9 to 5 than mine.

"I am due into the office but I'm also overdue to take some leave; did you have something in mind?" Her eyebrows were waggling furiously in a comical manner.

"Actually I fancied a day at the coast since the weather is lovely and I'd rather go before the kids break up for the summer"

Jane looked instantly disappointed and I couldn't keep a straight face either.

"But it's only an hour drive, so we could have a long leisurely lay-in before we went and you could continue my Sapphic education!"

Placated, Jane slid back into bed beside me and in a move I considered initially rude, she forcibly rolled me away from her onto my side, however when I felt her long, lithe body tuck in close behind mine as the big spoon, her arm draped over me with her hand gently cupping my boob I smiled to myself and slipped almost instantly into a deep sleep.

I woke to the sound of Jane's voice, initially disorientated and not a little disappointed at finding myself alone in bed. How had I got here so quickly? After two years of sleeping on my own you'd think waking on my own would be the norm but just a night with Jane had me craving her presence, her touch, her love.

I got up and ambled into the on-suite bathroom and just as I was emerging Jane was climbing back into bed, a big smile on her face as per usual.

"Morning Beautiful, sorry I wasn't here when you woke, had to ring the office to tell them I'm playing hooky today."

I slid into bed next to her, straight into her waiting arms, a contented sigh escaping my lips as we embraced and kissed softly.

"Are you ok after yesterday's revelations?" Her look of concern was touching, so I cupped her face gently and looked into her gorgeous eyes as I answered.

"More than ok, as long as you're still ok with your best friend declaring undying love for you?"

"Never better." and she pulled me forward until our mouths were once again joined in a soft, sensual dance that left me breathless. Damn but that woman can kiss! I felt my body responding appropriately and much as kissing was wonderful I desperately craved Jane's touch.

She must have read my mind, as just as my own hands started to roam her body I felt her fingers trail down my spine making me shiver deliciously, cupping my arse and pulling me tightly against her body.

"Oh god Jane, you turn me on so much!" I moaned "make me cum please."

In the blink of an eye I was on my back and Jane had her mouth latched to the nearest nipple as her fingers danced over my lips and clit. My head was spinning with how fast my body reacted to her and I thought I was headed straight into an orgasm but I was wrong.

Jane stopped, sat up, licked her fingers and grinned at me when I groaned my frustration.

"Just making sure you were nice and wet; ready to continue your lessons?"

I didn't answer verbally but I'm sure the fire in my eyes and the way I wantonly spread my legs wide gave her all the clues she needed, so she jumped off the bed and grabbed the strapon from where it had been discarded on her night stand and rummaged through a drawer.

"Small, medium, large or fucking huge?"

I rolled over and peered into the drawer, seeing the 4 different attachments on offer. The small one was too small, although I made a mental note to mention to Jane that I quite liked anal, as it looked ideal for that.

The fucking huge option was just that and for the life of me I couldn't fathom anyone enjoying having it stuffed into their pussy but made another mental note to ask Jane about it later.

Reaching into the drawer I selected the medium option, deciding it was a good starting point for now. It was about 7 inches long, with a decent girth and ribbed like a real cock, although due to the bright blue colour its resemblance ended there. I was surprised to feel that it wasn't completely hard and rigid like the vibrator I had at home as I handed it to Jane who was already strapped into the harness.

As she attached the vibrator I positioned myself on the bed watching her hungrily, my anticipation starting to dribble out of me. Jane reached into the drawer for a bottle of lube but I shook my head, telling her she wouldn't need it, so she lay down between my legs, the dildo trapped between us and kissed me deeply.

She was rocking her hips slightly and the friction of the dick sliding up and down my lips and over my clit was driving me nuts. Leaning up on her arms she positioned the head with one hand and pushed in slowly -- I however was way too impatient for slowly, so I wrapped my legs behind her bum and pulled her into me, forcing the dildo to fill me.

Jane held still, smiling at my impatience, a silent "ok" in her eyes.

"Fuck me Jane."

Christ on a bike did she fuck me! Sex with Rob had always been amazing and he had good staying power but once he'd cum he needed at least half an hour before he was ready to go again. Jane had absolutely no restrictions in that department! She started by fucking me in the missionary position, pounding into me hard and fast until I was ready to explode but then slowing down and holding me on the edge, kissing me fiercely and swallowing my moans.

Leaning up so she could look into my eyes she whispered "cum for me lover," and that was it -- I was blinded by an incredible orgasm that tore through my whole body, my hips bucking up against hers to milk every ounce of pleasure from her.

She slowed down as I started to recover and I expected her to stop and pull out as Rob would have but she just kept going slowly until I was panting and begging once again. She leaned down to kiss my neck and whisper into me ear, "play with your clit for me," and in no time at all I was in orbit again as Jane's long, deep thrusts coupled with my fingers drove me back into oblivion.

This time Jane did pull out, lying down next to me to cradle my panting, quivering body in my arms as I tried to regain some semblance of control. I thought I was done in and was totally amazed at how my body responded when she asked "what was your favourite position with Rob?"

The next thing I knew, I was on all fours with pillows under my head, my arse stuck high in the air and Jane kneeling on the bed behind me. She didn't waste time teasing me but pushed straight in, leaning over my back to kiss my neck and shoulders as she took me. She was slow at first but as my fingers found my clit again Jane grabbed my hips and increased speed. I could hear her breathing get rough and I realised that Jane was also getting close, so I looked back over my shoulder.

"Will you cum with me?" Jane growled her response and her thrusts got faster, harder and deeper until we were both falling over the edge, eventually collapsing into a sweaty, heaving tangle on the mattress.

We never did get to the coast that afternoon; however I did learn to wield the strapon and was delighted by the bump on the inside of the harness that rubbed my clit as I used it. I wasn't very skilful in that first instance but I'm proud to report that in the years since that fateful weekend, I have become just as accomplished at pleasing Jane as she is at pleasing me.

We're still the very best of friends and delight in spending all our spare time together. We also still try to have our regular date nights on a Saturday, although having been together for so long now we have to travel further afield to find anywhere new. We never did start dancing lessons -- I didn't feel the need once I didn't need an excuse to be in Jane's arms anymore, these days I just have to look at her in a certain way for her to wrap me in her arms and smother me with kisses and I couldn't be happier that we crossed the line between friendship and lovers.

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Roti8211Chanai643Roti8211Chanai643about 1 year ago

Yet another good story!

Thank you!

AquariusgirlAquariusgirlover 1 year ago

This is definitely one of my all time favourites on here. I just didn't want it to end!

Definitely 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

UncertainTUncertainTover 1 year ago

A very human enjoyable story.

okami1061okami1061almost 2 years ago

I often wonder what things happen in the life of a writer to precipitate their stories, especially after a long absence.

Whatever it was, Cat, I'm happy for you (and us, now that you've returned).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Way hotter than any sapphic video out there!

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