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A dad and his daughter cruise to the Bahamas.
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Kim Kellerman had been looking forward to this trip ever since she entered her senior year in college. "It will be your graduation present," her dad Patrick had said.

Kim was an only child of divorced parents and had been living with her dad since her parents split when she was twelve. She still saw Diana, her mom, but she was closer to Patrick. "I've always been a daddy's girl," she told people. Some thought it was cute, not knowing that she was daddy's girl in ways that would make those people cringe in horror.

During her childhood, her relationship with Patrick was normal in every way. "KK," both he and Diana called her. She was a cute, pudgy child with short, dark brown hair and green eyes. She got interested in boys when she entered adolescence, going to parties, hanging out at the mall, flirting. By age fifteen, boys were becoming interested in her. The pudgy kid had grown into the "hot number" that some of her young male admirers were calling her. "There's just something about her" was a common refrain used to describe her. Beautiful she wasn't. Cute perhaps (especially her nose, people said), but some might even describe her face as plain. Proportionately, her face was perfect in the sense that none of her features overwhelmed the other. They all fit on a face with a lightly freckled forehead and cheeks that reddened when she got excited. Her eyes, slightly-almond-shaped and green, possessed a seductive-bedroom quality about them, along with lips and a mouth that could please the male organ of even the most discriminating of men. More about that later.

If her face didn't make many boys and men do double-takes, her body most certainly did. Guys drawn to jacked women with athletic bodies and those that preferred the curvy, more traditional feminine body type, got the best of both worlds when it came to Kim. Put another way, you got something in between. If you went for firm, C-cup sized breasts and shapely, semi-muscular thighs and calves, Kim's presence on the beach or attired in clothing that exposed those assets, drew your eyes in her direction. Her hips flared off from a small, taut waistline, emphasizing the traditional feminine side of her body, while her legs, as any bodybuilder (man or woman) could see, would blow up in size and muscularity given the usual regimen of exercises. She had great potential for that sort of thing. Only Kim was no bodybuilder. In fact, she wasn't particularly athletic, at least in a competitive sense. She did practice yoga, jogged regularly and, weather willing, she rode trails on her mountain bike.

She admired her dad's dedication to exercise. Patrick hit the gym a couple times a week and played racquetball, and it showed. He was a solid, hirsute, big-boned five-feet-ten, four inches taller than his daughter. He was a successful realtor who had had a couple of romantic liaisons since his divorce but none that led to marriage or co-habitation. "Kim is the love of my life," he was wont to tell people. Typically, they'd go "aww," not knowing just how deep that love went.

When did it start? How? Why?

It began the way so many romantic/sexual couplings do, with flirtation. Kim was in high school. Patrick would complement her on the way she looked in some of her outfits--much appreciated by Kim. She invited his opinion on boys she brought home, and he was all too willing to oblige. That lead to Kim telling him things that few girls would feel comfortable telling their dads. He became privy to Kim's first sexual experience, the first time she let a boy touch her in her private places, and she felt no compunction in revealing subsequent encounters. She knew it turned him on and it turned her on because it turned him on. But that part, at first, was left unsaid. It was just something they both sensed. On some level, Kim knew it was weird, on the edge of taboo. Yet, for reasons she didn't fully understand, it excited her. More than that, it didn't upset her that she harbored sexual feelings toward her dad, even knowing that it wasn't normal, that she might have some sort of sex disorder. 'I'm not gay or trans and I've had boyfriends,' she reasoned. 'I just think my dad is hot. No harm in that, is there?'

Patrick wasn't as comfortable. He thought of seeing a sex therapist, but couldn't bring himself to tell anyone, not even a trained specialist in that area, about his feelings. Too embarrassing. There was personal and then there was PERSONAL. He knew that a dad could look at his daughter, think she was attractive, yet harbor no desire to get intimate with her. At least that's the way it was supposed to work. In his case, the desire was there, especially when she changed into a bikini or wore skimpy shorts and a low-cut top, another "Kimmy outfit" he favored. He could hardly take his eyes off her when both were invited to a neighbor's pool. During one of those invites, he turned onto his stomach to hide his erection. Telling Kim about it when they got home, she chuckled, then said, "I know, dad. I saw what you were doing."

"And it didn't bother you?"

"Kind of turned on me, if you want to know the truth. When you did that, all I could think about was that big boner you were trying to hide beneath your swim trunks."

And so it went--plenty of looking and flirting but no actual doing until Kim turned twenty and entered her senior year in college. She lived in the dorm during the week, then returned home on weekends. During one of those weekends on a Friday night late in her final semester, Kim caught Patrick in the middle of changing into his PJs. His bedroom door was open wide enough to where she could see a naked Patrick about to slip on his bottoms. She stood in the hall long enough for him to catch her gawking at him. It was the first time that Kim had seen her dad's bare cock. She stood there, nearly mesmerized. It wasn't the length of it that intrigued her--average size, whatever average was--but the thickness. And then there was the rest of him, his big hairy legs, hairy chest, full head of black wavy hair. All man. Her kind of man. Who just happened to be her dad.

Both just stood there, Patrick in the buff, Kim in a short yellow nightgown, not saying a word. Finally, he said, "Sorry, I should have closed the door."

"No, it's all right, dad," she said, her eyes trained on his manhood. "I mean, it's not like I haven't seen a penis before. But I must say, I've never seen one as thick as yours."

"Well, I guess penises come in all sizes," he said, trying to make light of what for most dads would be a terribly embarrassing situation. For him, it was terribly arousing seeing his seductive Kim in her seductive nightie, watching him with all that lust in her eyes.

Kim sensed that this could be the defining moment of something that had been years in the making and she knew, just knew, that her dad felt the same. "Mind if I come in?"

He nodded. "Okay."

Patrick's nod left her no doubt that her instincts had been right. "Mind if I touch it?"

"Be my guest."

She began to stroke her dad's thick manhood. "Ohmygod, I'd be afraid a guy with your endowment would split me wide open."

He laughed. "I've never had that happen. I'm a gentle giant."

"Giant is right!" she exclaimed, watching him become fully erect.

He continued to watch her stroke, sensing where she was going with this, exactly where he wanted her to go. "Better let me get a tissue."

She let him grab a handful of tissues, then resumed her stroking. She was becoming aroused herself, hearing his breathing pick up, watching the rhythm of his pelvis pump fore and aft. No novice when it came to sex, she knew by his facial expressions alone what was about to happen in the next few moments. And happen it did, replete with Patrick letting out a long, blissful "Ahhhhhhh..."

The tissues came in handy. If not for them, he would have come either on the yellow carpet or all over his colorful, sports-themed bedspread. After catching the initial gusher, he sat on the edge of the bed and wiped off. "Wow, Kimmy, you're really good at that."

"Thanks, I've had my share of practice."

"Yeah, so you've told me." He was referring to those frank discussions they'd had about her sex life.

"Here, I'll flush those down the toilet." After he handed her the tissues, she said, "Well, dad, I hope what we just did will make you sleep better tonight."

Initially, it didn't make HER sleep any better after she flushed the tissues, went to her room, cut the light and then slipped into bed. She lay awake, said to herself, "Did I just do what I think I just did?" It was a rhetorical question. She knew damn well what she had done and knew she wouldn't get to sleep without taking care of her own immediate needs. She massaged her breasts, slipped fingers into her wet cunt, fantasized. 'Ohmygod, the thought of daddy's hunky body on mine, his thick cock inside me, pumping away...' She shouldn't think such salacious, taboo thoughts, but she did and the more she thought, the more aroused she got, and it was all she could do from jumping out of bed and running into his bedroom.

"Oh, my, where is this going?" she whispered after climaxing. "Where the hell is this going?"

In fact, she did know where it was going and he did too. A line had been crossed, a line that neither of them tried to step back from. On weekends, when Kim returned from college, things heated up in the Kellerman household. Kim paraded around the house wearing those skimpy shorts and low-cut top, driving Patrick wild with desire. They usually ended up in her bedroom where Kim used those pouty lips of hers to pleasure him. Of course, it was a two-way street. Ravenously, Patrick's tongue roamed over the curvaceous contours of her body, her skin, so smooth and soft, and her erogenous zones, bringing her to climax more times than any guy ever did using his tongue alone. They played games of "footsie," where Kim wanked him off just using her feet. "You have nice arches," he quipped.

Which brings us up to Kim's graduation present, a five-day Carnival cruise to the Bahamas, a trip that excited Kim for a couple reasons. One, she had never been on a cruise before. And two, it was going to be on that trip where they planned to "fully consummate" their love. Kim had wanted to go all the way, but Patrick couldn't quite bring himself to do that. Mainly, it was the taboo factor. Kim thought his reasoning silly given all the foreplay. "Dad, your tongue's been in my pussy more times than I can count," she had said. "What's the big deal with putting that thick appendage of yours there? I won't die, I promise. I might scream or faint. But I won't die."

He finally agreed, but wanted to make it "extra special," he said. "We'll do it on the trip, Kimmy, I promise. On the high seas in our stateroom. How's that sound?"

"Wonderful. Can't wait."

And so, on a pleasant day in mid-June, they caught a cab to Baltimore's inner harbor and boarded a Carnival Destiny cruise ship bound for the Bahama Islands. Their ship was big enough to accommodate over two-thousand passengers and was equipped with several pools, dining rooms, bar, fitness room and other amenities typical for cruise ships. Their interior stateroom had two twin beds, desk and chair and was fully carpeted in a black and brown stripe pattern.

Upon entering their room, Kim said, "Dad, it just occurred to me that we haven't actually slept together. I mean in the same room all night."

He nodded. "Yeah, you're right. But I think we'll make out okay, even in this smallish space." Chuckling, he added, "We'll get along is what I meant."

Kim laughed. "I know what you meant. But I'm looking forward to the other meaning, too." She reached out to him. "So how about we start now? We have plenty of time to unpack. Oh, FWI, I didn't forget my contraceptive pills."

They hadn't done much actual kissing. At home, their lips had been busy elsewhere--his on her pussy and boobs, hers on his cock. But now, fully clothed, they got into it, long enough for Patrick to get hard and for Kim to feel the bulge through his cameo Bermuda shorts.

When they parted, he said, "Kimmy, I can feel my inhibitions about making love to you breaking down. Must be because we're in another place."

Kim smiled and licked her lips. "That's the spirit. I thought all you needed was a change of venue. Let's make tonight our maiden voyage, shall we?"

"Bon Voyage. Yes."

After unpacking, they spent the next few hours exploring the ship. They checked out the pool and dining room, the fitness room and bar. By mid-afternoon, they were deck sitting, stretched out on turquoise loungers, their white bodies moist with sunscreen. Patrick, still in his Bermudas, had his shirt off. He admired a few of the hot women who strolled by but not as much as he did his own daughter, wearing her skimpy shorts and a glorified bra that left little to the imagination.

Gingerly, Kim placed a hand over his bulge. "Dad, maybe it's time you turn over like you did at our neighbors pool," she joked.

He laughed. "Like I said, I don't feel nearly as inhibited here. Looking forward to tonight."

Kim smiled and gave her boobs, three-quarters exposed, a brief rub. "Yeah, me too. Only, why wait until tonight? I'm leaking with desire and from what I can feel beneath your pants, you're primed to go as well."

She got no argument from him. After gathering their things, they retreated to their room and resumed what they were doing when they first got here. Only this time with more passion and this time with no clothes on, save for Kim's right ankle bracelet. Even though Patrick had seen his daughter's breasts many times before, he still marveled at how beautiful they were. "Perfect," he said, while fondling them. "So big and yet so firm."

"Ooo, that feels nice," she purred, standing there, letting him fondle with his fingers and then tongue, while she stroked his inflating cock. When he took his index finger and began to stroke her wet pussy, her knees buckled. "Dad, I think it's time. If I don't lay down now, I'll fall down."

Patrick looked at the twin beds and said, "Not much room but enough."

"I'd say so," she said. She continued to stroke his cock, wondering, because he was so thick, if it might hurt. "Dad, I'm hoping you're that gentle giant you said you were."

"You'll be fine," he said. "I can feel how well-lubricated you are."

After laying down and spreading her legs, she guided him toward her well-lubricated pussy. "That's it, gently, gently," she whispered. "Huh huh, that's it. Oh, my, you're so thick."

"Am I hurting you?"

"Not at all. Just keep doing what you're doing. Proceed with caution."

"Proceed with caution...You sound like a street sign."

She couldn't help but laugh. "Good one, dad."

"Glad you liked it," he said, then proceeded to do as she advised. Incrementally, little by little, he ventured forth into a place where no dad should ever go. Yet he was, with the expressed consent of his beloved princess. "Sure you're okay?"

"Yes, dad, yes! You're doing great." Oh and how! A gentle giant indeed, this strong, hirsute man wedged between her legs, the same man who helped bring her into the world and now was bringing her uncommon pleasure.

"No screaming or fainting?"

"No screaming because someone might call the captain. But I can't guarantee that I won't pass out."

She felt him sink deeper and deeper. Felt his lips also, kissing her tummy and breasts and his hands sliding along her firm, shapely legs. "You can pick up the pace if you'd like," she said. "This is fantastic, the way you're pleasuring me."

"See, a thick cock needn't hurt."

"Right. You're proving that my initial fears were unfounded."

Momentarily free of his inhibitions regarding taboo and his thick cock doing damage, and encouraged by Kim's positive response, Patrick quickened his pace. Proceed with caution was shifting into a pile-driving pace of full steam ahead. Through those experiences at home, he knew his daughter well enough to sense when she was nearing climax. He knew that when she closed her eyes, when her moaning and groaning reached a certain decibel level, and especially when her body rocked and quivered, she was as good as there.

Of course, Kim knew it, too. She'd been there before with him, all those times when his tongue swished and stabbed its merry way over her pussy and clit. No tongue this time. This was the "real deal," his gentle giant of an appendage, once feared but now welcomed into her young body, reacting as female bodies do when being made love to by a man who knew what he was doing and loved her dearly besides.

She didn't faint. Well, maybe she did for a few seconds when she climaxed and had no recollection of hearing him voicing his own sounds of pleasure when he got there right after her. She lay on her back, arms splayed flat beside her head, palms up, eyes half-closed, momentarily lost for words.

Now on his knees, he reached down and brushed back her hair. "Honey, are you okay?"

She let out a deep breath. Then, in a voice just above a whisper, she said, "I'm so okay. That was indescribably indescribable." She chuckled. "Excuse my gibberish, dad, but I don't feel fully conscious yet." She cupped her hand over her forehead. "And to think that we've only been onboard for a few hours. Whew..."

He ducked into the bathroom, then came out with two hand towels to wipe themselves off. Then he said, "Kimmy, I think we've got some great sailing ahead of us."

She sat up and gave a mock salute. Aye-aye, captain."


Hours later, after showering and taking a brief nap, they were seated in the ship's gaudy dining room, a space large enough to seat over one-hundred diners. Two rows of columns rose from floor to ceiling. One huge chandelier hung in the center, with supplemental lighting coming from inside the columns. Rows of round and rectangular tables sat on a blue and orange carpet, matching the orange fabric of the chairs.

This was communal dining at its best or worst, depending on how one looked at it. Here, it appeared to be the former, judging from how happy everyone appeared. Kim and Patrick sat at a round table with five other diners. Kim wore a sleeveless white dress and Patrick wore a light-tan blazer and button-down blue shirt. Kim's hair, dark brown with light-brown streaks, was pulled back, with the light-brown part dropping just below her shoulder blades.

There was a thirty-something couple and a family of three, that included a young man around Kim's age. He smiled at Kim who smiled back, and not just to be polite. She thought the dude was hot. He had a nice smile, curly, dirty-blond hair, and his long-sleeved, blue and white striped open collar shirt did nothing to hide shoulders that were broad and thick. Just from a sitting position, she could tell that he was probably over six-feet, tall like his parents, at least from what she could see of them. His dad was nearly bald, while his mom had her light-brown, wavy hair fixed into a stylish coiffure--one of those women, Kim surmised, that had to look her "best" everywhere she went.

While a server stood at their table to take orders, Kim wondered what sort of sleeping arrangement the family had. The rooms were rather small for three people, although the bigger rooms could accommodate that many if privacy wasn't a huge issue. Somehow, she couldn't see this guy sleeping in the same room with his mom and dad. Unless...Oh, Jesus, she wasn't going to go there. This family looked too "normal" to be doing what she and her dad were doing.

Everyone appeared friendly. Communal dining almost forces folks to be friendly, if for no other reason than to diffuse the undertow of tension endemic to sitting with a group of strangers. After the server left, Patrick introduced himself, followed by Kim. The others then did the same, including the family of three, Angela and Geoff Thatcher and their son, Scott. Like Patrick, Angela and Geoff wanted to celebrate Scott's college graduation with a cruise. In time, Kim and Scott took over most of the conversation, trading information on college (Kim graduated from the University of Maryland; Scott, the University of Delaware), their major and what they planned to do afterward. Scott had a construction job lined up, then planned to enter grad school in the fall to pursue a master's degree in chemistry. Kim, an education major, also planned to attend grad school and work in her dad's realty business during the summer.