Cruising For a Wild Fuck


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I lay there enjoying the sun for about half an hour until it was starting to get really hot, and I needed to turn over. I stood up and lowered the front of my chair down, so it was totally flat. I was shifting my weight from foot to foot on purpose, accentuating the movement of my arse cheeks. I knew the tiny thong of my bikini bottom was tucked into the crack between my cheeks, but I didn't care. I loved the thought of men watching me. I lay face down and started to try to rub some coconut oil on my back, when, as I had hoped, a man came over to offer to help me.

I looked up to see him, and I smiled. It was the guy from earlier on who had been it in the plums by the little girl as he was staring at me.

"Hi there. I noticed you were having some trouble reaching your back. Can I offer to help you?"

"That would be great, thanks!" I really laid it on.

After all, it was a nice thing to offer to do.

I passed him the coconut oil and laid back down. A he squeezed some onto his hands and started rubbing it on my shoulders, I moaned a little. It really did feel good on the sun.

"Mmm, that feels lovely!"I purred as he worked the sun lotion all over my back and shoulders.

Nervously, he poured some more onto his hands and coated my tights and legs with the sweet smelling lotion. I have to give him credit, he appeared a little nervous but it felt really nice when he was rubbing my thighs and calf muscles up and down with the slippery oil.

I heard him pop the cap back on. I was about to look up and say thanks, when he suddenly slapped my butt!

"There you go beautiful, all finished!"

He was far more cocky and confident than I thought!


I raised up on my elbows.

"Sorry! Couldn't resist. You do have the most delectable butt!"

"Well thank you. I'll come looking for you if I need another coat," I joked.

"Well, I'm sitting over there with my wife and two kids, so you won't have far to look."

I lifted my sunnies to see better and noticed a stunning black woman sitting with two gorgeous little kids that looked like twins. I was shocked. I fully expected Mr.Tubby to have a similar shaped wife and brats, but his wife was probably the best looking woman on the ship! He walked off waving and settled in on the lounge next to his stunning wife and gorgeous kids. His wife said something and then she waved in my direction. I smiled and waved back, feeling just a little odd to be honest! After all, her husband had just rubbed sunscreen all over my body then slapped me on the butt in full view of all the other guests on the ship, not to mention his own kids.

I spent the next hour or so lazing around on my front and ten again on my back, before the sun became too hot and I needed a swim. As much as I had enjoyed watching all the action with kids and families enjoying the water, I needed to cool off myself now. I stood up and kicked off my thongs, put my sunnies down on the lounge and walked to the steps into the beach area of the family pool. For a cruise ship it as a very large pool, and as I slowly walked past lots of people, again accentuating my wiggle, I reached down and retrieved the material from my right side that was stuck between my arse cheeks. I entered the cool water knowing some eyes were watching me, and I smoothly dived and swam a fair way under water.

I surfaced ner the ladder at the deep end and rested my shoulders against the lip of the pool and took in my surrounds. The water was lovely and I enjoyed a good long swim amongst the families.

By the time lunchtime arrived I was famished, and so I decdied to head to the adults pool to order some food and enjoy a little peace and quiet. I grabbed my things and walked the short distance aong the deck to the adults area, whcih was completely partitioned off. Entering, I found myself in another world completely!

There was a wonderful kidney-shaped pool which was shallow with a beach at one end and a massive deep section at the other. In the middle there was a cool little island building, that housed not only a stack of stools which were sitting just inches under the water, but also a fully stocked bar, complete with a dark-skinned, dreadlocked barman, and a pizza oven type setup whre people on the stools were enjoying snacks.

Settling my things on a cabana lounge, I descended slowly into the water, enjoying the coolness on my nipples and pussy, and swam over to take a place at the bar on one of the stools. Just as I settled in, there was a large splash behind me, and as I jumped round to see which idiot had drowned me, Steve jumped up out of the water and gave a me a huge kiss on the lips!

"God, you silly bastard!" I said, mocking annoyance.

I was actually glad to see him, as I had missed having him next to me in the large bed the night before. We spent quite a while just catching up and enjoyed a pizza and I had a cocktail whilst Steve had a beer. The rest of the afternoon was spent just relaxing and sharing fun times with Steve as we dozed in the sun, relaxed in the water and generally enjoyed the beautiful weather. I kept coating my handsome husband in sun lotion and he did the same to me, making sure we didn't burn, although I must admit, I did flip onto my stomach at one point and pulled my small bikini bottom into my butt crack. You see, I love the small triangle tan mark you get from laying in the sun wearing a thong, and I figured this wold be just as good. By the time we decided to head up to my suite to get ready for dinner, I had a hot little tan mark I knew would look great when I was on my knees in front of my husband waiting to be fucked from behind.

The shower was very refreshing, and as I walked out naked and dripping, towelling my body dry, a flash went off right in front of my face.

"Wow! Great shot, babe!" said Steve, his pocket camera flash exploding in my eyes.

"Fuck, Steve! You and that bloody camera! You almost blinded me."

I mocked annoyance. In actual fact I loved the fact that I could still make my husband want to take sexy photos of me, and as he pointed the camera at me again, I leaned forward, cupped my large boobs in my hands and poked out my tongue.

Jumping off the bed, Steve headed to his room to get a change of clothes, and we agreed we would meet in the fancy restaurant on the same floor as the VIP club I told him about.

I dressed and checked my look in the mirror and was pleased with what I saw. I had my hair up in a bun, and the afternoon by the pool had given me that healthy glow. The yellow sundress I was wearing was made from thin material and I had put on a small flesh colored thong. I only added some lipstick and put on a pair of lovely matching yellow high heels, grabbed my clutch and headed out the door.

Ten minutes later Steve arrived as I was being shown to a table and we sat down and enjoyed a lovely meal while watching the other guests and their families enjoy their vacation.

I decided not to drink this night as I was keen to avoid drinking too many nights in a row on the cruise, but decided with dessert to have just one champagne, and then, one led to two, two to three, and by the time we left I was just perfectly tipsy, and more than a little horny!

I excused myself to 'powder my nose' and when I returned, Steve was standing near the exit talking to the young man sharing his cabin!

"Hello, Rachel!" he said with that distinctive tongue.

"Ooh, Hi there, Yanne. Nice to see you again," I said as I checked out his lovely blue eyes.

"I bumped into Rachel at the pool and we decided to have dinner together again tonight," Steve said, blushing a little as he tried to maintain the lie.

"Well, I can't blame you, Steve. She is lovely!"

I must admit, I was feeling rather horny, and whilst I really wanted to just take my husband back to my suite and fuck like newlyweds, Mr Amsterdam was holding my interest too! His next comment won me over completely.

"I guess I better keep myself amused in the casino and clubs for a few more hours. I am guessing you two want some privacy, right?"

"Well, I can't speak for Rachel, but..."

I cut in, stopping my husband short.

"Yes, that would be much appreciated, Yanne. I told Steve I wanted to thank him for putting sun lotion on me all day to stop me from burning."

Steve smirked, his look hidden from the view of his Dutch roommate.

"Mmmm, well, lucky him! I'll leave you alone and see if I can find myself a nice woman who needs some looking after!"

With that, he smiled and was off, and Steve and I laughed as he took me by the hand and lead me towards the elevator. I was actually thinking we would just head back to my suite, but as we stepped inside Steve pushed the button for the lower decks where his small cabin was.

Leaning in to whisper in my ear, he said, "Thought you might like to see my flash lodgings!"

I smiled and squeezed his forearm, admiring my husband's muscles in his upper arm. His physique was one of the reasons we had got together all those years ago. He was a sportsperson and worked in a gym where I was also a member, and his v-shaped back, tight buns and muscled arms caught my attention as I sat on the Pec Deck machine working my chest muscles. I always loved that machine and I still think it is one of the main reasons whey my boobs have stayed so high and proud despite my age.

As we came to his room door, Steve put his hand over my eyes and opened the door with the other hand.


"As I'll ever be!" I said, and he lead me forward into the room.

"Da da!"

He dropped his hand.

I was truly shocked. It was T-I-N-Y!

Seriously, the room was just two beds, one each side against the walls, a small portal on the far side, and a tiny little table with two chairs in one corner. There was a standard size door off to one side and that housed a very small bathroom.

"You like it?" said Steve.

"Are you kidding me, babe?" I said, "How on earth can two people share a room this small? Imagine if they were...strangers."

My words petered out as I realised in fact my own husband and his roomy for this cruise were in fact, strangers!

"I know, it's crazy, right! I guess most people just stay up and party until they just come back and crash in bed. Too bad if they want to fool around, huh?"

His eyes lit up and we pashed in an instant, the tension of not having sex or slept together too much to put up with any longer. We went at it like animals, and I must admit, I wasn't looking for any duration records. I wanted to fuck, and I wanted my husband to make me cum. Period. And that's exactly what he did. We went at it so fast that he didn't even take off his trousers, instead just undoing his belt and letting them hit the floor, his large cock popping free like a submarine periscope!It took no longer than ten minutes and I was writhing orgasmically on his tongue before he slammed that beautfiul fat cock into my dripping pussy like there was no tomorrow! We ended up falling off his little bed and actually positioned ourselves against Yanne's bed as Steve drove into me from behind, his hands gripping my hips firmly as he pistoned in and out with each thrust.

"Damn, babe, this triangle tan mark has me on fire. I think I'm going to cum already!"

I loved hearing those words, and as I felt the head of his cock twitch and grow, I knew he was starting to orgasm inside me. I jammed my butt backwards, forcing his cock deeper inside me.

It sent him over the edge, and he grunted louder than I have heard him do in years, as I felt the surge then spurting of a wonderful hot, wet, sticky load of cum exploding into the depths of my pussy while laying on Yanne's bed in the tiny little cabin. Steve grunted so loud that just as he was pulling his still hard cock from my drenched pussy with a 'pop', there was a loud knocking on the wall just near my head.

"Keep it down in there will ya? Some folks is tryin to sleep!"

It was strong southern USA accent, and we both laughed out loud when we heard what he said.

As Steve stood up I flipped over onto my back on Janne's bed and marvelled at the cock I knew so well. It was still semi-erect and was coated in our combined juices, and it shone in the dim light of the small cabin. I watched as he tucked it into his trousers, and as he zipped up, I smiled at my husband lovingly.

I was about to stand up and kiss Steve when I froze!

Someone was putting a key in the door and was about to enter the tiny room where I was still reclining on Janne's bed having just been fucked and filled with spunk. I jumped up, but I was too slow, and as I reached for my yellow dress, Janne walked in and stopped in his tracks!

"Oh, god! I'm sorry folks," he said in his strange accent.

He politely excused himself and walked back out the door he had just entered.

I felt terrible! Not because the young hunk had seen me naked and must have known that we had just fucked, but because he found me sprawled on his bed!

Steve laughed. I scowled, and as we both hurriedly finished dressing, we decided how best to explain this to Janne. After all, it was his cabin we were fucking in, and he still was unaware we were married. He just thought I was 'thanking' Steve for helping me with the sun lotion that afternoon!

Ten minutes later I was in my own suite. Steve had decided to stay back and clear things with his 'roommate'. As I flicked on the shower and disrobed for a second time in an hour, I smiled to myself remembering the sexy Dutchman's face as he had walked in on our naked romp in his bed.

The shower was lovely and I soon fell asleep in the king-sized bed, looking forward to whatever the cruise held for us next.

When we awoke the next morning the ship had docked at our first port of call, and after enjoying a big breakfast, we packed a small bag and decided to head off the check out the local sites. Our plan was to spend the morning at the beach and exploring the local reef, before hitting the local markets for some bargain shopping in the afternoon, and heading back on board for dinner.

So, with our things all sorted and our stomachs full, we disembarked with hundreds of other tourists, and headed to the beach, a short taxi ride away.

As Australians, we are used to amazing big beaches with huge waves, and we were really pleased to find that this too was a decent surf beach, as I in particular love to frolick and bodysurf in the waves. We settled at one end of the main beach area, as there were not too many people around, and we wanted to just chill out and share some private time splashing in the waves and relaxing.

I had chosen a different suit to wear and this one was a classic black thong. I know I'm a little older now, but I am still proud of my arse and legs, and I know it gives Steve a huge thrill when I wear a g-string style bikini, either in public or at home in private. This one was a medium-sized thong, with a small triangle rear, about the same size as the existing tan line I had got the day before, and the cups of the top was nice and comfortable, despite being somewhat tight and pushing my pair up and outwards.

After about an hour and a half we were both in the water playing, kissing and cuddling as we splashed and body surfed in the medium surf. I managed to ride a wave almost all the way to the beach, and when I stood up, one of my large boobs was sticking out of my top. I giggled and popped it back in, and decided to head back to our towels and sit down to let my body warm in the sun. Just as I settled on my towel, water dripping from my body and between my boobs, I heard a whistle.

I looked to my left and noticed a man about my age sitting there looking directly at me. He was a little chubby, but from what I could see he was wearing a very small pair of speedos. His body was very dark tanned, and he must have covered himself in tanning oil because he was shining like a mirror in the sunlight. I put on my sunnies and smiled at him, shaking my head to let me hair dry off a bit, but also to allow my large boobs to shake and wiggle as he gazed at me.

I loved it.

Just as I finished shaking and teasing him, Steve came out of the surf and settled down, all wet, next to me.

'Shit, babe. Don't tell me you're chatting up Mr.Sleaze?"

I laughed.

"Not chatting up. Just teasing him. Got a problem with that, have you?"

He smiled, sittng down next to me, my husband's lovely abs on show as he put on his sunglasses and settled on his towel next to me.

"Fuck, no. You know me, babe. Let me watch and I'm happy!"

I was feeling good, laying on the sand knowing Mr.Speedos was watching me. My husband was sitting next to me, and I knew for a fact he would love to see me act sexy for a while. I adjusted my sunnies, and, still a little wet from the surf, I stood up, and decided to go for walk along the beach. Actually, to be truthful, I decided to walk along the beach and tease the guy nearby.

I walked with a little more sway in the hips than normal, and as my boobs swayed and my feet dug into the sand with each step, I smiled as I reached the beach in front of him, and was surprised to see that not only did he have a large cock, but that it was very erect, and was poking against the lycra of his speedos like an animal trapped in a potato sack!

Now I know many of you will say that is disgusting, but for me, the opposite it true! Knowing that I have made a man stiff just by looking at me makes me wet. Very wet.

I paused in front of him, and just stared at his cock as it poked against the material of his bathers. He eyeballed me straight back, and I fund it very erotic.

"Like what you see?" he said, fixing his gaze on my own body.

"As a matter of fact, yes, I do. You appear to have a rather nice cock. The thing is, though, I wonder if you can use it was well as it looks?"

"Well, Mrs.Long Legs, there's only one way to find out, isn't there?"

He had a cocksure look on his face, but Steve knew me better than to think I would give in that easily!

I put my hands on my hips, thrust my boobs forward at him, and said, "Well, Mr. Pork Belly, I guess you'll just have to wonder, won't you?" be continued in Chapter 2.

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GrandTruthseekeGrandTruthseekeover 1 year ago

Great group sex! Very hot story! But where can you see Chapter 2? (there is no story in the list of your stories. can you give a link to the continuation?)

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago

These people are no better than animals. Dumb animals at that.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
INTRODUCE Characters

You write like the reader is going to know who " I " is -- not until you say you are putting on a dress does the READER even know that "I" is a woman. I found this very distracting - have to read for CLUES to who is who. Might be a good story - but easy to go elsewhere. PLEASE help the reader out -

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Love it

Great Story! When is chapter 2 ready?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
cucks and sluts are special.

Sorry you can't satisfy your wife.

bloodpigbloodpigalmost 9 years ago
part 2

Can't wait for this to be continued!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
very enjoyable

Ok, there are a few mistakes, but I really enjoyed it and look forward to the next installment.

Please carry on.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
monotonous and boring is your middle name dear annony!!

try and find a story that you like and then tell us all about it. God you re a fucking dumbass dim wit! Gave the story a 5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Go back to the Group Sex category. The chimps seem to like it.

Just more fucking, and more fucking, and more fucking, . . . You think that sentence is monotonous and boring, try reading your own story.

impo_60impo_60about 9 years ago
Too long for nothing...

Too long for nothing...Stupid thing the husband have to sleep in a tiny room...what the pleasure in that?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
"The announcement came from the ship's Captain that we were about to disembark, and so, pouring a third glass, "

Any idea what 'disembark' means with regard to a ship??

"Use the verb disembark to describe leaving a ship, airplane or other type of vehicle,"

It has nothing at all to do with a ship leaving port!

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