Cuddle-Slut Ch. 02


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Once I felt I was ready, I withdrew my finger and replaced it with the butt plug, pressing the tip right against the entrance to my ass. The plug was narrow at first and no more difficult to accept into my body than my finger had been, but it widened quickly and I tensed as I realized it wouldn't be quite so easy. That was the wrong response, I knew that, and I had to force myself to breathe deeply and try to relax.

Slowly, so very slowly, I pushed the butt plug deeper. It started to hurt a little, but far less than I thought it might. Rather than being overpowering, it was really only a small background feeling next to the other sensations running through me.

Suddenly it was in, and my ass closed around the narrow section just before the base. I stood up, then walked around a little, feeling that strange, naughty fullness in my butt that I'd imagined occasionally, but had never experienced first hand. My pussy was reacting as well, and I was tempted to give it some attention so it didn't feel left out, but I wanted to wait for April. Part of the turn on for me was anticipating her reaction, and I wanted to savour it.

I got dressed again after a few minutes parading around naked, choosing a tight t-shirt and my shortest skirt. Underwear seemed unnecessary and much less sexy, so I went without. Then it was simply a matter of waiting.

Patience was not my strong suit, that wasn't much of a secret really. I watched out the window, and paced, and sometimes reached under my skirt to play with myself a little before getting myself under control again. It was probably only half an hour before April returned, but it felt like a lot longer. By the time she arrived I was so horny I was beginning to regret not putting panties on, because at least they would have kept my pussy juices from running down my thighs.

I feigned nonchalance when she came in, pretended like I hadn't been pathetically waiting for her, and also tried not to show how horny I was. It was hard to say if I succeeded at all, she might not have said anything either way.

"So, last exam today," April said, dumping a couple grocery bags in the kitchen. "It went well I take it? You seem in a good enough mood it must have."

"Yeah, I think it went well," I said.

"Good, 'cause I think you deserve a reward for good behaviour recently."

I perked up at the mention of a 'reward.' Whatever she was thinking, I was sure it would be fun.

"What kind of reward?"

"Well, I brought some supplies," she said, indicating her groceries. "So I thought maybe I'd start with baking some cookies and we can go from there."

"Do I get to help?"

I liked helping my sister bake, but it tended to not be help so much as sneaking cookie dough whenever I got the chance. By the look on her face, and from past experience, she knew that all too well.

"No, dear sister, you don't get to help. But don't look so sad, I'm not kicking you out of the kitchen or anything."

"What am I supposed to do then?" I asked, still confused as to what exactly she had in mind.

Instead of answering she moved toward me and took me in her arms. She kissed me, softly at first, then more passionately as I responded eagerly. Her hands went to my butt and squeezed it through my skirt. I felt a small thrill run through me at how close she was to discovering my new toy, and how little she suspected it.

April knelt down in front of me, grabbing my skirt with both hands. She tugged it down, slowly slipping it over my hips until gravity could take over and let it fall to my feet. I stepped out of it and kicked it to the side. She smiled up at me and kissed the top of my leg while her hand caressed my inner thigh.

"Well, well. Someone's been bad," she said. "You're way too wet for this to all have been me. Did I interrupt you masturbating again?"

"Not exactly."

She arched an eyebrow. "Oh? And what does that mean?"

Wordlessly I turned until my back was to her. I heard a sharp intake of breath, then felt her fingers trace their way up my leg to my ass, then finally to my butt plug.

"You are a bad, bad girl," she said. "How long have you had this?"

"Couple days. Never tried it until today."

I gasped as she prodded at it and made it wiggle inside me.

"Maybe I was wrong," she said. "Maybe, being the naughty little sister you are, punishment is more in order than reward." She stood up and I turned back to face her. "Although, sometimes I think they're pretty much the same thing to you."

She kissed me again, then led me to a chair and made me sit. She used a trick she'd had success with before and tied my wrists together behind the back of the chair with a dish towel to keep me from escaping. I simply let her tie me up, while also spreading my legs and pouting wantonly. She was probably right about the line between punishment and reward being quite blurry for me at times. When it came to her anyway.

April left me by myself for a few minutes, just long enough for me to get restless and try to free myself. It seemed like I should have been able to stand up and slip my arms over the back of the chair, but I couldn't maintain my balance and kept falling back down before I could get loose.

When she came back she was completely naked and holding the newer of her two vibrators. She smiled in a devious sort of way, then turned it on and slipped it between my legs and under my pussy. It was held in place by my body weight, and sent vibrations up through me as I sat there helpless. I doubted it would be enough to actually make me cum, but hopefully she was just prepping me for something later on.

"Now you just sit there," April said, as though I had a choice. "And I'll do some baking."

"How 'bout you just get me off once first?"

I wiggled around, trying to get better contact between my pussy and the vibrator. I couldn't quite get it to hit my clit the way I wanted.

"Hmm, no, I don't think so. Maybe if you're good. We'll see."

April hummed cheerfully to herself and put on her apron, then got out the mixer. She preheated the oven and got started mixing up ingredients while I sat there helpless. She had to know what kind of torture she was putting me through; there was so much stimulation from watching her, as well as the two sex toys, but not enough to actually get me to orgasm. I would be a horny mess before too long.

As if to taunt me further, she started gently swaying from side to side, drawing my gaze even more firmly to her bare ass. I loved it when she would wear her apron while otherwise naked, but now she was using it against me.

"It's not fair," I whined, rocking my hips to try and increase the effect of the vibrator. "You're being mean."

"Yes, I suppose I am being kind of mean." She left her mixing bowl for a moment and stood in front of me. She leaned down to give me a tantalizing view of her cleavage, her nipples just barely staying covered as the apron fell away from her front slightly. "But do you really think I won't make it all worthwhile?" she asked, her voice a seductive whisper.


"I promise." She pinched my nipple through my shirt, making me yelp. "Sorry, that was just for fun."

"Meanie," I said as she went back to her baking.

The vibrator was seriously beginning to drive me crazy, and the butt plug wasn't helping either. I could feel it every time I shifted in my seat, reminding me how dirty the whole situation was. Not that I needed the reminder.

I needed to cum so badly. I'd been worked up for far too long, and it was only getting worse. There was nothing I could do though, no way to get any more stimulation and break past the deliciously frustrating plateau I found myself trapped on.

April just kept humming, happily going about her business. She soon had the dough mixed up and a cookie sheet filled for the oven. She bent over more than I felt was strictly necessary while she put the tray in, and held the position a second or two after her hands were empty again. Once she had the over door closed and the timer set, she finally turned back to me.

"How are you doing?" she asked.

"How do you think. I'm horny and I need to cum and you're just being mean."

A faint smile crossed her lips. "Well, we can't have that, can we?"

She knelt in front of me, slowly, gracefully, maintaining eye contact, then suddenly darted forward and flicked her tongue over my clit. I stiffened, arching my back as much as my tied position allowed, and let out a loud moan. She licked me again, and again, finally giving my clit the attention it needed. I was so built up, it took less than a minute for her to bring me to orgasm.

I came hard, thrashing against my bonds and nearly dislodging my sister from her position between my legs. She kept licking me, not letting up even while I was already filled with as much pleasure as I could take.

Then, abruptly, it was over. I slowly returned to a semi-normal state of mind, while April withdrew, pulling the vibrator away from me as she did. I sagged in my seat, leaning back contentedly as my sexual desires were finally abated, at least temporarily.

"What do you think?" she asked. "Was it worth it?"

"Of course it was. You always seem to know what I'll like."

"That's because you're very easy to please most of the time. You're either horny, or hungry, or sometimes you just want to cuddle. You're not particularly complicated."

I grinned lazily. "It's been working pretty well for me lately."


April straddled me, nearly sitting in my lap, and kissed me lovingly. Her tongue ran across my lips, and I could have sworn I tasted my pussy on it. Despite just having a massive sexual release, I could feel my horniness returning. It was only a small background noise for now, but it could easily get to be a problem again.

"You gonna untie me now?" I asked.

"Hm, no. No, not yet."

She stood back, then replaced the vibrator underneath me in the same place as before. This time I lifted my butt off the chair just enough to keep my pussy away from it. I wasn't quite ready for that stimulation again.

"Please?" I said.

"Just sit tight for a few minutes. I gotta put the next pan in the oven, and I need to clean up a little. Besides, I know you. You'll be horny again in a minute or two anyway."

"Well yeah, if you leave me like this I will be."

I couldn't hold myself in that awkward crouch forever, and soon had to sit back down where the vibrator could once again have its effect on me. At least my post-orgasm sensitivity had decreased, so mostly I could just enjoy myself, but that enjoyment was dulled somewhat from the knowledge that I'd still have to wait for April's help before I'd be able to cum again.

She repeated her performance of pretending to ignore me while flouncing around the kitchen. She took one pan of cookies out of the oven and replaced it with another, then washed a few dishes and wiped off the counter before finally paying attention to me again.

I sighed in relief even before she touched me, knowing that when she knelt between my legs she'd be taking care of me. It took a little more work on her part this time around, a little more dedication to licking my clit, but it paid off. I came for the second time before too long, though not as intensely as before. Still, it was enough to wear me out.

April seemed to sense I'd had enough, even without me having to plead with her. She untied my wrists and I immediately got off the chair and collapsed on the floor, curling up on my side.

"Drama queen," April said.

I ignored the jibe, and she didn't press the issue. She didn't even try to get me out of the middle of the floor for that matter. I didn't really watch what she was doing as she moved around above me, so I was kind of surprised when she sat down by my shoulder and gently maneuvered me so my head was in her lap.

She stroked my hair soothingly for a moment until I rolled onto my back and looked up at her. She had taken off her apron and was fully naked, her breasts hovering directly above my face. They would have been irresistible to me had I not been so thoroughly sated.

April reached up to the counter where she could just barely reach the rack of cookies from the oven. She pulled one down and broke a piece off of it, holding it to my lips. I delicately took her offering between my teeth and chewed it once her fingers were clear.

"How is it?" she asked, just before taking a piece for herself.

"Do you even need to ask? Everything you make is good."

"Well I don't want to get too complacent, I might lose my touch."

She fed me another piece, alternating between the two of us until the cookie was gone. Then she started a second one. Being sexually satisfied while my sister fed me delicious cookies fresh from the oven was a new, and awesome, experience for me, one I doubted I'd get her to repeat on a regular basis. I savoured every moment.

"I love you," I said.

It seemed so obvious that I did, so clear that it was pointless to even vocalize it, but of course she couldn't read my thoughts. Vocalizing them was necessary at times.

"Love you too," she said. "Always."

When April eventually tried to stand up again, I clung to her, preventing her from getting away. She lost her balance and sprawled across the floor, nearly hitting her head on the side of the counter. I crawled next to her as she lay giggling and snuggled against her.

"You know," she said, "as much as I'm aware of your fondness for cuddling, sometimes it still surprises me."

"What do you mean? How is this surprising?"

"Oh, you know, lying on the cold, uncomfortable floor. In the middle of the kitchen. When I have to get up in a minute anyway to get the next batch of cookies out."

I shrugged. "It's worth it."

"Mmm, that's why you're my little cuddle-slut."

I grinned as she called me by the nickname that had been growing on me ever since she started using it. It had seemed like childish name-calling at first, but now it was something almost special. It was hard to explain, even to myself.

The timer went off, and this time I had to let April go. Even I wouldn't sacrifice a pan of perfectly good cookies for more cuddle time.

From my vantage point on the floor I had a pretty good view of my sister from below from several different angles as she moved around. My attention was drawn at one point to what I could only describe as a slight glistening around her pussy and upper thighs. She was much better than me at remaining calm when aroused, but there was no doubt in my mind that she must have been dying to cum almost as much as I had been earlier.

I forced myself to my feet and stopped April just before she could put the last, partly empty, pan of cookies in the oven. She looked at me questioningly as I took the cookie sheet from her and placed it back on the counter, then turned the oven off. I was kind of proud of myself for remembering how to do that, as sad a testament to my cooking skills as that was.

"What ya doing? I need to finish these you know," she said.


Ignoring her protests I dragged her away from the kitchen to our bedroom. She must really have been horny, because she hardly resisted at all. I pushed her onto our bed, then pulled my shirt over my head, leaving me just as naked as she was. She looked up at me with lust-filled eyes.

I crawled on top of her, kissing her passionately, lovingly, while she snaked her arms around my neck and upper back to try and pull me closer. I moved lower, leaving soft kisses on her cheek and neck and chest until I got to her breasts. Even more attention was required there, and I increased the density of my kisses so that not a single inch was missed. Occasionally I stuck my tongue out just a little and trailed it across small sections of her skin before pressing my lips down again.

My fingers made their way to April's pussy, trailing across the intermediate parts of her body until they reached their unmistakably damp destination. Her hips lifted to meet my touch, I didn't think she could help it. She needed me the same way I so often needed her, even if she tended to be far more hesitant than me about vocalizing it.

She moaned as I rubbed a finger up and down her wet slit, the volume increasing every time I made brief, teasing contact with her clit. I took one of her nipples between my lips, sucking on it and running my tongue over the sensitive area.

"Please, baby," she whispered. "I need it."

"Need what?"

April pouted the same way I imagined I did whenever she toyed with me. If I looked half as adorable, it was no wonder she gave in to me so often.

"I need to cum," she said. "Please? For your big sis?"

"Well how can I say no to a request like that?"

I kissed each of her nipples once more before moving farther down, away from her breasts and toward her waist. She spread her legs even wider and propped herself up on her elbows, leaning her upper body forward just a little to watch me. I smiled at her, then dipped my face down to her pussy.

Her smell overwhelmed me; the smell of sex, of my sister, it nearly made me lose my focus. Luckily my body knew what to do even if my brain didn't. Two of my fingers slid easily inside her while I positioned my mouth over her clit. A quick flick from my tongue was enough to make her gasp, a few more and she collapsed back on the bed. Instead of using her arms to hold her torso up, she placed a gentle hand on the back of my head, caressing me as I ministered to her needs.

April wouldn't stay still. I was pretty sure she was doing her best not to move, but her hips and legs had a mind of their own as I licked and finger-fucked her. She writhed and squirmed and generally made my job trickier, but instead of being bothered by it, I enjoyed it. As always, anything I could do to make my sister react like that made me happy. It didn't hurt my confidence either, for that matter, to have such an effect on her.

I kept at it as best I could while trying to hold her in place. I took cues from her reactions to get my fingers to hit exactly the right spot, and to get my tongue to achieve the correct rhythm to give her the most pleasure possible.

Soon my efforts paid off and April came in a flurry of moans and spasms. Her muscles contracted and relaxed seemingly at random, and it was all I could do to stay with her all the way to the end. My poor tongue felt like it was going to fall off from the extra exertion I put it through as a final burst of stimulation.

As soon as she came down and I had pushed myself up into a kneeling position, she rolled onto her side with her hand trapped between her thighs, perhaps protecting her pussy in case I decided not to leave it alone. I was pretty sure her clit got even more sensitive than mine after an orgasm, although obviously there was no way to know for sure.

I watched her for a moment, basking in the satisfaction of a job well done, then moved to lie down beside her. I pressed right up against her back and slipped an arm around her, spooning her from behind while she recovered.

"You're getting good at that," she said.

"Mmm, well I do like practicing," I said. "I suppose that probably helps."

I idly traced patterns on her skin with one of my fingers. After a minute or two, she took my hand in hers and interlaced our fingers.

"I'm proud of you," she said. "Especially these past couple weeks. You're a tiny bit less of a spoiled brat than you used to be."

"That was almost like a compliment, but not quite."

"Sorry. It was meant as a compliment."

I kissed her on the shoulder, then nuzzled gently at her neck.

"I know what you meant. Growing up kinda sucks in some ways, but I'm glad I have you to kick my ass a little and make me do it anyway."

"That's what I'm here for."

We lapsed into silence, the soft sounds of our breathing the only noise in the room. No, growing up wasn't all fun and games, but getting to cuddle naked with my sister made up for a lot. Actually, it more than made up for any of the downsides life brought my way. When I combined that with the sexy times we had, I knew I was a lucky girl. Very, very lucky.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

More please! I love this story.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Others are arguing about what should happen next. I don't care what happened next as long as it's something. Please please write a a sequel!!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

It was first rate!

One thing I would love to see in lesbian incest is the characters whether they're sisters or mothers and daughters is to finally get married to each other.

If the relationship is polyamorous whether it involves lesbian incest with other family members or just lesbian love with other women who also have incestuous lesbian members in their families I would love to see all concerned enter into a polygamous marriage.

If you ever decide to continue the Cuddle-Slut story I would love to see them marry in the story and even to have children together.

If the relationship leads to the incestuous lesbians having children together I would love to see them go in for genetic testing to make sure that they don't pass on any genetic defects to their children and I would love it if they were to have sperm grown from their own blood and used to artificially inseminate themselves.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Okay...what kind of bribe gets us a part 3? I'm good for it, I swear!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great. Awesome. These two are made to be together. Confused by butt plug.

DON'T add anyone else.

WIting for Ch 3 PLEASE

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Need more of this story. Love to know what happens in the future for these two lovers.

ShaOrnaShaOrnaabout 2 years ago

I hope you do more with these two characters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Do what you want with your own art and ignore the endless carping from the peanut gallery!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

While I have no problem with anal play, it struck me as fairly random. After initially being introduced, it quickly fortgotten and not mentioned again.

That did not hurt the story, but just seemed unnecessary.

MfkndragonMfkndragonover 2 years ago

All and All a good story needs another chapter to it though to have a proper ending and word of wisdom don't listen to the few idiots that think you should bring in another girl all that will do is ruin the story and cause a rift between the sister's only major issue I really seen in either chapter was bringing up a porn shop and the butt plug you saved it which is something most couldn't do but I will be honest you almost killed with those parts next chapter go back to the good Ole fashion lesbian story leave the fake dicks and butt plugs out of it and don't bring any other people into it and you will be just fine

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