Cupid's Gifts


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"And you'd like to know what she meant? Can I ask why?"

"Mostly so I don't venture into painful areas when we talk. I can see we have similar tendencies in humor. I don't want a joke to bring up memories of bad times. The rest is personal, call it curiosity."

He looked at her, leaning back in her chair, looking regal and touchable at the same time. For an unfathomable reason, he wanted to rush over and kiss her, all over her body. He swallowed, and began a story he hadn't visited in ten years, although he thought of his wife nearly every day.

As he spoke, he got up and went to her, holding out his hand, to help her up. Then he led her to the living area, to the sofa, where they sat at either end, facing each other. "I married Karen the summer before our Senior year. We were in school here, working on BFA's. Spring semester before that we had created a minor scandal because of a final project for a photo course I was taking.

"I loved her, I think, more than life itself. I would have done anything to make her happy... When my draft notice arrived, she made me go enlist so I could use my talent as a photographer to avoid becoming what she referred to as shell fodder. We even talked about moving to Canada, but she said she'd miss her family too much. You met part of them; Jack is married to Karen's sister.

"The only way to get what she wanted for me was to sign up for four years of active duty. She didn't care. Better absent than dead, she said... The years went fairly quickly. I did two years in a combat zone and then was transferred to an R&R station, and finally back here to the States most of my last year..." He paused, then, taking a deep breath, continued.

"That year, Karen had some problems with balance and we learned she had a brain aneurysm. She was put on some medication to control her blood pressure, and advised not to get over excited or to overexert herself...Things seemed to normalize for her...Our trip around the country was as much for her as it was to help me decompress.

" While I did my graduate work, she worked in an ad agency, where she became real good friends with another woman. Di had a real earthy sense of humor Karen seemed to appreciate..." He stopped again, closing his eyes, before continuing. "The day I defended my dissertation, Di and her husband, Lou, came over to help us celebrate.

"We had way too much to drink, and the girls got talking dirty, describing what they were going to do to us when they got us alone. Then Karen started telling Di what she would do if it were her with Lou. Di dared her to demonstrate. Lou and I were just sitting there laughing when Karen got up and started giving Lou a lap dance.

"Even from where I was sitting, I could see he had an erection. Karen got up, turned around and fell to her knees, reaching for Lou's belt. I knew right away something was wrong, but Lou didn't realize it. When I got to her, he had a wet stain on the front of his pants four inches in diameter. She was trying to say something. I got down close and heard her say, "Not his fault, tell him, not his..." and she was gone.

"Poor Lou." Gabe shook his head. "Drunk as he was, he must have thought he was to blame and didn't stick around. He ran and got in his car and tried to drive himself home. At the first corner, he ran into a parked car. He wasn't hurt, but was arrested for DUI. His insurance refused to pay for his car... Later, when I told Di about Karen's last words, she just broke down...Said that was like Karen, looking out for the other guy's feelings." Gabe's voice was thick with emotion.

Sue felt the tears spill over and run down her cheek. "I am so sorry, Gabe. She sounds like someone I would have enjoyed knowing. Thank you for sharing that."

"I think she would have liked you, too. You remind me of her a bit. Not physically, she was a slightly plump blonde, about 5 foot 2. But there's something...doesn't matter," he said, shaking his head.

"I should be going, or I won't get back here tomorrow. What time do you need to be at school?" He stood up, and got his coat.

"My first class is at ten, so anytime after eight and before nine thirty," she said, walking him to the door.

"Around nine, then?"

"That's fine," Sue answered, reaching up to give him a kiss on the cheek.

Gabe looked at her for a moment. "Have you heard about the Greek Valentine Ball for faculty?" Sue shook her head. "It's usually the Saturday closest to Valentine's Day. This year, Saturday is the fourteenth. Would you go with me, be my date?"

Sue started to demur, when Gabe interrupted. "Let me explain about the dance. It's not really required, but it is expected that the faculty will attend, with or without dates. The women faculty members who go can opt to have a consort assigned to them, either from the stag male faculty, or one of the senior class fraternity members.

"It is a tradition which goes back to WWII, when the graduating seniors were likely to be drafted upon graduation. It gave them a last fling, and gave the women faculty a chance to have a bit of innocent fun, since most of the men under 40 were in the service.

"Today, any woman can opt for a consort if she wants one, even those who come with their husbands, if there are enough seniors to go around.

"Women who go alone are given consorts first. You can avoid that, and give some other lucky woman a chance at a fumbling emotional teenager by going with me."

Sue laughed and Gabe wanted to grab her, to do nasty things with her. "Okay," she said, and kissed him, oh so lightly, on the lips. "See you in the morning," pushing him out the door.


The Ball was three weeks away, three weeks which were filled with the friendly, flirting banter of two people who find each other attractive, but are hesitant to examine that attraction. There were shared lunches, drinks after work, and a planned collaboration on a summer course, and possibly a research project. Subtract the attraction, and it became a friendly collegial relationship as often develops between people who share an office.

But neither could deny the attraction. Gabe was reminded every time she laughed that clear bell like laugh which seemed to summon his primal being, promising such delights they were beyond comprehension.

Every casual contact, every time he took her hand to help her up or out, every time he placed his hand on her back or waist to steady or guide her, sent a wave of warmth over Sue which always seemed to center itself in the nexus of her femininity. She knew the likely outcome of an evening dancing with Gabe, and, she admitted to herself, she was looking forward to it.

In the middle of the second week of their fledgling relationship, over lunch, Gabe told her that Jack's wife, Deb, Karen's sister, had called and invited them to dinner over the upcoming weekend. He stressed that, although she had been specifically included in the invitation, she should not feel obligated to accept.

She smiled that dazzling smile she had which seemed capable of lighting a ballroom all by itself. "After the way you twisted his arm to fix my tire for practically nothing? I wouldn't dare refuse. Besides, it'll give me a chance to learn all about your dark past. What's their phone number, so I can call and accept for us?" Grumbling, Gabe recited the number from memory.

Sue called Deb that afternoon and introduced herself. Both self assured extroverts, the two women hit it off right away and were soon chatting like old friends. They discussed the menu, and when she learned Deb was planning on serving prime rib, Sue volunteered to bring a couple of bottles of a good, if young, burgundy. She also asked if Jack liked port. Deb replied that she was the port drinker and that, while he'd drink it on special occasions, Jack preferred bourbon.

In the manner women can, Sue learned Deb and Jack had sixteen year old twins; they had married as soon as Deb was out of high school; they had visited St Louis and Chicago once or twice each, but both had decided they preferred their small city; every two or three years, their big adventure was a two week long trip to Door County in Wisconsin for their vacation, but their last trip there was now five years ago; that Jack was so busy in the garage he was usually ready for bed and sleep right after supper; and that Deb hadn't worked outside the home since the twins were born except for several short volunteer experiences.

When Gabe picked her up that Saturday, he nearly blew his load in his jockeys. Sue was dressed in form fitting boot cut jeans and what looked like a man's white shirt, tucked into the jeans, but there was no discernible line showing where the shirt tails ended; in fact, there was also no visible panty line.

Jack's reaction was similar when he saw the young professor walk in. Even Deb's eyebrows raised a bit. This did not look like her vision of the woman she had been chatting with for nearly an hour earlier that week. They went up a bit more when, after greeting Deb and giving the burgundy to Gabe to open, she immediately took Jack's arm and led him to the living room, carrying a bottle of something.

Sue steered Jack to the sofa and sat down with him, their knees touching. "Jack, I understand you are not particularly fond of port wine, but can tolerate drinking it now and then. Is that right?" He nodded, unable to speak, clearly already under her spell. "This is a very special port. It has the reputation of being able to separate any woman from her panties, when properly used. Are you interested?"

Jack's expression said 'Are you nuts? Yes!!' as he nodded. "I got the impression talking with Deb earlier this week that she used to be more vocal when you two had sex than she is now, so you might want to get rid of the kids when you decide to try this.

"First, you need to plan a night out, dinner at least, and some dancing would help. Then, when you come home, you pour each of you about four or five ounces of port and find a place where you can sit together and cuddle. When you're comfortable, take a small sip of wine. Taste it, savor it. Note how it feels in your mouth and how nice and warm it feels in your stomach. Then you kiss Deb, open your mouth, but no tongue. See if you can taste the wine on her, a nice full kiss, but not too long." She looked at him, to see if he understood. He quickly nodded.

"Then another sip of wine, a bit bigger sip, and make the same observations. Is there any difference? Then another kiss, a little longer, a little harder, a little tongue, if it feels right. Again, see if you can taste the wine on her. And you keep repeating the sequence until the wine is gone. But it has to last for a minimum of five kisses. Do you think you can remember all of that, and carry it out.?"

Jack already had his cell phone out. "Hey, Mom! How are you and Dad doing? Great. I have a favor to ask of you. Something's come up; could the kids spend tomorrow and tomorrow night with you? Don't worry about school, missing Monday won't hurt them. That's great, thanks."

He quickly punched in another number. "Mose, something's come up. Can you work tomorrow? I can give you a day off during the week, a day for you and Ellie while the kids are in school. Thought you might like that. Thanks, pal." He looked at Sue and winked.

At the dinner table, while dishes were being passed, Jack spoke. "How would you kids like to drive out and see your grandparents tomorrow, maybe spend the night? You could drive the SUV."

"Jack," questioned Deb, "what about school?"

"Missing one day won't hurt. With exams next week, it's probably just review, am I right, kids?"

They both nodded, wondering what had possessed their dad. They loved their grandparents, but an overnight trip so they missed school was unheard of, for any reason, and driving the new car! "That'd be great, Dad. Is it a special occasion or something?" Jack Jr asked.

"Sort of," Jack answered, smiling at Deb, "but nothing you need be concerned about. Just enjoy the holiday."

After that, the general conversation turned to sports, jobs, business, school, and family life. When it was time, Deb started to clear, asking Judy, the daughter, to help and sending the men into the living room to watch TV while they waited for dessert. As everyone got up, she asked, "Sue, could you give me a hand with dessert?"

In the kitchen, while Judy was still in the dining room, Deb fixed Sue with her eye. "What did you do to my husband and where is he? Really, what the hell is going on?"

At that point, Judy walked in. Sue glanced at her. "My working girl pants? They were a present from a client I had while working on my PhD in Chicago. She said she didn't need them any more. The zipper goes all the way to the back of my butt. See?" as she pointed.

Judy looked at her askance, wondering just who her uncle had brought to dinner. "Mom, that's all the food and dishes. Do you need me any more? Carole is due soon to pick me up to go over to Patsy's. Her brother gave her a new video game we want to try."

"That's fine, honey, go ahead." She looked at Sue. "It's something you can't discuss in front of my daughter?"

"Well, my Mom wouldn't talk about her sex life in front of me until a couple of years ago, so I figured you might appreciate some discretion" She quickly recounted what she had instructed Jack to do. "And when I was done, he immediately made arrangements for your kids to be gone all day, and for one of his employees to cover for him tomorrow. I think you may have a busy day tomorrow."

Deb gave Sue a hug. "Thank you. He may want to skip the dinner and dancing, but that'll be okay. If the kids are gone, and the phones are off, we'll be fine. By the time we're done, he will love that port," she laughed. "Really, where did you get those pants?"

"That was a true story. I was involved in a program to get working girls off the streets into legal jobs. One of the women I worked with was able to get a job modeling in one of the large department stores. She was my size, and wanted to give me something to remember her by. They are surprisingly comfortable. The only problems is, because they're so tight, you can't wear anything under them. The shirt was hers, too. It has an elastic band around the waist which just tucks into the waistband of the pants. I call them either my tease'm pants, or my diet watcher pants, depending on who I'm wearing them for."

"And who's the unlucky guy tonight?"

"Actually, it was Jack. I wanted to be sure I had his total attention."

Deb flung her arms around Sue's shoulders. "Oh, girl! We are going to have so much fun, you and I!" She stepped back to look at her new friend. "How serious is it with you and Gabe?"

"Enough so that I know he'll go home tonight frustrated, but next Sunday I hope to be having breakfast with him in my bed. Breakfast, lunch, and maybe dinner. After that, it'll be up to him to decide what his next move will be. I know what I want, but unless he does too..."

"Are you familiar with Cupid wishes?"

"Cupid wishes? No, I don't think I've ever heard of them."

"Maybe it was just a family thing, but Karen swore it was how she got Gabe to propose. At this time of year, around Valentine's Day, you call Cupid and tell him you have found the love of your life. You will hear him ask you if you're certain. If your answer is really yes, you'll be married within the year. If it's yes, sort of, then you wind up having an affair that sort of peters out by the end of summer.

"How do you call him?"

"It sounds like a kids poem: Cupid, Cupid, come to me./I've found the one/my true love to be./Cupid, Cupid, he is mi amor /make him mine/forever more. Just, when you say it, it has to have a rhyme and you have to have your lover at least in sight. It's better if you're touching or kissing. And obviously, best..."

Jack, Jr came bursting through the door. "Hey, what happened to dessert? You guys are taking forever."

"We were just trying to decide if dessert were really necessary, but if you guys are still hungry, I guess we'll have to serve up some cookies or something." ad libbed Deb.

"Mo-o-om! What about the pie you made this afternoon? I thought that was for tonight."

"Pie? Did I talk about a pie when we discussed dinner?" Deb asked, looking at Sue.

"Mom!" Jack, Jr looked at Sue, wondering how in hell she got those pants on, and how she was going to get them off. Damn, what he wouldn't give to help her with that. He was already planning his evening jerk session, using that activity as the lead in to his main event.

Sue caught him checking out her legs and butt. When he looked up and she caught his eye, she embarrassed him by rewarding him with one of her thousand megawatt smiles. He quickly turned and left the kitchen before his reaction became evident.

Deb looked at her with a grin. "You're mean; I think I'm going to like you, but take it easy on the children, okay?"

Sue smiled and nodded. "I'm sorry," she paused, "sort of. Think how much more he'll enjoy tonight," her smile broadening.

Deb threw her back and laughed out loud, loud enough to be heard in Jack, Jr's room, making him blush all over again. "Poor Gabe, but for him I have no pity. Go get him, girl."


As Sue had predicted, Gabe went home frustrated that evening. The next day, late in the afternoon, she received a call from Deb. "Sweetie, where did you get that wine? I swear, we didn't screw this much on our honeymoon. I'm not going to be able to walk tomorrow. I had to send him out for Chinese just to get a break, not that I'm complaining. Oops, he's back; I'll call you tomorrow and arrange time so we can get together for lunch. 'Bye."

The next day, at lunch time, Sue received an arrangement of cut flowers in a vase. The accompanying card read "I owe you a huge favor. Jack." Seeing the flowers on her desk, Gabe felt a small rush of jealousy. When he asked what the occasion was, she said they were a thank you from Jack, for the port wine she had given him.

"Jack doesn't like port wine," he said, skeptically.

"He does now," she replied, smiling.

Understanding there would be no more information, Gabe mentioned that the adult animated film which was creating all sorts of Oscar buzz was to be shown at the campus theater on Wednesday. Would she like to go?

Flashing him her smile, with its concomitant surge in his groin, she accepted his invitation.

At the theater, Wednesday, Sue led Gabe to the last row of the right hand section of seats, to the seats furthest from the main aisle. While waiting for the film to begin, she wrapped her arms around his right arm and hugged it to her chest, thrilling him as he felt it press against her breast. "Thank you for humoring me and sitting way back here," she whispered in his ear and kissed his neck, just behind his jawbone.

As soon as the lights dimmed, she pulled his right arm across her body and placed his right hand on the outside of her right thigh, then squeezed it to indicate he should grip her leg. She slid her left hand under his arm and reached for the inside of his right leg, encountering his surging erection.

She reached up to whisper to him, "I wish I could offer you more tonight, but biology is against us. I can promise you, if you're interested, breakfast in bed Sunday." She felt a jerk under her left hand as Gabe's grip on her thigh tightened. With her lips against his ear, she whispered again, "I take it that's a yes." She smiled as she felt him nod, and heard him growl.


Gabe reached out to ring the bell to Sue's apartment. When the door opened, she stuck her head around the door and invited him in. Closing the door, she apologized for running a little late, but promised to be right out. She was wearing a short, satiny, cover-up which barely did, coming to just below her fanny. As she returned to her bedroom, she turned to flash him one of her smiles, resulting in one of his increasingly frequent surges, remembering her promise three nights ago.