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Eons of evolution commanded us now, as Amanda moved in her trance in rhythm with our friends' first climax. Her lips moved silently, as her remaining conscious mind told her one thing and all the hot places within her told her what the right thing to do would be.

"Amanda, it's our time now."

"Brenzie," she purred, "take me."

"Amanda, you will enjoy all of our attention. You are fully awake now." She nodded and licked her lips.

Unlike Carmen, she stood to remove her Hi-Kini. Blonde curls covering her sex were wet from many sources. She enjoyed letting all our eyes run up her long legs, over her flat tummy, and across her overhanging beauty.

I, the guy who had worried whether I could still do it, was rock hard as she descended into the water around me, and our released passion was strong enough that we ignored Jim and Carmen's lazy gawking. My explosion was matched and magnified in her powerful hold.

By now you have my point, that the program really worked. I really don't want to get into pornographic detail, just enough so that you understand the concepts.

By the time the weekend had come to a close, Carmen and Amanda were more satisfied than they ever had been before -- and looked forward eagerly each time to being taken into the altered state that offered them so much beauty from within.

Now it was time for different messages, however. Since we were all so used to being together, it was so logical to get into the hottub one more time. Amanda suggested it, as a matter of fact.

"Why not?" Jim agreed, and for one last time we splashed about together.

Eventually, we watched Jim and Carmen climb out of the bubbling tub. They toweled each other off lovingly, and then I saw that Carmen was slipping deeper into a trance than ever before. Her dark eyes focused on Jim's smiling face as she relaxed, deeper and deeper.

Amanda had noticed them now, so I had to build on that, go with the flow again.

"Isn't it great how Carmen looks so relaxed? Can you imagine how it would feel to simply let yourself unwind that way?" Steadily, we talked about how or why Carmen could be so comfortable.

"Amanda, as you are blinking and blinking more often, it would be more comfortable for you to let your eyes close." She nodded and let her eyelids drift down.

"With all your knowledge of therapy, you can probably even relax more than Carmen." Startingly, her body went limp at that point, her arms dropping to her side in the tub. I had never succeeded that far in the course, where we took turns hypnotizing each other. Of course, what I had just suggested to her was true, and she simply had put it into effect.

"Let's climb out of the pool, and we'll dry each other off. You'll feel even more relaxed and comfortable on the bench in the sun."

Without a word, she did as suggested and I followed her. I was sorely tempted to take her again, she looked so vulnerable, but Jim had reminded me that in the long run, what we did now was more important than setting some record for rolls in the hay.

Jim was completing his discussion with Carmen; they shared information with each other, almost as though both were in the other's trance, so completely were they concentrating. Carmen would continue her studies for now, and would enjoy dating, meeting new guys. It would be fun, but none of them would be quite as satisfying as the mature leader she needed in her bed. In her dreams, however, she would enjoy remembering this weekend, and would yearn for the day, a few months from now, when Jim would call her to assume her position at the ranch. There was a part of it so isolated that she could enjoy her fantasy, a fantasy that she had revealed now, of riding nude on horseback and meeting a cowboy at a lonely clearing. Jim, of course, would be there waiting for her.

Amanda waited passively beside me, perhaps enjoying all of their discussion in her own subconscious.

"Amanda, you want a plan of your own... a beautiful future." She nodded, her eyes remaining closed.

"When I count to three, you will open your eyes, but continue in your enjoyable trance." She did as I told her, and soon we were deep into a discussion of her future plans. Actually, this part was easy for me, I came to realize, as there had been many such discussions with junior colleagues. It's just that I had never done so with a blonde bombshell whose black swimsuit bra top moved up and done in steady, empathetic breathing with my own as we talked.

Colorado Springs, my home town, would be perfect for her, we began to realize. It was booming again economically, and in fact, I remembered that there would soon be an opening in the club where a number of us from the company worked out. The manager would take a suggestion from the president of a firm, since the sycophants who wanted a minute with me would go to whatever fitness club I joined.

"It will be great to imagine the mountains there, being up in high places -- you'll be with a strong man who is not afraid, and has the intelligence to think your way out of whatever adventure comes to you." I knew that she would meet such a man there, because a couple of my programmers fit that description. They let off all their steam in rock climbing, and it had long occurred to me that one or the other of them needed to share that with someone else. I guess I was being a bit manipulative, not for her, but with them. If one of them ended up in a committed relationship with a sexy woman who loved the Rockies, they weren't going to rush off together to some Sun Belt think tank. What a way to encourage career stability!

"Yes, that will be fun to dream of." she confirmed. I asked her to volunteer the trance words that would return her to this state of pleasure when she would call me at the end of her studies.

"Simply perfect!" She said. The words I had blurted out when Carmen had first asked for her top to come off! Her mind had retained them, and now Amanda claimed them as her own.

"Yes, when you and I speak in the future, either on the telephone or in person, this feeling of beauty and of your own sexual power will come over you immediately when you hear me use those words. Simply perfect... simply perfect."

She nodded agreement and a tiny smile of satisfaction broke through her trance state.

You probably wonder why I prepared her for pairing off with one of my staff, rather than me. I know, it sounds improbable, but I really wanted what was best for her. She wasn't interested in the corporate lifestyle. One thing they taught us in the course is that we really would become concerned about our sex partners, and they were more right than I thought at the time. She would have been happy to have sex with me again and again, but there would have been nothing else. In his class, Jim had pointed out to us that a mistress really shares in your life. You want to be able to enjoy just talking with her, knowing that great sex will come when you're both eager for it. I had demonstrated that I had the course material internalized - now I just had to put it to the use that I thought was best.

Go with the flow, go with the flow, I kept telling myself, and so I took no overt action for several months. I had plenty to do in the office, and things at home did not change, even with a last ditch appeal to Kathy.

It was the afternoon of September 21st when Jones buzzed me to remind me of an appointment. It was Mitzi, our new attorney. I had only spoken with her briefly, had noted that she was about 30, attractive for a woman in larger sizes, and otherwise our paths had not crossed. I had made sure that the budget for staff legal assistance brought her into the fold, because her specialty was sexual harassment and employment law. I wanted to make sure that there were no gaps in our policies, so I had suggested the meeting after she sent me a memo on some concerns.

Yes, you guessed it. Within a few minutes, I knew that she was the one who I wanted. I wouldn't say it was love at first sight, but she fit each of my specifications - brilliant, dressed modestly, but with a sense of style, a sense of humor that showed through.

She had taken the morning off to watch the Clinton deposition video in her office. It was a relevant to her work, so I suggested to her that she should have counted that as work time, but she was too ethical a person to do that. It had been so fascinating.

"I don't think what he did was sexual harassment," she asserted. I started to disagree with her-- I thought it was, but she was one of his supporters who had a way with words, and a detailed knowledge of the law.

"It isn't sexual harassment if she wanted it that strongly," she smiled, making her point. I enjoyed noticing her face blushing as she courageously disagreed with me, the company president. I realized that she was entering a different kind of trance state than I had observed before, as she drew on all of her resources to advance her case.

"Not that you could, but if you wanted to, does that mean you could do what she did for him with me?" I asked that with a laugh. She picked it up and ran with it.

"Of course, I could, I mean, if I wanted it, I mean if I wanted to..." she tangled herself in her argument and in deeper thoughts.

"I missed seeing that video. I suppose it really wasn't that explicit..." and again, she felt the need to disagree with me and she described in detail what she had seen and heard. She was breathing heavily now, and I picked up her pace with my own breath. We were looking intently into each other's eyes now. Discretely, I pressed the "no interruptions" button under my desk, signalling Jones to keep others out.

"As you explain this to me, more and more, I think that I am beginning to understand what you want me to do," I calmly told her, staying ambiguous for now. "But you are feeling more and more excited now, aren't you?" I laughed encouragingly, sympathetically - it was easy, because I understood how she felt.

Her conscious mind was busy finding rationalizations for a man who was important to her politically, but her subconscious mind was enjoying fully the thought of pleasing her leader, of finally knowing what would bring them together.

"Let's slow down a bit, eh?" I paced her down to a calmer mode.

"You know I took a course just a few months ago, and I learned that there was a lot that your mind is dealing with below the surface. Oh, here's the diploma, just in case you thought I was kidding." I showed her the framed paper, the face of which showed that I was certified as a "Master of Social Expression." Unknown to office visitors, the back of it showed a picture that had been taken with a hidden camera of which I had not been aware, simply showing Amanda's face in ecstasy as she slid down my shaft. It actually was a beautiful shot, showing nothing except her openly shared emotions- the perfect encouragement for graduates.

She calmed down herself down some, relaxed as she eyed the intricate seal of the school. I took the naturally-shown cue.

"You'll find there's a lot in that seal, and as you enjoy looking at it closely, you'll relax further. It's quite intriguing." One of the instructors had described this process before. I took it down from the wall and held it in front of her, gently moving it back and forth so that its frame caught the light from the track lighting above. Her eyelids began to sag.

"As you gave a wonderful defense of your leader, you are tired now, and you will feel like sleeping... and it is okay to do that right here, now." She nodded, and her eyes closed gently.

I conducted her more deeply into a trance, and as we went along, asked her various questions, being more pleased with her the more that I learned. Of course, she insisted, even in her trance state, that genital kisses were not really "having sex" and that it would be wonderful to be so close to an important man. We agreed finally that she was right, that it was not harassment at all, that she would have done the same thing if she had the opportunity to serve someone so important.

The leadership genes, I thought to myself. She needs the tribe's leader for herself. She knows that she is outstanding, a leader in her own right, but she wants a match worthy of herself. The other women in the tribe will wait expectantly outside the hut, enviously listening to her sighs and moans. In her trance, she agreed with me, told me that she had not seen it that way before, but now her random thoughts had coalesced.

No, I didn't have sex with her then. I suggested that since she had told me of in passing through the trance of her interest in getting into a work-out program. Sometimes things mesh perfectly, and therefore I was able to refer her to my club, and to the brilliant new trainer there, Amanda. She should follow Amanda's sound advice. And then we closed our session. Mitzi walked out strong and proud, having convinced me of the rightness of her case for Bill Clinton-- and, I smiled, leaders in general.

Amanda and I had only talked a few times at the club - she was too busy with work there, and in her off hours she was dating several of my team. They all thought she was great, and they tried hard to please her, since it was so obvious that she was looking for a 'steady.'

Now we were in her tiny office, both of us steaming from a race in the pool together. She was wearing the same bathing suit I had seen before.

"Simply perfect..." I said it easily to her, it was the truth.

She relaxed into a pleasant trance, her body showing tantalizing signs of the sexual arousal she associated with that command.

"Amanda, I want you to do something for me." She looked at me as eagerly as someone in a trance could.

"I want you to work with a new member, her name is Mitzi. She'll need a special program." It was fun to suggest some topics for side chats between Amanda and Mitzi. Amanda was so clever, that I knew that she could expand on whatever we discussed here. But Amanda's deeper needs were surfacing - her lips were parted, she licked them nervously.

"Amanda, you watched the president's video here at the club, didn't you?" She nodded.

"Amanda, I know that you are going out with some great younger guys, but wouldn't it feel good one more time to feel the power that you have with me? After all, it wouldn't really be having sex, would it, so it'd be okay with them. And you could hint to Mitzi about how great a feeling you get."

Without a further word, Amanda tossed her top aside, and embraced me, pushing my robe aside so that I could feel her hardening nipples against my bare chest. She slid to her knees, enjoying the rush that she gave me, and pulled down my trunks.

As my penis rose triumphantly over her, trailing its already formed silver streak, she kissed my balls earnestly, sighing with little comments about her memories and subsequent dreams of our time together. I settled down in her office chair, and stretched back as she found every sensitive spot. I could only caress her shoulders, but occasionally she brought her breasts forward for my touch.

"This isn't really sex," she paused to gasp for a moment, and then brought her head down on my shaft. Her swirling tongue quickly brought my climax, and she eagerly swallowed my hot, white energy-- she had told me before how it revitalized her.

We cuddled and then re-covered each other.

"Amanda, this is our last Simply Perfect moment..." I paused, and she nodded, "because you are about to choose a young man who will be just right for times like this. But you WILL enjoy whispering about it to Mitzi, yes?" She nodded eagerly.


It's great being here at the ranch, being hosted by Jim and Carmen. Brenzie and I are everywhere with each other - something he still can't do at home, because Kathy won't understand. What we have is really unique, I could feel it in every part of me when I went in to see him after that trainer, Amanda, and I had our chats. Everything was so clear.

I can still remember how surprised he was when I told him what we were going to do, how much I needed him. He seemed relieved when I explained to him that it was not really sex, not the way that I understand it. For a few months, we just kept it that way. I would strip down to the velvet black bra and panties that he admired so much, and I'd loosen his clothes, and then... it was so great! I felt so energized when I'd go back to my cubicle. No one else knew what we were doing - we were so professional about it.

Perhaps Jones did guess something, but Brenzie is so great! He sent her off for a week course at the Master of Social Expression program, and she's been totally different since. She even came out here a few times with Neal from Property Administration. He may be an old guy, but she sure lit his fuse!

Of course, my need for Brenzie became stronger and stronger. One day, while I was idly studying that interesting certificate in his office, I realized that it wasn't enough to have him in my mouth, that I wanted him inside my other lips, the ones which trembled while I kissed him. Oddly enough, his wife was out of town at a conference that weekend, and Brenzie and I finally made love - truly became one.

A man like him must be able to please several women, I suppose, so I'm just enjoying the time with him. Still, it's been fun in the odd moment to draw up this contract. I keep editing it. I don't want a marriage to tie me down in my career, but if he's willing to sign it, it'll be great to drop the birth control, and truly feel him meeting my spiritual needs as a member of his tribe. I want to bear his successor.

Thank you, Mr. President.

- Statements taken by Richard Williams.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
More please

Nice story, like the theory behind it.

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