CW - End of the World


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I am doing this to atone for my other immoral act. I did to someone else what Aaron Walls did to you. He eventually shot himself, and the woman that I so wanted to have for my own ended up cheating on me. The child from their marriage has turned to drugs and no longer speaks to me.

In order to meet my God, I have done what I could to atone for my evil deeds and the destruction of the other man's family that I perpetrated. I helped you plan out over a hundred variations on revenge and forgiveness scenarios. I have now given you the money to enable you to select any of those scenarios.

Decide wisely what you wish to do. I hope you can completely repair the damage done by Walls to you and your family. Whatever else, remember that I am sorry for doing what I did to that other man and his family.

May God forgive me of my sins.


Alan sat in shock for several minutes. Juan, his dear friend, was another Aaron Walls? No! Juan obviously had character and was sorry for his acts. Aaron Walls is another matter all together.

Alan moved the bundles of money to the brown bag. He opened to door to the room and Juan's brother-in-law stood up and moved to take the empty box. He asked, "Do you want me to drop you at your place? You probably shouldn't be walking around with that kind of stuff in the bag."

Alan nodded and waited for the man to turn in the box. He dropped Alan at his apartment and drove off. Alan went inside and began plotting his revenge in earnest.

One Year Later –

Alan arrived at the BWI airport and rode the shuttle bus to pick up his rental car. He had reserved a suite at the Holiday Inn in Gaithersburg. He really did not need a suite, but he needed the space for his war room activities. This was to be his command center as he sought his personal justice for Aaron and Kate's actions.

When he got to the hotel, he unpacked and then took several folders from his laptop-carrying bag. These folders contained up to date information on Aaron Walls' business activities, the Walls' marriage, and Alex the son.

Alan read through the first folder and thought, "It appears that Walls applies the same level of morals to his lawyering activities as he does to screwing his friends." A team of investigators had uncovered over twenty business activities that appeared to be criminal in nature. A little money in the right hands had opened the files of the law office to these investigators after hours for almost two weeks. Thousands of photos and duplication of audiotapes, videotapes, and PC disk files had been obtained in those two weeks. This folder had cost Alan almost $20,000 but it was sell worth it.

He picked up the second folder and perused its contents. Alan sighed as he closed the folder and thought, "It appears that Kate has taken to double penetration just as Aaron boasted he would get her to do. It also appears she has been doing some extra DP practice that poor old Aaron is unaware of. Seems she has taken up with Luke and one of his Asian buddies every Tuesday and

Thursday afternoon. Yes, apparently Luke did arrive in the States and did take Aaron up on his offer about Kate." This folder had cost Alan a little over $7,000 and he was actually sad to find out about Kate's current life.

The next folder was about Alan's son Alex. After reading it, Alan felt nothing but pride. It showed an industrious, hard-working, smart young man making good grades in school. The investigators had been unable to find any evidence of drugs usage or sexual activity on the kid's part up to this time. The investigator had managed to obtain a DNA sample from a soda can that Alex had drank and thrown away. This was tested against Alan's DNA and found that there was a 99.997% chance that Alex was Alan's son. This file only cost $5,000 to create, but it was worth millions to Alan to know his son was his son and a wonderful boy.

Alan said to himself, "But with a slut mother and criminal father, how long can the poor kid remain clean?"

There were two more folders in the stack. Alan picked each up in turn and read the contents over even though he had seen these two months earlier.

These two folders had cost $40,000 to create. But they were worth it. Their contents would give Alan the piece of mind he knew he needed to get closure to the evils done to him.

Alan leaned back in the chair and smiled. "Now my Juan my dear friend, watch your aid and gift in action!"

At nine o'clock the next morning Alan was standing in front of a judge in the Rockville Court House.

The judge had reviewed the contents of the two folders Alan had provided him six weeks ago and was ready to rule. Alan held his breath as the judge gave down his decision. It went exactly how Alan's battery of attorneys had predicted when they had reviewed the contents of the two folders.

The two folders contents had also been sent to the local police at the same time they were sent to the judge. Alan's attorneys and investigators had worked with the police on the ramifications of the contents of these folders and they would be ready to move tomorrow morning at ten o'clock.

Alan went back to his room and slept well that night.

The next morning, Alan drove up to the offices of Mr. Aaron Walls, Esquire at exactly sixteen minute to ten. Outside the building he met up with his lead attorney who shook hands and patted his briefcase.

As they walked toward the building, another man walked up to Alan and handing him some keys said, "Black Lexus, Virginia plates." The man walked away. Alan and his attorney continued to the door.

They entered the front door and announced himself to the receptionist as Mr. Harbinger. He had an appointment with Mr. Walls at quarter to ten.

Exactly one minute later, the receptionist showed Alan and his attorney into Aaron's large office. Aaron was completing a file on his desk and didn't look up. He simply said, "I'll be with you in a moment Mr. Harbinger."

Alan sat down on the couch across from Aaron's desk. Aaron completed his file notations and raised his head with a smile and started, "What can I do… YOU! What the hell are you doing here, asshole? Leave my office before I call the cops!" Aaron was rising from his chair and looking really pissed off. Aaron was about three inches taller and thirty pounds heaver than Alan. He almost gloated as he prepared to beat the shit out of Alan.

Alan glanced at his watch and very forcefully said, "You really don't have time to beat my ass, shit head. If you want to save your lousy ass from prison, you better listen to my attorney. So sit down and shut up!"

Aaron was unsure about what his next move should be. He finally decided to hear what Alan and his lawyer had to say. "Hell," he thought chuckling to himself, "If I don't like what Alan the asshole has to say, I will still beat his ass. With our without his lawyer here."

Alan thinly smiled and said, "It has taken me several years to get to this moment. I hit rock bottom as a drunk and bum after you tore my life away from me. Did you notice the name I booked our appointment under? Harbinger. That is symbolic because it means I am the harbinger of your demise. Within the hour your world will collapse just as mine did two years ago. And I will laugh at your complete collapse!"

Alan's attorney stood up and tossed a folder onto Aaron Walls' desk and continued, "Take a look at this information. It shows each and every criminal activity you have been part of over the last two years. You've been a very bad boy in certain federal government contract dealings, haven't you? This information has been sent to the FBI and the Maryland Bar Association. So

shortly you will be up on Federal charges as well as disbarment proceedings."

"Live long and prosper, asshole." Alan interjected and laughed.

Aaron had a buzzing noise in his ears and blood seemed to be rushing to his head. He still vaguely heard Alan's lawyer continuing, "Here is another folder, shit for brains. This one is depositions and affidavits from a Ms. Marlene Mitchell of Toronto Canada. They state that a Mr. Aaron Walls paid her to attempt to seduce a Mr. Alan Sizemore while Mr. Sizemore was on business in Canada. The testimony also states that absolutely nothing of a sexual nature occurred between said parties during the events of that evening."

Throwing one more folder on Walls' desk, Alan's attorney went one, "An last but not least, here is a deposition and affidavit from a Mr. Luke Billings, recently of Singapore. It states that Mr. Billings was paid by Mr. Aaron Walls to drug Mr. Alan Sizemore and place him in certain compromising positions and then take digital pictures to email to Mr. Walls to be shown to Mr. Sizemore's wife in an attempt to break up his marriage. It is further described that Mr. Walls planned to make the then Mrs. Kate Sizemore into his own wife and turn her into a whore for his friends."

Alan's lawyer now summed things up to a totally shocked and overwhelmed Aaron Walls. "We have presented these testimonies to the local police and courts. The agreement is that you will charged with the following criminal and civil activities:

1)Slander of the good name of Mr. Alan Sizemore,

2)Violation of the Ricco Act in performance of a criminal enterprise,

3)Alienation of Affection of Mr. Sizemore's spouse,

4)Kidnapping of Mr. Sizemore,

5)Forcing non-prescribed controlled drugs into Mr. Sizemore,

6)Robbery of Mr. Sizemore's personal property,

7)Performing criminal activities leading to prostitution of your wife,

8)And about fifteen other counts.

The police will be here shortly to arrest you for your criminal actions against Mr. Sizemore and your wife. That concludes my business with you. Good day!"

With that Alan's attorney left the room.

Aaron rose unsteadily to his feet and holding on to the desk said, "You got me good. I'll never dig myself out will I?"

Alan smiled and shook his head, "Nope butt head, you're toast. I tell you what though, you got six minutes before the cops are supposed to be here to arrest you, tell you what, here is the keys to my car." Alan tossed the keys on Aaron's desk. "Take it and run."

Aaron looked at Alan and said, "What? Why the hell would help me get away?"

Alan laughed and replied, "Because I want you to have to live like I have the last few years, in poverty and loveless. Prison would be too good for you."

Aaron thought for a moment and said, "Yes, I can see that, it is exactly what I would do. Touché, Alan!" H picked up the keys. "Which car is it?"

Alan replied, "The black Lexus with Virginia plates."

Aaron walked to the door and turned. This isn't over yet ass hole. I'll get even someday." He turned and left.

Alan sat in the edge of the desk and said aloud, "I know. It will never be over until it is over."

Alan walked out and got in his car and drove to the home of Mr. And Mrs. Aaron Walls. It was Thursday and this afternoon Kate would leave for her fuck session with Luke and his Asian friend. So Alan had to get there before she left.

He rang the doorbell twice. The door finally opened and there in front of him was his wife. Kate looked stunning. She was obviously getting ready to leave for her DP practice. She was dressed in a short mini-skirt and was wearing no stockings under her 'fuck me' stiletto shoes. Her blouse was a gossamer fabric that showed her finely formed braless breasts with those large proud nipples.

She said, "Yes, what can I do…. My God! It's you! What the hell are you doing here! I never want to see you again you damned cheater!" She tried to slam the door but Alan stuck his foot in and yelled over her voice, "I've got proof I never cheated on you! Undeniable proof! You never let me try to defend myself. You just threw me away."

She stopped yelling and stared at him. Alan said, "At least be compassionate enough to let me show you my evidence. Please? Please"

Kate sighed and opened the door, "I don't know what kind of evidence you could have that could ever convince me. Remember I saw the pictures of what you did in Singapore! I got pictures of you and that woman in Toronto! So what do you have that is so impressive that it will change my mind?"

Alan pulled out the same folders of affidavits and depositions from the woman in Toronto and Luke. She paled as she read the material on Toronto. She started crying a she read what Aaron had said to Luke about getting her to let them double-team her. She began sobbing as she read the proof of Alan's innocence in Singapore.

She fell to the floor on her knees and cried, "Oh Alan, how could I be so stupid? I took Aaron's word for your cheating and he had those awful pictures."

Alan said, "Why couldn't you at least talk to me about Toronto? We could have worked it out. I would have found this woman then just like I did now. Why wouldn't you let me in?"

"I don't know, I was crushed that you were a cheat. I hated you, even as I still loved you. I was hoping that your guilt would make your tell me you had cheated, but you never did. After a couple of weeks, I knew you never would."

Alan stated, "And that was the first time you went to Aaron and let him fuck you, right"

Kate looked up sharply and said, "How did you know? Oh hell, yes, that was the first time. I figured if you could screw around I could too."

"I had pretty much gotten over the whole mess after I screwed Aaron. You didn't seem to cheat any more so figured we were even and let things go. Until…." Kate sobbed.

Alan finished the sentence for her, "Until Aaron showed you an email I supposedly sent to this guy Luke about setting up an Asian gangbang?"

"Yes, I knew then you were still cheating on me. Remember I tried to get you to confess when asked you if you had something to tell me?" Kate sobbed.

"I didn't have a clue what you were talking about, Kate." Alan snorted.

"I know that now. But then I was really just done with you." Kate continued.

"I had already started making love with Aaron several days before you left for Singapore. In fact we made love all night the night before you left. My pussy was sore for a week after your left."

Alan glared, "So it was making love and not fucking, eh? You had already thrown me away before I ever left for Singapore!"

Kate cringed, "Yes, I guess I had. I'm so sorry."

Alan sighed and looked away from his ex-wife, "The police are arresting Aaron today for crimes associated with this lie he perpetrated on us and also for some criminal acts at his business. The FBI is also going to get a piece of him."

Kate gasped, "Alan, how could you be so vengeful? I know he did bad things to you and us but he really is a nice guy."

Alan snorted again, "A nice guy? Does a nice guy promise his buddy in Singapore that he will get his wife's morals crushed enough so she will double team them when he comes to the States?

Does a nice man let a good friend become an alcoholic and a bum? Does a nice man steal someone else's family? Give me a damn break here. Get you head out of your ass sweetheart.

Your nice man is a lying, lower than worm shit, shit wipe."

Alan was panting, "Enough is enough. I have to get this charade over with."

"Kate, I don't want to hold you up from going to your fuck session with your two Singapore friends. Kate's eyes opened wider. So just listen. I want to hear you say, "Alan, I know you are innocent and I am so sorry. Will you be my husband again?" Now can you say that Kate?"

Kate thought for a few seconds and repeated what Alan had said. She held our her arms to Alan and smiled, "Alan, I know you are innocent and I am so sorry. Will you be my husband again?" And she reached for him.

Alan jumped back and sneered, "Be your husband again. Not on a damn bet. You're history.

After your latest fuck sessions with the Singapore twins, I wouldn't fuck you with Aaron's dick and certainly not mine."

Kate fell back as if she had been physically slapped.

Just then, the phone began ringing. Kate paid no attention to it, Alan walked over and picked it up and said, "Walls residence." He listened for a few seconds and said to Kate, "It's for you."

Kate took the phone and said hello. As she listened to the person at the other end of the line, her eyes got bigger and bigger, and her face got paler and paler, and then she finally fainted and fell to the floor.

Alan retrieved the phone and said, "I believe Mrs. Walls understands your message. Thank you." He hung the phone up.

He poured a glass of water and walked over to Kate. He stood over her and simply poured the water over her face. She sputtered awake.

She sat up and sobbed, "That was the police. Aaron tried to make a run for it in a stolen car. He slammed into a bridge abutment on I-270 going about a hundred miles an hour. They said it appeared there was something wrong with the brakes. He died instantly. What is going to happen to me now? He's dead, you're innocent and don't want me."

Alan just smiled and started walking to the door. "Well Kate, first thing is I never heard you say anything about what was going to happen to little Alex in this whole thing. You don't seem to be too concerned about your son. But I am taking care of that. I'll explain in a second. But first, who is going to take care of you? Maybe you can convince old Luke to take you back to Singapore and put you to work at that whorehouse he took me to. Or maybe you can just rot in

hell. Frankly my ex-wife, I don't give a damn."

Alan looked sadly at Kate and continued, "Oh, I did think to send the videos to your folks. I think they will find it amusing to see their goody two shoes daughter cheating on her husband. Oh yes, one last thing, your husband's life insurance will not be paid because he was killed in commission of a resisting arrest crime. The government is seizing his 401K and other investments until such time as the federal criminal actions are resolved. That could take years."

Kate sobbed and twisted her hands together.

Alan finished his visit with, "Now about Alex. My attorneys took all of the proof I showed you, plus the video proof and calendar dates of your own infidelities and sexual games to the judge. We also took the arrest information for your beloved late husband to him. The judge believes that Alex is better served by living with me until we can sort out new custodial arrangements.

Here is a court order to that effect. I have hired a nanny who will be picking him up along with a social services agent at the school in about twenty minutes. With luck and some smart lawyering from my stable of attorneys, this morning when you said good-bye at his school s the last time you will ever see him."

"So good luck Kate. You can live like I have for the passed few years. Maybe I'll relent and take you back after you have served your penance. I think four years will suffice. So be very good for four years and live as a pauper and all alone as I had to.

Alan walked out and closed the door on Kate. As he walked toward the rental car, he looked back on the day and saw that it was good. He could now go home and see his son and get to know him again. All is right with the world and Alan began to whistle the tune:

I wake up in the morning and I wonder,
Why everything's the same as it was.
I can't understand. No, I can't understand,
How life goes on the way it does.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Norseman123Norseman123over 1 year ago

Got what the bitch deserved

inka2222inka2222over 1 year ago

OMG amazing sequel!

opheliusopheliusover 2 years ago

Badly written and needs editing, but I enjoyed the BTB bit.

JonDoe315JonDoe315almost 3 years ago

the ending with the wife seemed alil rushed but also seemed like just ramblings. shouldve just gave her the papers and get his son and be gone. speaking of the son, there was barely any mentions on the son in the story on how he took it or age or anything.

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