D6, or a Geek Gangbang

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The first thing Amy did was find a local D&D group.
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The first thing Amy did when she moved was find a local D&D group. She had a secret she didn't want anyone to know: nerds turned her on.

This group was unusually all men, 5 of them with just her as the only woman. The groups were at least a little mixed nowadays, so even she was surprised to run across an all-guy group. She'd been playing with them for several months now, digging their intelligence and the deftness with which they played their roles. Actually, she realized one day, she liked all of them.

Sometimes she liked to wear low-cut shirts just to taunt them, noticing when they had trouble paying attention, their eyes wandering to her chest. Most of the time she could tell they enjoyed her for her wit, her rogue's usefully swift hands and quiet feet, and her knack for improving plans to approach something useful.

She'd considered asking out one of the players, Tom, a few times, but then work always seemed to get in the way. Really, all she had was time for was her Friday night gaming session which she didn't mind, but she was getting really tired of her vibrator and literotica. That didn't stop her from enjoying his tall spare body and green eyes.

Usually, they all met at Eric's apartment because it was the largest, and because he was the DM. She liked the way he ran a campaign: occasionally sadistic and always innovative. Although he did have an over-enthusiasm for tentacled beasties with mind-control powers. She couldn't believe that he was a DM; he was built like a linebacker which filled out his tall frame. He claimed that he was a scrawny band nerd growing up, and had only recently taken to lifting weights. She was somewhat doubtful.

One Friday he made a new suggestion: there was a particularly action-packed adventure coming up, and they'd previously talked about integrating some larp elements into their sessions. The kind with costumes and weapons and the whole nine yards.

Why not? They had the room. And two of the others, Alex and Jesse, had just come back from one of the local larping cons. The night was set to two weeks hence, plenty of time for her to sew a decent suede bodice. She wasn't sure how tiny Alex was going to get in character as the campaign's tank, but it would be amusing nonetheless.

Jesse even offered to come over early and help with refreshments and room setup. She had forgotten how he regularly did refreshment for his friends, but he was happy to remind them all with tales of feeding a horde of hungry party-goers with the post-pot munchies. Even Avi, usually dry andsardonic with his dark eyes over heavy brows, had a gleam in his eye when planning the larp.


The day of, Amy ground her teeth in frustration. Yes, she had definitely cut the bodice way too small. Even lacing it tightly in front, there was a gap of an inch or so. To make it worse, it was cut way too low with her breasts nearly half-exposed. But the pants fit perfectly, if a bit snugly, and her belted-on sword and cap completed the outfit convincingly. It was not a warm night, so she was glad she could throw on a sweater and head out.

Jesse grinned in pleasure as she looked about, mouth agape, at the transformation of Eric's apartment. The kitchen was now a dimly-lit pub, the living room was transformed into a primeval forest and the den was now a wide open plain with its furniture pushed off to the side. She ran her hand through his curls affectionately while congratulating him.

Blast fussing over her costume so much and blast the Friday congestion, she thought; she was the last to get to Eric's apartment. The others had already sat down around the kitchen table, enjoying Jesse's spread. Setting down her bag, she grabbed the hem of her sweater and pulled it off.

Conversation ceased. All five of them were staring at her and her left nipple, which had decided to pop out of the too-small bodice. Even Avi, who she was pretty sure was gay. Hastily she shoved her breast back into place and poured herself a large drink from the pitcher before tossing it off in a show of bravado.

Usually that pitcher was filled with iced tea, and that drink was definitely stronger than iced tea.

"How do you like the mead?" inquired Tom. "I got some from a friend of mine."


"Let's get down to business," Eric intoned. They all agreed.

Amy was impressed with their costumes, from Alex's chainmail to Avi's well-tailored country hobbit outfit and Tom's simple white blouse and black jeans.

She, like everyone else, was starving and quickly finished the sandwiches and the first two pitchers of mead.

The game had been planned immaculately. All of them had been playing their characters for long enough that they easily slid into the roles. The plot was a bit uninspired: they had to retrieve an important knife from a mind-controlling wizard who was using it to affect the moods of the villagers near to his secret lair. All of them were definitely enjoying the ability to move around and act out roles rather than relying on their dice. Funny, Amy hadn't remembered this to be such a touch-friendly crowd. But she definitely liked it how Alex swept a few stray hairs away from her forehead, or how Tom put his elbow on Jesse's shoulder as he leaned nonchalantly.

Heading into the pantry, Jesse commented "Did we really go through four liters of mead, already?"

"Yes, luckily there's another two bottles, but you all had better crash here tonight, just in case."

"In for a penny, in for a pound," Amy commented, taking another swig of her mead. Was it warm in here or was it just her? She ran her hand down her neck and side, before resting it on her hip. She was unaware of how closely they all watched her and oblivious to the ways in which they all licked their lips and artfully covered their erections from view.

"So, back to the adventure. You know Wizard Tamurik has the knife, and that his lair is in the hill over there." Eric gestures with his hand to the bedroom. "What do you do?"

"Well, I am the best thief in six counties; it would be better for me to sneak in and get the lay of the land before we launched an assault, right?" Amy was feeling ripe to put her skill at sneak to work.

Adjourning to the bedroom, Eric dressed himself up as the wizard and set to reading a manuscript at his desk. Examining the room, Amy spotted the knife on the table beside Eric's bed. With the other three adventurers watching from the doorway, she can't help attempting to prove her mettle and steal the knife from its stand.

No sooner did she put a hand on the knife than Eric, as Tamurik, rose and in a few steps crossed the room to be in front of her.

"What do you think you're doing here, girl?"

"Erm, uh.."

Face to face, he began to push her towards the bed with one hand.

"You were trying to take. my. knife."

With the last word, he shoved her hard onto the bed before climbing on top of her.

"You know what I do to girls who go where they aren't supposed to?"

"What?" she asks in a small voice, realizing for once how large Eric actually was. She attempted to squirm away but he held her down firmly.

His blue eyes refuse to break contact with hers and she suddenly begins to feel a bit flushed.

"I give them exactly what they want," he responds, cryptically.

Climbing off of her, he yanked her up by her bodice laces and shoved her into the arms of her waiting compatriots. Carrying her to the living room, they plunked her down on the sofa and started questioning her.

Eric blinked a bit as he got out of costume but wishes he could stay in it; that cloak would have definitely hidden how turned on he was. How had he never realized she had such nice tits? And the way her hair spread across the bed..... Errrrr, time to distract himself.

All of them took the time to consume another glass of mead.

"But the more you question her," Eric addressed the adventurers, "the more you begin to doubt the veracity of her answers."

The questioning becomes more fierce. Avi turned to Jesse to say, "Can we even trust what she has to say? How do we know her mind hasn't been tampered with by the magician? How do we know she hasn't become his thrall and is actually spying on us?"

"Good question! We'd better tie her up, just to be sure!" was Jesse's reply. And to Eric's chagrin, Jesse took out a length of rope that Eric was sure was his, and bound her hands firmly behind her back before even Amy could react.

"We'd better disarm her too!" Grabbing her shoulders, Tom allowed Alex to slip his hands around her waist, unbuckling her sword and grabbing her ass. Amy had never been so aware of her choice to go commando before.

As Tom shoved her back, her face became more flushed and she panted for breath. Her tied hands forced her chest up and out. Unfortunately, stretched beyond what they were meant to take, the bodice laces snapped.

The men couldn't help staring; they hadn't expected her to be as well endowed as she was. Without the ability to cover herself, Amy could only blush furiously and fight at her bonds. There was something vaguely...predatory in her friends' eyes, something she had never seen before.

Tom spoke then, placing a hand over her heart. "I cast a truth spell over her."

She sucked in breath.

"Do you want us to untie you?" She gave a very slow shake of her head.

His large hand moved to cup her left breast, his thumb moving across her nipple as it stiffened.

"Do you want us to continue?" Another nod. "All of us?"

"Yes. Please."

On her right side, Alex wrapped an arm around her waist, gently running the nails of his free hand from her neck to her other nipple. They all enjoyed the way her eyes rolled back in her head and her back arched involuntarily. He traced his way back up, slowly moved his fingers over her swollen lower lip. She opened her mouth and began sucking his finger with relish, enjoying the sweet tang of skin and the joy of having something in her mouth. Everyone seemed to be holding their breath as they watched her suck and let out small noises of pleasure.

Breaking the spell, Eric announced, "Experience points to the whole party every time she comes." Cheers erupted, albeit somewhat dazedly and distractedly on Amy's part.

Reverently, Avi began kissing down the length of her boots before slowly unzipping and removing them. His fingers slid under the waistband of her leggings, so tantalizingly close to her cunt that Amy gasped in impotence. Slowly, oh so slowly he pulled her leggings off, hands lingering on her ass. Everyone in the room could smell the rich scent of her arousal; there was no doubt that she was getting off on this, hard. Both Alex and Tom took a nipple in their mouth, their warm hands helping her to arch her back even deeper. Avi lazily ran his fingers through her bush while gradually kissing up her thighs. She shuddered in anticipation.

Grabbing her hair and locking eyes with her, Eric talked in that same voice he had used with his wizard, a voice she had never heard before.

"Good girl, that's it. It feels so good to give in, doesn't it? I know you've wanted this for a long time. You've needed this. That's it, give into our control, give into your pleasure. Other people say we nerds are all virgins or clumsy buffoons who only want to give ourselves satisfaction. But you know differently, don't you? You know how much we love to please, how creative we are, how very good we are with those fingers. That's the real reason you signed up to be in an all-guy campaign, because nerds get you all hot and bothered."

She sighed as Avi chose that moment to run a single finger up her clit, remembering how he boasted of his video game prowess. Her eyes closed and her face contorted in pleasure as he spread her lips and began gently licking just the tip of her clit. Hands were holding her, caressing her, scratching her as she felt herself spiral down and down and her vision faded to grey. Whimpers turned to moans turned to cries as as she felt the orgasm break over her.

Jesse eagerly asked, "How does she taste?"

"Delicious. Here, taste yourself," said Avi, grabbing his friend and kissing him passionately.

"Mmmm, she does taste good, let me have a try!" Jesse's tongue was softer, flatter, more lush as he ate her out. He slipped first one finger, then two inside her cunt as Tom held her on his lap with her legs spread apart. Tom's mouth wound lazy circles and nibbled down the length of her neck, his nibbles turning to bites as Jesse finger-fucked her harder. The second and third orgasms followed one right after another, propelled by Jesse's skillful manipulation of her g-spot. She was completely gone to putty, overwhelmed by the sensations and her powerlessness.

"So now you've seen what good lovers we can be, it's time to take it up a notch." Eric stood before her, unzipping his pants. Eric's raising of an eyebrow was the signal Tom needed to grab her hair and hold her still as Eric forced his cock deep into her mouth. She could only relax her throat as he rammed it in, her nose buried in his pubic hair.

She was rewarded with hard twists to her nipples and nails digging into her thighs. Eric continued to croon such sexy dirty things, forcing her to maintain eye contact as he reminded her of exactly how slutty she was. He grunted in pleasure when his words made her suck him more desperately. He grew harder and she could feel him reach the edge.

"Come for me now, girl!" Her entire body spasmed as she came, feeling his salty cum shoot into her mouth before she collapsed.

"I think...the bedroom will be a bit more comfortable," said Eric weakly. Untying her, they led her to the king-size bed and allowed her to sprawl luxuriously. Gathering in a corner, they left her to enjoy the feeling. Eric opened a few drawers and handed out several items.

Now naked, Alex slid beside her on the bed and held her close, his legs entwined with hers. "Will you let us put a butt plug in you?" he whispered. She nodded and kissed him deeply, feeling Eric's bulk behind her as he slipped two lubed fingers around her asshole and then deep inside her. Her teeth bit into Alex's shoulder and her hips rocked against his as Eric began to thrust more insistently. Withdrawing his fingers, Eric easily slipped the small, cool metallic plug into her ass. Alex rose, pinning her arms to the bed and she felt her legs spread again as the familiar sound of a hitachi reached her ears. Her nipples were adorned with delicate clips. She panted as she tried to process all of the new sensations.

She came and came again, under the gaze of her geek friends. It only seemed to inflame them further; Jesse lost control and thrust his cock deep into her mouth, moaning in pleasure. She sucked in earnest as the hitachi carried her off to another orgasm. She could feel him ready to cum when he withdrew and came across her face and hair in large strands. Slumping against the backboard, his eyes were glassy with spent need.

Amy cried out as the butt plug was removed. Moving her onto her hands and knees, Tom guided his thick, well-lubricated condom-shod cock towards her asshole, allowing her to savor the sudden fullness before sliding balls-deep inside of her. Her mouth hung open as she moaned. Tilting her head up, Avi slipped her mouth over his long cock, using Tom's hard thrusts to force his cock down her throat before pushing back. Amy felt the hitachi return to her clit as both men fucked her slow and hard. She ground her hips against both the hitachi and the cock inside her, wanting more.

"I think I want to fuck your cunt instead," said Avi, withdrawing his cock from her mouth. Sliding in under her, he slipped on a condom and guided himself inside of her, kissing her hard as she gasped from new sensation of being doubly penetrated. She could only dig her nails into Avi's arms, overcome with how good it felt to be used like this. Tom buried his hand in her hair, gently pulling it and pushing her towards mindlessness. She felt herself let go, her mind too occupied by the pleasure she was receiving. She vaguely heard Eric coaxing her deeper and deeper into her pleasure; the men took care of moving her to where she needed to be. Every inch of her felt deliciously dirty and used. Each one of them took a turn fucking her mouth and her cunt, she was pretty sure. Mostly. All she cared about was that they were making her cum, oh so many times.


Amy came-to surrounded by warmth, as her compatriots had surrounded her in her sleep. She smiled to see Jesse spooning Avi and looking especially blissed out. Her stirring woke them and she was greeted by sheepish smiles.

Grinning, she said, "Let's do this again next week!"

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bottovarnisbottovarnis11 months ago

great! Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

My dnd group had been this much fun.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Me please lol

Oh holy shit, I'd be Amy any day. Nerds ARE the best lovers ;) These thoughts are gonna make my next RPG session... awkward though

maddictmaddictover 6 years ago

Dark and dirty or Deliriously delightful ?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I would love this to happen at my d&d sessions!! My guys need to be more adventurous i think :p Super sexy story, please think about writing a sequel.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

If only we had female players like this back in my old group.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

A gangbang, roleplay, AND geeks, in the same story? It must be my birthday!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
I've always loved D&D

... But now I'm going to get wet every time I roll a D20... Why oh why aren't my geeks more assertive and interested in sharing? Hot story! Sequel ?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Very well done

Maybe next week, include an assassin. There's always a place for them as they generally have more skills then other classes. lol


kuroukiphoenyxkuroukiphoenyxabout 11 years ago

Are there nerds like this in alabama? Holy hell was that hot!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Loved it!

I would love to trade places with Amy. Gaming, LARP, 5 cocks all to oneself? Yes please!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

As a DnD player, and a writer, I very much enjoyed this read. I would have liked to have gotten more detail as to how each of them took her, particularly since there was some established sexual tension with Tom, but he was never described directly having sex with her, and that would have been a good reward. (Side note: it is so true about geeks being better lovers. I am a hardcore gamer, both console and table-top, sci-fi/fantasy enthusiast, writer, DM, and a fantastic lover. We are often more creative, insightful, and thoughtful. And foreplay/teasing is not lost on us.)

Any chance for a sequel? Love to read more, maybe some stuff where the narrative continually switches between their adventure and sex? Some in-character fucking? Allow you to add some action and story elements in, I already like the characters, they are well established.

Just some thoughts. Great read. Will be following! :)

- Jm

thebuffalothebuffaloabout 11 years ago

I give it five stars, something I rarely do. This is well written, interesting and more than a little hot. Sure, there were a couple of mistakes that should have been caught in edit, but they were minor. It would have been nice if the author had explained for us non-D&D folk.

Great job!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Good read

People with good imaginations make the best lovers. I once had a D&D game with 4 woman and 2 men players, I had been sexual with all 4 women, and sometimes with 2 of them at a time! Once you go geek, you'll never settle for less!

LuckyBastard13LuckyBastard13about 11 years ago
Nerd Power!

"'Cause all Jocks ever think about is sports, all we ever think about is sex"

Nice read, thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
a fun read :-D

having been a D&D'r myself, and other RPG's, and been a DM/GM ... this was definitely a fun read :-D

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