Daddy Paul


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"It's okay baby . . . it's okay . . . just let it happen," Daddy said and kissed me, letting the tip of his tongue slip between my slightly parted lips.

My arms slipped around his neck and my legs around his waist as my orgasm erupted. I could feel my pussy gripping down on his cock as I writhed under him, repeating over and over, "Daddy Paul . . . Oh my God . . . Daddy."


When my orgasm began to subside, Daddy held my hips and started stroking into me again.

"Oh, baby girl, I can't believe how tight you are, how damn good you feel," he said as he thrust inside me harder and deeper until I could feel him begin to spray his cum inside me. It seemed to go on for a long time until he breathlessly said, "Your obedience and willing submission to God has pleased him and given me much spiritual satisfaction, Jenna."

"I didn't intend to Jenna . . . but, I drained my balls inside that sweet, tight pussy of yours." Even as he said this, I could still feel his cock jerking and oozing out the last of his cum into my unprotected pussy.

"It's alright, my child, it's alright, he reassured me. God ordained our union, and I dreamed you would come to me. In a sense, you've given yourself to God through me, and all you need do is to continue to follow his word and heed my directions to lead you on the righteous path."

As I lay snuggling next to him, Daddy Paul turned me onto my back and furiously began humped into my pussy that was already overflowing with my juices and his spent cum.

"Despite your earlier transgression and unintentional disregard for God's plans for you, he has seen the innocence and purity of your heart, my lamb, and your soul will be rewarded." Whispering these words to me, Daddy began to groan softly and then to grunt as he ejaculated inside me again, filling me with spurt after spurt of his thick, creamy sacramental cum.


A few days later, after concluding our afternoon bible lesson, Daddy had me stand and lean over the dining room table with my dress bunched up over my hips. I did as he said as Daddy slowly pulled my panties pulled down. I quietly stood obediently in front of him as Daddy buried his beautiful instrument of love and guidance inside my pussy. With his eyes closed and holding me tightly by the hips, he pounded away until he emptied himself and his balls hung loose and low between his legs.

Standing there with him grinding his shrinking cock inside me . . . we prayed . . .

After a few minutes, he said absently, "Your Grandpa is still getting more than his share of loving, did you know that? Boy, you should have seen him when he was in his prime and when he was in better health, he was the one," Daddy said and chuckled to himself. "That old coot, your Grandpa, was an important man at the church; everybody looked up to and admired him, especially the women. The word was, he was hung like a horse . . . that man could go all night, every night with the right woman . . . hell, we both could."

Daddy got off me and busted out laughing as he started adjusting his pants . . . "Even when your Grandma was alive, your Grandpa was busy chasing him some church girl tail. He liked 'em young, cooperative, and pretty. I can't tell you the number of little bastards we got here in this church."

I don't think he was aware of what he had just said, but it was then that for the first time, I began to feel Daddy Paul wasn't who he made himself out to be. Despite my suspicions, I said nothing but continued to believe in and love him. I stayed . . . afraid to leave and be alone and not have his love.


Things came to an unexpected end right before the Easter holiday the following year.

Daddy was still the respected Pastor Paul Stephenson of the Evergreen Community Church; at home, however, he had all but dropped the religious facade and, emboldened by our familiarity, had become more aggressively sexual and demanding with me. Things began to change slowly but undeniably as far as what I felt God expected of me and what was required for my salvation.

We had returned home one night from a late service, and I lay there on my stomach, half asleep, pleading with him:

"Daddy, no . . . wait, wait."

"God wants you to do this, Jenna. Open your heart to God's instruction and allow yourself, Jenna, to revel in the anointment that he will convey through me."

I screamed as he again tried to press himself inside me, but I was too tight, and he was having difficulty getting past the tight, restrictive ring. I could feel his weight, his chest against my back.

"Listen to God, Jenna let him lead you," he said as he shoved one finger and then a second one inside me.

Even as I tried to squirm from under him, he kept them firmly lodged inside me. I cried out again, but this time it was different. The first time, I had felt the new sensation of pain and pleasure as each small stroke forced a sharp cry from me that sounded like something a trapped bird would make. I tried to force myself to relax, but it seems that the more I tried to relax, the more my muscles would constrict as they tried to hinder the intrusion of his fingers into my dark, virgin channel.

"Daddy . . . ."

Finally, with a deep, frustrated sigh that ineffectively hid his annoyance, I felt Daddy roll away and lay stretched out next to me.

"Alright, alright, Jenna, enough. You've disappointed God with your defiance, but even in this, he will forgive you. We will pray for you to conquer and dispel this defiant spirit and come to God with a willing and obedient heart."

With that admonition, Daddy Paul, though still upset, positioned me on my side. Then spooning behind me, he lifted my leg and forcefully entered my pussy. His hand roughly cupped and squeezed my breast as Daddy held me tightly to him. As he prayed and called upon the Holy Spirit to guide him and help him to show me the righteous path, with increasing speed, he fucked me until he found the blessed release he sought.

Looking back, I suspect our distancing had more to do with me and my changing attitude than Daddy. I had begun to question him and his religious guidance. I no longer felt secure in my previously unshakeable trust and belief in Daddy Paul and his interpretation of the Bible and God's will. Daddy would expose himself to me and use me in the name of our Savior whenever he "felt" the spirit, and gradually our intimacies lost all pretense of religiosity. To my shame, I continued to pray and righteously submit to intimate anointments and blessed intercourse with Daddy, even though I had begun to pull away from him emotionally.

As more time passed, I began to see him for the liar and user that he was. Becoming more and more aware of how he used religion and the faith of others to manipulate them, particularly as it related to women . . . the women within his congregation . . . and me.


Not too long ago, Daddy and I were in the choir loft of the church counting hymnals, preparing for the evening's choir practice, when I felt Daddy come up behind me. Reaching around me, he cupped my breast and whispered into my ear, "You have such beautiful, firm, youthful breasts, Jenna. Did you know I can see your wide, dark areolas through that thin fabric of your blouse, the way your nipples press forward and get hard and erect?"

I could feel his growing erection against the small of my back as he took a few steps forward and pushed me against the wall. He unzipped his pants, and his freed cock sprang out huge and jerking with anticipation. Lifting my skirt, this old man entered me with a firm, demanding cock. Of course, I was wet . . . I was always wet for him (he had trained me well). He held my hips and started slowly pumping. His pumping got faster, and he came inside me hard and deep and for what seemed like a long time before he finally drained his balls.

I could feel his cock softening inside me, but he didn't pull all the way out. Leaning forward, his weight holding me against the wall, my cheek pressed against the sweet-smelling, cedarwood of the choir loft wall. "Oh, fuck Jenna," Daddy said in a very un-godly tone, "You feel so fuck'n good. . . I can't seem to get enough of that tight, hot pussy of yours." To my surprise, although I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised, Daddy Paul, who was close to sixty years old, was getting harder. We stood there for a while, and then I gasped when without warning, Daddy pushed himself deeper inside me and began to rut in my already cum filled pussy.

God help me . . . it felt amazing, and I began to cry as my body shamelessly betrayed me, and my pussy contracted hard around his cock when I started to orgasm. Pressed against the wall, on shaky legs, I felt his dick explode into my pussy, and I shivered as he began to gush his hot load inside me.

I could feel Daddy trembling inside me for several seconds before he reluctantly pulled his still leaking dick out.

"There's no shame in being a little whore for God. Some folks believe that's what Mary Mag was, a whore for God . . . like you," he said.


I hadn't willingly let him "anointment" me in over a week, and Daddy was perturbed and had spent a lot of time berating and chastising me for my blasphemy, ingratitude, and apparent turning away from God. Despite his professed anger, he came to my room one night after I had gone to sleep and got into bed with me. Lying next to me, he slipped his arm under my naked body, pulled me toward him, and began fondling my breasts. With his other hand, he slid it down my stomach to my smooth, soft mound and started rubbing my clit. My eyes opened in surprise, and I immediately began struggling, squirming as the familiar achiness ignited between my legs.

"Stop! Stop!" he said angrily against my cheek.

Daddy viciously pinched my already swollen clit, thinking it would make me submit, but instead, his roughness pushed me over the edge and into an orgasm. As my orgasm subsided, I felt him open my thighs and rest one on top of his hip. With my legs parted, he reached between my thighs and, with his fingers, began to tease my now sopping wet slit. Despite my resolve . . . I had to admit what he was doing felt good, and I began to moan.

Daddy began to laugh, "You know you like the way I make you feel," he said and pushed his cock in as far as it would go and began stroking. Afterward, we lay there, sweating and breathless, the small dark bedroom, reeking of sex as he slowly pulled his cock out of my wet, sticky pussy. All thought of God or my salvation was a distant consideration, and Daddy was just an older man who was easily aroused and excited by a young, reluctantly submissive pussy.

Though sexually satisfied, that night left me feeling degraded and humiliated.


Things came to an unexpected end right before the 4th of July holiday, when I finally told Daddy that I would be moving out at the end of the month. After that, I was on guard and tried to stay out of his way, and began locking my bedroom door at night. This action infuriated him even more and, in some unintended way, intensified his obsession with me, not because he wanted me, but more because I felt he needed to assert his control and dominance over me.

It was a Sunday morning, and as usual, Daddy and I had gotten to the church office early to make sure things were ready for services later that morning and to go over Daddy's sermon a final time. I was standing at the file cabinet when I heard Daddy come into the office.

"Come here, Jenna," he said.

I turned and looked over at him and was surprised to see he had undone his pants and freed himself. Embarrassed, I lowered my head and tried to go back to what I was doing, even though I knew what he wanted. Having not been with him sexually for the last two weeks and from the look of his exposed cock it was obvious he hadn't been with any of his other female congregants.

I can only describe his tool as huge. Despite his age, Daddy was a big, muscular man who, when fully erect, had a cock that was long and whose girth had to be only slightly smaller than the circumference of my wrist. Seeing him exposed, with his cock growing quickly between his legs, I was momentarily filled with a sense of dredge and anticipation, knowing what he would do and how it would feel at first penetration. From experience, I knew that after not having had sex with him for a while, his swollen organ would make me squirm and whimper. Eventually, the discomfort would turn to moans of wet eager arousal once his length was buried within my tight warm sheath, and he began humping into me.

I felt Daddy's hand on my shoulder as he directed me toward his desk and urged me to bend over its edge. I knew what was going to happen, and my initial impulse was resistance. I didn't want to fight with him, but I knew there was little I could do to stop him, and so I relented and did as he said, just wanting it to be over quickly. There in his church office, as the warming sun filtered through the thin, patterned curtains at the windows, Daddy pulled the crotch of my panties aside, separated my legs, and entered me. For an old man, early on a Sunday morning, he fucked me hard, grinding and grunting his pleasure, oblivious to where we were and any thought to the possibility of discovery.

Though I had wanted to resist him, it had been a while, and my body was hungry for him, and I came in a hard, intense orgasm almost as soon as he had entered me. As I bucked under him, I could feel the pressure and tension building until he suddenly screamed in a pleasurable release as he came cursing and swearing, spewing thick threads of cum that filled me to overflowing. Daddy Paul moaned and groaned through his orgasm, and just as he began to pull out, the office door burst open, and there stood Brother Franklin, Brother Carren, and Sister Johnstin, eyes bugging out of their heads and their mouths open.

"What's going on in here?" Brother Carren finally demanded to know. We were coming down the corridor and heard the commotion. We thought someone needed help.

Tears streaming down my face and Daddy's cum visibly dripping down my thigh, I quickly stood up, adjusted my clothing, and hurried past the three dumbstruck elders.

Daddy pulled up his pants, slipped his cock inside, and zipped up. Without saying a word. Daddy stared intently at the group standing in the doorway, who though still in shock, stepped aside and let Daddy leave the room.


Daddy was immediately suspended from his pastoral duties, and within a day or two, other women began coming forward with confessions and stories of their involvement with Daddy Paul. I wasn't naive enough to think I had been his only Lamb of God that he had shepherded, but I was hurt none the less to discover that he had been "anointing" other female congregants even as he endeavored to keep me on the righteous path to God.

Daddy Paul met with the Church Board a few days later and was summarily relieved of all pastoral duties and responsibilities. He was advised to have the church office cleared of his things and vacate the pastoral residence by the week's end.

After meeting with the Church Board, that night when Daddy got home, he was understandably quiet and subdued, and after telling me what had happened with the Church Board, he retreated to his study, closing the door behind him.

It was after 1:00 am when Daddy got into bed with me. He was already hard, hot, and insistent when he rolled me onto my back, eased between my legs, and pressed himself inside me. As he slowly thrust in and out of me, my legs encircled his waist, and my body relaxed and softened under him as he brought me to orgasm. For the first time, Daddy made love to me unhurriedly, with the primal instinct of a man physically, emotionally needing a woman.

My mind began to wander, and I thought about how unknowable life was. Here I was, barely nineteen, and I felt as if I had lived a lifetime. I look back and smile at my naiveté. Many of the ideas I had when I was younger had faded, changed, and matured, no longer so religiously self-righteous. I think my desires and expectations had begun to change that night when Jack Williams stole my virginity and was inextricably changed by my relationship with Daddy Paul. Though initially believing what I was doing was to God's glory, I think I always knew I had continued to give myself to Daddy because it felt good.


The sun was already high in the early afternoon sky as I watched the scenery pass after the car merged out onto the expressway, heading South.

I had made my decision last night that despite everything that had happened, despite our age difference, despite the sexually submissive role I had eagerly embraced, despite his manipulation of my religious beliefs . . . I still wanted to be with him.

As he drove, I took a deep breath and exhaled as I turned to look at his ruggedly mature but still handsome face. I closed my eyes and leaned back in the passenger seat as Daddy reaching across, spread my legs with his hand, and began slowly rubbing and masturbating me as we headed toward our new life.

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ToughSailorToughSailor8 months ago

Nicely written. The plot line solidifies my heart felt beliefs about the manipulative hypocrisy of organized religion. It would be nice if you could crank out another story focusing on the goodly, God fearing brothers who follow the pope . . . .

merrySMmerrySMabout 1 year ago


Loved this story. ❤️

Can't wait to read more of your stories.

One constructive criticism, would have liked a bit more detail in the sex scenes as:

"Shhhh . . . shhhh . . ." Daddy said. One hand started rubbing between my thighs, and I felt him pulling at my jeans, sliding them down my legs.

"You're so wet, Jenna. "

You went from her jeans being pulled down to, you're so wet.

Would have liked a little more play by play and what she was feeling, shock, shame, humiliation, etc.

Still, great story and action.

Very hot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I loved it. The story made me cry. I have been the organist at my church for the past 24 years. When I was 29 our minister retired and was replaced by Father Jason who was in his early 40's. I have always been a plain looking and dressing person, and very religious like the girl in the story, and I never had a boyfriend. Father Jason had been at St John's for several months, and one day (a Saturday) he asked me to come to his office to look at some organ music he had recieved from another parish. One thing led to another and I ended up on my knees sucking his penis.

I was confused and thrilled at the same time that any man would be interested in me that way. Thereafter, he took my virginity (it hurt) and for the next 15 years he would"use" me whenever he wished until he was transferred to a larger church in another state and I never heard from him again until his obituary was published in the church circular a couple of years later. To this day I have remained a plain and homely and unmarried Christian woman, but still touch myself frequently when I remember how wonderful it felt to be licked, Fucked and sodomized.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

fucking amazing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
So Fucking Hot

As a backslidden Christian i wish this happened in real life. Pastor knew what he was doing

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