Daddy’s Little Virgin Ch. 01


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"Uh huh." I said, as I cried softly. "I'm over eighteen, I'm an adult and it's up to me to decide who gets to take my virginity."

Wiping my nose and drying my eyes, I continued, saying, "Dr. Rob, you're the only one I could trust to talk to about this. I want you to be the one to examine me, and I want my Dad to be there and watch everything. But, if you won't do it, just tell me now and I'll start looking for another doctor who will."

"I see." He said, for the third time. Then, looking up at me he said, "Carly, can we talk in complete confidence for a few minutes?"

I was still crying, but, I nodded my head as I wiped my eyes.

"Okay, well, do you have any sexual experience with guys at all?" He asked. "Oral sex? Hand jobs? Anything?"

"No." I said, still sniffling.

"I assume you've discovered masturbation by now and you can bring yourself to climax. Is that correct?" Dr. Rob asked.

I blushed and nodded my head up and down.

"But, you've had no sexual contact with guys at all?" He asked.

"No." I said.

"Well, okay." He said, sighing. "Assuming I might do what you're asking, you understand I'd be taking a huge risk. I could lose my license if word of this ever got out."

"I know." I said, wiping the last of my tears away from my face. "I promise I'll never tell anyone, Dr. Rob."

"Not even Emma?" He asked. "I know the two of you are pretty close."

"I swear." I replied. "I won't breathe a word of it to anyone. Not as long as I live."

"And, you'd have to agree to come after hours when everyone is gone, and, I'd have to talk to your Dad for a few minutes alone before the exam. Is that agreed?"

"What would you have to talk to him about?" I asked.

"About you." Dr. Rob answered. "About why he was here, and, about what you've asked me to do. It's not fair to just assume he's going to be okay with this, you know. You need to give him the option to say 'No'."

After a second, he looked up at me from his stool and said, "I think I know exactly the best things to say to him, so why don't you just leave that to me."

"Alright." I said, looking over at him. "Does that mean you'll do it?" I asked.

"Yes, Carly." He said. "I will. But, let's discuss this for a few minutes so I'm absolutely sure what you want out of this."

He told me that something like this would have to be a mixture of a real female exam and a sexual response exam. "You know, it might be better if I have him play the role of an assisting physician, and he can help me with the exam..... if that's alright with you. I could even show him the different places to touch you, and actually let him do parts of the exam. It would be embarrassing...... almost humiliating, but, together, you and he could discover how and where you like to be touched. Does any of that interest you? Do you think you could handle that?"

The prospect of Daddy touching me under the guise of examining my body sent thunderbolts of excitement through me. "Oh, yes!" I said, excitedly.

"I'd probably even have him undress you." Dr. Rob explained. "And, when the time came, I'd have him touch your breasts and nipples so we could check your response to sexual stimulation. You'd have to understand you'd eventually be naked, with your feet in the stirrups and your legs spread wide open. You won't be able to hide anything, Carly. He's going to see your private female parts quite clearly. But, if that's what you want, I'll make sure he gets plenty of time to look and touch."

I nodded my head up and down as Dr. Rob spoke. "That's exactly what I want!" I exclaimed.

"When I examine your vagina," he continued, "I'll make sure to point out your clitoris, and I'll have him examine it thoroughly. If your hymen is intact, we'll do the same thing there. How does that sound?"

Again, I nodded my head furiously up and down.

"Of course, no one likes to have the dreaded anal exam, but, it has to be done. I'll be gentle, and I'll show him how to be gentle, too. Are you okay with that?" He asked. "Having your father touch you back there?"

"Yes, of course." I said, smiling at Dr. Rob.

"Should I show him how to masturbate you, and let him give you an orgasm?" He asked, grinning at me.

By now, my tears had stopped and my pussy was leaking profusely into may panties. "Yes. Absolutely yes." I said.

"So," he said, "if I understand correctly, you'll just come in here and be our submissive patient. You'll accept whatever we say, and whatever we do. Right?"

The thought of it was making me feel light headed. Everything he was saying sounded perfect to me. "I want him to do anything he wants to me." I said. "You're free to have him look and touch me anywhere. I'll do whatever you say – I promise."

By this time, Dr. Rob was smiling as he taunted me. "Excuse me for asking this so bluntly, Carly, but, are you sexually excited right now?"

Blushing again, I nodded my head and softly said, "Yes."

"Come here." He said, moving his rolling stool out to the middle of the exam room. "Stand right here in front of me if you don't mind."

I let myself down from the exam table and stood in front of him. As soon as I was still, he raised his hands to my waist and looked up at me. "Do you mind if I lower your jeans for a minute?" Dr. Rob asked. "I need to check something. It won't take long."

"Okay." I said, reaching for the snap of my jeans.

"Let me do it, if you don't mind." Dr. Rob said.

I pulled my hands away and watched as he gently unbuttoned my jeans and then reached down for the tab on the zipper. Without wasting any time, he pulled the zipper down and opened up my jeans. He could see my yellow panties – or the tops of them, I guess. I was a little surprised when his hands went to my waist and he started to push my jeans down, but I stood there and let him. I had to help Dr. Rob by wiggling my butt back and forth, and a few moments later, my jeans were just below my knees and he was looking directly at my thin, yellow panties.

"Can you spread your legs a little bit for me, Carly?" He asked nicely.

When I did, he carefully laid two of his fingers directly up against the crotch of my panties and gently pressed the fabric in between my pussy lips.

"Oh, my." Dr. Rob said. "Yes, you are definitely quite wet."

Then, reaching back up for the waistband of my panties, he started to pull them down slowly. My heart started to beat wildly, and I felt like I was out of breath as he pulled my panties down past my mound, exposing my pussy to his gaze.

Dr. Rob looked up at my face and asked, "Am I the first man, other than your father, I assume, to have the pleasure of seeing your vagina, Carly?"

"Yes." I croaked, barely able to speak. "He hasn't seen me naked for years, though."

"I guess that's going to change soon, huh?" Dr. Rob replied, grinning up at me.

"It'll be something he'll never forget, Carly." Dr. Rob added. "He'll get to see his little girl as a woman, and unless I miss my guess, soon after you leave here, you'll get your wish and I expect it'll be everything you hope it will be."

"Dr. Rob?" I said, blushing. "Is it going to hurt? You know, when he...... uh, puts it in me?"

I felt his fingers brush up against my labia, feeling for the slit between my slippery lips. He didn't stick his fingers in me, but, he looked up at me and said, "I don't want to touch you too much beyond your outer lips, Carly. I think that ought to be something we save for your father, don't you think?"

"Yeah." I said, almost swooning to his touch. "I think I'd like that."

He kept stroking me, though, running his fingers up and down my slit and diddling my clit. "Do you know for sure that your hymen is still intact?"

"Uh huh." I said. "It's still there. I've seen it with a mirror and I can feel it when I touch down there."

"I envy your father." He said in response. "I'm sure he'll take enough time and be gentle with you when it happens. I'll make sure I mention all that during your exam. But, to answer your question, you might feel something as light as a little pinch, or, it might be worse. Every girl is different, but, I'll be able to tell you better once I see you during your exam. If it looks like you might experience a lot of pain, or a lot of bleeding, we can do a small procedure during your exam to make it a little easier for you when the time comes."

"Actually," I replied, "I really don't care it if hurts, or if it bleeds. I just want him to be the one to do it. I was just wondering if it was going to hurt so I'd know what to expect, that's all. I've heard so many different things...... you know, from the girls at school."

"Don't worry about it." He said, as he continued to rub my clitoris. "I'll make sure we examine your hymen closely, and we'll talk about it a lot during the vaginal examination."

He continued to rub up and down between my lips, and my wetness was so obvious, I could hear the sound of his finger as he touched me. I spread my legs as much as I could with my panties around my knees, finally having to reach my hand out to his shoulder to support myself so I wouldn't fall over.

"That feels good, huh?" He asked.

"Hmm." I moaned. "Yes it does. It's feel wonderful."

"I'll teach your father to do this for you, Carly." He said, softly. "It's just a very light massage touch with the fingertips between your inner lips, up to your clitoris. The trick is to do it gently, with almost no pressure...... up and down, like I'm doing now. Maybe I'll send the two of you home with some homework after your exam."

Dr. Rob laughed, and looked up into my eyes. "You know, just a few things you can do together so he can get to know your body and what makes you feel good. Would you like that?"

"That would be great." I sighed, enjoying the contact of his experienced fingers as he touched me. Then, after a second, I couldn't help but whimper as he massaged my clit and then rubbed around the opening of my pussy. I leaned on his shoulder as he touched me, wishing he'd use more pressure on my clit so I could cum.

"Excuse me for asking this, but, once you give up your virginity, do you plan to keep having sex with your father?" He asked, softly. "I don't mean to be nosy, I was just curious."

"I..... uh, don't have anyone else, and neither does he." I replied. "So, maybe we will. I hope so, anyway."

"I know he'd appreciate that, and I'm positive you're never going to find anyone who loves you more than he does." Dr. Rob said. "You're going to find that your father's love is going to be very special to you. It will feel warm and genuine every time you're together. Each time you take him inside you, it'll take your breath away."

Dr. Rob pulled his fingers from between my legs and held them to his nose. "You smell absolutely enchanting down there, Carly." He said, bending down to see my wet pussy lips. "I'm glad you've had the good sense to keep your pubic hair trimmed, but, you'll need to be completely bare for your exam. Is that okay with you?"

I nodded my head as he looked up at me. "I mean, if you really want your father to see everything," he said, "hairless is the only way to go. So, either you can do it yourself, or, if you come like this, I'll teach your father how to shave you properly during the examination. You can think about that between now and then."

I could literally feel myself gushing as I stood in front of him with my panties at my knees. Momentarily, I thought about the shaving aspect, and how nice it would be to have Daddy shave my pussy bare while I lie spread open on the exam table, but, I was pulled from my thoughts when he spoke again.

"If you don't mind, Carly," he said, "I'd like to ask a personal favor. Completely off the record, so to speak."

"Yeah, sure." I answered.

"Since I'm doing something for you, would you mind doing something for me?" Dr. Rob asked, and then without waiting for me to answer, he said, "As you can imagine, I don't get a chance like this very often. But, I'm kind of a connoisseur of fine panties..... and, well, would you mind giving me these panties? You understand what I mean, right?"

"Sure, I understand. No problem." I said, stepping back from him and kicking off my sandals. As I pushed my jeans the rest of the way down and started to pull my legs out of them, he made me promise never to tell his daughter, Emma, that I gave him my panties.

"You have my word." I said, smiling. "But, as long as we're being completely truthful, and as long as it's confidential, I might as well tell you that Emma already knows you have a thing for panties."

"I suspected as much." Dr. Rob said, chuckling. "That explains why she's been so generous to me in that regard. In any event," he went on, "it's probably best she didn't know I had her best friend's panties. It'll have to be our little secret."

I slipped my panties off and held them out to him. Dr. Rob took my yellow panties from me and held them open to look inside. Seeing how wet they were, he looked up at me and smiled.

"I appreciate this very much, Carly." Dr. Rob said as he wadded up my wet panties and slipped them in his pocket.

When I bent down to reach for my jeans, he rolled backwards on his stool. "We close the office early on Thursdays." He said. "Would you like to schedule your exam for, let's say, 3:00 PM this Thursday?"

Suddenly, the reality of everything hit me. Thursday was just a few days away, and looking over at him as he waited for my answer, I became more convinced than ever this was the right thing to do. "Absolutely." I said. Then, smiling, I buttoned my jeans back up and stepped into my sandals.

"Good." He replied. "Thursday it is. We can take as long as we need, and no one will disturb us. And," Dr. Rob added, "between now and then, maybe you should think about simple ways you can tease your father a little bit just to make sure he's interested. I'd hate to have this back fire on us."

"Okay, Dr. Rob." I answered. Then, I walked up to him and gave him a hug and thanked him for his understanding and his agreement to help me with my little plan.

"And, before I forget," he said, "when you come on Thursday, make sure you bring an extra pair of clean panties to your appointment.... some cute ones. And, I'd like you to play with yourself for a while, no more than an hour or so before your appointment time. But, don't touch yourself directly, Carly." Dr. Rob instructed. "Just do it over your panties. That way when your father undresses you, your panties will already appear wet."

"Remember," he said, as I turned to leave, "not a word to anyone about any of this, especially not to my daughter. I'm trusting you, Carly. Please don't betray my trust."

As I left the office and walked to my car, I giggled at the naughtiness of my plan and the way Dr. Rob was helping me out with Daddy. Thursday would be here before I knew it, and without a doubt, I knew it would be an experience I'd never forget. The first of many with Daddy, I hoped.

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Djmac1031Djmac1031over 2 years ago

Awesome sexy and fun. Loved it

PapaGolf414PapaGolf414almost 3 years ago

Terrific little story for a Panty Fetishist! It was nice that you were able to get Carly's little yellow panties into Dr. bob's pocket for his later enjoyment, and to let him know that his daughter knew about his petty fetish, and supported it! Now Dr. Bob should have an easier, care-free time with his own daughter's panties, and perhaps be able to supplement her suppy with some from Victoria' Secret! Looking forward to Ch.2, and Thanx for the Read!

aySolitude1964aySolitude1964about 6 years ago

Lovely...Excellent build, I think you are a gifted writer.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
This could not be any hotter

I am so wet reading this, you are an amazing writer!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I want to read the next chapters I am so addicted

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Need to have the next chapter after chaoter 2! Im addicted to this story

AverygoodlayAverygoodlayover 12 years ago
Loved your story

Loved your story Beth, sorry I only gave you 4 stars, but that was only because you didn't finish the story, it was so hot and even got this old man hot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Well written.

I imagined being her father and how exciting it would be a participant.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Excellent build, I think you are a well paced writer.

dreamer20077dreamer20077over 14 years ago



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

Didn't even make it to the end. Fantastic!

AmyfriendAmyfriendalmost 15 years ago
Wonderful story

and so exciting. I was so sad when it ended so quickly. Thanks for the read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Erotic, powerful and incredibly naughty.

This story is sublime. I really can't wait to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
I agree with Anon

I fully agree with Anon................................... GREAT WORK, QUIT YOUR DAY JOB SO YOU CAN SPEND MORE TIME WRITING,, It better not take too long for you to write some more chapters..Your Audience awaits.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

WOW! Cant wait for the next chapter - am very glad I'm sitting on a towel cos I'm soaked!! Hurry-up with the next chapter please!!

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