Daddy’s Retirement Gift


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He held Dani close and Frank wanted to cum with her, but he needed more than rubbing. "Oh yeah, come on baby! Do it, cum on your Daddy!" he moaned, wrapped his arms around her tighter and Frank was ready to explode with Dani.

His right hand squeezed and caressed her hips and Dani's tummy, while his other hand held her neck, squeezing, but not enough to hurt Dani, just hold her into submission and let her know that he was in charge.

She was helpless and cuming all over him and Dani loved it. Daddy held her and she was at his total mercy. "Daddy!" she cried out as wave after wave of pleasure flooded every inch of her body and Dani had to hold Daddy. He was giving her these wonderful feelings and it was time to return the favor.

Dani grabbed his cock, even with him being between her legs, she still had close to five, long inches to hold and she held it tight. "Daddy, it's so long and hard!" she cried, holding him with both hands and all of her might, while she pulled and gently tugged on it. He was like holding a long slippery, garden snake.

He was throbbing twice as hard as in the kitchen and Dani knew Daddy needed her help. She had gotten him this hard and it was her duty to fix it for him, even if she was his daughter. "Do ya wanta cum on me...Daddy?" she asked with a low, helpless whisper, as her hands held him and Dani started stroking Daddy.

"Hum? Tell me, Daddy! Say you wanta cum on me...on your daughter!" Dani moaned, turning her head and she kissed him. "Cum Daddy, cum on me!" she cried as her tiny hands stayed wrapped around his stiff shaft, stroking him hard and as fast as Dani could go.

He couldn't move as his daughter, pleasured him. Frank was now at her mercy and he liked it. She stroked him hard, fast and with gusto. "Oh yeah...go...come on, baby!" Frank moaned, but something was missing and he knew what it was. "Do that...voice...I love," he grunted as he thrust his cock to Dani's hands, knowing she would get him off.

"Cum for me, Daddy! Pweeze, Daddy!" she whispered, using the helpless, little voice again. "Daddy, cum on me, pweeze! I wanta feel it squirt on my belly, my little boobs and my little, wet...pussy too!"

Her little, soft voice sounded so good, it was all that Frank needed. Cum started shooting from the tip, quickly covering Dani's entire body and he thought the head of it had blown off. His body shook and he thrust back and forth, hoping to empty his straining balls all over his gorgeous daughters' body.

"Oh Dani, yes! My baby! My sexy baby!" he yelled out as his cock kept squirting all over Dani, until it finally finished. "I love you so much!" Frank moaned as he snuggled against her back, trying to catch his breath.

"Oh wow, I don't know why Mom cheats on you. If I was'd never want for anything at all." Dani moaned as she quickly sat up, ran to the bathroom and wiped herself off. She came back and slithered against him, but now, Daddy's cock was on her pussy and Dani was in heaven. "I'd make sure that my man was happy and got all that he um...needed," she said and made sure to whisper the last word to him.

Frank put his arm around Dani, grabbed her and pulled her even closer. He could feel nothing but heat and wetness pouring from her young body. "Are you always this warm?" he asked with a smile, gently kissed the side of her panting mouth and Frank had to flex his cock again.

"Ohhh, Daddy!" she moaned and slowly rubbed her pussy on his stiff cock. "I'm always this hot when...I'm anywhere near you." Dani added as her slender hips slowly rocked, rubbing her pussy over his swollen shaft.

"I could learn to really love that."

Dani smiled, kissed him and she said. "Good, because I think that we're about to go down a road of no return, right?" Dani all but whispered and hoped she was right.

He caressed her face and smiled. "I hope this doesn't fuck up our love for each other. I would die if I lost you." Frank said as he kissed Dani on the mouth. She wasn't his daughter anymore, she was now his lover.

"It won't Daddy," she purred and rested her head on his chest, thinking of all that was to come and the fun they were going to have.

"When I came home last night, I saw you in your room...playing!" Frank said and he heard Dani giggling. "What's so funning?" he asked as he caressed over her small, left nipple, enjoying her soft flesh against his fingers.

"I know you did, I had it planned that way. Tom called me and told me everything and that you were on your way home." Dani smiled as she thought of Daddy watching her pleasing her pussy and how exciting it was having him was watch. "I just watched for your truck and I started as you were coming down the hall," she giggled more and gave her Daddy a big hug.

"It was all fake?"

"No, I was thinking of you and very excited. By the time you got to my room, I was ready to cum and I did!" Dani said with lust in her voice.

"I loved seeing you do that. It was so exciting!" Frank said as he leaned to Dani's mouth and for the first time, they kissed as lovers.

"I'll do it for you again. I loved you watching me and I came so hard, it freakin' hurt!" Dani giggled as she thought of Daddy watching her and how fun it would be. "When I do, you can help me," she said with a loving purr, thinking of Daddy helping her.

"I'd like that, a lot." Frank replied and he kissed Dani again. "I'm ready to get a shower and make some breakfast. What about you?"

"Can I get in with you?" Dani asked putting out her lip, knowing Daddy was a sucker for it. "I'll be a 'good' little girl. Pweeze, Daddy," she using her little 'seduction' voice on him.

"On one condition."

"Anything you want, Daddy." Dani said as she caressed over his chest and down over his stomach, towards his growing cock.

"You're to wear panties at all times. If I'm going to do this, I want to take it slow and when we go for it...I want it to be very special for you." Frank said with his 'father' voice and Dani knew he meant business.

"That's fine with me; Daddy and I think you're right. It will make it better and we can take our time and turn each other on even more!" Dani said with a loving smile and she hugged him. "I'm going to get new panties, I'll join you in a few minutes," she said, jumped up and ran to her room to change.

Frank looked down at his throbbing cock and he couldn't believe how hard it was. "You're as bad as I am. Thinking about screwing Dani, my sweet, sweet baby," he said and got up and went to the shower.


He was under the water washing, when the shower door opened. "Need some help with that?" Dani asked as she watched Daddy soaping his stiff cock and she moved in front of him, knelt down and she took over.

Dani held him, watching it pulsing with his heart and she hoped to feel it doing the same thing in her. "I can't wait to feel it in me, Daddy," she moaned as her tiny hands moved up and down Daddy's soapy cock.

"It's going to so cool, you'll be my first guy and that you're my Daddy." Dani moaned stroking him faster, squeezing him and looking up to his handsome face.

"You get to fuck your horny, young daughter all you want!" she whimpered and Dani was on fire again and Daddy just made her cum, a few minutes ago. "Can I suck him, Daddy?" Dani begged, but she wasn't even sure if he heard or not.

He just stood watching Dani and her tiny hands felt like heaven around his cock. Frank knew she would be a wonderful lover and he knew that Dani would not screw around on him. She was a good girl and was going to be his.

Dani just smiled at Daddy and she rinsed the soap from him, opened her mouth and she took her Daddy. "Oh shit!" Frank moaned as his stiff cock slid deep into Dani's mouth and it stopped at the opening to her throat. Her mouth was wet, hot and she sucked him hard.

Dani heard him moan and she smiled around his long cock shaft. She was pleasing her Daddy and he loved it. Dani sucked, while her tiny hands slid up and down, while she squeezed, pulled and stroked him. She loved hearing him moaning and the way his hips moved back and forth. It was like he was fucking her young mouth and Dani loved it.

"Oh my baby girl! Suck me, suck me hard!"

She let him 'pop' from her mouth and Dani looked up to him. "Do you like it...Daddy? Hum? You gotta say it, Daddy. Say you like the way your daughter sucks your cock!"

"Yes, I love the way you suck me!"

"Nope, say I love my daughter sucking my cock," she moaned and stroked him fast. "Come on, say it, Daddy."

He loved Dani stroking him, but Frank really loved, being in her mouth. "I love my beautiful daughter...sucking my cock!" he said, grabbed Dani's hair and he pushed back in. Deep, to the back of her warm mouth and partway, down her soft throat.

She wanted to cum all over the shower, but that would be saved until later, when Daddy took her. Dani kept sucking, stroking and pulling Daddy's shaft, wondering if he would last this long when they fucked each other. She remembered the times when he would screw Mom and it seemed to go on for hours and hours.

"Want to cum on me, Daddy?"


"Do you want to cum on a hot, young girl?"

"Yes, make me cum, Dani!"

"Want to cum on your...daughter?" Dani growled and she felt him jump in her hands.

"Yes and I can't wait to fuck you too!" he grunted and that was all Frank could stand.

"Oh yeah, that's my good Daddy!" she giggled as cum shot from his cock and splashed on her breasts. "Yeah, cum Daddy!" Dani giggled as she jerked his stiff cock.

"Cum on your slut daughter!" she growled as her hands fucked Daddy's big, hard cock. "Cum on me, Daddy! Cum on your daughter! Cum on me!" Dani yelled at him as her tiny hands jerked him off and all of Daddy's hot seeds covered her entire upper body.

"Make me be your lover, Daddy! I want to be your lover!" Dani moaned and her pussy was practically screaming to cum with Daddy, but Dani wanted to save it until later.

Frank leaned against the wall as Dani went wild on his cock. Her Mom was a pro at this kind of thing, but Dani beat her hands down. Maybe it was because she was his daughter and so young, but either way, it was the best.

"Damn girl, I can't wait until we make love with each other, but I'm afraid you're going to kill me!" he laughed as Dani quickly washed off and she turned to hug him.

Dani heard Daddy and she just smiled. "I'd never do that to you, Daddy," she cooed and reached to slip his cock under her panty-covered pussy. Dani slowly rocked back and forth, teasing it and her Daddy again. "But, I am gunna wear you out, so be ready!" Dani said as she looked deep into his eyes, thinking of doing such a dirty and wicked thing with her Dad.

"If you think you can...go for it." Frank said with a grin and he gave Dani's butt a playful slap. "I'm always up for a long night of fun and you'd make it wonderful!"

"I will for you, Daddy. I can't wait to have you deep in me and shooting all that warm cum in my belly."

"Oh, you are on the pill or something, right? We don't need any two headed babies running around the house!"

Dani hated to lie, but she had to. "Oh yeah, I have been for the last two years."

"Good, I hate rubbers! I want to feel you wrapped around my cock and fill you full!"

Dani smiled and she hugged him. "Daddy, I love you so much and I'm dying to have you in me. I couldn't think of a better man than you," she smiled and hugged him again.

"We will tonight. I want it to be special for you and not just a quick fuck." Frank added as he reached down to caress her little ass, through Dani's wet panties, enjoying her soft butt on his fingers. "Would you rather stay at home and make a nice dinner or go out someplace and eat?" he asked as his hands caressed deeper, pulling Dani into his growing cock.

She rested in Daddy's big arms, loving his big ol' hands all over her ass and the feel of him growing because of her. "I'm thinking about staying here and I don't think I can wait Daddy...I need you and I need you now!" she said with need as her tiny pussy dripped like never before and it was for Daddy.

Frank could see the need on Dani's face and if his baby wanted him now, so be it. Frank scooped her up in his arms and walked towards his room. "Anything you want, baby girl...anything!" he growled and lay her on his bed, making sure he was over his baby. "I still can't believe we're doing this," he smiled and gently kissed her.

"It's kinda like one of those wild and sexy dreams, when you wake up all sweet and horny as hell! But, this is real," she cooed and reached to pull down her panties. "I'm so glad you're the one that's taking me, Daddy. I know you love me and I'm not just a quick piece of ass." Dani said as she returned his kiss and she lightly bit his lower lip. "I love you so much, Daddy!" she whispered and Dani spread her legs and she was ready for Daddy.

Frank reached down and made sure Dani was wet and he placed his cock-head at her flower. "I love you too, baby girl," he whispered, kissed her and Frank pushed.

"Oh Daddy, oh my God! Oh Daddy, you're in me! You're inside me...Daddy," she moaned and her tiny body squirmed under him. His cock wasn't that fat, but it was long as heck and Dani's body was in shock. "Ahhh, God, it feels so...weird, but soooo fucking good too!" she screeched when he gently thrust forward, pushing his cock deeper, until it hit the bottom of her pussy.

Her inside held him as did her arms and legs. Dani's entire body held him and it was a feeling that Frank hoped he would never forget. "Hug me like this from now on!" he moaned to Dani.

"Oh God, I know! This is so freaking hot, Daddy!" Dani whimpered as his steaming hot cock, rested in her. "I want me a hug like this every morning and every, single night." Dani moaned back to him as she savored the feeling of her Daddy's cock up her pussy and in her core.

"Daddy, I'm not on the pill, but I still want to make it with you. I don't care if I get pregnant or not. If I do, oh well."

"Oh God, are you joking, Dani? Do you want to try and have a baby with me?" he asked and when she nodded yes, he started moving back and forth between Dani's legs. "I love you baby," he said and Frank started loving his baby. His cock slipped into her body like a hot knife into butter, her insides gently hugged him, and he pumped her.

"Daddy, I love you! I love you so, so much!" Dani cried and Daddy's cock felt so good in her. She hugged him with all of her might and something erupted deep inside Dani's body. "Oh my fucking...oh fuck! Daddy! Daddy! Oh God! I'm cuming! I'm cuming on my Daddy! Yeah Daddy, fuck me! Fuck me, Daddy!" she squealed as he held her so tight and his long cock slipped in and out of her spasming pussy.

"Yeah, cum baby! Cum for me! Cum for Daddy!" he growled and he made love to Dani, hard and very deep. He watched his cock moving in and out of her bare pussy, enjoying her wetness and the slurping noise it made.

Dani held his arms as his long and very hard cock, slipped in and out of her so fast, she could hardly see it. "Go Daddy! I gotta feel you're cum shooting in me!" she cried as her pretty eyes stayed locked on his cock loving her pussy. "It's so good, Daddy! It feels sooo good! Fuck me, Daddy! Fuck me! Fuck me, Daddy!" she whimpered, her tiny body started to tremble like before and Dani exploded again.

Frank held Dani as his cock loved her like no other lady. He knew that she was his last. No other woman would ever enjoy it, but Dani. "Lord, I'm going to fill you so damn full!" he moaned and could tell his balls were filling with Dani's sweet gift of love.

"Daddy, cum in me! I want some hot, sticky... cum in me so I can have your baby, Daddy!" Dani whimpered as her hips thrust to his, slamming their bodies together. "Fill my pussy full of Daddy cum! I want it, Daddy! Cum up my little pussy, Daddy! Give me your baby, Daddy!" Dani whimpered louder, Daddy pumped faster, driving his cock into what Dani thought he was in her cervix, and if it was, she was surely going to get pregnant.

Frank kept on loving her hard and so deep. "You're going to kill me!" He grunted and Dani got her wish. Cum shot from the tip of his cock and it splashed in the back of her pussy.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! Daddy, you came in me! You came in me! You came in my little pussy," she yelled out and felt like she was floating on air. "Daddy, oh yes! Oh God, this is so cool!" Dani giggled as she thought of having her own Daddy's child. "I'm going to have your baby, Daddy."

He grunted one last time and shot a final squirt of cum in Dani. "This is turning out to be the best night of my life." he said and Dani hugged him. "We'll have a beautiful baby and I hope it turns out to be a little girl." he whispered and softly kissed Dani's panting mouth.

"That would be just wonderful and when she's old enough...I'll let you make love to her, just like we are." Dani cooed and she loved the smile on his handsome face.

I hoped you liked it and please remember to VOTE!

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Diecast1Diecast1over 2 years ago

Great story. AAAAAA++++++

AlwaystabooAlwaystabooover 6 years ago
Beautiful story of love

All fathers and daughters should experience such uninhibited love

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
omg, fucking great!

really nice and sensual love making.. really loved the dialogue, and the bond between the daddy and daughter . great!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Verry good

I loved your story. Was it true

can i get a pic of your daugher.. i want to fuck my daughter but she is only 17 now but i know when the time is right we will do it

Send her pic to

oldwayneoldwayneabout 13 years ago
I enjoyed the hell out of it, Larry.

I definitely gave it Five Stars! I know I'm a fan, but I recognize good work when I see it. Thanks for your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
good story

Loved the story hope you will write some more. Please write asequel to this one and I cant wait to read it

MJMsPussycatMJMsPussycatabout 14 years ago
Give me more of this one. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee.

Like it? Hell no I loved it. But You know i love all of your hot stories about Daddy's. You for sure have to give me more on this one.

AmyfriendAmyfriendover 15 years ago
I liked it...

and thought it was pretty HOT! The buildup was pretty good. But hey, you can't please everyone and the previous score of zero was simply disgusting.

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