Damned Goats


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I ventured out onto the porch, grumbling. Butch promptly stood up and butted his head against me, nearly knocking me down. I pushed at him and was amazed to find he just moved off, heading towards our gate. I was quite happy to just stand there and see him go.

Butch wasn't going to be in it. When I didn't follow he stopped, looking at me. He didn't start moving again until I started moving forward. Maybe he needed help with the gate, I thought, even though he'd come in easy enough.

Wrong. He just gave a little hop and he was over the gate. Standing, waiting. I sighed, threw my hands in the air and followed him out. He trotted along happily, tail wagging, and I followed him all the way home. He entered and I closed the gate behind him. I turned to go home and there was a nudge on my bottom. It seemed that gates didn't bother Butch. His was open again and he was waiting for me.

Gritting my teeth I followed him to the front door where he let out a loud bark. Moments later Steven was there.

"Good dog," he said, rubbing Butch's head. "Very good. Gate, yard."

While I watched Butch went thundering back to the gate, slamming it, then nosed a piece of wood across to lock it. Then he spun around and went tearing off into the back yard.

"Come on in," said Steven, ushering me in.

"Why were you calling him a good dog," I protested. "He was up the street at my place. How'd he get out, anyway? I've never seen him loose on the street before. I didn't even know he existed until a few days ago."

"I called him a good dog because he did what I wanted," Steven said. "He got out because I opened the gate and sent him on an errand. He's quite smart."

"If he's so smart, how'd he end up at my place?"

"Easy. You're the errand I sent him after."

I didn't believe a word of it. The dog might be smart, but not that smart. What, he recognised my name and then asked someone for my address?

"That is. . ." I was going to say bullshit but changed it at the last moment. "Unbelievable."

"No. It's true. It was easy enough. When your friend returned the t shirts I showed them to Butch and let him sniff them. He ignored one of them but quite happily sniffed the other, which I guessed was yours. I knew he'd taken a liking to you. I let him sniff the t-shirt earlier and told him to fetch. He just tracked your scent to your house."

OK. Simple when you know how. Still, it did show the dog had some smarts. Any other dog I knew would have fetched the t-shirt, not the owner.

"Anyway, you're here now. May I help you with your dress?"

Dress? I've had men offer to help me with my coat or jacket, but dress? Before I could react Steven had a hold of the material at my hips and was starting to lift it.

"What are you doing?" I yelped, slapping his hands away.

"Oh, sorry," he said, not sounding in the least sorry. "My impression from the other night was that you didn't mind nudism and liked to be without clothing."

"Are you crazy? Just because the Council hasn't exterminated feral goats that have a propensity to eat clothes does not mean that I'm a nudist."

"Wishful thinking on my part, I guess," Steven said, smiling. "It would have made it easier."

"Would have made what easier?" Why was I feeling suspicious?

"Seducing you," Steven calmly said. "If we started with you naked it would go a lot faster."

"Not going to happen," I stated firmly. "Uh-uh. No way."

"Mm. Marie said you'd be reluctant. She told me about the debacle in the park regarding some people she called that bastard Tod and that bitch Amanda. Her words. Not mine. Still, you have to admit there are a couple of good things that came out of it."

"Marie said she was only here long enough to drop off the shirts and didn't even get inside the front door. When did you find time to have this conversation? And what good things came of that total debacle?"

"Damn right she didn't get in the front door," said Steven. "I didn't fancy being sexually assaulted. It's embarrassing having to fend of a woman in lust."

I have to admit that Marie could come on hot and heavy when she saw a man she wanted. I don't think she'd have raped Steven but maybe he had been wise to keep her on the other side of the door. I'm not saying that Marie is slutty or anything like that. It's just that she does have a healthy sexual appetite.

"As for time, she stood there talking at me for at least forty five minutes, telling me all about your trials and tribulations, starting from stupid Council bureaucrats who won't open pools right up to the point where she nearly wet herself when faced with a rabid bear. She assured me I had no chance if I was thinking of getting to know you better."

Thank you, Marie. So nice to know that you have my best interests at heart, willing to help me by fending off any man you find attractive.

"As for the good things that happened, look at them all. You had an adventure and got out unscathed. You found out your wannabe boyfriend was a no-good jerk before you slept with him. Yes. She told me that. You've got the goods on a woman who has been running you down and are now in a position to slap her down. Best of all, you got to meet me. A nice guy who helped you out and didn't try to take advantage of your sticky situation."

"Didn't try to take advantage?" I huffed. "Your eyes practically ate me alive. You didn't even notice that Marie was there you were so busy ogling me."

"Not fair," laughed Steven. "I noticed Marie. It was just that she didn't interest me. You did. You still do. Also, you're not at a reasonable disadvantage today so I feel it's only fair and reasonable to molest you. You're quite at liberty to fight me off."

"Look, this is all irrelevant. I'm just not interested in you and you're going to have to accept that."

"You are interested in me and you're going to have to accept that. You've had your pride wounded because of Tod and think you can regain some of that pride by turning me down. You're also worried that I just want you for your body."

I glared at him. Of all the arrogant people. . .

"What makes you think I'm interested in you?" I said, seething quietly.

"Well for a start, you're still here arguing. If you were indifferent you'd have just brushed me off and walked away. The second clue is right here."

That miserable swine reached out and touched my nipple. OK, so maybe it was a little aroused and poking against my dress, but that didn't excuse him touching it like that. I hastily slapped his hand away. I felt like slapping him.

Who was I kidding? I wanted to slap myself. My nipples were standing proud. This arrogant male excited me. Thank god women don't have the same semaphoric reactions to lust that men do. Speaking of which, my eyes flicked down. Oh god, he had an erection. That bulge hadn't been there earlier.

And just how do you know that, miss uninterested, a little voice wanted to know?

"That has nothing to do with the matter," I protested.

"Yes, it does. It shows that you're interested, like it or not. You're just reluctant to follow through on that interest in case you find that I'm only interested in you for one thing. Might I point out that if I was only interested in one thing, Marie was around yesterday and I didn't grab for it."

OK. He had a point there. A very minor point, though. I was about to point this out to him when he cheated. A debate or argument is supposed to be verbal. You make a point. He tries to make a point. You ignore what he says and make another point. This continues until you wear him down.

You do not interrupt the debate to kiss your opponent.

I was just opening my mouth to say something that completely ignored the point he had just made when his mouth was on mine, tasting me. Things got a little confusing for me then. How do you continue a debate when you can't talk? He was stealing my best weapon. And he kept on kissing me.

Not that I was responding to his kisses. Well, OK, maybe I was a little. Alright, so I responded. I couldn't help it. He made me. I decided my best plan was to just wait him out.

So will someone please explain to me why it was that when he did finally stop kissing me I was standing there with my hand holding something it shouldn't? I'm prepared to swear that I didn't unzip him and go exploring. Steven seemed prepared to swear that I did.

I glared at him, feeling insulted. How could he think that I'd unzip him and take hold of him? I'm just not that sort of girl. I'll admit I may not be quite a virgin, but I don't go around undoing men's trousers.

Not my fault, and I was very firm about it.

"OK," he said, and I didn't trust the way he was smiling. "Now if you'll just excuse me, I'll help you with your dress."

"I thought we'd settled the dress issue earlier," I protested, as he started hitching it up.

"Ah, no, we just deferred it. I'm sorry but you're going to have to let go for a moment and lift your arms."

Eh? Let go what? Oh my god. I was still holding his erection. How could I? I hastily snatched my hand away. The wretched swine took advantage of my distraction, making me lift my arms and he lifted my dress up over my head. Damn sun-dresses should come with belts and buttons and zips instead of just slipping over your head.

Just like that I'm standing there in bra and panties, and then he kissed me again. This time it was definitely not my fault. His erection was pressing into my tummy. I had to hold it to stop it gouging into me, you can see that.

Kissing that man was dangerous. Somehow or other my panties fell down around my ankles and my bra came undone and I'd swear that he'd had his arms around me the whole time. He stopped kissing me for a moment, tilting his head back to look at me, still holding me against him.

This time when he started kissing me his hands were on my bottom and he was lifting me. I could feel my panties drop off one ankle and I kicked the other leg to shake them loose. Then he was holding me firmly against him and my hand was in the road. I had to let go his erection again but that was alright because it wasn't pressing against my tummy anymore.

It was, however, pressing between my legs, and while I couldn't see it I could sense it there, hovering just below my pussy. He lowered me a little and it was no longer hovering but pressing. I curled my legs around his waist, my arms around his neck, holding myself up away from him. I was not going to let him settle me onto his erection. Damn it all, this was only the second time I'd met him.

He didn't try to force the issue. Can you hear my cynical laughter? He just moved his hands away from my bottom and wrapped them around my back. No pressure. No support, either. Now it was a case that the only thing stopping me from sinking onto his cock was my grip on him.

It was so totally not fair. I could feel him, pressing lightly against my pussy, and I could feel the heat inside me letting me know what my pussy thought would be a good idea. He was kissing me again, but instead of getting carried away by his kisses I was becoming more and more conscious of what was pressing against me. Dammit – I could feel the muscles in my legs weakening. I was still clinging with my arms wrapped around his neck, but that wasn't providing any support.

I could feel myself easing down onto him. His erection moved smoothly past my lips, easing its way into my passage. I was wet and my passage felt mushy, giving way to his hardness without any resistance. I just sank down, nailing myself to his cock.

I gave a small sigh of relief when I was properly settled on him. Steven also gave what sounded like a satisfied little sigh, and then he was walking along, carrying me. We passed into another room and then he was holding me tight while he leaned forward, laying me on a bed, pressing down onto and into me.

We lay like that for a few moments, Steven pinning me to the bed, his hands running over my breasts, just touching me, kissing me, and I found myself wanting to be touched. Yes, I know he had his cock in me, but I wanted those additional touches, hands stroking my breasts, his mouth on mine.

He pressed more heavily against me, following it up with a gentle relaxation that stirred his cock inside me, giving it an easy gentle movement, reminding me vividly that it was there. He pressed against me again and I found myself pressing up against him, eager for him.

Slowly but surely that gentle pressing together, followed by a slow relaxation, became more dynamic. Instead of just a gentle pressure, Steven was pulling back and driving in firmly, with me pushing up hard to take him. We kept this up, driving together and pulling apart, just making sure we didn't pull too far apart, and with a sense of urgency when we came back together.

I was wrapped around, gasping with effort, writhing under him as he took me. His hands were wreaking havoc on my breasts, the stimulation he was causing magnifying the general excitement I was feeling. His mouth was running over my face and along my neck and shoulder blades as he tasted me, and I was clinging to him, holding him, wanting him.

That 'slowly but surely' was changing to 'fast and sure', Steven really driving into me now, knowing exactly what he was doing to me. Hard not to know, I guess, the way I was reacting. I was excited and aroused with both the arousal and the excitement increasing steadily as his erection worked his will upon me.

Then it was all too much. I was nearly crying, urging him on, ecstatic when I felt him coming harder and harder until I was just swept away, losing self in feeling, my climax rolling over me in great waves.

"Actually," said Steven a short while later, "the reason I invited you over was to ask you if you're free to have dinner with me tonight."

Asked me? Sending his dog to fetch me is asking me over? I decided to ignore the exact way in which the invitation had been framed.

"Um, dinner," I muttered. "A bit late in the day to be asking me out to dinner tonight, isn't it?"

"Possible," he said, wigwagging his hand to show that he knew it was a bit iffy. "Still, I thought better late than never."

There was a bit more to and fro but I suspect we both knew I was going to accept. Then I pointed out that I'd have to be leaving as I'd need time to get ready.

Steven had walked with me to the front gate and raised his eyebrows when he heard me swear.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"That was Tod who just drove past," I grumbled. "He'll probably be waiting at my front gate for me to get home. My parents know I've dumped him so they won't let him wait inside."

"I see. If I was a gentleman I'd walk you home and take care of the matter. Since I'm not I'll assist you in another manner."

He gave his low whistle and Butch appeared.

Steven pointed at me and said, "Escort," and Butch promptly sat at my heel.

"He'll follow you home," Steven said with a mile. "When you're safely at your door, tell him 'home' very firmly and he'll return here. If you need him to back off a little say 'back' or 'sit'. I'm sure you'll know when it's time for one of those commands. Have fun."

I headed off home, feeling a little dubious, half wishing Steven was there to run interference with Tod. Butch just quietly padded along behind me.

Tod's car was parked outside my place and I was muttering rude words to myself as I came closer. He must have been keeping one eye on the rear view mirror because he opened his door and came charging up to me.

I'm not sure what he was going to say. He barely got my name out when he screamed and fell flat on his back with a snarling muzzle just inches from his face.

I hesitated for a moment trying to remember the command. Oh, yes.

"Back," I said firmly, relieved to see Butch pull away from Tod, although he kept a very nice snarl on his face.

"Um, Tod, this is Butch. He's acting as a guard dog for me. Ah, I don't think he likes you. I suggest that you not try his patience by any sudden moves or by trying to touch me. It might be wise for you to just stay where you are until I've gone inside. Bye."

I turned and continued onto my gate and went inside, Butch at my heels. Butch also kept turning around to look at Tod and snarl. I closed my gate behind us and that was it for Tod. He was in his car and leaving. Damn it. I'd meant to tell him to give my love to Amanda.

Steven had been right. That had been fun. Vengeance is sweet. I'll swear Tod peed himself.

"Home," I said to Butch. He gave one of his barks, turned and departed. Superdog, clearing our gate with a single bound, returning home from another successful mission.

I went in to get ready for dinner. I had a nice set of matching undies I'd been saving for an occasion. This might be a suitable time to wear them.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

She should be thanking the dog as well

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Fun tale.

Great story! Had to laugh. Tx.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Where do you come up with these fun ideas! Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
A sequel please!

I want to know where it goes next! It was such a good read! ^^

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Great story

Great voice to your characters! Loved the story! I look forward to reading more of yours.

JBEdwardsJBEdwardsover 6 years ago
One of your best

This is one of your best stories, and that is saying something, because I've yet to read one of your stories and not given it 5 stars. They're all so well written, and tightly crafted. Yours, JB

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Friendly dogs always improve a story

Who can resist a story that features a big, friendly(-ish), happy dog? I can't say I've met any Great Dane/Newfie crosses, but I think Leonbergers and Dogues de Bordeaux are close enough to have a pretty good idea of what it might look like and act like.

The story was pretty decent through to the dog's appearance but then went straight to a 10/10.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Talented Writing

This is a very good original story that is very well written. This is one of those rare Literotica stories where the well-written story grabs the attention and the sex is a bonus (rather than the other way around).

Geon54Geon54about 9 years ago

Nuff Said.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
What happened to Butch?

When he jumped the fence and Tod shot him dead with the gun he had retrieved from under his car seat?

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