Dana's Story Ch. 19


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Zoe knew her in way her family never would, never could. And she accepted Dana for who she was, in a way her family never had.

Dana wiped her eyes, her throat painfully tight. It was almost more than she could bear. Zoe's smiled didn't dim, but it changed, becoming kinder and more understanding. Dana loved her for that.

She joined Zoe on the bed, sitting up with the husband at her back, legs crossed tailor-fashion. Zoe lounged only a few feet away, one leg outstretched, her foot close enough to touch, the other leg drawn up, knee raised. Dana had seen her naked many times, sometimes in bright light. But she'd never looked at her except during her secret voyeurism.

Now she looked.

Zoe was gorgeous, but she'd already known that. Slender but softly curved, so much more attractive than Dana's skinnier frame. Now she studied the rounded softness of Zoe's breasts, and the small brown nipples standing erect. The tan she'd had at the beginning of the semester had faded, though she remained darker than Dana. Her vulva was bare, regularly waxed, the inner and out lips both clearly visible and looking neater and more attractive than Dana's own fleshy appearance.

A click and a faint buzz signaled Zoe's desire to begin. She leaned back, closing her eyes. "I like to start by just exploring a bit," she said, as if she were talking to herself. "Just experiment and see what feels good."

She did just that for several minutes, moving the vibrator continuously, pressing here and there, sometimes circling her clitoris, sometimes drawing it along the length of her lips. Dana watched, aroused and fascinated, her focus shifting from the buzzing vibrator to Zoe's face and back again. Zoe's eyes remained closed, her breathing slow and steady. A faint smile of pleasure curved her parted lips now.

God, it was exciting watching that. Dana's hand found its way between her legs, fingertips brushing her pubic hair with a feather touch. She was so turned on. Perhaps as excited as she'd been watching Zoe that first night. She stroked her bush again, more firmly, and ran her fingertips the length of her slit, drawing a noisy breath at the resulting sensation.

Zoe opened her eyes and met Dana's gaze. Her smile blazed for just an instant, communicating just how pleased she was to hear Dana's gasp of pleasure. Then she closed her eyes again, smile fading into a look of concentration.

Dana watched the bullet vibrator gliding up and down the length of Zoe's labia, first along one side then the other, though she frequently pressed it against her clit for a few seconds before moving on again. Her labia were swelling and spreading, and Dana could see that she was wet.

Zoe picked up the dildo. "Now, that I'm excited, it's time to bring this bad boy into play," she said.

Zoe wasn't the only one who had become wet. Dana's anxiety had faded as her arousal had grown. She needed more stimulation. Her fingers weren't cutting it—and that was why she had her own toys. She dragged her gaze away from Zoe long enough to grab her own bullet.

She pressed the button on the end and it began to buzz with a surprisingly powerful vibration. Another click, and the vibration stepped down. Again, and again, until it shut off. Huh.

Dana turned it on again. She brushed it against her clit. Gasped at the intensity of the vibrations and pulled it away. Clicked through to the lowest setting, then gingerly tried it again.

Better. Still intense, but bearable. She moved the vibrator so it didn't touch her clit directly. Oh. Oh. Definitely better. Very nice. In fact, it felt really good.

Dana leaned back against the husband, uncrossing her legs and stretching out, the better to focus on the amazing feelings the vibrator produced. She'd never felt anything like this before.

The intensity of it was breathtaking. She felt the vibrations spreading out through her lower body like ripples in a pond. The longer she let it go on, the more powerful the rippling sensation felt, until her whole body resonated with it. She rolled and squeezed one nipple with her free hand, adding to the liquid tension gathering between her legs the way it did when she was approaching an orgasm.

It had never happened this fast before. Was it really possible to come so quickly? Dana shifted the vibrator closer to her clit—and oh my god!

The tension spiked, became almost unbearable, and then all at once and nothing first it transmuted into ecstasy. Dana cried out until she had to gasp for air, writhing against the pillow behind her as pleasure stole control of her body—save for the fierce necessity of holding the vibrator in place.

It went on and on—until it was abruptly too much.

Dana pulled the vibrator away from her overstimulated clit with a shaking hand. It dropped to the bed at her side, buzzing faintly. She collapsed against the husband, panting and trembling all over. She felt like her whole body was still buzzing, her skin too tight, shaken but oddly light.

She lay unmoving, save for the rise and fall of her ribcage as she caught her breath. When she opened her eyes—and when had she closed them?—she saw Zoe sitting up, a toy in each hand but clearly forgotten, staring at her, eyes wide but with a rapturous expression.

"Oh my god, Dana! That was so hot!"

Dana stared back, feeling that she should be shocked or surprised or embarrassed by Zoe's reaction, but too worn out and too satisfied to be able to muster the effort. "Really?"

"God, yes," Zoe said. "Is it always like that for you?"

Ah. Now she felt her face warming. "I guess? I—don't really know what it looks like from the outside." She thought about things Darren and Randy had said. "Or sounds like," Dana added. "Was I...loud?"

Zoe chuckled. "Oh yeah," she said, nodding. "Are you always...?"

Dana retreated behind closed eyes for a moment, then met Zoe's gaze again. "Not when I have to be quiet," she said, thinking about her infrequent masturbation back home. The prospect of being caught at it, betrayed by making any sort of noise and suffering the mortifying consequences, had been a highly effective silencer. "But otherwise, yeah."

"Wow. That's really hot. Really sexy."

"Sometimes it's embarrassing."


"Why?" Dana repeated. "Because...because I apparently scream my head off. So everybody and his neighbor knows when I'm having sex."

"So? So what if they know?"

Dana didn't know how to answer that. Trust Zoe not to give a damn if people know she's fucking. Hell, she likes it when they know. Dana wished she could be as utterly unconcerned by what the neighbors think—or at least aroused by it instead of mortified—as Zoe seemed to be. But she couldn't imagine it working out well in her home town. Or anywhere, really.

She tried not to think about what Darren and Randy's neighbors thought about her. Or what they might be saying about her when she wasn't around. She remembered the parade of visitors after her first session with Randy, all those guys curious to see the girl who'd been so loudly fucking him.

"So...I'd rather not be known as a—" A slut. "—a screamer."

Zoe nodded after a moment, obviously unsatisfied with that response, but letting it go all the same. Then she gave herself a little shake all over, dismissing the question. She grinned at Dana. "My turn, now, roomie."

She leaned back and closed her eyes again, and resumed her explorations with the bullet vibrator. This time she began using the dildo almost immediately, still aroused from her own actions or from watching Dana. Maybe both.

Zoe teased herself with the dildo, sliding it back and forth along the length of her labia, rotating it as she did so. Dana could see that she was thoroughly aroused, her labia flushed, swollen and open. The buzzing bullet had Zoe breathing deeply, the increasingly familiar open smile of pleasure on her face.

Dana leaned closer, eager to get a good look, her libido stirring despite feeling sated only minutes ago. The bullet vibrator she'd dropped buzzed against her leg. Dana groped for it and turned it off, never taking her eyes off of Zoe.

Zoe had slouched lower on the bed, the tip of the dildo nosing between her labia. It retreated, then advanced again, going a little deeper. Zoe repeated the cycle until nearly the entire length had vanished inside her. She held it there by the end, moving it hardly at all.

Dana squeezed her own bullet vibrator in her hand, torn by conflicting desires. She wanted to use it again, but didn't want to miss a moment of Zoe's experience. Later, she decided. It wouldn't be long.

Zoe was breathing faster now, chin rising as the pleasure mounted, a faint flush visible in her neck and cheeks. She had the bullet vibrator pressed firmly against her clit, her other hand gently rocking the dildo. Her orgasm was only moments away. Dana leaned closer, holding her breath.

Zoe gasped sharply and threw her head back, eyes screwed shut and mouth open as she panted with the intensity of her pleasure. The flush in her cheeks and neck deepened and spread down onto her chest. Zoe lost her hold on the dildo but kept the vibrator pressed firmly in place with a quivering hand.

Dana gawked as she realized she could see Zoe's orgasm happening. Not just her reaction—but the orgasm itself. She could see contractions in the flesh around Zoe's vagina, in the perineum and even her anus. Repeated, powerful, contractions each accompanied by a panting breath.

Dana groaned in sympathy. She'd felt those contractions herself, felt the pleasure pulsing through her body when she came—but she'd never realized that you could see it happen! It was exciting beyond words, and Dana wanted, needed to experience it again for herself.

She leaned back agains the husband and clicked the vibrator back on, finding the right setting. She found just the right spot with only a couple of tries and sighed with pleasure. She expected Zoe to relax and recover and braced herself for a comment on her suddenly renewed desire.

That didn't happen. Zoe pulled the bullet vibrator away from her clit, but only for a few moments. Just long enough for her breathing to slow a little. As Dana watched through lowered lids, her own pleasure building, Zoe reapplied the vibrator and worked her way to another climax.

Dana watched through a haze of pleasure as Zoe trembled and flushed and came again, contractions plainly visible once more. Dana closed her eyes before Zoe's orgasm ended as her own overtook her. She quivered and bit her lip to stifle the cries that threatened to fill the room. Her free hand slid down to confirm: the throbbing pleasure that rolled through her body could be felt by her fingertips, and presumably seen as well.

The pleasure subsided, as it always did, leaving her breathless and relaxed, but eager for more. As she'd learned in bed first with Darren and then Randy, she could feel her arousal simmering after that first orgasm. No longer at a boil, but well above her baseline. She could come again, easily. And again, and again.

She'd just never thought it was possible when she masturbated. Zoe knew better, though. And now, so did she. Dana remembered something else Zoe had said: Having something inside me to clamp down on makes my orgasms better.

Dana opened her eyes to find Zoe watching her. Zoe was flushed and sweating, slumped against her pillows, giving Dana a weary smile. She closed her eyes again and Dana heard the faint buzz of her vibrator muffled once more as she made use of it again.

Dana spotted the glass dildo and picked it up. It was solid, weighty, and very smooth. When she tentatively slipped the tip between her labia, it felt cool. She slid it around, enjoying the cool smoothness of it against her warm flesh as she imitated Zoe's earlier action, making sure it was thoroughly lubricated.

Only then did she carefully—very carefully—attempt to penetrate herself with it. It was hard. Very hard. Much more so than Darren or Randy at their most excited. It required a delicate touch to avoid discomfort despite its slippery smoothness. But with care and patience she managed at last.

The dildo had warmed to body temperature by then. Dana withdrew it carefully, then impaled herself again with deliberate slowness. She fucked herself with it twice more with growing confidence. It felt good. With enough time and effort, she thought she could reach orgasm this way.

Maybe another time. Now she used the bullet vibrator again. It worked its magic once more. Dana's arousal rose from a simmer to a rolling boil. She was distantly aware of Zoe gasping and panting through another orgasm, but it was overshadowed by her own imminent climax.

Dana pressed the vibrator to her clit with a shaking hand, caught between one breath and the next as she tensed all over in anticipation—then tipped over the edge into bliss. She didn't even try to remain silent this time. She cried out as the pleasure rolled through her in waves, propelled by the contractions she could feel so intensely and, for a vivid moment, see in her imagination, as if she were having an out-of-body experience. Then the visual faded, and with it her orgasm.

She slumped, gasping, her own cries of pleasure echoing in her ears, the vibrator buzzing impotently in her hand where it rested on her thigh. But only briefly. She wasn't done. Not by a damn sight.

Afterward, Dana could never say how many times she came, but she was certain she set a personal record. As for Zoe? She certainly had plenty of her own. At times it felt like a race along a path that wound through valleys and over hills. One or the other of them would take the lead, climbing a peak as the other gasped and stumbled downhill on rubbery legs before taking up the pursuit again. At times they moved side by side, reaching orgasm at virtually the same time.

Dana spent most of that time with her eyes closed, attention focused on the pleasure she felt. At times, though, when she was feeling exhausted or overstimulated and in need of a short break, she watched Zoe—as she was knew Zoe sometimes watched her. The sight and sound and scent of Zoe's pursuit of pleasure never failed to rekindle her own desire.

When at last they both could take no more, they sprawled on Zoe's bed, legs entangled, too tired to move. They stared at one another grinning like maniacs, breathing like they'd run a marathon. Zoe's hair was a mess, strands glued to her face by sweat, skin damp, a large wet spot darkening the blanket between her thighs. Dana knew she looked no better.

And yet. Zoe practically glowed, eyes dancing despite her fatigue. And Dana suspected she looked the same. Neither of them spoke for some time. Dana shivered periodically with aftershocks of pleasure. She caught Zoe watching her after one of them.

"You get those, too?" Zoe asked, her voice low.

Dana nodded.

"I'd wondered."

"Me, too," Dana. "Whether you did, I mean."

More silence. Dana's thought wandered. What time was it now? When would she be meeting with Randy? They hadn't set a specific time. She hadnt cracked a book yet this weekend, and she really ought to. Thanksgiving break was this week, and how was she going to get home? That led to thoughts of her family....

Dana giggled suddenly, prompting a curious look from Zoe.

"What's so funny, babe?"

"'That was better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick,'" Dana wheezed before laughter rendered her speechless for a minute.

Zoe struggled to sit up, watching Dana convulse with silent laughter. "What?"

Dana caught her breath. "It's something my dad says sometimes."

Zoe grinned. "Well...he's not wrong."

"No," Dana agreed. "He's really not."

"Probably best, though, if he doesn't hear about this," Zoe joked.

"Oh god," Dana breathed, just the thought sending a chill through her. "Don't even think it."

"Well, he won't hear it from me," Zoe promised.

"If he does, I'm throwing you under the bus," Dana said. "Fair warning."

* * *

As always, thanks for reading. You have a vast number of options here, so if you've taken the time to read my story, I appreciate it.

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mraardvarkmraardvarkover 3 years agoAuthor

Glad to hear you're enjoying the story. I've been involved in the swinging community for many years, and I have to say that seeing others and being seen having sex is half the fun.

RangeExpanderRangeExpanderover 3 years ago

Brilliant! So much I can relate to - plus the extra bits I haven't tried except with my lover, like watching and being watched. It's hot and fun and I like all the detail

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