Danger Zone Ch. 07


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He groaned "Never. Never stop loving you. Mine. My mate. Always." He told her as he dove back in to take her mouth. He shifted his lower half away and before she could protest, he literally tore his boxers off his body, pressing back against her skin to skin.

"Yesss" She hissed as she reached between them to stroke his cock. She tried to direct the head towards her pussy only to have him pull out of her grasp. "Nooo. Please." She cried as she tried to reach for him again.

"Shh shh. It's ok. I just need to make sure you're ready." He whispered as he rubbed soothingly up and down her arms.

Her back arched off the floor. "If I was any more ready, I would be a puddle of cum." Her legs wrapped around his hips and her ankles hooked together, thumping on his lower back as she emphasized her words "In. Me. NOW!"

He surged into her with one thrust and they both stilled with him filling her to the hilt. When he didn't move again, Emma tried to use all her leg strength to move him. When he didn't budge, she resorted to begging "Ian, move. Please."

He slowly started to withdraw so she could feel every vein as he moved as he whispered. When just the head remained in her pussy, he slowly started to push back in. He continued this slow controlled pace until Emma moaned "More."

Ian lent down to kiss her again and ground his hips against her clit, causing her to writhe violently below him. His hands grasped her ass cheeks to steady her, squeezing them hard enough to leave white fingerprints as he relaxed his grip.

"I love this ass."

"It's your ass just please Ian, fuck me."

Ian paused. "Your ass is mine?"

"Everything is yours just please...fuck me."

"I thought you wanted me to make love to you?" He teased.

"You can multitask." She answered. "Fuck me Ian. Hard." She whispered in his ear, her breath tickling the hair on the back of his neck. He shuddered hard as he tried to control his urge to cum.

"I won't last." He grunted.

"That's ok, neither will I." She panted.

"Hell." He muttered as he drove harder and faster, causing their orgasms to careen out of control, nearly blacking out from the pleasure that rolled up and down his spine. Her shrill cry echoed through the room as he came hard, driving as deep as he could without crawling into her body. His blood thundered through his veins and all he could hear was a dull roar but through it Ian held tight to Emma.

As their breathing settled, Ian gathered her limp body and lifted them to the mattress, pulling the cover over them.

"Damn." Emma muttered groggily.

"Yeah." Ian grunted.

"Thank you."

"No, thankyou." Ian yawned.

"Not for that... never mind." Emma muttered.


Emma kissed him gently before resting her head on his chest. "Night." She yawned before quickly dropping off into sleep.

Ian's hand traveled down the length of her spine before pulling her into the side of his body as he fell asleep contented.


Emma woke early the next morning wrapped around a warm torso. Ian's hands lay possessively on the ass that he claimed he loved so much last night and his light snores ruffled her hair every time he breathed. She gently unhooked her leg from around his thigh and slowly lifted her body weight off his torso only to be pulled back down by his hands that started kneading her ass and rubbing up and down her back as he grumbled in his sleep. Emma huffed out a sigh and lifted her head to look into his half-mast sleep filled eyes.

"What are you doing?" Emma felt the murmured question through his chest more that heard it.

"I need the bathroom."

Ian's eyes turned wary and vulnerable "You'll come back?"

Emma, touched by the vulnerability in the big alpha male, laid a gentle kiss to his chest and answered "Yes. But if you keep pressing my pelvis into yours, I might not need the toilet soon."

Ian quickly removed his hands and helped her off the gigantic bed, watching her as she entered the bathroom and closed the door.

Inside the bathroom, Emma stood at the sink and stared at the woman reflected back at her. "What the hell am I doing?" She thought.

Last night, while one of the most memorable moments of her life, Emma lost herself in the passion of her mate. You would not have recognized the girl that melted under Ian's dominant touch. She did not have an identity, she was just Ian's. Ian's mate, Ian's woman, Ian's body, Ian's musical instrument. It was a fact drilled into her head last night as he kept making her say his name, telling him who she belonged to. He took away her identity, destroyed her psyche and she did nothing to stop it. It was all she could do last night not to let her wolf bite him, mark him as hers. It was disgusting.

And yet, a part of her wanted to crawl back into his arms and never let go. Not just her wolf but part of her human side wanted to let him fix everything for her. Take away her nightmares, her fears, and her panic every time she entered a crowded room. She seriously contemplated giving up her soul if she could have one day without flashbacks, without jumping at loud sounds, without cringing whenever someone got too close.

She sighed and splashed some cold water on her face. As she exited the bathroom, she took a moment to appreciate the beauty of a naked man splayed across a king size bed, the sheet covering his waist like a gift wrapped package just for her. She licked her lips then mentally chastised herself. There is no way she'll be able to figure out her feelings if she was with him. Her libido would do all the thinking for her.

"I know I'm a pretty hot specimen but you don't have to just look, you can touch too." Ian stated as he extended his hand out to her and waggled his eyebrows.

Emma rolled her eyes and crawled back into bed, snuggling into his chest as he buried his face into her hair and took a big sniff and let out a low growl of satisfaction. She grinned into his chest. It was endearing that he always buried his face in her hair every time she was in his arms.

"Good morning kiss?" Ian hinted. Emma's grin grew as she propped herself on her elbows "Sure."

She crawled up his body until she was face to face with him, straddling his hips.

"Good morning." She said as she kissed his forehead and grinned at him.

"Little bit lower Emma."

"Good morning." She said as she kissed his nose.

"Lower." Ian warned

"Good morning." She said as she kissed the corner of his mouth.

"Right." He growled

"Good morning." She whispered as she kissed the spot behind his left ear.

"Not funny Emma. Kiss me on the mouth." He scowled.

Emma laid a light kiss on his lips and went further south, kissing him on the collarbone.

Ian hesitated briefly then rasped "Lower."

Hiding her grin, Emma scooted lower on his body, her wet core trailing down the length of his erection, making him groan. Taking a moment to lick the bite mark her human teeth left on his right pec, she laid a kiss on the left side right above his heart. "There?" She teased.

"Dammit Emma, Lower!" Ian answered as he firmly gripped her hips that were slowly drawing a figure 8 across his body.

Emma took the time to kiss each delicious abdominal muscle as she travelled further down. Ian's hands trailed lightly up her ribcage, gripping her shoulders tightly as she hovered above his thick cock. "There!" He cried "Kiss me there."

Emma kissed him lightly on the crown then took a giant slurp of his cock from stem to tip. Once he had let go of her arms and let his head fall back on the bed, Emma quickly hopped down to his feet and kissed him on the left ankle.

"NO!" Ian exclaimed as he jerked up and reached out for Emma. Emma made sure to stay out of his reach and her tongue laid a trail up the inside of his leg, pausing at the hollow on the underside of his knee, causing him to squirm. She giggled "Are you ticklish Ian?" she asked as her hand ran up the sole of his foot, tickling his foot lightly. His leg jerked hard and he growled. His shining golden eyes watched her lazily. "Just remember, payback's a bitch"

"Payback?" Emma stopped what she was doing and knelt at the end of the bed looking at Ian with mock surprise "Oh I'm sorry, it must have been another arrogant domineering man that had me pinned to the bed last night with his rough tongue in my cunt."

"I love it when you talk dirty."

"I can tell." She grinned as she squeezed his cock when it jumped.


"Love you too." She blew him a kiss.

Ian raised an eyebrow but remained silent. Emma blushed and ducked her head.

"Ok I like you but I don't know if it's love but I want to be your mate and if the sex is anything like last night then I don't see any problems spending time with you because that was, like, WOW and you're..." Ian interrupted her rambling explanation with a finger to the lips.

"As adorable as your rambling is, there are more pressing issues right now." He said as he glanced meaningfully at her hand.

"Oh! Sorry!" Emma said as she pumped him slowly. He took possession of her hand and guided the pace. Once he was satisfied with her pace and grip he lifted his hands to her face.

"Please Emi, I need your mouth."

Without hesitation she swooped down onto his erection, forming a tight seal around the head of his cock as her hand rotated slightly with each pump. Her tongue darted lightly across the head of his cock, causing him to buck wildly into her mouth. He tried to settle the motion of his hips so he didn't hurt her but when her throat opened up for him and her tongue ran up and down the underside of his cock, he lost all control, grabbing her head firmly and face fucking her until he came down her throat. As his heart rate settled, he instantly felt remorse for how he treated her. He gathered her close to his chest as rocked her as she regained her breath. Once her breathing returned to normal, he turned her chin so he could see her eyes.

"I'm sorry."

Her eyes widened with surprise "For what?"

"For treating you like that. You were giving me a gift and I took advantage of you."

She patted his chest. "It's ok. I enjoy making you lose control." She winked.

"That's not funny Emma. I don't ever want to lose control and accidentally hurt you. I'm much bigger than you."

"Yes but I carry much bigger knives." She reminded him.

He yawned and turned Emma onto her back. "Now it's my turn to return the favor." Emma stopped him with a hand on his chest.

"Maybe after a nap. I haven't been sleeping very well the past few weeks so I could use the extra sleep."

Ian pecked her on the lips. "Of course." He pulled the covers over top of them and settled Emma against him, pulling her in with a hand on her ass.

"You know your obsession with my ass is unnerving." Emma rolled her eyes.

Ian chuckled and kissed the top of her head "Go to sleep Emma. I'll hold you and protect you from your nightmares. I'll never let you go." He promised as he drifted off to sleep again.


Emma stayed awake debating whether the tears in her eyes were because of his promise to protect her or his promise to never let her go. After much debate, she decided that if she stayed and let him take care of her she would be defined by who Ian is and not by whom she is.

Moving slowly and carefully, she extracted herself from his grasp and slipped his shirt over her head and her pyjama pants back on. Spotting her gun on his bedside table, she slipped in back into the holster and silently slid out of his room and stalked down the hall in the library. Grabbing a piece of paper and a pen she wrote him a quick note that she left propped up against his door.

She snuck down the hallway and was just about to enter the main foyer when she was startled by a shadow coming away from the wall. Emma drew her weapon as she took in the scent of the intruder and immediately lowered her gun.

"Lena" She hissed "What are you doing here?"

"Take me with you."


"I know what you're doing. Please take me with you. I can help you stay off the grid."

"What? Why?"

"I can't...I can't stay and be aroundthem." Lena's eyes filled up with tears and she angrily wiped them away.

Emma wanted to pull her into a hug but knew it would not be received. "Lena..." She hesitated.

"Do you know what it's like to see Alice and Ethan together and know that I'll never see Hank alive again?"

Emma sighed "No but she's your sister and he's your boyfriends best friend. I just wish tha..."

"Yeah well I wish that your mate and his pack could have saved Hank too." Lena interrupted "It's not fair that Alice gets to be with her soul mate and I never got to say goodbye to mine. I can't look at them being all lovey dovey without thinking of Hank." She sniffed "and today, she told me that Ethan was going to turn her next month. She's leaving me B." She sobbed "So take me with you. I know you're running but anywhere you're going is a hell of a lot better than being here right now."

"Ok, ok, shhhh." Emma handed her a tissue "If you want to come with me, you can't be giving away our position by sobbing so pull yourself together and stop crying."

Lena snorted "Gee you're not pulling any punches are you?"

"Well I expected to be out of compound by now so you can see why this delay would make me a bit testy."

Lena took a deep breath and nodded "I'm ready. Let's go."

Emma eyed her carefully "If you do anything to compromise me getting the hell out of dodge, I'm dropping you like a lead weight. Understood?"

"Yes I do and when we get out of here I can help get us out of the country. How does Paris sound?"

Emma snorted. "Go wherever you want. If you can help me get a passport pronto, I'm taking the first international flight out of here."

Lena reached over and squeezed her hand. "I go where you go. We're a team B and I'm not going to abandon you."

"Don't get all sappy on me yet. Save it for when we get out of here." Emma snapped "If we get out of here." She finished.

"We will."

"Such faith. Ok here's the plan. You're going to have to ride me. That's the easiest way to make a quiet escape out of here. I'll give you my clothes to carry in your backpack so I don't have to steal clothes each time I shift."

"Then what?"

"Then once we're out of here, you are going to work your computer magic to procure us passports and money and we are going to get on the first plane out of here."

"Then we'll settle in a new town?"

"Then we travel the world. I intended to travel across the globe before I was kidnapped and this seems like a fantastic chance to do that while I find myself again."

"Ahhh one of those types of trips. I'm warning you right now, I refused to shave my head and become a Buddhist monk and I'm not gonna go all hippie either."

Emma gently shoved her sideways "Smart-Ass. Just for that, I'm going to make you pick up after me." She said with a sly look as she started for the door, peeling the t-shirt and pyjama pants off. "Make sure you don't lose the shirt. It'll probably be the only thing keeping me sane the next few months." She said over her shoulder right before shifting.

Lena muttered as she bent over to collect the clothing and shove it into her backpack. The wolf whined anxiously at her as she exited the building and she gave her the finger before climbing on. "Any fat jokes and I'll be feeding you doggie kibble for the next 2 weeks." She was answered with a wolf's equivalent of a snicker.


Ian awoke the next morning and immediately noticed that Emma was not lying on top of him. He reached out to the space next to him and found it ice cold, the same temperature of his heart as he realized she was gone. He jumped out of bed and frantically searched for any sign that she was coming back. When he didn't find any, he raced to the door with the intention to ask the next person walking by to find her. When he opened the door and didn't find anyone, he ventured further determined to catch someone. It wasn't until he passed a mirror in the hallway that he realized he was running around naked and with much chagrin he turned back towards his room to grab a pair of sweats.

He noticed the envelope as he approached the room and sprinted over; catching her faint scent as he hastily tore open the envelope. Inside was a simple message that tore his heart out of his chest and into a million pieces.

"I'm sorry. I can't."

His agonized howl echoed in a 5 mile radius around the compound. 3 miles away inside the body of an auburn coloured wolf, a girl curled up into a ball and sobbed in misery.


Ok so yes it's still a cliff-hanger but I can't help myself, I'm a sucker for them.

As for the delay, I blame it on the sex scene...amongst other normal excuses.

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dairetodairetoover 10 years ago
i hope that you are planning to finish this

Great story

would love to know the end

darkravenwolfdarkravenwolfover 10 years ago
would love to know what happens

Will Ian find Emma and what about the rest of her pack?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Are you still working in the story? I'd love to see how Ian finds Emma and what happenes when he does! Give us an update on your progress if your still working on it, can't wait!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Please finish the story. I am so hooked!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Patiently waiting

Please. Please. Please finish this story!

I'm hooked.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I NEED to know what happens next, I am completely in love with this story, it is so great and I love all the characters, I'm so mad that Emma left him and I have to know how he gets her back because I know he will :) Please hurry and write the next chapter, waiting like this is killing me!

NordicladyNordicladyalmost 11 years ago

You do write so well, and have got an unique viewpoint. I hope you find the time, and inspiration, so write the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Ahhh what is going to happen?

Oh please let us know what is happening next. This point of view is not seen in a lot of stories. Most the time it is love at first site and they give in.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Next chapter please!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

For sometimes to forget to vote, because I am so caught up in the story. I must have read ot five times at least! I hope you will find time, and inspiration, to keep continue the story.

Literoticareader99Literoticareader99almost 11 years ago
Can't wait for chapter 8!

I've really enjoyed this story. Please keep writing! I want to see what happens to Emma and Ian!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Please update . Ive been reading your series all day and I am completely hooked. Pleeeease don't forget about the story & your fans . WE LOVE YOU!! Please come back!

willieonewillieoneabout 11 years ago

Update again please need next chapter asap!!

nicintasnicintasabout 11 years ago
WooHoo !!!

Finally noticed your updated chapter. So glad you're back!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

this was too good to put down.. cant wait to find out what happens next!!!!

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