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"You okay?" he asked.

"Very," she purred.

At each step of the way Dani moaned with pleasure until he was completely inside her. "And now...we make love," he told her.

Dani loved the feeling of his large, thick cock inside of her pussy. She'd never felt anything quite so good in her life except for the orgasm she'd just had.

"You feel so good!" she said as Avery began fucking her in earnest. "I really like sex!" she said happily after a minute or so. "This is amazing! Mmmm. I love your cock in my pussy, Alan!" She wanted him to know she was paying attention and using bedroom words was her way of showing it.

Avery stopped just long enough to put on a condom, then went back to work. "Use your fingers if you need to, Dani. Some women can only cum if they have a little help."

To his surprise, Dani was so sensitive, she came a second time without any help. Her legs were wrapped tightly around him and she was fucking him back—hard—when she came the second time. Avery also came and when it was over he held himself above her and asked how she liked making love.

"I love making love!" she said with an amazing smile. "And I love you, too!"

That evening, during dinner which was Chinese takeout, Avery was amazed at the amount of food Dani put away.

"Do you have a tapeworm or something?" he teased.

"We don't have very much food at home," she said. "Well, at my grandma's house."

"Speaking of your grandmother, we're going to have to go talk to her. You know that, right?"

"Yes," she replied. "She's going to be so angry."

"And she'll try and make you feel guilty. But people who love someone don't do that."

"Will you come with me, Alan?" she asked hopefully.

"Of course, I will."

It was even worse than Avery had expected. Her grandmother, Alice Racel, quickly went into a rant about child abuse and rape, calling Dani a whore and a gold digger, and many other hurtful names. As a final act she threatened to call the police. Avery never spoke until then and when she made her threat he quietly said, "Dani is a 20-year old adult woman and this is her decision to make. One way or the other, she's leaving here with her things...with me—tonight."

And just minutes later, Dani did just that.

Over the next month, Dani gained not only an incredible amount of self-confidence and skill in the art of making love, she also gained several pounds filling out her hollow cheeks giving her a healthier appearance. Avery gave her his credit card and Dani slowly built up a wardrobe of beautiful things she loved to wear for her handsome boyfriend.

And true to his word, Avery took her out to dinner on her 21st birthday and bought her her first drink. A glass of very expensive red wine she said tasted disgusting. Avery laughed and rather than being offended, so did Dani.

Then he stopped laughing and said, "You know how much I love you, don't you?"

"Yes," she replied. "As much as I love you."

"So...if you really would like to stay with me. If you'd like to stay with me...forever..."

Avery produced a small, white box and opened it. He got on one knee next to her then said, "I would love nothing more than for you to spend it with me as my wife. Dani Racel? Will you marry me?"

She was wearing a very pretty, dark-blue dress with a chunky silver necklace and dangling earrings and four-inch heels and looked nothing like the tall, skinny, girl he'd met at the church. But when he proposed to her, none of that mattered. All he knew was this beautiful girl, this pretty young woman, made him happier than he could remember being. And Dani knew she was loved for more than the new clothes and beautiful hairstyle. She knew Alan loved her for her and nothing else mattered.

"Yes, I will marry you, Alan Avery," she said, tears streaming down her face as he slid the large diamond ring onto her finger.

By the time their summer wedding came, they'd sold the huge five-bedroom house and moved to one with three bedrooms they could call there own; a beautiful two-story home in Sterling which would add some time to his commute but which would be a better place to raise children. Like the one Dani would soon be pregnant with shortly after their honeymoon.

In time, her grandmother made her peace with the decisions her granddaughter made and with the help of Alan's money and Dani's assistance, attended their wedding. She'd been treated to a day in the beauty salon and a very nice dress which she wore to the ceremony and the reception. Only a handful of people attended, but neither Avery nor his beautiful new wife needed other people. They had each other and soon they would have a child and neither of them could ask for anything more.

Over the next ten years, Dani stayed home and raised their two children, a boy and a girl, and took college classes on line and a handful in residence at George Mason. By the time Alan was ready to retire from government service, their children were in high school and Dani had a master's degree and went to work at the State Department while her husband was able to work part time close to home and spend more time with their nearly-grown children.

No marriage is ever perfect, and a large difference in age can definitely be a challenge, but when life's twists and turns bring two people together who are ready to fall in love, anything is possible.

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Aussie1951Aussie1951about 1 year ago
Cumminginsideher and Alberto MBF

I agree with most of your comments. For me this was the worst story this author was written. Disappointed really. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Diecast1Diecast1about 3 years ago

I think this is a great story. I love it. AAAAAA++++++

Alberto_MBFAlberto_MBFover 3 years ago

Alan is the creepiest character in any of your 277 stories. His wife just died, and he is a borderline pedophile having sex with a severely emotionally disturbed girl. There is nothing remotely romantic or erotic in this one. I’m sure you’re going to flame me because you are the most thin-skinned author on this site, but I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t comment.

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefabout 4 years ago

What a story, first the tears, then the confusion and conflict and finally the happy ending. Like another reader said, I was a little concerned about the age difference at first but I think it was mostly because Dani seemed to be more of a little girl than a young lady. Almost like Alan was a borderline pedophile.

Sure, the story could stand to be edited another time, but it's still a very good read and I thank you for writing and posting it.

auwingerauwingerover 4 years ago
I should have known better.

When I first got into this story I was afraid of where it was going, especially because of the age difference. What I had forgotten is who had written it, momentarily. It became another of your amazing stories, and I don't know how I missed it earlier. I'm glad I kept reading, because the message was as wonderful as always. Good job, my friend.

CumminginsiderherCumminginsiderherover 5 years ago
Dani seemed downright............

SCARY. She either had serious mental issues or she is the ultimate master manipulator. I think it is the former rather than the later.

I could just see them having a little tiff and him waking up to her standing over him holding a big Kitchen Knife.

As for his wife, you almost have to wonder if he didn't deep down know what she was going to do by the way she was acting and talking her last morning alive but he became content with it. Just an observation.

BigMama1950BigMama1950about 6 years ago
Conflicting descriptions of Dani need further development

Dani seemed to be portrayed as a 12 year old mentally disturbed girl with a crush on a grown man. It is understandable that she could have been that way because of the controlling nature of her grandmother, but that part of the story was not fully developed so that it really seemed like Alan was taking advantage of Dani, which was a little disturbing to me.

Even with the new bed, it seemed kind of morbid for her to be brought into the same house where his wife had committed suicide.

I can see so many possibilities for this story but a lot more details and background changes are needed to create a more positive history and relationship for this couple.

I may have misunderstood something here, but most of the stories I have read by Komrad1156 seemed more balanced and this one sort of seemed all over the place.

Chief3BlanketChief3Blanketalmost 7 years ago
Oh so very good

I keep reading my way through this authors stories, and each one seems to be better than the previous one I read.

Tootight1Tootight1over 7 years ago
good story

hell yes it is. Nicely done. I know a 20 year difference can be good or bad, depending on the people involved.

Island_gyalIsland_gyalalmost 8 years ago

@komrad 1156 I love your stories and I'm trying to read them all. This one hurt a bit cause I have a son who resembles Aaron but he is much younger. Then you made his b'day October 21 which is also my son's b-day. I started crying right there.

rehj35rehj35almost 8 years ago
Good Story

This really hits close to home on a lot of the earlier parts except for the deaths. I only wish I could find some one like Dani in my future

rightbankrightbankalmost 8 years ago
I liked the sentiment of the story

but was confused by the use of both Alan and Avery for the protagonist. Why was he referred to as Avery even after he asked others to call him Alan? It was an unnecessary added irritation.

TSreaderTSreaderalmost 8 years ago
A wonderful love story!

It's very well done, full of sorrow and emotion, then full of young love... Thank you!

jpr9954jpr9954almost 8 years ago

Is it Beverly or Barbara? The names kept switching

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