Dark Horse Ch. 02


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Velvet immediately tensed her whole body, squealing incomprehensibly through gritted teeth. Ms. Winters immediately backed off and stroked her saliva all along the rigid length.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" She smirked. The mare said nothing. "Did you say no? No what? No stop, or no don't pull that reward out of my ass yet?"

Velvet cried and mumbled, but the answer was incomprehensible.

"What was that?"

"...don't take the carrot out of her ass..."

"You forgot the magic word."

"Please!" The deep color in her face wasn't all from effort. "Please don't take the carrot out of her ass!" The creature in the mirror hated her. Hated her for being weak.

The older woman grinned widely, and began bobbing deeply onto the mistreated girl's cock. The hand on the carrot gave another small turn, and the mare began screaming 'yes'.

The older woman brought a hand back to clamp down on the base, and she formed a vacuum tight seal with her lips. Velvet felt her head swell into the ridges at the roof of the older woman's mouth. Sweat poured down her nose as she tried to watch again. Stray hairs from her mane were matted to her cheek.

She tried to warn her owner. She really tried, but the air in her lungs just wouldn't come out. Her lips worked fruitlessly as she boiled over, though Ms. Winters took the development in stride. She backed out to the head and stroked, fingers glistening with saliva. Her cheeks puffed out slightly, and there was a gleam in her eye as she stared up at the gasping mare.

Velvet slumped in her bindings, not registering the thump of the carrot falling out behind her so much as the sudden and complete release of pressure in her middle. She didn't register Ms. Winters standing up and grabbing her head by the base of the mane. She didn't register that the older woman hadn't swallowed. Not at first, anyway. By the time she did realize, more than just the older womans tongue was forced into her mouth, and she had no fight left in her.

The graying woman's head tilted, and for a moment, one of Velvet's eyes could see its own reflection. Weak, it accused.

Eventually, the older woman reached up to release the exhausted mare. She slumped, and Ms. Winters smiled as she slung her diminutive pet over her shoulder and carried her back to her stable. Velvet barely moved as she was settled down on her hay.


"Velvet, wake up."

The mare stirred lightly. "She wasn't sleeping."

Ms. Winters stepped into the stall and crouched. "I have a present for you." The girl flipped over fearfully, and stared in complete confusion at the blue stuffed horse in the older woman's hand. "This is Clipclop!"

"Velvet... what..."

"Clipclop used to keep me company at night when I was a little girl, and I know he'll do the same for you!" The exhausted mare reached out tentatively and took the blue plush toy, clutching it to her chest.

"Are we done for the day?" Velvet looked down at the oft-repaired toy and smiled.

"Done until Friday," the older woman said, as she emptied a giant bucket of pellets into the trough. The mare barely noticed, stroking the faded mane. "The water bottle fills automatically, and there's enough for 1500 calories of dehydrayed feed for each day until I get back, so remember to pace yourself."

"Back?" The mare finally looked up from her toy as Ms. Winters was shutting and latching the stall door.

"See you next weekend." The older woman smirked as she walked through the heavy wooden door, followed by the pleas and screams of her pet.


"Hello Richard."

He did not look up from his paper. "Hello Liz. How is your farm coming along?"

"It's a ranch, Dick. It was a good couple days. I have a feeling next weekend is going to be harder, though," she said, trailing off in thought.

"Oh, I ran into Samantha at the club. She sends her regards."

Elizabeth smirked. "Oh! I adore Samantha! Did you send her my love?"

"I certainly did," he mumbled.

Friday cannot come soon enough, Elizabeth thought. She returned to her earlier concern and tapped her lips. The general who loses a battle makes but few calculations beforehand. "I'll be in the library if you need me, Richard."

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ShadowsucksShadowsucksalmost 10 years ago

Wow, what a bunch of rigid, testosterone filled drivel. You guys, yes GUYS are the ones playing the forced noncon game here, whining about where this belongs. It's either to your liking or not, but to repeatedly beat a dead horse (oops, sorry) is just plain silly.

I'm weirded out & kinda appalled at this story, but am certainly going to finish & then learn from my experience.

Thank you AwkwaedMD, for this enlightening & uncomfortable look into issues that are seldom raised in this male dominated forum. The very people who need to learn are the ones who are complaining the most.


MasterfuljimMasterfuljimalmost 10 years ago
No time

Thank you

Exactly the point I've been trying to make but far more eloquently put by yourself.

I've read all of Lisa / Jessica by Jaden and very well written too, and I remember the comments on the first chapters.

I have been in this lifestyle in one way or another for many years...way before the influence of internet...and that's why I am kicking here. We don't need sickos kidnapping or abusing people thinking that's the BDSM way to do it.

SSC is the backbone to the lifestyle.

notime2notime2almost 10 years ago
Thank you...

MasterfulJim....nail head thump!

The defensiveness is a bit over the top to the point of offensive. Clearly there is something going on here that is a bit outside of what is being discussed.

I actually do read quite a bit of non con and can safely say that this is non con. There is nothing worse that getting ready to read a good light hearted book only to find out that the have a manual to fix a vaccum instead. Its just not the same.....that is the point being made. It is against her/his will. The story LISA by JadenL started in BDSM and the comments are now empty for that chapter; that tells you something. She moved it to non con its rightful place (for many chapters) and did quite well there until the dynamics changed and the author moved it to group sex. See there are categories to put stories into where readers can prepare themselves to what they are going to read. I like to read BDSM stories of trust and truth between people that are consenting to the actions at play. Yes this is all fantasy (at least I hope). But Subshy made a major point people are impressionable and confusion creeps in quickly.

littlemissharlotlittlemissharlotalmost 10 years ago

No more of a stake than you. I just got annoyed with the conversation of what is and isn't BDSM. I wouldn't have posted here at all except for the SSC guy.

MasterfuljimMasterfuljimalmost 10 years ago
Yes lmh

It is up to the author to put the story where they feel it goes and up to us the reader to agree or not.

If you agree to be tied and beaten to the extreme that is consensual.

If you then have had enough and say no ...stop and the beater continues, then that is non con.

In this case the captive never agreed from the start, so non con.

Anyways, we are going round in circles.

From your staunch defense of the story I assume you have an interest in its production ?

LaRascasseLaRascassealmost 10 years ago
Another winner

I'd just like to reiterate that this is a good story with a well-essayed dominant psycho and a woman's slow descent to the point she loses her humanity and becomes an animal.

The writing style is crisp and the dialog rolls off the page easily.

As for the category conundrum. There is no one definition of BDSM and the category has a decent amount of overlap with Non-Con, so I don't feel it is an entire misfit. Maybe fetish would be a better scene, but there it could raise hackles of those not into animal play.

Overall, I am not too unhappy to see this story where it is.

littlemissharlotlittlemissharlotalmost 10 years ago
Um... okay

"So what, pray tell, does the C in RACK stand for? risk aware CONSENSUAL kink "

Yes... and I was responding to someone who said if it's not SSC then it's not BDSM. I was pointing out there are multiple frameworks and some people don't have any at all. The comment was separate from this story specifically.

"The kidnapping and forced participation trumps all else in terms of category."

I think that's up to the author.

FA_JFFA_JFalmost 10 years ago

I think your freudian slip is showing....RISK indeed.

So what, pray tell, does the C in RACK stand for? risk aware CONSENSUAL kink

This compelling story is nonconsent using a bdsm frame work. The kidnapping and forced participation trumps all else in terms of category.

AMD-If nothing else, you have raised awareness. I am sure internet searches for 'intersex' have spiked. I do look forward to how this unfolds, but stand by my categorization concerns.

MasterfuljimMasterfuljimalmost 10 years ago
Showing my ignorance

But what is an intersexed female ?

Surely cock and balls means male

AwkwardMDAwkwardMDalmost 10 years agoAuthor

Is an intersexed female.

Shysub412Shysub412almost 10 years ago
BDSM Vs Non Con

Well your story has certainly sparked debate, which means we care about your writing!

@LMH, when people are kidnapped and objectified the debate over whether all BDSM is SSC somewhat goes out the window! The reason we get involved in category tags is so the authors work is received by the audience who will appreciate it the most. Also a lot of people looking to explore the lifestyle use the Internet to find out more, BDSM gets a bad enough name without people thinking it's ok to kidnap someone, tie them up and beat them.

D/s requires trust and consent at the very base level and no matter how well written this story is, in this category it amounts to abuse. In non con it would be a great story and intriguing plot line.

MasterfuljimMasterfuljimalmost 10 years ago
Oh dear

Could I suggest you read again to see who " he " is

It is not F F.

There is a category here called non consensual .

It is there for a reason.

He does not give his consent to any of this.

Therefor the category it should be in is non con.

littlemissharlotlittlemissharlotalmost 10 years ago

But the point stands.

littlemissharlotlittlemissharlotalmost 10 years ago
Um... What?

First off, him who? The story is about two women, one of whom is intersex. There's no "he".

Second of all, what does that have to do with SSC and BDSM? Not everyone practices BDSM under SSC. Some people do RISK, others do their own dynamics. Is there bondage in this story? Discipline? Sadism? Masochism? It may not be BDSM as you recognize or practice and maybe it's not about consensual sex but you don't really have the authority to police other people's definitions of terms.

MasterfuljimMasterfuljimalmost 10 years ago

Got to disagree with you I'm afraid.

In this instance he was kidnapped and forced to do things against his will. That is non consensual.

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