Dark Travelers Ch. 08


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Kirik arched a brow, "our presence will not be met with alarm?"

The wizard shook his head, "it is a place that festers with many brutes of many species. I hardly think we'll be noticed because of you. The women, on the other hand, may draw unwanted attention."


"Meaning, if you want your little plan to be successful, I'd keep a close watch on your prized possession. Scoundrel's Harbor isn't usually an ideal place for young women to tour." He considered, "unless they're a whore. Then, by all means!"

Anya's mood darkened, "sounds utterly charming."

"We're going to sail on a pirate ship? And go fight Wyverns? I didn't even know they were really real." Andi's curiosity was sparked, her recent trauma pushed into the back of her mind for the moment.

Kael frowned and inclined his head at Kirik, eyes questioning. Kirik recounted the conversation to his brother. The juvenile tilted his head curiously, "we're going to go by ship? Sounds interesting."

"We shall see about that," Kirik replied.

Is it far?" Anya asked.

"It's a bit of a heel and toe, I will admit. Albeit, not so far as you've already come, but you're used to traveling by now, correct? I imagine it'll go quickly. Incidentally, you two are looking a bit peaked, here."

He rummaged in his purse and produced several small, dense-looking cakes. "These are traveling wafers. They're quite filling and packed with nutrients. Go on! They're rather tasty, and they will sustain you nicely."

Horace offered a couple to the brothers but they waved him off. "We can do for ourselves when hungry, " Kirik replied.

Andi peered doubtfully at hers for a moment. Finally she shrugged, crammed a piece into her mouth, and chewed with a cautious, appraising look on her face. After a moment, she brightened, "it's good! Eat it, Anya." She took another bite and threw a smallish chunk to Taters.

The puppy snapped his head up and caught the morsel neatly in his jaws. He wagged his tail happily. His Girl was back to giving him treats, just like old times. Anya observed this with a small smile on her face before beginning to nibble at her own wafer.

"This way, folks! Let's get this show on the road!" Horace announced in a cheery voice. He began to walk down the beach with a little spring in his step.

The sisters gave him a bemused glance, then started to follow; trailed closely by the Feylak brothers, with Taters bringing up the rear.


Several hours passed without incident. Horace jabbered on and on, pointing out the various sea-birds flying above and naming them.

"That there is a Crone's Pelican, observe the waddles under its beak - just like that of an old woman, is it not? And when they argue with one another, they sound like one as well."

Tots was busily sniffing around at all the interesting new smells when he caught sight of a large, beached creature that had washed up on shore. Instantly, the fur on the scruff of his neck bristled and he charged it, beginning to bark and snarl as ferociously as he could. The puppy pranced and circled the dead animal, bouncing back several paces when he'd gotten too close.

"That disgusting, bloated carcass used to be a Speckled Porpoise," Horace explained as they passed it. He wrinkled his nose as he caught a wiff of the rotting corpse. "Looks like something big took a bite out of it."

Kael was watching at the dog's antics with an amused smile, "look there. He wishes to be a warrior as well. I like him, Kirik. I want one."

The elder merely shook his head in exasperation and didn't reply.

The juvenile went on, "have you ever battled a Wyvern, brother?"

Kirik nodded, "many years ago. My instructor obtained a half-grown one for training purposes."

"Are they difficult to defeat?"

The older brother shrugged a shoulder, "I was only a child when it was brought to me. It wasn't an easy task. The creature was much larger than I."

"You won, though. Right?"

"I did, eventually. But it managed to take several bites out of me before it was over."

Kael snickered, "I see. So you poisoned it. Very clever."

He ducked and ran ahead again as Kirik took another swing at him. The juvenile walked backwards, grinning and waggling a finger at his elder, "temper, temper!"

Kirik ignored him for the time being and inclined his head at Horace. "Will we arrive soon?"

Horace glanced around, getting his bearings, and nodded. "We'll make it by nightfall, I'm sure."

"We sail tonight?"

The old man appeared befuddled, "how am I to know?"

Kirik growled under his breath. "Well, who else would?"

Horace clicked his tongue against his teeth. "Patience, Feylak. It all depends on how long it will take for someone to agree to take us. I do not have the gift of foresight."

"I do not want to linger in a den of thieves." The wizard nodded, "nor I. We shall see what happens when we get there. Have no fear, I've yet to meet a sea captain who avoids the sea. Most of them prefer it to land, really."

Andi was worried, "what will we do if we can't find anyone tonight?"

Horace gestured vaguely and appeared serene, "I am sure they have rooms to rent overnight."

Anya tilted her head doubtfully, "do you think it's a good idea to stay the night in such a place? What if someone-"

The sorcerer cut her off, "what if someone were to what, child? I don't imagine that these two would allow any sort of foolishness to occur." He waved a hand towards Kirik and smiled, unconcerned.

The elder Feylak's forehead creased slightly, "is there a good chance that someone will attack us while we sleep?"

"Scoundrel's Harbor is a haven for criminals. What do you think, Feylak?"

Kirik lasped into a brooding silence.

Kael was walking closely behind Andi once more. The girl was shooting mistrustful glances at him over her shoulder. She was also uneasy about the possibility of having to spend the evening in such a place. Granted, she wasn't looking forward to falling asleep at all. Look what had happened to her the last time she did.

Kael reached out and took hold of a lock of her hair, tugging on it playfully. Andi whirled around and slapped his hand away. "Cut it out, you jerk!"

The youngster danced back several paces, obviously enjoying her outburst.

Anya moved to her side and stroked her hair soothingly, "sh, Sweet. He's only doing so to annoy you, try to ignore him."

Horace cleared his throat, gaining their attention. He slowed his pace until he was striding alongside the women. He threw a glance over his shoulder before continuing; the elder creature was still lost in his own thoughts and the youngster was now mock-attacking the puppy. Taters appeared delighted with the game and was enthusiastically darting around Kael in erratic circles, trying to avoid being caught.

"It appears he's smitten. Perhaps it would be prudent to use this to your advantage?"

Anya frowned but Andi gave him a sidelong glance, "what do you mean?"

Horace smiled and shrugged mysteriously, "since the dawn of man, women having been using their charms and -shall we say- attributes to prod men into doing their bidding. It's merely something to think about, child." He sped up suddenly, taking his place at the front of the group once again.

Anya was rather troubled by this cryptic remark. There seemed to be more meaning than what had been said. She glanced at her little sister, wondering if she was also confused and was surprised to find her watching Kael with a thoughtful expression on her face.

The girl gazed at him for awhile, and then glanced at her puppy. After, she began to chew the inside of her cheek as she silently mused.


The younger sister didn't respond right away. She still had that strange, faraway look in her eyes.


She blinked, surprised at Anya's tone. "Huh? What's wrong, Anya?"

"Remember what I told you; stay AWAY from him," she muttered.

Andi's brows knitted together, frustration rising to the surface. "What if HE doesn't stay away from ME, though? Hm? What then, Anya? Please, tell me."

Anya was stricken by her sister's sudden spite, "tell me what's wrong, Sweet. Something is obviously bothering you."

"Everything is bothering me. This stupid trip. Those stupid Feylaks or whatever the fuck they're called. That stupid, mean wizard with his stupid man-eating squids. The fact that I haven't had a decent meal, bath or night's rest in DAYS. Oh! And also that we're probably going to die when this is over."

The dark-haired sister was taken aback by Andi's sudden vehemence and choice of words. The girl rarely used foul language; only choosing to do so when something especially unfortunate had happened. Slowly, a terrible suspicion begin to make itself known.

"Andi," she began carefully, "did something happen that you're not telling me about? Perhaps back in the cavern with the hot spring? Did he-"

"No," the girl said quickly, "nothing. I'm just pretty much done, Anya. I want this to end, one way or the other."

"You can't think that way, Sweet. We have to be strong."

"I'm tired of being strong."

Anya nodded, "aye. I am too. But I am not tired of being alive."

Andi didn't respond, but her forehead smoothed out slightly. She went back to glancing back at Kael from time to time. Anya watched her, brow furrowed with worry, certain the girl wasn't telling her the whole story. The woman wasn't sure she really even wanted to know.


Scoundrel's Harbor smelled of old mead, urine and some other unpleasant combination of odors that the group was unable to identify. There were rickety docks built directly into the sea, creating criss-crossing paths across the water that led to the various taverns and shops.

An accumulation of boats and ships were tied at these piers and undulated softly with the current. A group of rough-looking men sang loud, raucous melodies with profane lyrics outside of one bar. Another couple lay passed out on the floor boards in front. If you could believe the sign, the place was called "Greade's Meads".

"Ah. Roland Greade's tavern is still here. This would probably be the best place to start inquiring. As I recall, this is one of the more popular pubs here." Horace commented, wrinkling his nose as the stench of vomit reached him.

"This place is disgusting, Anya!" Andi pouted, clutching the puppy against her once more.

Anya nodded, glancing around with distaste.

Already, despite Horace's assurances, they were attracting the attention of the locals. There were several groups that had gathered on the various docks, whispering amongst themselves and throwing curious glances at the odd fellowship.

Kirik, glowering at a passerby who was giving him an intrigued stare, was also inspecting his surroundings. He would have made a comment about humans being filthy, had there been only humans roaming around this dismal place; but as he looked on, he saw a gathering of orcs haggling with a shopkeeper.

A few doors down, a drunken dwarf was swaying and boorishly pointing into the face of a chortling goblin. Horace had been telling the truth. This area was indeed a breeding ground for races of all sorts.

Kael had covered his nose with a hand and was directing a resentful glare at the drunk who'd passed out in a pool of his own vomit. He was half-tempted to turn the man's head face down into the puddle and leave him to choke to death on his own bile. Would serve him right.

"I really don't want to spend an evening here, brother."

"Nor do I, youngling."

Horace beckoned them and began to walk towards the tavern, skirting the puke with a grimace of his own. "Revolting," he muttered as he strode past.

Roland Greade was an overweight, balding bear of a man, standing nearly as tall as Kirik. The resemblance ended there, though; he had a substantial belly to match his substantial height, which the elder Feylak did not. At the moment, he was busily wiping out a dirty mug with an equally dirty rag when he paused, noticing the newcomers enter.

"Mead is five silver pieces a mug, ale is seven silver pieces, grog is-" he began, automatically quoting his prices. He threw the brothers a half-interested glance before returning to his chore.

"We're in no need of alcohol, barkeep," Horace began.

Greade stopped 'cleaning' the mug, surprised. There were very few patrons that did not stop in without the intent to drink. "Eh? Whatchee' want then? I ain't got any good-lookin' whores to sell ya. All that's left t'night are the damned scullery hags."

Here, he caught sight of the sisters and his eyes gleamed, "unless yer lookin' to sell off them two, that is. Could getta pretty penny fer them two lovelies."

Horace waved his hand in dismissal. "Oh my, no. No, no, no. My...ah...associates and myself are seeking to hire a seaworthy crew. We need to travel to Wyvern Rock. The sooner the better. Are there any captains nearby that are willing to contract out?"

Greade appeared to think very carefully, "nup. Canna think of a one. Coin may help me memory, though."

He appeared to consider something and his eyes began crawling over Anya, "or, ye can let me have at her fer the evenin'. I'd take a good fuck in trade fer a tad o'info."

Kirik's hand flashed out and curled around Greade's pudgy throat. The man's eyes bulged in shock as he was yanked up and forward, having to balance on his toes to remain on the floor.

The elder brother examined the man's reddening face coldly for a brief moment before speaking. "It has been my experience that pain is an even better motivator than currency or women. I wonder which method would work better in this case? Tell me where to find a ship for hire, and perhaps you won't have to find out."

Greade sputtered and gagged for several moments, struggling to breathe. Finally, he was able to choke out; "ach! T-try the ship yard! Jus' out yonder." He managed to point vaguely to the left.

Kirik released him and the man stumbled back several steps, gasping.

Horace appeared amazed, "right then! That IS one way to do it, I suppose. And what a money saver! You're actually quite useful to have around!" He nodded approvingly at the elder brother.

Greade glowered at the Feylak and rubbed his throat. Red finger marks were vivid against the man's pale skin. "I ain't one ta ferget somethin' like this, creature. Ye bes' be watchin' yerself whilst ye remain."

Kirik grew very still, his eyes beginning to brighten to molten orange. "Are you threatening me?" He asked very, very softly.

A hand tentatively grasped his arm just above the elbow. Startled, he glanced down and saw the woman clutching him, eyes pleading.

"Don't fight. Please. Just...no more fighting. I can't bare it. He told us where to go. Can't we just go?" She asked, tone beseeching.

He stared down at her small hand for a long moment before silently nodding. Without another word, he turned and stalked out of the tavern. Anya swallowed nervously and shot the bartender an apologetic glance before quickly scuttling out as well.

"Come on, Andi," she murmured as she passed her younger sister.

Andi was fascinated, watching the spectacle with her mouth hanging open slightly. She suddenly felt like she was a character in some sort of adventure story. Merely nodding at her sister, she didn't move when Anya called to her.

Horace was delighted, "there! You see? What did I tell you?" He began to head out too, pausing at the entrance to wait for the younger sister and the juvenile.

Kael glowered at the barkeep for a moment. Kirik rarely lost his temper; this man must have been exceedingly disrespectful in some way. Greade caught the juvenile's spiteful glare and took another step back, wondering if this one was about to attack as well.

The youngster didn't make a move towards him, though, only spat on the ground in front of the man's boots, before turning to follow his brother. As he passed Andi, he caught hold of her arm and towed her out after him.

The girl hugged the wiggling puppy against her breast with her free arm and stumbled out behind Kael. She tried to jerk out of his grasp, but was unable this time. He refused to release her.

"Let me GO!" She shouted, twisting in his grip.

A group of men lounging outside broke out into rough laughter at the sight.

"Get OFF me!" She resisted again, voice rising into a scream.

Kael stopped, turned, and whapped the side of her head with his other hand, sharply. "Dri lur vroht ki wreetirl lurl nalat, Url'v haelonirl il greetz ta prilo ri zil!" He snapped angrily, pointing a finger at her.

The men laughed again, in a drunken chorus.

"Again!" One shouted.

"That'll learn 'er!" Another chortled.

Andi shot him a glare, eyes welling up with tears. Taters whined unhappily, understanding that his new friend, the man-thing, was angry at his Girl. Kael gave her a slight shake, then continued to pull her along. She said nothing further, only trudged along after him with an unhappy expression.

Striding purposely towards a cluster of assorted ships, Kirik stopped short. Glancing around at the small groups of men milling about, he wondered how to go about propositioning one of them. It would be preferable not to use force, seeing as he didn't want any more attention being drawn their way.

"This one looks promising," Horace commented, pointing.

Kirik followed the gesture and arched a brow. It was a larger vessel, appearing as if it were being loaded to set off soon. The deck hands were hefting large crates and sacks laden with supplies aboard, using a long ramp.

There was a dwarf standing to the side, overseeing the operation and scribbling something on a roll of parchment. Sensing eyes on him, he looked up with a slight frown and turned to face them.

"Whatchee lookin' at, fella?" He barked at Kirik.

"Oh dear. Please, let me," Horace said quickly, seeing the Feylak stiffen. He moved into the dwarf's line of vision swiftly, placing himself between him and Kirik.

The short, stocky, bearded being looked down his long nose at the wizard. He glanced at Kirik again, briefly, then at Anya. Kael, Andi and Tots chose that minute to catch up to the rest of the group, and the dwarf's expression shifted into one of intrigue.

"Whatchee want?" He asked again, a bit less gruffly this time.

"We're here to request a service," the wizard said politely.



Dri lur vroht ki wreetirl lurl nalat, Url'v haelonirl il greetz ta prilo ri zil! -- If you keep on running your mouth, I'm going to stick my cock in it!

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I love this story and can't wait for more. I check back at least once a week if not more. I love that you are giving the characters such depth and thought and I can't wait for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

WHEN will you put up a new chapter?!?!?! It's been over a month! Please hurry!

willieonewillieonealmost 13 years ago
More asap please!

My favourite character is Kirik would love to see a hot scene between him and Anya as I think they are a perfect match! Look forward to the next chapter.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

as your work is not finished i will withhold any critique or comment concerning its writting, plot, or subject, however i am very intrigued and hope you will continue. I see that you are known for longer delays between chapters and shall wait happy in the knowledge you are taking the time needed to write this the way you want it to be written. Please, do continue this story i am already in love with all the charaters. especialy taters.


Rbn8Rbn8almost 13 years ago
How much loooooonger???

Please!!! I can not wait for the next chapter!!! If this was a novel I would have read it in one day! I realize that it is so good because of the time you must put into it, but I can't help it... I am like a fiend!!! Lol,

Oh yes, more hot scenes between Kael and Andi, please!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I Love this story! I hadn't checked back for a while after chapter 6, and imagine my delight when I noticed two new chapters. I can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter. (BUT with a small one in the house I know how hard it is to get anything done for your own enjoyment.)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
strange story but i like it

this is a very interesting story and i would love for it to continue. i really enjoyed reading it. i understand the interaction that was going on between the characters is not what some readers would like, but i understand it. kael is not human therefore he will not treat a andi like a human male would. he treats her just like the women from his own race. still though the story is additive. i would like more to come please.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Disrespect and awful behavior is liked by the readers?

I dislike the way Kael is treating Andy, without any respect. In order to give this story better points or in this case stars,you have to do better with your characters.

canndcanndalmost 13 years ago

LOL The translation at the end was great.

By far the best chapter this far. I loved how you fit the memory in so smoothly of the history of the brothers. It was very intriguing in that it gave alot of insight into their relationship. I am intrigued by Horace's comment about Kael having some magical talent? I think this chapter was really well done and entertaining, moved at a great pace and brought the characters to life more. I love your use of Taters and his cute view of things. I didn't like Kael hitting her in the head, that was the only thing I could object to. Aside from that Bravo!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I'll add my congrats on a great story and characters and everthing to the list and just add my hope to see the arrival of another chapter very very soon.



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Great installment!

My favorite character is Kirik. I love Anya as well though.

I find Kael intriguing, but I wish he'd thaw a bit towards Andi. I feel sorry for her.

Cant wait for the next one! This is exactly like reading a book.

miwildcatmiwildcatalmost 13 years ago
Good Work

I am loving this story more and more can't get enough of it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Love love love this story

I agree with those who say this should be published. If you are feeling insecure on that front, please read some Sherrilyn Kenyon or Heather Killough-Walden. You will see how superior your writing is to their schlock -- and these are popular authors! From what I know of the publishing world (I have a friend who has published many books) you'll have to deal with lots of rejection slips until you get discovered but that's part of the process. I check everyday to see if there is a new installment of this series -- that's how addicted I am to "Dark Travelers."

Mackenzie TaylorMackenzie Tayloralmost 13 years ago

So far this is turning into something wonderful. I keep anticipating the next chapter.

Just one thing. Have you thought of using italics to distinguish between thoughts and regular sentences? It really helps me when I'm writing, especially when my characters are going to do a lot of "talking" to themselves or I use telepathy.

Definitely keep up the good work.

CDallas921CDallas921almost 13 years ago
I agree- sooo hard to choose

I def. agree, I love each character in their own way, but I think I like Kael the best. As for whose relationship I like the best, it would def. have to be Kirik and Anya's b/c of the sexual tension that is slowly building (that even THEY don't seem aware of). It really seems like at first even you weren't sure where this was going, but somehow, you found a way to channel the muses. There are sooo many directions you could take this in. Where are they going? Who are they going to meet? Is Horace who he appears? Are the girls going to meet any dashing pirates that'll cause some major jealousy issues for the Feylak's (heehee)? Will Tater's find a cute poodle girlfriend of his own, lol? I just KNOW the next sex scene b/w Andi and Kael is going to be super delicious! I love love love this story Gina, it's so great, PLEASE keep it coming!!!

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