Dark Weres Ch. 12


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"Hello father, how are you?" Betty answered. She knew he had spoken with Ja'Mal and Marcus earlier.

"Abettia, I'm so tired and I want to go now." He replied.

Betty gasped, "Father, no. Listen, I'll catch the next fight out there Ok. Wait for me." She answered.

"No, save your time and make the trip later. I need to tell you something and I wanted to tell you before I meet with your brothers. "You know I was not born here, but enslaved. I never told you about our people. The Nakenda were a proud, fruitful people. My given name is Akeemo, it means gardener. As a small child, I could plant and grow all manner of things. As the youngest, I helped the women. When we were captured, I was forced to accept the slave name. Alphonso is not my real name, Jackson is the surname I chose in honor of the man that gave me back my freedom.

My full name is Akeemo Obayatuku. Never forget your real name, my daughter, Abettia Obayatuku. Teach your children the true history of the Dark Were. Tell my grandsons, and granddaughters that I love them, despite the fact that at times I was weak.

"Father, we just found each other again." She sobbed. Alphonso told her, that at least they got a second chance. For that he was grateful.

Logan was at work and he felt the sense of despair through their bond. He called Betty but she did not respond, so he called Ja'Mal. Both Jamal and Marcus rushed to their home. Alphonso spoke a bit more and then he hang up. Ja'Mal and Marcus walked in and Betty gave them the devastation news.


Thomas sat, and the pack knew something was wrong. Hattie joined him, and held him for she already knew.

Alphonso worked through the rest of the day, then he called his sons in before dinner. Thomas arranged a private meal for them in a smaller dining room.

Ryelle knew. Earlier, something happened with Abettia and she would not answer him. Tasha held on to his arm. Damian watched his two younger brothers, and then noticed how weak father seemed. Soon everyone sat. Alphonso looked and noticed that Lee-John and LaTonya were missing. He sent for them. Ms. Nancy was in her room, and he had already talked with her earlier.

"Children, I am not long for this world. I wanted time to tell you my true history." Alphonso took a deep breath.

At the end of his story, all of his sons were in tears. "Father, the doctors can fix this. You can have surgery. We will not sit here and..." Damian insisted.

"Elizabeth raised you well my son, but now you must help Ryelle lead." Alphonso whispered.

The women wept, all but Lavinia. "Alpha, thank you for caring enough about me to give me a chance to be happy. With the stunts I pulled, you could have banned me, but you didn't. I will miss you, but I know how much you love Eva. I above everyone else here know how much she meant to you. It's OK." She hugged him.

Alphonso did not announce his illness to the pack right away. Some months passed and he witnessed the birth of his granddaughter. He watched as his son became the father he knew he would be. Abettia and the rest of his family came over to visit. Each day, he grew weaker, and each day he saw his pack grow even stronger.

He was still selfish, because only a selfish man would ask another to stay away from his mate. However, Rayan and Brecken agreed to wait. He visited, and Suni avoided him, but Alphonso knew that he loved her and when it was time. He was taking his mate and their child home.

Rayan continued counseling and after a few weeks he went back home.

The next morning, the compound had a new visitor drive in. This person was completely unexpected. The Alpha was alerted and he and Thomas knew who it was.

Alphonso and Rayan walked outside, as his brother Brecken climbed out of his car. Dr. MacLean had a twin, gasp reverberated around the open field where they stood.

Soon, curious, the kitchen staff came out as did several other groups. Suni gasped, Oh my goodness, there is two of them.

Rayan laughed and hugged his brother. Alphonso shook his hand and welcomed him. Brecken looked around. He did not see her, Rayan's mate, he saw, but where was his Mari.

She works at the daycare brother. She is safe. Rayan sent. Soon the gentlemen went inside and straight to Alphonso's office. Not liking the fact that some random guy just popped in, the brothers shared a look, Ryelle accompanied his father and their new guest to the alpha office.

The brother's took a moment to catch up and Ryelle was confused. Father, you know this man? He sent. This was obviously not the first time they had met. Alphonso sighed, Sort of he replied.

Soon, they left Alphonso's office and walked. Rayan had another session with Lyric and her girls, then he would be ready to head home. He asked if they could walk around. Alphonso agreed, but Ryelle assigned a beta to accompany them.

Brecken only wanted to go to one place, and that was their second stop, after visiting Thomas and Hattie.

"Girl eye candy alert, eye candy alert," One of the females chanted when Brecken and Rayan walked in.

Now Rayan was handsome, but his brother was a honest to goodness God. Naru saw them and the melee began. For some reason, Brecken picked her son right up and the pup held on to him. Soon, the males held every pup at the center. Mari was stunned. Her wolf was going crazy at the sight of Rayan's brother. As he was placing two more pups on the ground, he looked at her and his wolf flashed in his eyes. Mime! He growled. Ari heard him. Her wolf fought for control, but she held her back. They were at work, and now was not the right time. Brecken was about to address her when Rayan spoke.

"Mari, I need your help. I want to get Suni to go out with me, but she won't. If you and my brother join us, I think she'll go." He smiled, "So Mari, I'm asking, will you go out with my brother?"

The women all watched and waited. Finally, not able to take the suspense, "Girl, say yes. If you don't, I'll hang you by your fingernails."

Mari smiled and said OK. Brecken was in, now all deals were off. Mari was his and he was making sure she knew this. They thanked her and left, Rayan laughed. His brother was so excited. They both had found their other halves.

At the end of the week, both brothers returned to Bertrand. However, they visited Jackson so often in the next months. They practically became honorary members of the pack. Brecken loved pestering Mari. She was still under the illusion that she could resist him. He didn't care how long it took, she would acknowledge him.

Suni and Rayan took walks and Dreya grew attached to him. With each visit, they sat and talked with the alpha. Alphonso was impressed. His children would be in good hands. One evening, he sent for Mari and Suni to join him. He just wanted to talk to them. Mari went to him first.

Alphonso welcomed her and they went to his study. Mari entered and felt strange. This study held many memories for her. Alphonso asked her to sit. "Mari, tell me, Brecken, he makes you happy?"

"Yes, he is different. I like him. Why?" She asked.

"I know it means nothing at this point, but I approve of him. He's a good wolf and he is crazy about you and Naru. Just promise me you will keep in touch with the pack. You both have family here." Alphonso stated.

Mari creased her brow. He sounded different. "Alpha what is going on?"

Alphonso took a deep breath and told her his story. Amari was stunned. Everyone knew he was the oldest of their kind, but to be an original from the continent of Africa was mind boggling. In his story she understood where his hatred was born and why he did not trust so easily. She also saw how much he loved Eva. She understood, because secretly she felt the same for Brecken and it scared her. They talked a but more and then someone knocked. It was Suni. She saw Mari and relaxed.

Mari stood and then left, and Alphonso talked with Suni.

"I lied Suni. I told you and your father that I never should have touched you, but the truth is that night, the flames of hell would not have stopped me from being with you. You fascinated me like no other and for that moment in time I was with the woman I always fantasized of. What I do regret is the damage my selfishness caused. You did not deserve that, and knowing I am the reason you were mistreated makes me regret my selfishness even more.

Suni waited. It was not all his fault and she needed to say so. "Alpha, I was an adult. I knew what I was doing."

Alphonso smiled, "Yes, you are definitely all grown up and will be mated soon. Rayan, I like him. When you go, let go of the past and live your life freely. Let my daughter comeback and see her family. Tell her of her people." Suni nodded when Alphonso looked so serious, "No tell her of our people. And then once again he shared his story. Su I was awed. Her loved and respect for her alpha grew exponentially.

The brothers visited many more times, and with each visit, Alphonso grew weaker and more fragile. With each visit, they reported back to Bertrand. Bertrand actually visited along with Serene one weekend. He was at peace with letting his old friend go. He told Ryelle to call when the time came.

Ryelle, Jebutu, and Damian wanted to force him onto treatment. But they knew that was not what he wanted, so they had to wait and watch him waste away.

One night Alphonso lay down and all he thought of was Eva. As he slept, she came and extended her hand. He took her hand and walked with her to a glorious place beyond description.


The spring morning dawned bright and cherry, but at the Jackson compound no one was smiling. Today, they laid their sire to rest.

Alphonso Jackson departed this life a few nights ago in his sleep. He was loved by everyone. His manservant, and closest friend, Thomas found his body. He went to wake him, and knew before he entered the room. He cried silently and called Hattie. She joined him as he called his sons. Jebutu called Betty. She and the members of the Kingsley pack headed south immediately.

Suni got up and held her daughter. Alphonso was gone. He was a decent man and a great father. Suni's cried as her mother hugged her. Her daughter would never see her Dad again; she would forever be seen as his illegitimate daughter. Suni would find herself dreaming of her mate and in her dreams; he was gorgeous, too gorgeous to be real. Sometimes she imagined he was watching her. That was crazy, Dr. MacLean went home months ago; he never thought of a dark female Were that had a child.

Thomas walked in a reminded them that the pack was heading to the convention center for the service. Ryelle and the others were waiting for them. Suni picked Dreya up, in her white and pink dress, and pink ribbons and walked out to join her daughter's siblings.

Now Mari's mate was also a member of Bertrand's Pack. They knew Bertrand was coming and both Brecken and Rayan were traveling with their alphas.

The family gathered to leave when Tasha saw that Mari and Suni were missing. She sent for them and Thomas as well. They were family; rank did not matter to her. Ms. Nancy stayed by her side. Thomas and his small family joined them as Mari walked up carrying Naru. Ryelle quickly took his baby brother in his arms as Damian carried Dreya. They loaded the limos and rode to the memorial service together.

Suni and Mari sat together behind the alpha children. Their children were being held by their brothers. Many people filed in a they waited for the services to start. The placed was beautifully decorated. Dark black and maroon hues donned the wall. A large photo of Alphonso sat I front. His body was no longer near as he had been buried at the compound following his passing. Mari and Suni felt strange. They were not children of the alpha and therefore should not be in the front, but Ryelle sent both women a message. You are the mothers of our brother and sister. That makes you one of us.

The girls gasped, and each received comforting confirmation from now Madam Alpha Tasha.

IN their brother's laps,, the babes were content. The Naru looked back and cooed loudly. Dreya look and both babies became overly excited. The other children looked back and reacted as well.

Suni turned and saw Dr. MacLean and his brother sitting beside him. Mari's wolf howled and she was happy that her mate had come. She missed him and needed him now more than ever. Suni and Mari smiled at the males and then turned around. Rayan wanted to go to her, but the place was packed. He would see about her after the service. Brecken saw the look of consternation on Mari's face, and he needed to just hold her. He would care for his mate when this service was done.

"Mari, are you alright?" Suni asked,

"I'm fine. The service, let's pay attention. They needus brother. Today, we take our women and children home. Brecken sent to his twin.

Rayan nodded. Then the service started.

Ryelle was strong, as were his brothers. His sister cried and his heart broke for her. Her mate Logan held her and he could not have been prouder if his new brother. Lavinia held her daughter, and Jebutu sat beside her. His are placed protectively around his family. Lugz and LaTonya sat with Ms. Nancy. Ms. Nancy cried silently as well. Damien also held his wife. Marcus sat with his father, Jebutu, and Ryelle was so proud of his oldest nephew and the fact that he let Jebutu back into his life. Finally his eyes feel on his nephew, Ja'Mal was a fantastic alpha. He was a credit to his mother.

A dignitary took the stage, and spoke. A choir sang. The governor presented the family with a memorial plaque to hang in the town hall. Some people spoke of Alpha Alphonso's kindness and wisdom. Soon the celebration ended.

Lyric walked over to her daughter and asked, "Can I hold my granddaughter?"

Olivia reached for grandma and Lyric held her so close. LaTonya would give birth in a few months and she could not wait to spoil her grandson as well. The meetings with Dr. MacLean helped them heal and she apologized to both of her daughters. Olivia was the apple of her grandmother's and her father's eye. Renny was just as smitten. The pack looked on and each member was amazed at the transformation of Lavinia. Many actually came to her for advice, and Lavinia answered as best she could.

Tasha held on to Ryelle, as he worried about fulfilling his father's shoes as alpha. He actually offered the post to Damian, citing that Damian was the eldest son. Damian refused, "Ryelle, you were always meant to be alpha. Father groomed you for this post. I stand behind you brother one hundred fifty percent." He vowed. Jebutu was with them, and he agreed with their older brother.

All four of Alphonso's children stood before the town. Alphonso Jackson was gone, but the Jackson Pack would live on. They would never let the memory of Akeemo Obayatuku fade from their people.


In the spirit realm, Alphonso held his Eva close. She was a young and as beautiful as she was when he saw her the first time over a century ago. He held her so tightly, not wanting to ever be without her again.

"Welcome, my love. All is well now. We can watch over them from now on." Eva whispered.

They looked back at their loved ones and knew they would be fine. They were not alone for long because The Shamans of old joined them as did Keamon and Chief Joe. The group watched, and then the Wapjanli spoke, "Everyone, it's time." Each person looked back once more, as they vanished into the hereafter.



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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Spelling errors can make or break a scene. “Mime!” Suddenly, out of nowhere, a mime drops into the scene. Ahahaha!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Alphonso is disgusting. I forgot to mention that in the previous 11 chapters. Suni said he was a decent man and a great father. What? Yeah just to the babies probably. Useless alpha. He saying he still has feelings for Mari and he wouldn’t be able to stop with Suni. Gag. Even tho she was a pass around he slept with his sons mate. He’s sick and should blame himself. Idk why he lived this long. I’m over it. Sorry. But not over this series! Still reading all your stories. LOL.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
How many times must I read this Story

Let's see so far at least four times , And I loved it every time.

Iread2relaxIread2relaxabout 7 years agoAuthor

Thank you for your feedback. This story is purely fiction and not intended to be representative of any set group.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
love the stories

Awesome stories I am addicted to

thruholewizardthruholewizardover 8 years ago

a great prelude to "Brother Wolves". Thank you for the happy ending.

Stephen J

FieroGT1988FieroGT1988almost 9 years ago
Where can I find Andi Downs

I searched for that name and for the dragon twins story but found nothing on Lit. Is it published somewhere else? Always looking for another good author.

RheamistressRheamistressalmost 9 years ago

Great ending, IRTR. It is seldom that I get to read of an alpha going quietly in the the hereafter. I am just as excited about the new story line of the wolf/dragon brothers. :)

ariesgirlariesgirlalmost 9 years ago

I'm going to miss this story. And can't wait to start reading what you have planned next.

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