Darla's Games Day 06


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So, I endured her hand on my thigh under the table and moved it when it crept up. Eventually, when I didn't return her little giggles at her game of cat and mouse, she acted pissed at me and moved her hand off me altogether. She pouted and wouldn't talk to me the rest of lunch. I was surrounded by my fellow cheerleaders and still I felt so alone.

April brought up the subject of yesterday's lunch party and everyone jumped in with their own commentary. The 'terms of endearment' for the leather clad slut burned my ears and flushed my face and I had to mentally fight my hands from trembling with humiliation.

"So when are we going to get to use her again?" Courtney asked, looking directly at me.

Rebecca giggled. "I'm not sure. But I would bet she will make another appearance. She just can't stay away from stinky panties."

They all laughed. Farin flat out refused to console me in any way as punishment for my earlier denial of her.

"Oh, sorry Carrie," Courtney smiled at me, her eyes never left me even in the fits of laughter, "I'm sure you will be there next time." She giggled.

The bell rang and I gladly got up from the table. I waited for Julie to join me, but ...

"Hey Julie, want to walk up by my locker?" April asked her, "I have this awesome new song on my MP3 if you want to listen on the spare." She was referring to her spare earphone. Julie accepted the offer and I dejectedly walked to my locker alone.

I got my book bag and started towards Spanish. Julie and April were dancing down the hall, each with an ear plug. I was jealous and I hated it. I mean, as much time as I had been drug away from her in the past three days, I guess I should have been more understanding, but I didn't want to be understanding.

By the time I got to class, I was fuming. Julie showed up laughing and humming to herself. "Hey Carrie, you should hear that song, it was full out nasty."

I glared at her. "Yeah, you and April," and I strung out the name with obvious distaste, "really seemed to like it."

She glared back at me. "What the hell Carrie? Maybe if you could yank yourself away from Farin," she insulted her name with even greater disdain, "then I wouldn't have to spend time with April."

"Whatever." I muttered.

"Jesus." She returned and slammed her book bag on the desk and dropped heavily into her seat. "You have some nerve." She added.

We sat there looking at the blackboard until the bell rang, both refusing to look at each other. Okay, it was childish behavior at best, but I guess it had to happen sooner or later.

Miss Capano started speaking in Spanish and one of my favorite classes was suddenly a lot less fun. We sat in silence for about fifteen minutes before Miss Capano strolled through the students who were appropriately repeating the Spanish phrases that she said and noticed that we were not participating.

"Que es la problema?" She asked me and Julie and all eyes turned to us and we were instantly embarrassed.

"Nada" I responded.

"Mi amiga esta un adoquin." Julie grumbled.

I got the 'my friend' but didn't know the translation to 'fool'. Miss Capano giggled at my blank look.

"Enseno que vosotros besa y amistar. Ustedes hace estupido. Ustedes estas muy bien amigas." She smiled.

I was pretty much at a total loss in interpretation because she spoke so fast and fluently. Julie was much better at Spanish. Roughly translated, you two should kiss and make up, you are being stupid, and you are best friends.

"Mi amiga insultame." Julie returned.

"Su amiga amate." Miss Capano smiled at her. "Attencion en classe chicas." And she went back to teaching.

"Esta verdad." I mumbled.

Julie looked at me, waiting to find out what was true.

"Amate, bitch." I grumbled and then laughed. She couldn't keep a straight face and laughed too.

I think Miss Capano heard it too, because I saw her giggle just before she said the next phrase, which was Spanish for My uncle has a fishing boat.

We got back into the class and it was all pretty much forgotten for the moment. We went to gym class together and wow, what a surprise; Rebecca stopped me to talk about something while Julie excused herself to join April on the way to the lockers.

"What?" I glared at her. She was pissing me off again.

She smiled evilly and I couldn't help but to gulp. "Well, Farin hasn't really been on the same 'team' lately so I am thinking of replacing her as my second."

I looked at her stunned. I know this whole thing was a bit of a rift between them, but they had been good friends for years.

"Yeah, I was thinking of bumping her for Courtney." She smiled at me. "Courtney seems a bit more in touch with what the team needs."

I looked up and down the halls. There were some people milling about back and forth. "Come with me for a second." I said, and headed to the bathroom.

She didn't follow me, just stared at me. "Please!" I said, angry that she made me say that.

She followed me and we went into the bathroom and into the last stall. I shut and locked the door behind us. "What do you want?" I asked.

Her mouth widened into the broadest of grins. "What makes you think I want something from you that I don't already have Carrie?"

I was so close to punching her in the face. I twitched with anger at her. "If I say something to Darla, she will yank you right out of this whole thing and you know it. And believe me, I won't miss you one bit."

"Ahh, but if I am out, you are obviously off the squad. And," she gasped dramatically, "So is poor Julie. I mean, between you and me, she is a great addition to the team, but I'm afraid without you, she's gone."

I didn't get where she was going yet, but she had just threatened two of the most important people in my life right now and I was getting protective and angry.

Rebecca laughed lightly. "Okay, I'll make a deal with you. For every favor I do for you, or more specifically for your friends, you will do a favor for me. Anything I want. And you never tell Darla about it."

This was what I had been afraid of since Rebecca first got involved. I always knew she was a conniving little bitch and now she was going to start working her own angles. I knew if I told Darla, she would set the little whore straight, but once that was done, once she was removed once and for all from my torture; she still had hooks on important people in my life that she had never held before.

"What do you want Rebecca?" I asked her fuming.

"I want your word that you will do what I want. A favor for a favor. The only promises I will make you as that you won't be marked, your virginity won't be taken, because frankly I think it is hilarious that you are a virgin and I will keep each promise I make. Oh, and I won't call a favor if it would interfere with Darla's use of you."

I stared at her hard. "You are such a bitch Rebecca."

She slapped my face. "I know I am."

I gripped a fist, ready to beat her ass, but I thought of Farin and Julie. I never wanted Julie to be involved in this in any way. And Farin, it was her trademark to be a cheerleader. Losing that would hurt her and I didn't want that either.

"I think I'll just tell Darla. You wouldn't dare to kick them off the squad. You would lose you're hold over me. And then..." I looked up at her and smiled maliciously. "You would find out what a bitch I can be."

She dropped her smile for a moment and let that sentiment roll through her head. "Okay, that is a good point. Problem is, in forty-eight days, it is over. I did promise to never let out any of the secrets, so unfortunately, that isn't really leverage. However, there are other things I can do, like I just said, I can kick Julie and Farin off the squad."

My vicious smile dropped. "I see." I thought for awhile. "Look, Rebecca, I am not going to be your bitch all year. Once this bet is over, I'm done with this stupid crap."

"I know that." Rebecca smiled. "I know that once things are put back to normal, you are off the squad and back to plotting some vengeance on me that you will never get. I'm not stupid Carrie. That is your problem; you think you are so much smarter than everyone else."

"I never thought you were stupid Rebecca." I lied; I really did think she was an idiot.

"Whatever, don't blow smoke up my ass." She laughed. "So? Will you do it?"

The bell rang and I started.

"So what, we're late, you should be used to laps by now. What is your answer?" Rebecca asked, a bit less sure of herself than she had been when we came in here.

"Yeah, I'll do it. Nothing long term. I'm not giving you a month for a favor or anything like that."

"Nothing long term. One night or day or maybe even just an hour or two per favor, which is all I want." Rebecca responded.

"Okay, two favors." I muttered.

She laughed. "No, that is to start with. Want to go over my list of favors now?" She grinned.

I started to feel the temperature rise in my head again. "Sure. What do you have?" "Farin and Julie stay on the team, which is two. Farin keeps her position as second, which is three. They both get to attend cheerleader parties, five. They both get to attend all cheerleader functions, seven. I think homecoming brings us to nine. I leave Julie out of the initiation, ten. Unfortunately, to do that, I really need to leave you out of the initiation, eleven. We arrange for Julie to have transportation to all of the cheerleader events, practices, and work outs, I think that is generous for one favor, but twelve."

"If I keep them both in for basketball season, which doubles to twenty-four. If I keep them on for baseball season, thirty-six. I'd like to bargain for the summer as well, but I don't think that would be quite fair by then, so I'll let it go. Thirty-six favors, are you in?"

"Give me an example." I muttered.

"An example of what?" Rebecca asked. I could tell by her grin, she already knew I would do it, now we were just negotiating limitations on the favors.

"Of a favor." I replied.

"Oh no, that is for me to know and you to find out. I already gave you my promises of what they won't be. I also may not use them all up before the bet is over, so you may still be doing me favors next summer if I don't. But, obviously, the things you do for me because of Darla will stop with the bet; these favors are just between you and me."

"Can I think about it?" I asked.

"Sure, but if you go to Darla, all bets are off. If she confronts me about this in any way, then you won't get a second chance. Give me your answer tomorrow morning." She smiled and opened the stall door.

"Let's go to gym class." She giggled. I followed her to the locker room.

I still had to hide my ass for awhile, so I was glad nobody was left in the lockers when we got there. Our lockers are on different aisles, so we changed in silence and went out to the gymnasium together.

"Miss Fitch, I think it is wonderful how you love to run. Perhaps you should join the track team. On my mark ladies, loser gets a bonus two laps." Miss Nichols said.

Rebecca looked at me. I sneered at her. We were going to race. This was one thing I could do to her. A little taste of vengeance.

"Go!" Miss Nichols yelled and we did.

Rebecca had an advantage over me because of her longer legs, but I had a determination that I don't think she shared. Sure, she hated me and wanted to beat me on the track, but for me, this was like a payback run. Winning this run was the only thought in my mind. It was juvenile, thinking that making her do two extra laps was in any way equivocal to the hell she put me through, but it was all I had at the moment.

I was tearing down the track, at the end of the first lap, we were neck and neck and she kept looking at me angrily as I kept her running hard. My breasts flopped wildly without the support of a bra, they hurt, but I didn't care. I had been dealing with pain enough to make it a minor inconvenience.

Our race had gained us some attention. Miss Nichols watched and pulled her stop watch out as we hit the start line for the second lap. Julie was with 'our crew' though we were losing them, but they were standing and watching as well. Sara cheered me on as I crossed the start line.

By the second lap, we were both huffing and puffing and red in the face. Sweat was dripping from our bodies and foreheads. I pedaled as fast as I could, but she kept pace with me. The ferocious pace we kept, amplified by Miss Nichols yelling, excellent lap girls, had drawn the attention of the entire class by now.

By lap three, I was panting for breath, but Rebecca was too. I felt a sharp pain in my side and ignored it. The cheerleaders, though torn since we were both one of 'them' had taken up squealing and encouraging Rebecca. It made me smile to hear Farin cheer out for me.

Fourth lap, she lost a few steps, but as we circled for the final lap, she started sprinting harder and made it up. Julie, Sara, Gina, Cat and Jen were all screaming for me. The cheerleaders were chanting for Rebecca. I kicked my feet as fast as they would go. We rounded the last turn and she was right on me. I grabbed every last bit of energy and my body and my legs felt like they were a blur. I blasted past her on the last straight stretch and beat her ass.

My girls cheered me. Even Julie. Rebecca was burnt out and stopped, bent over and heaving for breath. I slowed to an unsteady walk and, dripping with sweat, went over to join my friends in celebration. I looked back and Rebecca was furious.

"Excellent run girls." Miss Nichols said. "Best I've ever seen. Rebecca, walk the last two off."

I was too tired to do anything on the first station. My posse kept congratulating me and laughing with me. And it felt awesome. I knew I'd be paid back later tenfold, but it felt great. My girls were with me, Julie was with me, I was a leader again, for the thirty minutes left in gym class.

Heading back to the lockers, I knew I needed a shower desperately. I reeked of sweat. I was drenched from the run. Still, I knew with the state of my ass, there was no way I could do it with everyone there. I excused myself subtly from the throng and went into a stall to sit and wait until they all left.

A minute later there was a knock on the stall door. "Open up." Courtney chirped.

"Please leave me alone." I pleaded.

She giggled. "Open u-up" Courtney sang.

I flicked the lock open and she opened the door and came in and locked it behind her. "Don't you just love sweat?" She giggled.

She just stood there smiling at me and when my eyes met hers, she pointed them downward. I pulled her shorts and panty down over her ass and pulled her closer. It was a sucky angle at best. She couldn't spread her legs much with her shorts around her thighs and I couldn't get into her pussy very well sitting on the toilet seat.

She just smiled at me as I tried to tilt my head for a better angle to get my tongue at her sweaty snatch. I pulled her shorts down to her ankles and she obligingly stepped out of them and then lifted a foot to the toilet seat to give me access.

I did my best to get it over with and was rewarded with her orgasmic juices flowing onto my face within a couple of minutes after I had the right angle. She waited until I licked her clean and then put her panty and shorts on. She leaned into my ear and whispered. "I am so glad you joined the squad." She giggled and left.

I figured it was safe to exit the stall now. Sure enough, the bell rang in a few seconds and as everyone else left to seventh period, I grabbed a towel and went to the showers. Courtney was still in there; she looked at me and smiled. "Come here." She whispered. "Hurry, I'm late."

I took off my gym clothes and went into the showers with my towel. I tossed it over a shower head close to her. "What?" I asked her.

"Do it again." She giggled.

"Not here," I retorted.

"Yes, here." She giggled again and pointed at her pussy with both hands. "Come on, you know you want to."

"No, I really don't." I answered and turned on a shower head.

She walked over to me and slapped my bare ass and I cringed. She pressed her tits into my back and wrapped her arms around me and leaned down to my ear. "Eat my pussy here and now bitch or I will tell Julie who ate her pussy yesterday."

I turned to her with ferocity on my face. "You are sworn to secrecy or you wouldn't have been allowed to know." I challenged. She laughed. "I know about your bet thingee. I'm not in it. Besides, I won't tell her, I'll just find a way to help her find the truth. And you'll never be able to know for sure it was me." She winked at me. Even when she called me a bitch, she had her cheerful little singing voice.

"Fuck you Courtney."

She grabbed my shoulders and turned me around. "Yes please, with your tongue, now." And she pressed down on my shoulders. I let a tear join the water flowing over my face and went down on her again. To my relief, nobody came into the shower, though people were coming in for seventh period gym class. I heard more and more voices and decided to hurry it along. She seemed in no rush and didn't seem to care if we got caught.

I licked and sucked her pussy and clit. I shoved my tongue in her hole. I nibbled her clit with my teeth, albeit gently. She came and grabbed my head and rubbed her climaxing quim all over it. Then she grabbed my towel and started drying off on her way out of the showers.

I stood up after realizing I was still kneeling as she walked off with my towel. It wasn't a big deal; I'd grab another out in the entranceway. I decided to shower the pussy and sweat off me and relax in the shower a minute. Being late to class was becoming quite habitual of late. I hoped no teacher would tell my mom.

I went out of the shower and instinctively reached for the pile of clean towels that consistently resided on the bench outside the shower room. There were none left. I had thought that there were some there besides mine when I came in. Oh well, I went to pick up my gym clothes. They were in a desperate need of laundering after that run. They were gone.

I panicked. What had that bitch done?

Outside the showers, the sophomores were changing into their gym clothes. I went to the corner and looked out into the main aisle. No basket, even of dirty towels. I was furious and dripping wet. I went to my locker, stomping past sophomores who jumped out of my way. Some of them were taller than me, but they could see by my face, I was not to be trifled with. I opened my locker door and only the helplessness of the situation kept me from screaming.

My clothes were gone. All of them. Even my shoes. The only thing left was the cell phone. I picked it up. I turned to some girl a few lockers down. Standing bare ass naked and dripping wet, I thought about stealing her clothes. I stomped down the aisle to Miss Nichols office. She wasn't there; she was in the gymnasium still.

Some little blonde was walking by in her gym clothes and I grabbed her shoulder. "Tell Miss Nichols to come in here."

She shook her little head yes and ran off like I was some kind of a monster. I went into the bathroom and started yanking paper towels out to dry off. The damned dispenser had one towel left. I cursed. I went back out into the lockers, determined to steal some clothes and kill Courtney. I walked back to my locker, half expecting my clothes to be back in it with a note that said Ha Ha very funny. It was still empty.

The bell had rung minutes ago. I was missing 7th period. I waited, but Miss Nichols never came in. That little punk sophomore must not have told her. The locker room was completely empty except for me. I sat on the bench and waited for something to happen. I wondered if Miss King was asking for me. Maybe she would have someone track me down in gym class and I could get them to bring me something to wear.