Darla's Games Day 07


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"Do you know why we are here?" Jill asked.

"No." I whispered.

"Stand up." Jill ordered. I could tell she was angry, but she never raised her voice. I immediately complied.

"Bend over the table, at your waist, legs spread breasts and face against the table and face Sue." She ordered. I shook violently as I did it. She walked up behind me and rested her hand on my ass. I shivered from shoulder to toe.

"You have pussy juice dangling from your cunt Carrie. Does that bother you?" Jill asked.

I moved my hand down between my legs and discovered it was true. I sobbed.

"We are here, all of us, to determine if we should end this bet today because of your little display yesterday. Everyone at the table gets a vote, except you. How does that make you feel? That the five of us will determine how your next forty-three days will be spent and you have no control over the decision?" She was rubbing my ass.

I shook and shuddered and heard a plop hit the ground as the strand of ooze from my pussy stretched enough to release. Sue was smiling at me and licked her lips when she heard it drop.

Jill slapped my ass lightly. "Get up. I vote yes, she keeps going. She loves it."

Sue smiled. "Yes."

I sobbed and shook as my fate was decided. It was unanimous. Darla had been the last one to say yes, but she finally did.

"Now crawl your ass over to Darla and beg her forgiveness for embarrassing her yesterday." Jill instructed.

I jolted upright and turned on her and glared in her eyes. I embarrassed her?! You have got to be kidding me! She slapped my face so hard it turned sharply to the side. "Don't you ever look at me in that tone again Carrie." Jill admonished me.

I touched my cheek, it burned. I looked at the floor and watched my tears splash on the spot. "Sorry Jill." I sank to my knees and crawled over to Darla, knelt by her feet and looked at the ground. "Please forgive me for embarrassing you yesterday Darla."

"Not sincere enough." Jill said sharply. "Try it again."

Bitch! I thought. "I'm very sorry for what I did yesterday and how I embarrassed you in front of Rebecca and Courtney and that you had to take her to the hospital and talk to her mother. I'm sorry Darla, please let me make it up to you." I begged eyes on her feet.

Darla was quiet for a long moment. "Get your dress on and get your book bag. You are going to school."

I wasn't sure, so I crawled to my dress and shoes and then crawled up the stairs. I crawled into my bedroom and figured it was okay to stand up to dress. In a way, I wanted to please Jill, and Darla too I guess. I picked out a tiny black stretch skirt that only covered my pussy by a couple of inches and a bright orange belly shirt that left a good five inches of midriff between the two. Instead of my usual boots, I put on some lacy calf socks and a pair of black, three inch heel boots.

I went to the bathroom, washed my face with a wet cloth and ran a brush through my hair. I grabbed my bag and walked down stairs.

I got downstairs and turned the corner and they all stared at me. "You are such a slut!" Jackie laughed. Rachel whistled. I smiled shyly.

Sue winked at me approvingly. Jill stared impassively for the briefest half a second and turned back to Darla. Darla smiled, though not her usual malicious smile, and went back to her whispered conversation with Jill.

When I got into the kitchen, Jill turned to Sue. "Take the slut out to the car. Darla and I will be out in a minute."

"Come on Carrie." Sue smiled and took my hand and we walked out the front door. "You look almost as hot as me, but then, that is a very high standard of comparison indeed." She laughed.

I laughed with her and we closed the door behind us. We climbed into the back seat of Darla's car and she started to tease me. She turned in the seat to face me and laid a hand on my upper thigh. "So, Carrie... whatever are we going to do about your dripping pussy? It's so very wet. Is it always that wet? I mean you are gushing like a river. I can see it from here."

I looked down and lifted the hem to see my sopping wet hole. I moaned.

Sue giggled. "Yeah, you are definitely into humiliation. That is so cool. I'm not really into that. I do it for Jill; of course, whatever turns her on is good for me too. But, it has been awhile since I met someone who gets off on it."

I turned away. It was another thing that made me different. Sue laughed at me. "Oh stop for Christ's sake. It is cool I swear. Mind if I play a little? Please?" She begged.

I laughed lightly. "What do you mean?"

Sue looked around the car. "Quick, pull your skirt up and kneel on the seat and spread your knees wide." She instructed. I moaned, but did as she said.

"Ummm." Sue looked around the car and found a paper cup from Wendy's. She took off the lid and dumped the contents out into the street and closed the door again. She placed the cup under my pussy and smiled at me. I groaned, figuring what she wanted to do.

"You are such a whore Carrie. I mean you would go down on any cunt in front of you wouldn't you?" I couldn't help myself, I started trembling and I moaned lightly.

"I bet if I asked you, you would get on your knees and beg to lick my cunt right now wouldn't you?" I moaned again and started swaying my hips.

"God, you filthy slut. I had to clean that leather gimp suit. It was reeking with your nasty cunt juice. You totally got off on all those girls spanking you and making you lick their nasty twats. What a total lesbo whore you are."

I clinched my eyes and ran my right hand under my shirt to squeeze my nipple. I dared not move my left hand, just held my skirt up and knew she was looking at my quivering slit.

"Ever lick an asshole you nasty whore? I bet you would for me. I know you would for Jill. You would probably saw your own clit in half for her. I see how you look at her. You want to suck her pussy so bad don't you? I get to do that whenever I want. You are a jealous little cunt aren't you?"

"Oh God!" I moaned. I was shaking and tears of humiliation washed over my burning face.

"I'm going to bring you over to our house after the bet is over and make you eat my pussy over and over while I eat Jill's and I'm not going to let you touch it."

"Fuck!" I cried out. I was panting and squeezing my breast so hard.

"Then, we are going to have a party. I am going to invite Julie and have you lick her asshole and her wet tight pussy. I am going to show her the slut you really are."

"Oh stop!" My eyes flew open. "Stop Sue, I'll cum. Please stop!"

She smiled at me, utterly amazed. "Where is the phone?"

"In my book bag, right pocket." I answered.

She pulled it out and dialed. "Hey Darla, its Sue."

"Come out here, I want you to see this." She said.

I groaned. I looked down; there was a steady line of juice from my pussy to the cup. I shuddered and it broke off with a plop.

"She can cum without any touching at all. Can we make her?" Sue asked, winking at me.

"Oh, okay. Can I keep playing with her anyway?" She shook her head at me and smiled.

"K." She closed the phone.

"Sorry slut, you can't have an orgasm yet. I think she is going to do it tonight." She giggled. "In front of all your friends, and your enemies too."

"But, we can still play; put your hands behind your head like this." She interlaced her fingers and put her hands behind her neck and held her arms out straight to the sides.

I copied her motion and knelt and moaned slightly.

"Julie huh? Your best friend. What did she taste like? I bet you want to taste her again huh?" I closed my eyes and moaned loudly, my pussy was shaking, I could feel my clit throbbing.

"Yes, you filthy little lesbian whore. Your best friend. How would she feel if she knew her very best friend in the whole wide world was such a cunt lapping freak? Oh, she'd be shocked at first, but I bet she'd be worse than Courtney. She'd end up having sleepovers seven nights a week making you lap her pussy."

I convulsed with need. My body was shaking uncontrollably. "Please Sue, don't" I begged.

"You better not cum without Darla's permission. She would be so pissed. She would probably gimp you out every lunch for the next forty-three days. But then, you'd like that wouldn't you? Nasty little cunt licking tramp."

"You love the anonymity and being able to be called vile names and forced to suck them while they don't care at all for your needs. Just being used like a worthless toy." She taunted.

"God, no more Sue... I can't take it, please." I pleaded. I was shaking and panting. I looked down to see another line of juice from my hole, pouring into the cup.

"Okay slut, I'm going to touch your pussy now. Just going to scoop the last of your nasty girl cum juice into the cup and then you are going to drink it all down like the greedy little whore you are. Don't you dare cum." She ordered. I shook violently when she touched my hole. She didn't stimulate at all, just dipped her finger in my aroused gash and scooped a finger full of my excitement into the cup with a loud plop.

"Now, lick your nasty cunt juice off my finger." She ordered and placed my finger in my mouth. I took it and sucked with effort, rubbing it with my tongue until she pulled it from my lips with a pop.

"Pull your skirt down and drink your horrid mess." She said and sat up on the seat, turned toward me to watch.

I shivered as I lowered my skirt and sat down, careful to pull the cup out from between my knees. I shuddered as I placed it to my lips and spilled the bottom up, gulping down about three mouthfuls of my own vile excretions. I shook all over as it dripped and oozed down my throat.

I sat in silence and Sue just sighed and smiled at me. "Okay, now try to come down off that and relax. Maybe we can do it again for the other girls on the way to school."

I whimpered.

She giggled.

My front door opened and Jill, Darla, Jackie and Rachel piled into the car and they all drove me to school. It was pretty packed with four of us in the back seat. Sue sat next to me and had her hand on my thigh the whole ride.

"I swear the slut spewed out a half a cup of girlie juice." Sue giggled, when they all asked what happened. Jill was up front and smiled at me, turned around to look at my blushing face.

"Oh darn." Darla said suddenly. Everyone looked to her. "The game is tonight. Carrie, do you have your uniform?"

My eyes flew open. Surely they didn't plan for me to wear that ridiculous uniform tonight. "No." I stammered. "It's in my room."

"And you didn't bring your dress for the party either." Darla sneered. "That is too bad. I guess you'll be wearing your slut clothes. Charles probably won't mind though. He already knows he is getting a blow job." She smiled in the mirror at me.

My jaw dropped. I had forgotten all about the party. I looked out into the vastness of space.

"Well, we are half way to school now. I'll go pick up your uniform and dress. I want you rested for tonight's games, so just go to classes, no bathroom trips today. I do want you to pull Rebecca aside though and apologize for scaring her and hitting her friend. Also, apologize for beating her at the race yesterday. You will lose to her at everything from now on, understand?"

"Yes Darla." I muttered and gritted my teeth.

SLAP! Jill cracked my face hard. My eyes flared open and she dared me. We had a staring contest for a few seconds and I dropped my eyes. "Yes Darla," I answered sincerely, "I am sorry for my tone."

"Good, now get your ass to school." She was pulling in front of the school and they let me out of the car.

I touched my cheek as I slumped out of the car and walked the empty steps to the front doors. I didn't look back, just kept going straight in. Jill was no longer the nice one, again.

I walked to the principal's office and his secretary noted my tardy arrival at class and asked if I wanted to see the school nurse about my bandaged hands. I said no and took the pass to head to my class. It was nearly 11:00 and I headed to fourth period.

I gave my pass to Mrs. Bonner and looked up at the class. Farin and Julie were both staring at me with deep concern. I offered Farin a smile as I walked by and sat next to Julie.

"What happened?" She whispered, once I settled in and pulled out my Biology book.

I looked over at her and fought off the sexually heightened thoughts that Sue had helped to implant in my mind. "I beat the hell out of a tree." I giggled.

She didn't smile. She looked at my bandaged hands and continued her extremely concerned look at me.

"I'm okay." I whispered. "What are you wearing tonight?" I made a highly unsuccessful attempt at a segue to another topic. An uncomfortable silence fell before she said. "The red one. And why won't you trust me?" Julie huffed.

I sighed.

"You kept giggling insanely, saying something about Darla's games. What were you talking about?" Julie persisted.

I shivered. I wondered what else I said in my delirious state. I turned to her and smiled weakly. "I'm okay Jules, I'll tell you about it later? Please?"

She looked at me hard with concern and went to hold my hand, and settled for my unbandaged fingertips. "You are a mess girl."

"I know." I smiled. And I really did know I was.

It wasn't too long before the bell rang again and we were headed for lunch. Farin shadowed us there, and I smiled at her as best I could manage. The tension was broken when we all got into excited discussions about the party tonight. I was absolutely not looking forward to the party. Well, that isn't entirely true. The party would be fun. It was the ride there that had me ready to vomit.

Rebecca sensed my concern and smiled wickedly. "We are going to ride from the game. Brad is driving, so we'll change in the locker room after the game."

The game, I had nearly forgotten. I leaned over to Farin, who was on my left. "Can you get me a uniform before end of day?" I whispered.

She giggled. "Of course."

That was a relief. I had a fantasy/nightmare of being naked in front of the whole school doing a cartwheel. Farin rested her hand consolingly on my thigh. Julie had seated herself on my right side today and kept looking at me worried. I caught her once and stuck my tongue out at her, but she wouldn't even smile.

We packed up lunch when the bell was about to ring and I asked Rebecca for a word. She looked apprehensive, but said "Of course." I told Julie I'd catch up to her, and she reluctantly left my side.

Rebecca and I walked into the bathroom and into the end stall. I closed and locked the door behind us and she stood back, squaring off in case I decided to fight her. I knelt down in front of her and looked up. "I'm sorry I freaked out yesterday and embarrassed you Rebecca. And I'm truly very sorry about Courtney, I didn't mean..." I trailed off and looked at her feet for a moment.

I shook myself together and looked up at her again. "I'm also sorry for beating you in the race, it won't happen again." She smiled at me, almost forgetting to hate me for a second, but caught herself quickly and turned her lips upward malevolently.

"You are such a bitch Carrie. Courtney is going to miss her first party since freshman year because of you. She won't let anyone see her. She looks a complete mess. Her eyes are black and blue and puffed up. Her nose is in a piece of metal to fix it. They had to move the broken bone back into position and it was excruciating. I was there; I heard her screaming when they did it."

My eyes glossed over in tears. "I'm so sorry." I whimpered. "I was entirely wrong to do that and I will try to make it up to her."

Rebecca laughed. "Well, since she probably won't get a date for awhile looking like she is, she will probably find a way for you to do just that you lesbo slut. But tonight, your ass is mine. Did you know Darla was coming tonight?"

My eyes shot up. No, I didn't know that.

"Oh yes, and she intends to make sure you are a good little slut all night long." She grinned. "Courtney, though she protested a lot, is coming over my house tonight. I don't think I can get her to come to the party, but since it is your fault she won't be there, I decided to hire a geek from AV to record it so she can watch. It will cost you one hundred and fifty dollars. Though, I think he would settle out for a blowjob." She laughed.

"Yes, you will be degraded you little bitch and I will get the disc there, so he won't have a copy, don't worry about that. Still, I can't help it if anyone else has a cam phone or pocket video camera. I'm sure as hell not the boss of everyone." She smiled dangerously. "Just you."

"Now, I'm going to be late for class, get the fuck up and out of here trash." She opened the door and walked out. She stopped before reaching the door out of the bathroom though and pushed the stall door back open. I turned to look at her.

"What is your answer bitch?" Rebecca sneered.

"Answer for what Rebecca?" I asked sincerely not understanding the reference.

"The thirty-six favors." She smiled.

"Oh." I hadn't really had any time to think about that. "Yes, deal" I whispered. "Make it forty-two, I want to finish the football season."

She laughed. "You are on. I would have let you stay for free just for the added chance to humiliate you in practice, but since you offered." She turned and left, laughing.

I felt like an idiot. I got to my feet and made my way to Spanish class and joined Julie in the hall.

Even gym class was a bit of a blur. I kept imagining the degrading things that would happen to me tonight, and thankfully, my imagination is a lot worse than what was in store for me.

In Art class, Miss King asked about yesterday and I told her I had felt poorly and spent the period in the locker room being sick. She seemed to accept this, though she kept looking over my shoulder at the sketch I made. It was an angel that looked like Rebecca screaming in anguish while a female devil, who looked a lot like me, beat her with a whip. At the end of class, I tucked it away in my portfolio and left before Miss King could offer a trip to the school counselor.

I made my way to my gym locker and tossed my bag inside and looked for Farin. She came bouncing down and smiling at me. Julie showed shortly after and started stripping off to change into her uniform. I admired her body briefly before Farin grabbed my chin and turned it back to the uniform on the hanger. It was normal, thank God.

I pulled the skirt up my thighs under my stretch skirt and only took it off when my ass was covered. I pulled off my belly shirt and put on my sweater. No bra, so my breasts were still molded and bouncing. I had turned toward Farin, so Julie wouldn't see the rubber bands. Farin was getting changed with us as well, and soon we were all three dressed for the game.

It felt so good to have panties on under my skirt. We skipped to the field and jumped and cheered when we met up with the rest of the squad. Courtney wasn't there of course. Everyone else was and we got over on our sideline and started doing kicks and cartwheels and Julie amazed everyone by getting a running start from the end zone and did like seven flips in a row before she reached the other end.

We cheered her and soon it was game time. Having missed practice yesterday, I sucked and looked so out of place. Julie was a natural and she learned every cheer and kick and shake perfectly. I tried to keep up, but soon realized the futility of my efforts. I walked over to Rebecca and whispered to her that I didn't know any of the cheers.

"I know," she laughed. "You look so stupid, get back in line."

I hung my head a moment. "And keep smiling for the crowd." She added through a clinched teeth grin.

I smiled and by the end of the game was smiling and keeping up fairly well, once things had been repeated a few times. I was no where near as limber as most of the girls. I tried, but felt my thigh muscles pull a lot.