Darla's Games Day 11


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Courtney laughed. "Oh shut up, you loved it you slut. Come out here. I have a key and if I have to use it you will be really sorry."

I kicked the door and realized with a very painful toe that I was indeed still quite naked. My chest was heaving. My blood was pounding in my ears. I was sweating. I thought I would hyperventilate. I calmed myself a little and unlocked the door. Courtney stood there at the door when I opened it.

She smiled at me. "Come on my little slut. You have to study."

I looked at her like she was nuts. "Courtney. I ..." I wasn't sure what I meant to say. Give me some clothes you stupid bitch? Kill me and get it over with?

"Shhh. Stop. Put your hands behind your back and spread your legs for me." I bit back a hundred responses and acquiesced. She pushed a finger into my pussy and pulled it back out. It was coated with thick wetness and I gasped. She brought it to my mouth. "Open."

I didn't want to, but neither had I wanted to do anything with Courtney. I opened my mouth and tasted the heavy tang of my cunt. I was so humiliated. "Now, do you admit that at least part of you loved it?" Courtney smiled as she took her finger away. I opened my eyes and she was right there, staring back at me.

"Y..I...ermm..." This had to be wrong. No way was I about to say... "Yes" almost audible, a whisper that never made it past my lips.

"Sorry, I didn't quite hear you slut." Courtney giggled.

"Yes Court... but its awful." I was still breathing hard.

"Well, yeah I guess in a way. But look at how excited you are. Such a slut." And she leaned in and kissed my lips. "Time to study. Go sit on the floor by my bed and get your books out."

I opened my mouth to protest, but didn't. I sat down and opened my bag and extracted my math homework first. We were all three in that class together, so it made sense.

Courtney jumped on the bed and took out her phone and snapped a picture of me naked reading my math. My head swept up at the sight and sound of the flash. She giggled. "Just for me. To remember this by. I don't need to brag like Rebecca." And she took another and I didn't mind as much.

She took off her shoes and socks and dangled her feet over the side of the bed. She leaned back and read her own math homework. "Carrie?"

"Yes Courtney?" I answered.

"Would you rub my feet while we do our math? And then you can just copy down the answers from my paper."

I stared up at her like she was insane I suppose.

"Carrie, please? I'd rub them myself but it hurts eversomuch when I lean over... you know when all the blood rushes into my nose."

Oh fucking hell. So she is going to guilt trip me. Fine, it's just a foot rub. I ate her pussy earlier, so a footrub wasn't really a big deal. It just... felt... I don't know, more subservient? Eh, I was making something out of nothing. I started rubbing her stinking feet. Well, they didn't actually stink. We had both just showered not long ago.

"mmm, very nice my little slutty girl." Courtney smiled.

I won't go into the algebra problems we did together over the next fifteen minutes before there was a knock at the door. I instantly stopped rubbing her feet and jumped a bit. Courtney looked at me from her perch on the bed and smiled. "Who is it?" She asked the closed door in her sing songy voice.

"Your snacks Miss Courtney." A heavily accented voice replied from beyond the door.

Courtney smirked and looked down at me. "Get back to rubbing my feet slut." Then to the door. "Come in Maria."

I turned body away from the door, started rubbing her feet again and looked back over my shoulder, trembling with embarrassment as the door opened. Farin looked up at Courtney and frowned severely. "Seriously Courtney, this is supposed to be a secret."

Courtney just smiled at Farin as we all watched the maid come in through the door. Maria was probably around twenty eight, though that is pretty much a guess. She was Hispanic, from Mexico I'd guess, and she was voluptuous in figure. Which is to say, she was very curvy in all the places that boys appreciate.

To her credit, Maria's mouth only hung open for a few seconds and then turned to a smirk. I felt like the lowest form of life on the planet, being humiliated in front of her maid of all people. She carried a covered tray into the room and paused, staring at me with that knowing smile as I sat naked, still rubbing Courtney's feet for want of something that explained why I was in my current state.

"Set the snack on the table and come here please Maria." Courtney said. The maid complied.

"Este es la prostituta que perforado mi nariz." Maria scowled and started forward on Courtney's words. Did she just call me a prostitute?

"No no. Esta bajo control. Y no digas papa y mama. Tengo algo que necesito tu ayuda con." Maria stopped as Courtney smiled and waved her hand at her. She raised an eyebrow and Courtney continued. "Sera spank le para mi? Quiero un castigar azotes, pero no muy duro, solo coherente. No demasiado blanda, solo dura y continua."

Maria smiled and looked at me. It wasn't a nice smile. It was the type of smile that scared me. And why was Courtney so freaking fluid in Spanish?

"Farin, be a love and get me two towels from my bathroom." Courtney asked Farin, who got up to comply.

"Carrie, you can stop rubbing my feet now. I want you to crawl over to Maria, then over her lap for your punishment."

I kept rubbing her feet. I looked up at her beautiful eyes. She was smiling so sweetly, how could she look at me like that and treat me so viciously? She tried to pull her foot away and I held on for dear life. She laughed.

"Don't disappoint me now slut. You've done so well today. You can do this. Go on, you might actually enjoy it." She smiled and slapped my hands away.

I bit back tears as I turned and got onto my hands and knees. Maria had placed the tray on a table and pulled out a chair from Courtney's desk and patted her lap when she sat down as if to call me like I was a dog. Farin broke the moment when she entered the room with the towels.

"Give one towel to Maria and bring the other to me Farin." Courtney instructed. Then to Maria, "La puta poco obtiene encendida tanto, pense que major que primero pones una toalla en su regazo."

The maid laughed loudly. "Como consiguio esa guarra uno poco las bolas para romper la nariz? Usted seguro de que tu no quieres romper algo de ella?"

"No es necesario. Su humillacion sera suficiente y aprovecho para mucho mucho tiempo, incluso despues de que mi nariz es sanado." Courtney replied with a perfect accent. Whatever it meant.

"Aqui chochos." Maria patted her lap with the towel over it. "Vienen de conseguir tu castigo que poco puta." She laughed heartily and Courtney laughed along with her as I crawled towards her.

I climbed onto her lap, biting back the sobs. I felt so disgusting, laying naked over the maid's lap awaiting a spanking.

"Arch your back a little, get that ass up high." Courtney instructed and I pushed my ass up as high as I could, my toes and hands pushing up to keep my body off her lap as much as I could.

Now, I have been spanked before, even by my dad who hit pretty hard. And of course there was the time in the bathroom with the paddles and that REALLY hurt. But as spankings go, this was I think pretty hard. Far from the hardest, but hard. The first hit stung bad. But it seemed tolerable as another and another followed. I tried to keep my ass up, but I kept wiggling when she struck. And she struck and she struck and she struck.

I was amazed the entire house wasn't banging on the door asking what the loud spanking sound was. It seemed deafening to me. My ass was burning as it went on and on and on. "Please Courtney." I begged after about the twentieth strike. But I was ignored. Maria held me with her left hand and spanked me over and over and over again.

I thought she would have to stop soon. I had lost count... had I been counting? I don't know. Thirty? Forty? My ass was so in pain, but not like the pummeling from the paddles, a more tolerable, yet more horrible pain. At some point, she began spanking my thighs, which was worse.

I didn't want to look at anyone because I thought I would die if I confirmed I was being watched by my two schoolmates while being spanked bare assed over the maid's lap. I was shaking. The spanking was methodical, constant, unrelenting. She never went faster or harder. She just steadily spanked the fire into my ass and thighs.

"Es el cono divirtiendose aun?" Courtney asked quietly.

The spanking stopped and I exhaled loudly with a half sob. Then I felt it. The maid stuck a finger inside me. "La perra esta en cello" The maid laughed loudly. The laugh was matched by Courtney once again. "Voy a seguir?"

"Si. Dejaremos que de usted sabe cuando parar. La guarra va mendigar para ello. A menos que tu mano obtiene primer lugar adolorida." Courtney sung back.

And the spanking started right back up. It was painful, oh so very painful. I was determined not to cry out. There was a clock. I looked at it frequently. How could a bare hand hurt so much? I couldn't believe the fire in my ass. And then, the first tear fell in spite of all my fight. I cursed myself for letting it fall, but it was soon replaced by another and another and soon I was crying quietly. I was determined not to call out for her sympathy again. I had been denied and didn't think I could bare it again emotionally. So I wept quietly and watched my tears splash on the floor beneath me.

I was sobbing as quietly as I could, refusing to give them the satisfaction of screams, though my body was begging me to acquiesce to just that desire. I must have blocked out everything but the steady stream of smacks on my ass and thighs because out of nowhere, I saw Courtney's bare feet standing on my lost tears and being rained down upon by the fresh ones.

She grabbed my chin and pulled it up to force me to look at her. The spanking never slowed. My eyes were a blur, I had to blink out more tears to see her clearly. She was smiling. "You have enough yet slut?"

"Pl..pl.. please Courtney, have mercy." I sobbed.

"Oh my sweet Carrie. How much mercy did you feel for me when you wanted to kill me? Look at me Carrie. What if my nose isn't fully healed by homecoming? Wouldn't that make a lovely permanent memory in the yearbook? I didn't do this to you slut. You are what you are. But I'll tell you what I'll do. I will dry your sopping wet cunt for you. If you can take another fifty without being wet at the end of it, we'll stop and I'll consider us even. But if you get wet again off of being spanked over my maid's knee, you get fifty more and ... well... I'll end it when I please. This is you and me, right Carrie? Nothing to do with Darla or Rebecca or any of them, this is just me and you. I don't owe them anything. Our relationship has nothing to do with theirs. Now, I won't interfere with what they have over you for the next month, but our deal is just between us for as long as we both find it..." her eyes rolled away from mine as if looking for the right word... "gratifying."

She paused, looking as if she were thinking of something. "Well, unless you are only here and sorry because they are making you be sorry and come here. If that is the case then tell me now and you can leave and never be forgiven because you don't really even feel sorry about it. I won't reveal anything that I learned because of Darla and Rebecca, but I will make your life a living hell in school and I will tell people you broke my nose. So? Are you here because you feel bad or because you have to be here?"

I sobbed, afraid of how my voice was going to sound as the spankings kept coming and coming. "I'm really sorry Courtney. I am here because I want to be. You are right, this is between you and me and whatever gets us to where you feel I have made up to you what I did to you." It came out all broken up and stuttered and sobbed out and I had snot dripping down my nose and tears flowing a river again, but that was the gist of what I said.

"Okay then, let me dry you up and let's see what we learn." Courtney smiled and kissed my forehead.

She started rubbing a towel roughly on my pussy and I assume dried it up well with all the rubbing back there. "Cincenta mas y parada." She instructed Maria.

I counted them though I need not have done so. I cried the whole time, though still quietly. The slaps were hard, but it wasn't like she was using all her strength, it was more the repetition that caused the fire. After fifty spanks, I saw a river of snot running out my nose towards the floor and wanted horribly for a Kleenex to wipe it free. Farin, who I can only assume was made to sit by idly and watch, did come to my rescue with that. I was a mess, tears still falling, my ass so sore I couldn't believe the bitch hadn't put a hot iron on my ass as much as it burned.

I was shivering, feeling very cold compared to the heat in my ass. Then, Courtney's finger dipped into my pussy and withdrew. She giggled and put two fingers inside, swirled them around, causing me to moan and walked around. She held the sopping fingers with thick goo on them in front of my face. "Now I just have to figure out if it was the pain of the spanking or the humbling experience of being spanked bare assed by my maid." She smiled. "Another day perhaps we will find out." She turned her smile to Maria, "Cincuenta y que seran todos."

And I sobbed through the next fifty as well. When they were finished, I was held there while Courtney took some pictures of my red ass and thighs. She took some pictures that showed all of me, including my face, bent naked over the maid's lap. I probably should have protested, but somehow, for some stupid reason, I believed Courtney. I did not think she would show these pictures to anyone else. Again, that probably means I'm an idiot, but really was there much I could have done to stop her? I'm not sure.

Finally, Courtney and Maria stood me up and Courtney walked me into her bathroom, supporting me with her arm as I painfully walked with her. Maria left the room. Farin was whimpering off to the side somewhere. Inside the bathroom, Courtney instructed me to bend at the waist and hold rest my head by the sink. She washed my face so gently with cold wash cloth, she was so tender with it, I was confused.

She opened her medicine cabinet over the sink and extracted some cream and lathered the cold cream over my ass and thighs. I trembled and jumped a bit, because even the touch of that cooling cream hurt on contact. She soothed me with soft whispers. "It will be okay Carrie. It isn't bad, not like the paddles. By Thursday at the latest you'll be all healed up and we can do it again." She giggled and I moaned.

"Please no Courtney. Please no more spanking. I hate it so much. It hurts so much."

"But you cream so much over it slut. I don't think I could deny you pleasure, I like you too much." She laughed her light dancing laugh. "Don't worry my little whore, I don't really like it, but it did make me so hot to see that you did and to see my maid spanking you. I wonder what she is thinking of you right now? How good is your Spanish? Could you understand what we were saying?"

I was a bit embarrassed by not really taking the time to pick out the few words I did understand and try to make sense of them in their context, but I hadn't really followed the conversation at all. "Only a few words, not really." I mumbled.

"Well, I told her that you broke my nose and she wanted to break yours. Of course I wouldn't let her, that would make us even and I just adore the power you gave me. I told her not to tell my mom and dad about it and I don't think she will. But you will be coming over here to hang with me a lot. Maybe not so much while Darla has control over you, but after, we are going to be so very close. You will be coming over to dinner with me and my mom and dad. My brother will be there remembering seeing you naked. And my maid will be serving us, feeling oh so superior to you as you sit at the table. How does that make you feel?"

I moaned out loud. It was far from intentional and the most embarrassing moan I ever released. "I mean... it will be horrible Courtney. Please don't make me think of such things." I whispered.

She giggled again. "Oh you should have heard what we were saying about you. Let's see... you remember the word puta? That means bitch." She had finished with the cream and was now fingering my pussy with her right hand while pulling my nipple with her left. She had her lip so close to my ear I could feel the heat of her breath as she whispered the words. "Don't you dare cum slut. You will not only get spanked again, but I understand Darla can be quite vicious."

"Please stop then ... Courtney... please." I whimpered.

"We called you a whore and a cunt and a slut and other things. Does that turn you on Carrie? Is it that you want to be those things or that you just like being called them?"

I whimpered louder. "Oh God please Courtney... Please stop, I need to cum so bad. Let me eat your pussy, please, anything, please stop."

She kept going, fingering me faster and faster. She pinched and tugged and pulled my nipple. She sucked my ear lobe and I was right there. I was about to go over the edge and she yanked her hands away. "Whew, that was close huh?" She watched me panting and let me fall to the floor.

"Cool off, wash your face because it's a mess. Put on some make up, its there" She pointed at a drawer in the sink, "then come out and join us for a snack, you certainly earned it." She laughed softly then left me alone in the bathroom.

I got up and washed my face in the sink. I looked a mess, puffy eyes, runny nose. It was disgusting. I cleaned up for awhile, the cold water helping my face to return from a red mess to nearly regular skin color again. I looked through Courtney's makeup... very expensive stuff, nothing I had ever had. I put on some base and did my eyes and used a bit of lipstick even. It helped cover up the red that was still there. Feeling better, I checked my ass in the mirror. It was very red, but not bruised so it would heal up in no time I figured. At least I hoped.

Looking deeper between the cleft of my ass, I could see my pussy was still puffy and wet. I nearly wept from this realization. Why was I such a slut?

"Carrie, you've been in there long enough. Come out here now." Courtney said in her soft voice.

I shook my head to clear it a bit and returned to the bedroom. Farin was wiping a tear and Courtney smirked at her. They whispered a few more words back and forth, intentionally below the ability of me to hear. Courtney noticed me, gave a sideways smile, turned and whispered again to Farin and turned her attention fully on me.

"Carrie, crawl for me please." She smiled at me, gesturing towards the floor at her feet. I bit my lip in humiliation and complied, crawling as slowly as possible, drawing out the shame of my act, but delaying whatever she had in mind at the other end. I probably should have just rushed to get through it as quickly as possible. I sat on my heels, with as little direct contact as possible to my sore butt.

I knelt silently at her feet and looked up at her waiting for her next instruction. She took a strawberry from the tray and ate it. Then she looked at me as if an idea had just formed in her head and I cringed. She smiled brightly and laid a towel out right under her feet, pushing me a bit with her foot to make me shuffle backwards to give her room.

"Hungry Carrie?" she popped another strawberry into her mouth. Farin was seated at a chair on the opposite side eating. She was awfully quiet tonight. It struck me as very odd.

"I could eat." I said and my voice surprised me as it came out in a near whisper.