Dave Buys a Slave Ch. 03

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It's shower time...
5.7k words

Part 3 of the 11 part series

Updated 08/16/2024
Created 05/19/2024
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Once again, I would like to thank everyone for their overwhelmingly positivity lately. Feel free to reach out to me with constructive feedback or just simply to say Hi! I love hearing from the community!

Additionally, I'd like to thank Red24797 for his editorial work, because we all need a sanity-check from time-to-time!

As a disclaimer, this is purely a work of fiction, and in real life, consent is key. This is nothing more than a fantasy.

Dave lay in bed, with Lauren practically soldered onto him for what seemed like a blissful eternity. His freshly purchased, naked, and handcuffed slave nestled her head onto his chest after a particularly rough fucking. Dave was still ecstatic, despite Lauren's tears and hesitations, that he could ravage the attractive redhead's body whenever he felt like it. The reality that he had accomplished a decade-plus old dream of owning a sex slave hadn't fully registered to him yet.

However, one thing that did register with him was the bodily musk emitted by the couple 90 minutes after Lauren's horizontal cardio workout. While she was by no means fat, she could stand to lose about 15 pounds and thus raise her level of attractiveness from a girl-next-door 7-out-of-10 to a model-worthy 8.5-out-of-ten. That hadn't mattered to Dave all that much as he was still quite attracted to her. However, her level of perspiration indicated that she was a little out of shape from a cardio standpoint. Whose fault that was could be anybody's guess; her former Master may have caged her for hours on end and fed her a crap diet, or the auction house could have kept her chained up for similar lengths of time as well. It didn't matter, as it was now Dave's problem to solve.

Lauren had finished crying a while ago and was now just resting on Dave's chest. Dave sat up in bed and guided Lauren to a sat-up position before uncuffing her.

"Alright, meet me in the bathroom" Lauren nodded, and the couple got out of bed.

Dave slapped her ass to further motivate her to get moving and also because he just couldn't resist doing so. While she pranced along to the bathroom, he fished the moisturizing soap out of the slave starter kit and brought it with him to the bathroom.

"Alright, my little red slave girl, we're going to shower together. Get inside the stall, and put your hands on the wall, feet shoulder-width apart."

Lauren did as she was told. Dave turned the water on as he stepped into the curtain-less stall soon thereafter. Lauren was thankful that the water came out lukewarm, though it didn't seem to get any higher than that.

Dave made sure to expose the bar of soap to some water first to get the lather going. He then reached around Lauren's body and started rubbing her breasts with the soap bar, making sure to cop a feel and savor the feel of her at every chance he could. He slowly started to work his way down her stomach. After sensually rubbing her stomach for a few tense moments, he then reached down and started to rub the area above her vagina with the soap bar.

"You're being such a good girl right now," Dave whispered into her ear in his down-tempo and lustful voice.

Dave worked his way back up, his roving hands enjoying her breasts as he started to wash her arms and underarms. This was relatively easy to do as her hands remained firmly planted on the wall under the shower head, as she had been ordered to do. Dave then took the bar of soap with one hand and then started to wash her face, throat and the back of her neck in gentle circles as he fondled her breasts with the other hand. Dave then took the soap and started to wash her hair in a similar fashion, gently massaging her scalp; he didn't want anything to happen to her long red locks.

Dave started working his way down her back, admiring her various tattoos as he did so. He softly scrubbed her supple flesh as he worked his way down. He washed her butt cheeks with a similar soft and caressing motion as he continued to lather her motionless body. Dave then rubbed the soap on the outside of her vagina and the inside of her thighs, taking his sweet time doing so as he felt her up incessantly. Dave worked his way to her hips, which he immensely enjoyed rubbing down and down the outside of her thighs and wrapped around her calves. Finally, he instructed her to stand on one foot in the shower stall; he covered every square inch of her pedicured foot. He repeated this same ritual on the other with her other foot, savoring every inch of her delectable body.

Dave set the bar of soap down on the ledge inside the shower stall.

"Close your eyes. It's rinse time", Dave instructed as he angled the shower head to pelt her directly.

As her head and backside were rinsed off, he instructed her to turn around. Lauren dutifully obeyed her Master. The sight of suds falling off of his slave's face and breasts was like a Christmas gift being unwrapped for Dave, and Lauren did not miss that his lower extremity had stood for attention.

"All right, you may get out and towel yourself off," Dave said. "I'll be out in a minute."

Lauren started to move but hesitated mid-step and pivoted back towards her new owner. "But Master, what about you? Would you like me to wash you down as well?" she offered.

"You know what?" Dave pondered, "Yes, absolutely."

Dave handed her the bottle of male body wash. His male member and his ego had both swelled that Lauren had offered this slave service to him. Lauren squeezed the blue goop out of the bottle and into her small hands. She rubbed her hands together to lather up and then started on Dave's chest as he stood stoically. He stared down at her as she rubbed his chest, wrapped her hands around his back and lathered up his upper back. She then reached up and rubbed down as much of her neck as she could, given the height difference. After delicately soaping up his face, she worked her way back down and started on his arms.

The entire time she washed him down, Lauren noted how low-key Herculean her new owner was. Was Dave an Olympian? No, however, he was one step below that. His physique both terrified her if she ever angered him and mildly turned her on. She squeezed out more body wash and lathered her hands up once more to hit his lower half. She knelt down in front of him in the shower. She glided her hands gently down his crotch, making sure to clean up above his crotch, his balls and his penis. Dave being hard in the shower made Lauren's task much easier. She peered up, and they met for a moment of eye contact. Dave stared directly down at her, and she knelt in front of him. She then reached around to scrub his lower back and buttocks. She came back around and rubbed the inside of his thighs, much as he had done for her, and washed the rest of his legs. He then stood on alternate feet while she cleaned each of them as well.

"Alright Master", Lauren softly pronounced, "it's rinse time."

She adjusted the shower head to hit Dave. Dave leaned into the shower head and quickly rinsed himself off. Dave then turned the shower off and stepped out of the stall and onto the shower mat on the floor; it was the closest thing to a decoration that the bathroom had. He extended his hand to help Lauren out as well. He grabbed his towel.

"Same position as before," Dave ordered, to which Lauren complied. She put her hands on the bathroom wall and stood with her feet shoulder-width apart. Dave took his time toweling her off, mostly using it as a thinly-veiled excuse to grope her body once more.

"Would you like me to dry you off?" Lauren asked after she was dried off.

Dave once again pondered before accepting Lauren's generous offer. Lauren once again started at the areas that she could reach on Dave, given their height disparity, and then she knelt down to towel off Dave's lower body. Once more, she looked up at Dave as she knelt, her eyes longingly meeting his. She stood back up and hung the towel back on the rack in the bathroom to dry.

Dave hugged her from behind, half to show his affection for her and half to demonstrate that she wouldn't be capable of escaping his grip, and kissed her repeatedly on the cheek and neck as he bent her slightly forward.

"Honeybear, you've been such a good girl today. Keep this up, and your life as my slave will be filled with happy days". Dave could tell by the reflection of the crusty mirror that Lauren was smiling. Dave ultimately let her go.

Dave's stomach told him another story, though. "Alright honey bear, let's eat!"

"Have a seat at the dining room table" Dave offered, though he was being mildly tongue-in-cheek given his furniture situation.

Lauren scampered off to the kitchen as Dave went into the bedroom. He dove through the slave starter kit's box and dug out a bar of SlaveFeed. He flipped the packaging over and read the nutritional label. He wanted to confirm the finance manager's claims; the bar indeed packed 600 calories, and packed roughly 33% of the recommended daily dose of a slew of vitamins. Satisfied with his fact-finding mission, he stood up, put some sweatpants on and went into the kitchen to join his new slave.

He placed the bar on the table in front of her. Dave then opened up the freezer to pull out a Tupperware container. He pried off the lid, placed the frozen square tray into the microwave and then set the timer for five minutes. As the microwave started, he grabbed his water pitcher out of the fridge and two glasses from his cabinet. He set them down on his table and poured two glasses of water.

He slid a glass over to Lauren before saying, "You should probably rehydrate".

Lauren meekly replied, "Thank you", as she accepted the glass from Dave.

"So," Dave started while waiting for his frozen dish to heat up, "when was your last...cycle?"

Dave asked without saying the word period. He may have thrown all morality to the side by buying a slave and then forcibly enjoying her on Day One, but he hadn't lost his decency yet.

"It ended three days ago while I was still in the auction house," Lauren answered.

Dave kicked himself as he should've asked the finance manager that detail before taking her home. Lesson learned for next time, Dave thought to himself. Though for now, Dave was just glad that she wouldn't get pregnant from their rough fucking that occurred not too long ago.

"Good. I'll make sure to get you on the pill for now." Dave replied.

"I'm not against babies, but we should get used to each other first," Dave stated bluntly; subtlety was not his strong suit.

Lauren retreated into herself slightly when he said that. He could tell that she slightly lamented the fact that her body no longer belonged to her. Dave reached out and held her hand, their eyes meeting as her hand was enveloped by his.

"Hey" Dave started "...you're beautiful", in a loving tone. Dave wanted to make Lauren feel that she was loved and cared for, even if she was his naked slave.

Lauren couldn't help herself but crack a smile and blush mildly "Thank you".

The microwave started beeping, signaling to Dave that his food was done. He got up and walked to the cabinet to grab his lone bottle of hot sauce before retrieving his food from the microwave. He pulled open a kitchen drawer to pull out his fork and then returned to the table.

Dave set everything down in front of his seat, which was directly across from Lauren. She examined his meal; it appeared to be diced chicken cubes, brown rice, and steamed broccoli. Despite the visible steam coming up from the plastic Tupperware container, she couldn't smell anything. There's not a single hint of any oregano, thyme, paprika, or anything of the sort, nor was there anything resembling a pre-made sauce. Dave flipped open the cap of his hot sauce bottle and poured liberal amounts of the spicy red liquid onto his meal. Lauren shuddered at the amount of hot sauce that Dave had augmented his meal with. The hot sauce started to pool in the bottom of the Tupperware container. Dave grabbed his fork and started to eat directly from his Tupperware container. Lauren visibly cringed at the sight of this.

Dave looked at Lauren and saw that she was staring intently at the table in front of her.

"What's wrong? Want some? I have dozens more exactly like it in the freezer!" Dave offered. "Like I said, I don't plan on keeping you on that SlaveFeed for too long".

"No, it's not that," Lauren began, trying to find a proper way to express her thoughts without angering her new owner, "you said dozens? Are all of your meals like that?"

"Well, my breakfasts are different: fresh oatmeal and a protein shake." Dave answered, though he could tell that he hadn't fully answered her question, "but otherwise, yes".

"And you use hot sauce like that on all of them?" Lauren probed

"Basically, yeah" Dave replied nonchalantly. Dave had a moment of realization.

"Don't worry, I won't forcibly kiss you with hot sauce on my breath". Dave wasn't sure if his new slave had a palate that could handle the heat. He might have been a sexually aggressive slave owner, but he wasn't that cruel.

"I appreciate that," Lauren answered in a respectful but slower delivery, "but not where I was going with that. Do you enjoy these meals?"

Dave shrugged. "Meh, not really. It's fuel." The term fuel basically registered as a No to Lauren.

Lauren surveyed his response. She could basically tell that this was one of the very few, if only, dishes that Dave knew how to make for himself. Lauren may not have known details of Dave's life, but this was definitely a bachelor habit.

"Master," Lauren softly began as she reached her hand out and held Dave's left hand. Their eyes met yet again, "would you like me to cook for you?" in the most motherly tone she could muster.

Dave started running internal calculations. Is this a trap? Dave thought.

Poison me for what I've done thus far as revenge? Dave's mind further worked through possible scenarios.

No, because if she did that, the collar would do its thing, so that can't be it Dave ruled out.

Maybe she's actually this caring? No, it's way too soon for her to be emotionally invested; get real, Dave. He thought to himself.

Dave arrived to a conclusion. She must be trying to get on my good side. That just leaves the one question: is she doing this to trade for better living conditions, or does she have a grander plan? Dave wondered. Questions for later.

Lauren was still holding Dave's hand, though the look on her face was one of confusion and anticipation. She asked if she could cook for him, not to prove quantum string theory.

Finally, Dave answered, "You know, here's the deal; for the next seven days, you'll make dinner. Write down a grocery list tonight and whatever kitchen gadget you'll need," Dave stated. "I want to see what you've got".

Dave hated meal prep; it was a chore that was more boring than vacuuming. He was more than willing to offload the task, but he wasn't ready to give up his steady, predictable meals entirely yet.

Dave then realized how ridiculous he was being. Of course, things are going to change, Dave. You bought a literal slave, and you expected that nothing about your life would change? He mentally reminded himself.

Nor was he sure if he could entirely trust Lauren, either. Rebellion is a risk you take when you own a live-in sex slave, Dave concluded inside his head.

"Alright, I'll write a list tonight, Master." Lauren replied, "Any allergies?"

"Nope, nor am I picky. Just don't clog my arteries," Dave stipulated. "Got it?"

"Yes master," she flashed a smile at him as she unwrapped her SlaveFeed bar.

The bar tasted of artificial vanilla, though it had a grainy consistency. Dave could tell that Lauren wasn't enjoying the bar, and thus, a risk mitigation strategy hit him like a speeding pickup truck.

"Make sure to write down how much of each item on the list you'll need since you'll be making it for the both of us," Dave instructed.

This would cut down on the risk of him meeting a premature end via poisoning if she had to ingest it as well. Lauren would likely appreciate being off the SlaveFeed sooner rather than later.

Lauren finished her SlaveFeed bar in a few more bites. After all, it didn't take long to consume a 4-inch by a 2-inch bar regardless of its texture. She sat at the table with Dave, and he spent the next few minutes finishing his meal. Dave seemed to appreciate Lauren's patience, as well as the view of her topless while at the table. Dave finished his meal soon enough and placed the Tupperware and fork in the kitchen sink.

He turned to Lauren. "Do you know what time it is?"

Lauren peered her head towards the analog clock on the wall, confused as to why Dave had asked her such a thing. "It's seven-"

"It's blowjob time!" Dave interrupted in an upbeat tone. "Tie your hair back" Dave ordered.

Lauren grabbed the elastic around her wrist and tied her red locks back so it would stay out of her face during the mandatory fellatio. Dave grabbed Lauren by the hand and led her away from the hardwood kitchen floor and onto the carpeted floor of the living room; kneeling on a hard floor is bad ergonomics.

"Three very important rules for blowjobs," Dave stared into Lauren's eyes, "Don't worry, none of them are complicated".

Dave noticed that Lauren's bottom lip had started to tremble, though he continued regardless, "One, absolutely no teeth. The consequences for biting me will be severe," Dave warned in an ominous tone.

"In fact," Dave said right before pinning Lauren against the living room wall.

He inserted his index and middle finger into her mouth in a back-and-forth stroking motion to test if she had internalized this first lesson. He also reached around her inside her orifice. Satisfied that she wasn't going to bite him, he pulled his fingers out of her mouth and wiped them on her shoulder.

"See? Just like that. You're such a good girl" Lauren was taken aback by what Dave had just done but knew well enough to protest.

"Rule two, no hands. Pretty simple, right? It needs no explanation," Dave stated as Lauren silently nodded to signal that she understood him.

"Lastly, you'll swallow my entire load every time. Do not waste a single drop of my cum. I will not tolerate such disrespect," Dave stated. "Got it?"

Lauren's pupils had dilated as her trembling had continued. She knew that this was a high-stakes blowjob and that her Master would be taking ample notes regarding the experience and would be judging her closely. She could just feel from the knots in her stomach that her future living conditions with Dave depended on the quality of her blowjob skills.

Lauren sank to her knees with her feet against the living room wall. She laid her hands on her thighs. Dave untied the knot in the drawstring, holding up his sweatpants, and then dropped them to the floor before stepping out of them. His member was standing at full attention, and he stepped toward Lauren as she nervously opened her mouth. He slid his cock inside her mouth. She sealed her lips around his shaft and then slowly started to bob her head back and forth, her hesitancy being readily apparent.

"Come on, like you mean it," Dave taunted.

Lauren then picked up the pace, using a little more saliva and suction as she increased the pace.

"That's better," Dave replied.

This is the fucking life, thought Dave having a big-tittied personal slave girl suck me off after she offered to cook for me. Dave felt powerful as he looked down at Lauren; he stood as she knelt, the power dynamic between the two being readily apparent.