Dave's 20th Anniversary Gift


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Dave looked at both women. Sonya dressed in one of Della's finest dresses, and Della in a scanty maid's uniform. He had slept with Della for 20 years but she had never excited him as much Sonya Harmon.

"First Adams undress me and hang my dress in my closet." Sonya stood as Della did as she was told. At the time Sonya was ignoring Dave. "Now Adams undress and fold you clothes for you might have to re-dress."

Della undressed and soon stood naked beside Sonya. Dave looked at both women. Sonya wouldn't look him in the eye; Della kept her head bowed and eyes downcast.

"Now David, I want to explain this to you. Adams is not up to the job of being wife, mother, and housekeeper. She knew this and that is why I am here. I have arranged this to show Adams how poor a wife she has been all these years. I have a singed letter from one Della Robertson asking me to come to her home and seduce her husband for the express purpose of obtaining evidence for divorce. With that in hand she will have no credibility in court. I tell you that so that you will not have the worry of a messy legal fight. Now to the issue. Adams take the wedding band off my finger and give it to Dave,"

Della whispered, "Yes Ms Harmon".

Dave held the wedding ring he placed on Della's hand at their wedding.

"Now Dave take a look at us both. Well let's start with Adams. She has a pair of tits," Sonya said as she pointed to Della's breasts. "Spread your legs Adams. Yes she has a cunt too buried in all those fat droopy lips. Turn around a bend over Adams."

Della did as she was told without comment or hesitation. "And see she had an asshole too." Sonya said as she pried Della's ass apart. "Now stand and look at David. See she has a mouth also. If you will notice I have breasts, a pussy, and a tight ass that you have felt. I see no need to show it off now, and a set of lips that have pleased you often. All in all we are both equipped the same way. The question is which of us do you want? It is up to you, for as I say both of us are capable of giving what you deserve."

Dave just looked at both women. Sonya continued, "Dave if you want me in this bed when you come back, you will place that set of rings on the ring finger of my left hand. If not, put them on Adams' finger."

Dave looked at both women. Della had her head down and Sonya a look of confidence. Dave said not a word, but slipped the ring on Sonya's finger.

Sonya looked at Della, "I see David had made his choice. Now you will stand here while he and I consummate our marriage." Sonya undressed Dave and knelt to suck his cock. Della began to cry.

It was Dave, not Sonya, who told Della to be quiet. "Adams, shut up. You asked for this and you deserve it. Now watch a real woman."

Della realized she had lost her husband for he had called her Adams.

Sonya took her time and enjoyed sucking Dave. She swallowed all when her shot his load in her mouth. When that was done Sonya stood and kissed Dave deeply before taking his hand and leading him to bed. There she lay on her back and spread her legs. "Come to me Dave and fill me with your wonderful cock!"

Dave was hard again and slipped into the wet pussy with ease. Soon they were making love like teenagers. Sonya was urging Dave deeper and Dave was telling Sonya to take it all. Sonya enjoyed a great orgasm as Dave pounded her like a madman. Soon Dave too was spent and filled her pussy with his seed. Dave pulled out and rolled over on this back. Sonya moved to lay her breasts on Dave's sweat covered chest as she kissed him again. Sonya moved down to where she could suck his cock hard. She intended on having Dave in her body again before Adams was dismissed. Sonya wanted Adams, who was once called Della, to know just all she and Dave did.

"Sonya that is too much. I can't take it."

Sonya rose up with an innocent expression and asked if she should stop. "No!" was all she heard before she went back to work.

As Dave worked toward an erection he eyed Della as she stood with tears streaming down her face. He no longer cared that she was hurt. It had been her lack and her scheme that had led to this. Before he knew it Sonya had worked her magic and he was hard.

Sonya moved up and kissed him again. "Fuck me good and hard David. I want to feel you taking me and making me yours for as long as you will have me." With that Sonya got on all fours sideways in the bed. She wanted to make sure that Adams saw David enter her pussy.

Dave got in position and wet his cock on Sonya's pussy lips. With her lube and his cum there was not lack of lubricant. Dave then filled Sonya easily. In spite of all that they had done, Sonya was tight and exciting for Dave.

"Force it in and fuck he hard David. I want you to hurt me and let me know that my only job is to please you!"

With that said Dave lunged forward. He felt his cock meet resistance at first then easily slide in. Sonya screamed and pushed back to meet him. Dave felt his legs touch the backs of Sonya's legs. Then he went to work. Pounding deep into Sonya's pussy, he delighted in how she gave a short exhale when he hit bottom. Dave didn't think he could cum again but soon felt if building.

Sonya moaned, "Fill my pussy! Shoot your cum deep in my belly! Make me sore! Keep me from sitting down for a week! Make me want you all the time you are gone! Do it! Fuck me harder! Oh I'm gona cum again!" With that it was obvious Sonya had an orgasm. Dave followed quickly.

The two lay in bed a minute catching their breath. Sonya looked at Adams. "Well get a cloth and clean David!" As Della washed her husband's cock clean, she received further orders. "Tomorrow have breakfast at 7 for us all. I will take David to the airport; you will drive the girls to school. I'll take next week off and we'll get his house in order. Now get out of our bedroom!"

To be continued...

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fanmarriedcdfanmarriedcdabout 1 year ago

It is interesting to read a story where the wife agrees to be the maid of the house, "forced" by her husband's lover, with the approval of him and their daughters.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Hot action. The submission of Della to Sonya is great. Taking over the place of Della is interesting. However Dave is A1 Jerk anyone who leaves his wife so easily doesn't deserve her. Looking forward to see how this turns out.

steven857steven857almost 9 years ago

This story is just about a worthless man who destroys his wife and children.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Truly disgusting story

Not a single decent character in it. Dave was probably the worst. He treats his wife like trailer trash. He was a giant asshole. Of course poor Della wasn't much better. All she had to do was throw Sonya out and be done with her. I wonder how Dave would feel if he ended up divorced, living in a small apartment, paying alimony, child support, maintaining the house for Della and his daughters and giving up one half of his retirement?

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Rang his own doorbell?

And it was downhill from there in this poor story. A man married that long would fool around with another woman in his house while his wife was dressed as a maid? Not very likely. 50 lashes with a belt would reduce the strongest sub to unconsciousness, probably the hospital. This story was totally unbelievable. Sorry I wasted time with it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

An interesting story, but methinks that no woman in her right mind would sit around and watch her husband prance around with a harlot then serve them dutifully. This story seems slightly implausible...and the most likely outcome would involve Sonya having her butt handed to her by the wife. Just saying!



AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I find it hilarious that everyone is so sympathetic towards Adams. Cuckold stories never receive any sympathy for the cuck, but when a woman sheds a few tears it's suddenly the holocaust all over again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Cuck or Cuckquean...

...really, what is the difference between this and stories of submissive cucks who bathe and dress their wives for their lovers in clothing that they themselves have purchased to show them off to their lovers, then chauffeur them and their lovers around on their dates, or stay home to care for the children and cook and clean the house while they party?

Della wanted to submit to a woman, and had the choice of refusing to submit to her further after the first day. Despite her tears, she is obviously a submissive who thrives on such painful humiliation. If you visit cuck websites, you will find men discussing "cuck angst", the emotional rollercoaster of experiencing painful jealousy as well as incredible sexual excitement as their wives date and fuck other men, which is something they have invariably asked their wives to do. And when they are submissive cuckolds, they enjoy the humiliation of being belittled when compared to the cocks and sexual prowess of their wives' lovers, as well as being told what to do. Della has volunteered to be a submissive cuckquean. If her pain outweighs her pleasure, she can stop it, but I don't think she will. She and her husband are continually making the choice to behave as they are.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Wondering if this story is going to get real


Ok, I've known of men who would throw away a marriage of twenty years for a whore who did nothing for him but open her legs at every chance, but to allow his wife(who did nothing wrong to him) to be treated so badly(this is abuse not discipline or humiliation)?

And would any sane, sensible man who worked over twenty years to build up what he owns just turn it over to a bimbo he met days earlier? What about his kids? Does he not value them to not put them in potential danger? He doesn't know who this bitch is? Marriage and life is more than just sex. I know this is a story, but I have read science fiction that is more believable.

I have to wonder if the next chapter will show any realism.

I wonder if the husband will come to his senses. I wonder if the wife will get a backbone. She's not being submissive, she's being stupid.

This whole story just doesn't seem to have any thought put into it.

Writer, if you want to be a good writer, write something that the reader can believe might really happen. I've read science fiction that is more believable to happen than this storyline.

I have to wonder who may have hurt you so badly in your life that you came up with this storyline and the character of the people you are writing about. So sad.

norcal62norcal62about 13 years ago
Besides some story problems, this is your latest posting.

I see no improvement in the editing and proofreading of your text. How about putting a little more effort in finishing the story after the thoughts are put down?

It's annoying wading through the many typos and grammatical errors.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Poor Della

Della is his wife and he leaves her for Sonya just because she is a nicer piece of ass? I can not get passed the fact that his children let this strange woman come into there home and tell them what to do seeing as they are legally adults.Shouldn't they ave done something to protect there mother from such humiliation. The sexual play in this story could have been more detailed also especially if you are doing a story with this kinda of plot. I'm a fan of happy endings and I hope the next installment this gets resolved. All in all a good story well written. Kinda weird for me but not a total waste of time.

Keep Writing


AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Let me get this right. A wife he loves for 20 years is thrown away after one night of sex. And idiot never questions Sonya? Total ass not realistic and really side with Della on this one. Husband is a faithless prick who didn't care for the torment of his wife of so long. Hope he and Sonya get more than they deserve. Cause otherwise this would be a horrible story, and it show decent promise.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

i liked it but i'm a fan of happy endings. i think it would have been better if he chose della

papagrizpapagrizabout 13 years ago

then things changed for the worse. I am sorry but this story turned to junk.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
I hope they enjoy living in a cardboard box

because once the judge sees the emotional and mental cruelty, not to mention the mistreatment of Della, they won't have enough money to pay their lawyer fees. Then you add in the alimony, the child support etc, etc, Well, you can imagine how poor Sonya nad Richardson (Robertson or whatever the fuck his name is) will suffer.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

I liked the premise and can't wait to see what happens next.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Proof Read It !

Richardson - Robertson ?

Grammar !

Spelling !

Good idea, poorly executed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Not plausible and really sick

peebudypeebudyabout 13 years ago
maid to order

wow...what a great story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

You had your chance and fucked up.

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