David Number Four


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Sydney collapsed onto the couch after the transformation finally began to sink in. She surveyed the results of her hard work, as astonished and scandalized by her very own idea as she had been the day she thought of it, but perhaps well on her way to finally being able to tell herself that her venture was as legit as it was deeply titillating.


A week after the grand reopening, Jacinta sat at the front desk, taut, excited, and ready for a new day with a new set of curious men. Now and then they trickled in. The occasional woman popped in as well to flip through the catalog, some of them ordering a dildo, although the majority of female customers were ordering online under a veil of secrecy and curiosity.

Jacinta heard a jingle and looked up as an attractive young man opened the door and entered, looking momentarily startled by his surroundings. He watched Jacinta nervously as he approached the desk. Finding him gorgeous, her interest was immediately piqued. The man was in good shape, clean cut, with dark, mysterious eyes and a minuscule dimple that briefly appeared and then vanished as he struggled to manage a nervous smile.

"Hi," he said, briefly rubbing his palms on his pants.

"Hi there!" exclaimed Jacinta. She sat up straight, thrusting her chest out and batting her eyes.

"I'd... uh... like to know about getting a custom... uh... dildo made," he explained quietly.

"Sure! Here's the price list," she said, pushing a laminated card forward toward him, which he began to study. "The process is really simple. There's a quick form to fill out and then the casting process is done in the back by our artist in a comfortable and private environment."

"I'd just like this first option, the basic one," he mumbled.

"Okay, great!" Jacinta replied enthusiastically. She hid her jealousy and frustration well. Here was this gorgeous bombshell of a man standing before her, agreeing to drop his pants, and it was her job to hand the experience over to someone else. It had already begun to drive her insane, sitting there alone with her curiosity at the front desk, thinking about what was going on behind her while she sat there fiddling with her thumbs.

Jacinta placed a clipboard on the desk in front of the customer, shaking off her envy and deploying her spirited personality to calm his nerves and take him through how the process works.

"So we'll start by having you fill out this form. Fill in your first name here. We use that to label the finished product molded from your body. For privacy purposes, we don't ask for or file your last name, but we do need the rest of the contact info for internal use so we can reach you when it's finished and available for in-store pick-up."

"Okay," the man said.

"After filling in the rest of your contact information, you'll see a box down below. Please read the terms and conditions carefully. If you check that off, you are agreeing to have your mold placed in our archives so that your dildo can be added to our catalog. This allows women to browse a variety of toys cast from past male customers and purchase one for themselves."

He nodded.

"If you agree to this, then we ask you to list your top five interests, your dream job, what kind of pet you have if you have one, and what you typically like to do on a first date. Along with your first name, we use this information to create a little information card to go along with it. This gives your dildo a personality and helps our female customers get a sense of who the appendage belongs to. It makes using the dildo more fun and realistic for her!"

Jacinta grins at the man. He gives an embarrassed smile and nods again.

"You'll also be able to select a color for your finished product. We have a variety of skin tones as well as a rainbow of fun colors. We're currently working on making a harness attachment and a vibrating insert, so make sure to check the website about new features in the future."

Jacinta handed the clipboard to the customer and pointed to the couch. "You can have a seat there and fill this out." He took a seat and began filling out the form.

She waited patiently, sneaking glances at the man and trying to determine if he was checking the box. When he finished, he approached the front desk and handed the completed form back to Jacinta. She accepted it happily and was thrilled to see that he'd checked the box and filled everything in.

"Gary," she thought. "You don't look like a Gary..." Jacinta smirked and rose from her seat, having imagined him as an Ethan, or maybe a Jackson.

Jacinta began to ring him up. "After processing your payment, I will lead you into the back room. There's no one being cast right now," she said as he swiped his card. "Okay, let's go!" she exclaimed, once the transaction was complete.

Gary followed Jacinta down a narrow hallway and turned left into a small room. The light was dim. Soft music was being piped in. There was a tall plant in the corner and some scented candles placed here and there, taking inspiration from the local massage businesses.

"You'll have this room to yourself, in complete privacy," Jacinta explained. "The whole process can take anywhere from thirty to forty-five minutes. Once I leave, you can lock the door and undress." She pointed to a chair that was slightly reclined. "Have a seat on the chair. It has a disposable paper covering, so it's completely sanitary. There are also disposable packets of lubricant that you are free to use. Also, this remote controls the screen on the wall which you can use to flip through several adult videos."

Gary looked up at the screen with surprise. Jacinta felt a tingle. She always got excited at this part and relished the looks on the customer's faces when she gave them further instruction.

"They are arranged by category; male-female, male-on-male, lesbian, et cetera, so just pick whichever one floats your boat. The important thing is that you become fully aroused in order for the artist to take a cast of your erect penis."

Gary began to turn slightly red.

Jacinta continued, "We ask that you take no more than five or ten minutes engaged in self-stimulation so that there's sufficient time for your cast to be applied and the mold to properly set within your service window. When you're ready, you can move to the table." She pointed to a long, cushioned table on the other side of the room. Half of the table fit through an opening in the wall.

"Lie down on your back so that your penis is angled upward, and then shift forward placing your lower body through the opening so that the artist on the other side can begin working. She won't be able to see you, nor you her, so just relax and let her do her job. If you're worried about not being able to sustain an erection, you may certainly leave one of the videos running."

Gary continued to nod nervously at everything she said.

"When she's done, she'll give you a tap on the leg. There is a small sink you can use to clean off. Then get dressed and head back out to the front desk. In three to five business days, you can come back and pick up the perfect gift for your girlfriend... or boyfriend!"

"Okay, thank you," Gary replied, his voice breaking and triggering more embarrassment.

Jacinta skipped out of the room and closed the door behind her, then made her way back to the desk. She sat there, sighing. After a few moments, she got up and tiptoed back down the hallway. She put her ear to the door.

Jacinta had skimmed through everyone one of the videos that were available to watch. The one involving the man and woman was her favorite; wildly erotic and sensual, although she thought about the man-on-man video the most, discovering it to be startlingly arousing and fascinating. She was familiar enough with all of them by now that she could hear which one each customer chose.

Listening through the door, Jacinta heard the distinct sound of female voices. "Okay, good. He's not gay," she said to herself, imagining that he might have found her attractive and potential date material, perhaps even remembering her after he moved on from whomever his dildo was being made for.

She could see the video he was watching clearly in her head. Those two young women sunbathing by the pool, best friends and apparently oblivious of their sexual orientation as they talked and laughed together. One of them joked about sunbathing topless. The other would be shocked by her friend's boldness and hesitantly join in. After a noticeable gap in explanatory narrative, they were somehow excitedly tugging off the remainder of each other's bikinis. Soon they were squealing and caressing each other's breasts, suckling at their nipples, then thrusting open each other's legs and munching happily at each other's crotches.

Jacinta smiled and imagined Gary's mind blown by that silliness. She could see him there, laying back in the chair, his massive, distended cock sprouting triumphantly from between his muscular legs. She imagined his tight grip sailing up and down the full length of his thick shaft. She felt dizzy with the vision of his gorgeous body and his intense arousal flooding her head.

Overwhelmed, she hurried back to her seat. Her face felt hot. Her own arousal began to fade, making way for irritation and sexual frustration. She sat there quietly watching the slow passing of cars out on the street and passersby arguing with one another.

Sydney, on the other hand, was able to sustain her giddiness about coming to work through the entire day. She sat in the studio, patiently awaiting one fascinating experience after another. One by one, anonymous males would insert their naked, lower halves through the opening. No matter how many times it happened, she still suffered an erotic shock and thrill each time she saw their long, muscular legs slide through, followed by a gigantic, bobbing erection that launched skyward from his pelvis.

After swinging about erratically, the man would settle into place, allowing his exposed, erect cock to come to a stand-still and remain there sticking proudly upward. She wanted to laugh every time. A few of them weren't so attractive, but many of them were adorable. She liked to give each penis a name while she worked, infusing them with a personality that arose from their subtle physical characteristics.

She would put on a pair of disposable gloves and begin to moisten the customer's penis with a solution that prepared it for the casting process. Some were circumcised. Some were uncircumcised. There were big ones, small ones. Some bent upward, others were ramrod straight, while an occasional penis curved a little to the left or right.

Sydney was also fascinated by the varieties of grooming styles her customers had. Some men had big bushy masses of pubic hair. Other men were neatly trimmed. Still others were fully shaven or waxed until smooth. It was a thrill to touch each unique penis and pair of testicles, examining them as she worked, handling them like priceless artifacts in a museum, just like the magnificent cock of Alexander the Great which had inspired the entire venture.

Given the more comfortable setup, her clients rarely had difficulty remaining erect. On the rare occasion where they began to go soft, Sydney devised an appropriately subtle way to enhance the sensation of having a thick paste slathered all over their genitals, ensuring that they were soon revitalized and twitching back to life with even more vigor than before but without letting it develop into a full-blown hand job.

Secretly, Sydney often found herself becoming wet while the equally intense arousal of her clients worked its way into her consciousness. She could distinctly feel the dull throbbing of their cocks as she worked. She could sometimes even smell their arousal as she received the occasional whiff of their masculine musk which emanated from their erotically-charged bodies. There were times Sydney became frustrated not being able to see the customers' faces, but there was a tradeoff. She knew there was no way she could study the intricate details of her favorite cocks if they could see what she was doing.

In fact, Sydney found that she began to need deliberate time to clear her head. She had always thought of herself as a sexual person but the constant stimulation she received it work left her, at times, unable to avoid dwelling idly on the titillating experiences at work and imagining the lives behind the bodies she encountered. All of Sydney's buttons were engaged, at all times, lit up like a fire and making her a slave to a growing sexual appetite.


Jacinta often asked about Sydney's experience during breaks at work, sitting there resting her head in her hands, captivated by her boss' somewhat censored descriptions, utterly fascinated and teeming with jealousy. She did just this, days later, recalling the customer named Gary which she had confessed to Sydney about drooling over.

"You know, his is finished," Sydney said casually.

"It is?!" Jacinta explained, becoming suddenly alert.

"Yeah. I photographed it yesterday. It's right there in that stack."

Jacinta quickly shuffled through a small stack of cards being prepared for the catalog. One phallus after the next passed beneath her eyes until she came to a dildo named "Gary."

"Oh my god!" Jacinta squealed. "Wow... So this is Gary's penis! He's biiiig. Damn!" She cocked her head at it, then rested the photo in her hands wistfully, gazing in wonder and sadness at it.

Sydney laughed. "You look like my dog when he peeks under the couch and can't reach his squeaky toy."

Jacinta giggled. "You have to make me one- can I have a Gary?!"

"Ha! Sure, I can make you one."

"Yes!" Jacinta exclaimed. "I'm so excited! Give me a heads up, then. I'll make sure to keep my schedule totally clear that night." They grinned at each other. "What was it like? Touching his cock," Jacinta asked, her eyes sparkling.

Sydney snickered. "Oh, you know. Awesome," she teased.

Jacinta's mind was racing. "Hey- I meant to ask. Has any guy ever... you know... jizzed while you worked on him?"

"Oh my god, Jacinta! No!" Sydney laughed, nearly spitting out a sip of coffee. "Boy, you have a dirty mind," she added with a groan.

"Hey, it's an obvious question," Jacinta replied with a shrug. "Besides, I'm not the one who built an entire business as an excuse to check out a bunch of men's cocks!"

Sydney chuckled. "Touché."

Jacinta got up with a sigh. "Okay, I'm starved."

"Where are you going to get lunch? If you're going to your cousin's Puerto Rican place, can you get me that chicken and rice?"

"Tina's. Yeah. Why don't you come?"

"That guy at the counter last time called me 'the boner lady.'"

Jacinta burst out laughing. "Hector called you 'the boner lady'?!"

"Yes! In front of everyone!"

Jacinta continued to laugh as she wandered out of the studio. "Okay, I'll be right back. One arroz con pollo for the boner lady, coming right up!" she cackled.


Later that week, Sydney opened the door to Martin's and slipped into her favorite haunt. As she waltzed past the long banister separating the dining area from the bar seating, she caught glimpses of David sitting there with his girlfriend, Lauren. They'd left one seat for her.

"Happy-fucking-Birthday!" Sydney laughed when she saw them recognize her. Lauren grinned and they shared a hug. As jealous as Sydney was of Lauren, she couldn't take it out on her. She'd done nothing wrong and Sydney begrudgingly admitted that they'd probably be friends if it weren't for her feelings for David.

"Thanks!" Lauren exclaimed. "Have a seat, we just got here."

"Hey there," Sydney said with a quiet smile. David smiled back. They shared a hug that lasted longer than Lauren's. The tension between them was undeniably thick.

"The beer list, madame," he said as they sat back down, presenting her with the card which listed everything currently on draft.

"Why thank you," Sydney replied, giving it a brief study.

"So what's new? Kaitlyn said you quit your job!" said Lauren, conspicuously interrupting their banter.

Sydney looked up with surprise. "News travels fast," she thought. She felt relieved that she hadn't told anyone why she quit, or else the gig would be up and everyone would know about her new venture. With Jacinta running the show up front, she felt reasonably sure that it wasn't widely known what she did in the back studio all day. David glanced at her expectantly and she realized he would wonder why they hadn't discussed the matter yet.

"Oh, yeah. I did. Only recently. It still hasn't sunk in yet. I guess I just needed a change. But I'll figure out what's next." Sydney felt her on-the-spot explanation was a little unfocused but didn't appear to conjure any suspicion.

"Well, that's not such a bad thing, I guess. If you weren't happy, it's time to move on. I like that you're always gung-ho for a new adventure," David said.

"Exactly. And what about you two? Any adventures lately? What did you do for your birthday?!"

"Oh, we went out by the lake. David found this really nice place for dinner." Lauren cracked a wide smile suddenly. "He also brought along a fun surprise gift..."

David's eyes shot open and he began to turn red. "Don't you dare..." he sputtered.

"What?!" said Sydney, eager to hear her dish the details.

Lauren snickered. "He's gonna be so embarrassed..." Sydney saw David nudge Lauren under the table. She stuck her tongue out at him.

"Okay, NOW you really have to tell me," Sydney added.

Lauren laughed as David took a deep swig of beer and then put his head in his hands.

"Are you sure you want to know?" Lauren teased.

"Yes!" Sydney exclaimed.

"It's naughty..."

"Go on..."

Lauren huddled in close to the table as if about to reveal a scandalous fact. Sydney leaned in too, grinning and full of curiosity.

"Well..." Lauren began. "Apparently there's this studio downtown." Sydney's heart immediately sank. "They make custom dildos. Any guy can just go in there and have one modeled from his own body."

Sydney stared at Lauren, the look of anticipation frozen on her face. She feared if she let go of it, she'd give away the fact that her mind was currently doing backflips.

"So... he went down there and got one for me!" Lauren leaned back into her chair triumphantly, a look of delicious glee washed across her face.

"Wh-what? Seriously?" Sydney muttered. She glanced at David. He seemed full of embarrassment and refused to look at her.

Reality and fantasy had come crashing together, just like that. For a moment, Sydney was sent reeling. After all those years of secretly daydreaming about her crush, David had been one of her recent clients. She had unknowingly seen his naked body. She had fondled his penis!

But which one was he?

"Oh my god, look at her. She doesn't know what to think!" Lauren laughed, still amused by her own reveal.

David quickly looked over with curiosity and caught Sydney's eyes. "You seriously had to tell her this? She's my best friend since childhood..." he groaned.

Sydney laughed and pretended to be unfazed. "Whatever. We're all adults here. But gosh... I had no idea such a place existed!" she said, anxious to feed them with a white lie.

"Yeah!" Lauren exclaimed. "It's actually great. I'm even planning to take my... 'other-David' on my next business trip."

"Lauren!" David erupted. Sydney and Lauren were in hysterics. "At least you didn't call it your 'little-David' or something."

"Ha! Actually, I almost did, but I realized that would have been wildly inaccurate," Lauren added with a wink. David smirked at her.

Sydney sunk into a quiet pensiveness. She didn't know whether to be excited by the discovery of her encounter with David's body or hurt by the fact that he and Lauren were enjoying her work together. She gazed at them with jealousy lurking behind her quivering smile.