David's Journey Pt. 01


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As I drop Jessica off at the bus station, she tells me she won't be able to see me for a while as her husband has a week off of work and will be home all day everyday. It saddens me, but I know she wants to be careful. I smile as I say "ok beautiful, I can wait, I'll be thinking about you all week though." knowing that will make her blush and I was right, even her neck turns red! As she turns around to walk away, I lightly grab her hand and turn her back to me and give her a light brush of her lips with mine, I look deep into her eyes, I wrap my right arm around her waist and my left hand cups her jawline as I lean down, give her a kiss on the lips.

As my tongue lightly caresses her lush lips, I can feel her melt into my arms and her lips slowly part to allow my tongue a brief exploration of her mouth and tongue. I can hear her breath quicken and pull back, smiling, I see her tongue is exploring her own lips where mine was just a second ago. She is still facing me with this dreamy, far away look on her face, I slowly move my right hand down her back with my fingertips, as I get close to her ass, I pull back and lightly rub her back again, I can feel her body shiver as i go back down, this time I'm adventurous enough to slide my fingertips all the way down and gently cup her ass and pull her back to me, as her face nears mine, I can see her lips part for another kiss and put my head to her side and whisper in her ear, "You are the most beautiful woman I have in my life, take care and I will be waiting for you breathlessly, my beautiful vixen". Seeing the expression on her face, I turn and walk back to my car.

As I look back to her, I see her still standing In the same position with her face pointed upwards, waiting for the kiss that never came. I knew she was in her own little dream and it made me smile, knowing I can make a lovely woman feel that good with just a kiss.

I stay and watch as the bus pulls out of the station. I decided to head back home before it gets too late, as I start work tomorrow morning. I stop by the local farmers market and butcher shop to pick up some supper tonight, then on to home. By the time I get home, it's already early evening, time to fix my supper, hit the home gym, shower then bed.

As I stand in the shower, I start thinking of my day, my mind automatically going to Jessica and her outfit, how it fit her curves, her breasts filling her dress, leaving very little to the imagination, the slit of her dress riding so high up with no panties on. As I remember more of my day, I feel a familiar tingle down below of someone coming alive. I look down at my physique and ask myself "Do I really look that good to women?" So I turn on a cold shower and think about the next few days as I get used to going back to work again and wondering what Caroline will be like as a boss. All I know is, this is gonna be an interesting week!


As the next day dawns, I awake early to prepare myself for work. I break out my old business suit and try it on, a little snug, but it still fits! I made a quick call to Caroline and asked what time I was to be there and was told 9am. When I'm done with the call, I start my drive to the office. As soon as I reach the entry, Caroline is waiting for me and walks with me to the Elevator to go to the 12th floor. There she introduced me to my secretary "David, this is Mark, he will be your secretary, he answers only to you and to me, he will take care of your day to day, so you can be free to tackle the big problems. He will also handle your appointments. If you come into your office I believe your first appointment for the day is almost here. I will see you for lunch, just come up to my office when you are able to." As soon as Caroline walks away, I get a view of that tight Ass of hers and as she waits at the elevator she turns around and gives me a wink and a smile. uh oh, I was caught checking out the boss!

Mark comes into my office as I sit down, I offer him a seat so we can get to work. As the day passes, I find Mark to be quick on the uptake of how I'd like to run my office and how I work. He is gonna turn out to be a very good secretary it seems. Around 11am, Mark came into the office and reminded me of lunch with the boss. I thank him and tell him to take an hour for lunch himself. As he gets ready for his lunch, I ask him when my next appointment is, he reminds me I have no other appointments for the rest of the day, just some loose ends to do. I let him know I may be a little late getting back from lunch, and to hold all calls, till I get back. He smiles, grabs his effects and goes to lunch. As I head up to Caroline's office, I notice a man sitting in her waiting room but no one there. I asked him if he needed help and he waved me off. I looked for Caroline's secretary, but since she wasn't around, I knocked on her door. As I knocked, the guy started yelling at me to wait my turn. I turn around and look at him and tell him, "Sir, I work here and was called up for a meeting with my boss. If you would like, I can remind her you are here and if she can see you before our meeting, would that be amenable to you?" As I finished saying that, he started walking towards me and I can see anger in his eyes. I'm not sure how this is gonna go but I hear the door behind me open and Caroline steps out with her secretary. When she sees the situation, she walks up to the man and slaps him across the face and tells him to leave, he is not wanted here due to his issue's with another worker. As Caroline and I stand close together, barring his way to Alicia he looks me up and down and says "she is my woman and I will talk to her how I want, you cannot stand in my way now let me pass!" I turn to Alicia and ask her "do you want this man around you, has he hurt you or done anything to make you feel unsafe?" Alicia nods her head and starts crying, I step up to the man and tell him to leave or I'll call the police, before I can do anything more, I see security stepping off the elevator walking towards us. They ask him to follow them, but he refuses. I stood and watched as they grabbed him by the arm and forcefully escorted him out. I found out later that Alicia had been roughed up by her now ex boyfriend and heard he was coming to the office, so she ran into Caroline's office for safety. I stepped up beside Caroline and made sure he remembered I was there. I'm not usually an aggressive person, but I refuse to sit idly by and let a woman get hit or a man be aggressive towards a female.

As Security escorts the man out, Caroline tells Alicia to take the rest of the day off, go home and get clothes then go to her family and come back in a couple days. I'm in awe of how Caroline thinks of her people first, makes me glad that she has such a heart!

As Alicia prepares to do as Caroline said, I get a look of admiration from both ladies. As Alicia finishes up, she hugs Caroline and, to my surprise, walks towards me and gives me a hug and quick kiss on the cheek as she thanks me for standing up for her. I smile down at her and tell her "relax and come back stronger and happier, that's all that matters". I watch as Alicia is escorted gently by security to the elevator and down to the 1st floor where police wait for her. I turn to Caroline and ask if the police will help her and how they got here so fast, "I called the police about 20 minutes ago, they will escort her home so she can pack and help her to a family or friends house to rest and recuperate. From there I can only hope she gets away from him and comes back." I look at Caroline with renewed respect and smile at her.

As we enter her office, I noticed some food has been set to the side of the room. Since the last time I was here, I'd never got a good look at her office space. It was big! She had a good size couch and table set back for lunches or meetings. Caroline shuts her door and locks it, which surprises me. She asked me if I had anything left to do the rest of the evening, as she would like my input on some matters, I told her no, I had nothing more on the schedule and shortly rang up Mark on his personal cell and told him to lock everything up when he gets back and take an early day off. He thanks me and hangs up. As we eat, we talk about anything and everything. I learn alot about Caroline and her passions for people and learn how very outward she is. I love the fact she is open about herself and I find myself opening up to her more and more.

Caroline ordered some sushi from a local restaurant which was very good. She asks me, "David, what has got you so preoccupied? You got quiet on me, am I that boring?" I look at her, she has a smile and twinkle in her eye as she says it. "No, I'm thinking about Jess, and all her troubles and how to help her. I'm also trying to sort out my feelings for her. I've known her for such a short time, yet I have found myself constantly thinking of her, more than I have any other woman in my life. I also have been thinking of this other woman, who I met recently, gorgeous young woman, smart and intelligent and I find myself conflicted between the two. Not sure what to do about it."

She turns around and looks at her desk for a second and then looks at me and asks "Oh? Who is the other woman and what do you feel about her?"

I look straight at her beautiful face and tell her "I'd rather not say who at the moment, but she is growing on me fast. She already has my interest, but I'm conflicted as I'm falling in love with Jessica and don"t want to hurt her. She deserves more." As we continue to talk, I open up more to her about my feelings towards Jessica and my desire to protect her.

Caroline watched me as I was telling her how I felt about jessica. Then smiled as she said, "David, I know men want to protect us, it's part of who you are and what you are, but sometimes you need to learn to back off a little bit, let the woman fight her battle and just be there, to give her a foundation to bounce back from when she falls or when she needs a coach. Jessica is the same way, If she is to grow stronger, she cannot have someone who will fight her battles for her. Be there for her, help her recover her strength, but don't fight for her. You'll both be better for it."

As I sat and contemplated what she said, I realized the time and stated we needed to get back to work. As our day ends, Caroline looks at me and asks me if I'm ok. I decide to take a risk and walk up to her and give her a light kiss on the cheek and tell her I'm good and thank her for the talk. As I turn to go, I see she is touching the spot I kissed with a surprised expression and a smile. When I was near the door to leave her office, she asked me one final question "David, who is the other woman in your heart?" I turned back around and smiled at her as I answered "You are" and walked out without saying anything more.

When I returned home, I found a text message on my phone from Caroline.

Caroline: David! That was not nice to leave me hanging after that kiss and answer. You're gonna pay for that tomorrow when you get to work!

David: Sorry Caroline, tomorrow is saturday, did you forget? Gonna have to wait! I just got home as well, guess your revenge is gonna have to stew *heart emoji*

Caroline: we will see about that, just you wait mister!! I'll get you soon. Bye for now hot stuff.

When I read the last part, I start to wonder what I just started, but now I'm gonna enjoy what I can and when. As I get ready for my nightly routine, I finish up my workout and get ready for a shower, I hear my phone go off. I open it up to find a text message of a picture, when I open the picture, I see Caroline wearing a barely there teddy with a message, getting ready for bed thinking of you, good night!

I'm looking at her picture and thinking, my god, I'm gonna need a cold shower tonight! Then a devilish thought occurred to me. I'm still in my boxers and I got this tent rising up, so I go lay in bed while looking at her picture letting the tent rise up more, when it's as hard as it gets, I snap a picture of it and send it back to her with a message 'see you Monday, early.' So I lay there waiting for her response with a smile on my face.

About 10 minutes later I get a message from her saying "omfg David! I'm gonna find you and get you for that! Lol. have a good night and I'll see you in the morning *wink*" I'm laying in bed trying to puzzle through that last message when I message back a good night. I still need a shower and a COLD one at that!! About an hour later I lay in bed still thinking about Jessica and Caroline and wonder where my life is heading. All I know is, It's gonna be very crazy and interesting!

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Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc3 months ago

I get the controlling, abusive asshole husband, but that still doesn't endear me to either Jessica or David. Caroline sounds fun - 3.8*

HelgamiteHelgamite3 months agoAuthor

@WhoGivesAShit that is in part 2. David and Caroline has a date and his past is revealed more.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShit3 months ago

This is a very good first effort, and I mean that in a positive and constructive way. Aside from the solid proofreading and editing, you’ve set a good tone. It’s not bloated by irrelevant backstory, although it might be worth knowing why a young, good looking, successful (until economic downturn) man is single. I mean he doesn’t mention any past love or sexual interests. Maybe that’s not relevant, up to author’s judgement. There’s a lot of potential here, you’ve got skills and whatever your process is, it’s working.

HelgamiteHelgamite4 months agoAuthor

@wantingtowritegood ok, I see what you mean, I was trying for present tense on both and see where I messed up. Thanks for that, I think this time I may try for an editor to help, as I did part 1 by myself and edited it myself, it might be better for someone a little more experienced?

This is the kind of constructive criticism I love, thank you!

HelgamiteHelgamite4 months agoAuthor

@stewartb Pt2 will continue with the building of Caroline and David's relationship along with Jessica's home life. I've got part of the outline done so will be working on that part soon.

WantingToWriteGoodWantingToWriteGood4 months ago

Very interesting premise. The only suggestion I can make is to watch out for verb tense inconsistency. For example: "As I drop Jessica off at the bus station, she tells me she won't be able to see me for a while as her husband has a week off of work and will be home all day everyday. It saddens me, but I know she wants to be careful."

But later, "As we enter her office, I noticed some food has been set to the side of the room. Since the last time I was here, I'd never got a good look at her office space. It was big! She had a good size couch and table set back for lunches or meetings."

If you want to stick with present tense then consider the second example to read "As we enter her office, I notice some food at the side of the room. I take a good look at her office space. It is big! She has a good size couch and table set back for lunches or meetings."

If you want to stick with past tense consider the first example to read "As I dropped Jessica off at the bus station, she told me she won't be able to see me for a while as her husband has a week off of work and will be home all day everyday. It saddened me, but I knew she wanted to be careful."

But, that is me. Regardless, you write a great story. Looking forward to future installments.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percy4 months ago

Good beginning!


stewartbstewartb4 months ago

Waiting for part 2 and I assume "big troubles".

dropshot67dropshot675 months ago

Good start, lots of possibilities

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