Dawn over Sun Valley Ch. 01


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"You want another drink?"

"Yes, please. I'm parched!"

She was, too, but the truth was she also needed a break. Leanne loved being in Joe's arms; maybe a bit too much. She needed a breather, one that didn't include inhaling the intoxicating mix of hot male skin, light aftershave and heady pheromones that was making her forget herself. She smiled as he lead them back towards the bar.

Yes, one more drink would be lovely, she thought. Just don't let it go to your head.

Once back in their seats Joe motioned for the bartender, and asked for another round of beer. When the drinks were served he reached for his back pocket, but Leanne had already beaten him to it, holding out the worn twenty. Joe looked at her, startled, as the bartender took the cash and gave her the change with a small nod, and stepped away.

"You actually meant it earlier." He stated, surprise evident in his voice.

Leanne smiled. "I usually do." she quipped and took a few deep, refreshing draws. Joe chuckled, shaking his head, and followed suit. They fell quiet for a few moments, and then Joe turned back towards her, leaning onto the bar with one elbow.

"So, tell me, where did you learn to dance like that?"

Leanne smiled, flattered that he'd noticed. "My mom was a dance teacher. We used to spend hours dancing together in our living room."

They had worn their trailer's vinyl floor thin dancing for hours to music played by the old record player, their most prized possession. But Leanne wasn't going to tell him that. Tonight I am a princess, not trailer trash, she told herself firmly. Instead, she tilted her head and looked at him questioningly.

"What about you?"

Joe grinned back. "I was a competitive ballroom dancer in high school. All the way through college, in fact."

She gasped in disbelief. "Seriously?"

He nodded, his answering grin adorably lopsided. "Yeah. Seriously."

"How come?"

"Honestly? A friend suggested it, told me it was the 'best way to get a grope at half-naked chicks', which was a very compelling point, mind you." Joe shrugged in apology, then continued. "And he was right. I soon got addicted to it. Nothing quite like having an enthusiastic partner in my arms, feeling our bodies move in sync, getting all flushed and sweaty together..." He wiggled his brows comically at his own way-too-blatant innuendo, and Leanne had to laugh.

"Well, I wouldn't know, really, but I'll take your word for it!" She answered laughingly, then clamped her hand over her own mouth when she realized what she'd just revealed.

Joe's wide smile froze across his face. "Wait - what?"

Leanne groaned, her eyes squeezed shut and her burning cheeks buried in her palms. "Oh God, please shoot me now."

It seemed Joe had gone completely still next to her, but a couple of moments later she felt his fingers close around her wrists, gently tugging her hands away from her face.

"Hey, there's nothing to be embarrassed about, princess. Please. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

She took a deep breath, and let him tug her hands down, let him hold them as they sat, mutely staring at each other, until finally she swallowed hard and nodded.

"You - you didn't. I mean, I know you didn't mean to; it's just -" she stopped and shook her head.

"It's just - what?" he asked gently.

There was genuine interest in his eyes, and for some reason it compelled her to answer honestly. "It's just that I want my first time to be special. I want to cherish the experience. I want to share it with someone who I care for, and who cares about me, you know?"

Joe nodded. "Yeah. I know." Joe smiled, and the faraway look in his eyes hinted at long-ago memories.

"What was it like... for you?"

She could see her question startled him and was ready to take it back and apologize when he shrugged and answered. "It was... special. And awesome. Even though we had no freakin' idea what we were doing and were both all elbows, fumbling throughout... it was - beautiful."

Leanne turned fully towards Joe, leaned her elbow on the bar and put her chin in her hand. "Tell me more about it, please?"

Joe seemed flustered by her request, but then answered nonetheless. "She was my highschool sweetheart. Jennifer. That was her name; Jenni. We were both in our Senior year, had been dating steady since we were Sophomores. Crazy in love as only kids could be." He smiled, remembering. "We'd been fooling around for a long while - you know, heavy petting, groping, necking, making-out - you name it, we were doing it - but we'd always stopped short of full intercourse." He peeked up to see her eyes on his face, riveted, and grinned.

"Of course, I'd asked her to be my prom date. And of course, she accepted. Then, about a week before the dance, we were making out in my car, and that's when she asked me - while sitting astride me, with only our underwear between us and my face buried between her naked boobs, no less - she asked if I wanted to 'do it' after the prom."

Leanne gasped, and Joe laughed. "As you can imagine, I shouted 'hell yes!'. And had promptly embarrassed myself a moment later." His smile deepened when Leanne sucked in a breath as his meaning registered. "Anyways, long story short, we both lost our virginity a week later, after the prom, in the back of my battered truck. It was the total cliche. And to this day, it's one of the best experiences of my life."

Leanne nodded and sighed, and Joe reached out to cup her cheek gently, his thumb caressing over the flushed skin. "So you see, I do get it. I get wanting to 'save yourself' for the right person. I get wanting it to be special."

Leanne shivered as his finger rasped lightly along her cheekbone, awakening sensations she could barely even name deep in her belly. But in the next moment Joe withdrew his hand, only to wrap it warmly around hers. "I'd have loved to show you how beautiful it could be, Leanne. To introduce you to the absolute pleasure sex is - or can be. But as much as I hate to admit it, you're right - your first time should be with someone you care for, and who cares for you. It should be special."

Inexplicably, Leanne felt the prickle of tears behind her eyes, and blinked quickly to soothe it.

"For what it's worth, I'm sure it would have been absolutely spectacular." she said, squeezing his fingers before pulling her hand back, curling it into a ball to keep the heat of his touch from evaporating. "and on that note - I think it's getting late, and I have a new job starting tomorrow, so I'm afraid I need to get going..."

"Leanne - stay, please. Just for a while longer."

His sincerity surprised her, as did his fingers, wrapped lightly around her upper arm. It was true she had an early morning the next day, but she was also more than a little aware of her having thwarted his original plans for the night. She figured if she made herself scarce he'd still have more than enough time to charm another woman - someone who was here to be charmed, who was looking for the same kind of no-strings-attached pleasure he was offering.


Joe looked at her thoughtfully. "Well, because, surprising as it may be, this evening has been the most fun I'd had in a long time, and I'd hate for it to end so soon. I'd love to dance with you some more." He paused, snuck a quick peek at his watch, and smiled up into her eyes. "The clock hasn't struck midnight yet, princess. We have another couple of hours ahead of us, so... shall we dance?"

With that he stood, and gallantly offered her his hand. Leanne blushed with pleasure. How could she refuse such a tempting offer? She stood, took one last large gulp from her beer, and then took his hand and let him lead her back to the dance floor.


Inevitably, the clock had struck midnight.

Or rather, in their case, it was the insistent buzzing in her back left pocket which she knew would be the calendar alert, letting her know today was 'Orientation Day' at Sun Valley Farms. Reluctantly, Leanne drew back, separating their bodies which had gravitated closer and closer, until they were fitted together as if made for each other.

She bit her lips before speaking up, regret thickening her voice. "I need to go, Joe."

Joe nodded and took a step back, smiling faintly down at her.

"I know."

Yet neither one of them moved to walk away. Instead they stood there, looking into each other's eyes in the middle of the dance floor, reluctant to let the evening end.

Finally, Joe spoke. "Are you staying here at the inn?"

"Um, yes, I am."

"Well, would you allow me to walk you up to your room?"

Leanne hesitated, looking up into his face searchingly. She may be innocent, but she wasn't completely naive. "No hookup, remember?"

Joe nodded solemnly, though she could see his eyes creased in a hint of a smile. "I remember, princess. No hookup. I'd just feel better seeing you safely back to your room than sending you off to the woods by yourself, with a room full of wolves watching your every move."

Leanne nodded. In her gut, she trusted him. And she'd long learned to trust her gut when it came to people.


Joe grinned, and offered his elbow to her in the most gentlemanly gesture. She took it, smiling like a fool, and together they made their way through the bar, feeling people's eyes on them all the way out. For once in her life Leanne didn't feel belittled or pitied by those stares; instead, she felt appreciated, even envied. And she had to admit it felt good.


When they reached the quiet lobby Joe left her arm to press the call button for the elevator, and then held the door for her to step in. He stood close to her in the cramped, old car, but didn't take her arm again. Worked up as he was from hours of having her lithe, nimble body in his arms, he figured it would be best if he kept his distance now.

It was the right thing to do, yet his body apparently missed the memo.

Suck it up, cowboy, he told himself firmly. He knew the deal coming in, and he wouldn't go back on his word. He just never expected it to be this hard.


Groaning inwardly, Joe breathed his relief when the elevator crawled to a stop and the heavy door squeaked open. He held it for Leanne, and let her take a couple of steps ahead before following her down the narrow hallway towards her room. She stopped at the door next to last on their left, fished in her back pocket for the card key, and then turned back towards him, waving it weakly.

"Here we are, then."

Joe nodded, coming to stand in front of her.

"Yeah, here we are."

He held out his hand, and relished her soft, warm touch when she took it. Joe bowed low to softly kiss her knuckles, and felt her fingers trembled in response. A surge of lust almost knocked him over.

God, but she's responsive. Imagine how she'd respond to other kisses...

Inhaling sharply, Joe let go of her hand, and stepped back.

"Good night, princess. I had a great time tonight."

"Me, too." She smiled. "Thank you for being my prince charming tonight, Joe, and for making me feel -" she shrugged, then smiled. "- well, like a real princess. I'll never forget this night."

Joe nodded and half-turned, but couldn't quite walk away. Not yet. This couldn't be it. Balling his fists in frustration he stood there, undecided, until Leanne's soft question reached him.

"What is it, Joe?"

He swore under his breath. "It's just -" he started, but stopped himself. This wasn't fair to Leanne, and he had no right asking her.

"It's just - what?"

He shook his head, already regretting it, but at the insistence in her eyes he relented.

"It's just that I really, really want to kiss you."

Leanne exhaled sharply, but he could tell she wasn't surprised, nor angry. She did seem nervous though, and excited at the same time. Joe watched wariness and need battle in her eyes, and had to bite his own tongue to keep from saying anything. Don't push her, cowboy. This is her decision to make.

Finally, her gaze focused on his. "Just a kiss?"

Joe felt his lips relax into a hopeful half-grin. "Well, I'd be lying if I said all I wanted was a kiss." His dick throbbed inside his jeans thinking about everything else he wanted to do with her... Joe took a deep breath, and continued. "But I know nothing else is going to happen tonight," he said softly, and the answering relief he saw on her face told him all he needed to know. She definitely wasn't ready for more. "So yeah - just a kiss. Please?"

She bit her lip, her brow furrowed, and he was going to take it back altogether when she admitted softly - "I'd very much like that, except - I'd never really kissed before. So I - I don't really know what to do."

Joe released the breath he didn't know he was holding, and stepped forward until he could feel the heat emanating from her body. She tilted her head back, and he took her upturned face in his hands.

"It's just like dancing, princess. All you need to do is follow my lead."

Joe bent his head down towards hers, but then stopped, hovering so close their breaths mingled together. He waited there, mutely giving her a chance to change her mind. But Leanne no longer hesitated. Instead the tip of her tongue snuck out to moisten her dry lips, and then she went up on her tiptoes and fitted her mouth to his.

Joe's whole world shrunk to that kiss. All he could sense was the caress of her mouth, the soft pressure of her breasts against his chest, her sweet taste on his tongue. Her scent - not even a hint of perfume; just 100% Leanne. God, she felt so good. She felt right. He wanted so much more - it took every ounce of self-restraint not to take that kiss any further. Not to delve his tongue deep to dance with hers, not to fill his palms with her breasts, not to cup her ass and grind himself against her belly...

Instead, Joe kept himself in tight check, kept their kiss unhurried and deceptively easy, kept his touch light, though there was no way he could keep the groan that rose from somewhere deep in his chest, nor his too-quick breaths. And there was no way he could ever hide his raging hard-on, pulsating with the heavy beat of his heart.

He couldn't remember wanting a woman more.


Leanne wanted that kiss to go on forever.

She couldn't believe how good it felt. How right. She'd expected to feel overwhelmed; out of her depth. Inadequate. Instead, she felt like she'd just found her place in the world. Like she'd just come home.

Joe was big and warm and solid against her, and she melted against him. His kiss was sure, unhurried, his lips coaxing hers to open, his tongue inviting hers to join his in a slow dance. He didn't take; rather, he offered - and she couldn't resist the temptation.

She slid her arms around Joe's neck, needing to get closer, to feel even more. She never felt so connected to another human being. So in tune with another. So intimate. She drew back just long enough to steal a breath, and then came back for more, opening her mouth wider, letting her own tongue slip into his mouth.

He tasted so good. Her hands slid back to cradle his head, hold it in place as she kissed him with abandon, every slide and press of their lips together building the pleasure, promising more to come, sending another shiver down her spine. She felt heat pooling deep in her belly.

God, it felt so good.

A low, unfamiliar moan rose from her throat. She couldn't recognize herself, and she didn't care. She wanted to be lost forever in that moment, in the pleasure of Joe's kiss, in the safe haven of his arms. Those arms tightened around her, drew her even closer to his hard body, his tongue delved deeper still - and then he pulled back, tearing their mouths apart as he took a half-step back and held her shoulders firmly, so that she couldn't eliminate the distance.

They were both breathing hard, both flushed and flustered. Leanne felt a thrill go through her, knowing that he was just as impacted as she was by their kiss.

"Leanne - I..." Joe started, then stopped and blew a harsh breath, visibly gathering himself. "We need to stop. I need to stop. Now."

She was going to protest and he must have seen it, because he shook his head and took another step back, dropping his hands from her shoulders. He rubbed them briskly over his face a few times, and then took a deep breath and blew it slowly, regaining his composure.

Watching him, Leanne felt her own head clear from the thick fog of lust that had obscured all reason just moments before. Now that she'd taken a few deep breaths herself she knew why he'd stopped - and knew he was right, even when every nerve in her body still hummed with newly-awakened need.

"You're right. We do need to stop."

Joe half-smiled. "Yeah."

"I never thought it would be this tempting... this hard to stop."

"I know."

Leanne broke their eye contact, looking down, trying to hide her inner struggle. When her emotions were more or less in check, she raised her head to meet his eyes.

"Thank you. Again."

Joe's smile seemed wistful. "You are one of a kind, Leanne. Stay true to yourself, okay?"

She nodded.

"Take care, princess."

"Yeah. You too, cowboy."

Joe never moved. Leanne stared at him, and then arched one eyebrow delicately. He smiled.

"I need to see you getting into your room safely. Then I'll go."

She laughed. "Ever the gentleman, aren't you?" she teased gently but then turned, slid the card key in, and unlocked the door. Looking over her shoulder she saw him still standing right there, hands in his jeans' pockets. He didn't answer, but nodded for her to step inside.

Leanne entered her room, and closed the door quietly behind her. Then, unable to resist, she took one last peek through the peephole. There she saw Joe, looking lost in thought, until finally he shook his head, and walked away.


Author's note: Did you like this chapter? Please tell me! VOTE, FAVORITE and COMMENT. Thanks!

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Wow! Not my first read, but just amazing!

naughtyandy4unaughtyandy4uabout 1 year ago

Perfect, now I want to read more.

AnAncientAnAncientover 2 years ago

Too many stories spend too little time between in innocence and full on sexuality. I'm glad this is not one.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

As far as encounter with a stranger goes, this is pretty much the dreamier scenario. Very good. Chapter 2, here I come.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Lovely start.

It definitely makes me want more.

Gypsy_Gypsy_about 7 years ago
Blown Away

Big fan of yours, just awesome. I don't have the words to say how amazing the chapter is.

TheOldRomanticTheOldRomanticover 7 years ago
Great story!

Great history.

I must admit that I have previously read "Christmas in Sun Valley", so I needed to read this series to understand some things I did not understand before.

If the author wrote this story at the speed indicated in his prologue, I can not imagine what he / she could write with enough time for it.

I know it's a story from last year, but for me it's new, and very explanatory.

5 * for you.

I apologize for my English (yet), is not my native language.

SoMikeSoMikeover 8 years ago
A fine introduction to our two subjects...

In reading your dialogue, and others' who possess the same skill--the author of Aprons for Gayle comes immediately to mind--I've begun to recognize how important it is to maintain that sense of realism for the characters in a story. Having not read your other stories (that will change), I was not aware that you could write such naturalistic exchanges, and it's somewhat amusing to read your prose without feeling as if I need to alter the writing to suit what my own mind sees as natural speech. It's like the packaging might say, "Just Read, and Enjoy!"

I suppose that some just have a gift. Looking forward to reading the rest of this series, and others of your canon.

winterreisserwinterreisserover 8 years ago
Well rounded story, almost!

I'll reserve full comments until the very last chapter is read but must say that so far it's quite gripping, that's praise by the way from me!!!

I have read the other comments so no need to go further for now.


droid01droid01over 8 years ago
Soo Good!

I could picture myself in the male role. I held back on the first night I met my wife, now of thirty-seven years. I know that slow start can still lead to a hot romance and lifetime fun for two.

swrdswrdover 8 years ago
perfect balance

between the romance and the story itself.

I am intrigued by the characters, defiantly by the princesse's lack of sex life not to mentioned that she had never being kissed before.... jungle girl raised by wolves??

I felt Joe's balls' pain at the end :-)

small_town_girlsmall_town_girlover 8 years agoAuthor
oops! skipped some comments on ch. 01, i see..:

@MJ - oh hi there! ~waves~

@Esther - thank you so very much!

@Anon 'close to perfect' - yes, great point. and you're right. i'll add it in the edits before this story is published as a whole book. thank you so much for your comment!



small_town_girl / Anne A. Lois

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
So very close to perfect

My only complaint is that, no matter how innocent she is, he's not a complete moron.

The idea that he would not, at THE VERY LEAST, give her his number... well, it passes the realm of possibility and leaves disappointment in its wake :(

Still a 5 star story, because of the emotional impact and genuine story telling, but could I at least suggest that he give her his number and she warn that she will be really busy with her new job but maybe they could meet again - sometime?

Only an idiot wouldn't see that she is going to work at the same ranch he works at, so it's not like you are ruining any surprise for the next day when they meet at work...

Sorry to be so harsh, but it's those kind of details that are like the jet trails in the background sky above the 1800's period piece - they just jar me right out of the suspension of disbelief :/


karalinekaralineover 8 years ago
aw So Sweet...

so romantic, (well i guess it is in the romance category) so much cute. I like their inner dialogue they've both going on. the way they're so similar and yet so different at the same time


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