Dawn's Never Ending Glow


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"She is worthy. But, she struggles, my brother," the Prophet replied. Gently, he reached down and grasped her chin in his hand, lifting her face. "Do not be afraid of your gift. You must accept it as the burden and the blessing it is. There is no fear in the brotherhood. All shoulder the burdens of the one. The one celebrates the gifts of all. Our lives are intertwined as one life. Our hearts, beat as one heart. What one suffers, we all do. And what we all endure, so does the one. You are no longer alone. Let our strength fortify you. Find your home here, your life with us, and your strength in ours."

Anna panted, her mind closed tightly as the Prophet removed his fingers from her chin. Gratefully, she exhaled. The beast was quiet, locked back in its cell. She stood quietly, waiting.

"She is worthy to receive our mark. My brothers, do you see Anna as worthy to share our gift?"

"She is worthy," the brothers repeated simultaneously in a singular voice.

The Prophet took hold of Anna's wrist. "I share with you Kokumthena's gift of the spirit." His brown eyes locked with hers as he said low in private. "It will help you to tame the beast. Bring it under control. But, do not see your power as a curse. It is a blessing and through it you will bless others. One day you will be asked to call on the terrible power of your gift. But, do not be afraid, for I am not. You will know when and how to use it best."

Anna met the Prophet's soulful eyes and bowed her head. She would welcome anything that could help to keep her raging demon at bay. Anything. She gasped as he bit down, drinking her blood. The searing pain ran up her arm and through her entire body.

The Great Father narrowed his eyes at his brother's cryptic message to Anna. Sometimes, the Prophet was on a different plane of existence than the rest of the world. Lately, his brother seemed to grow more distant with each passing day. Withdrawing. In some distant or near future, his brother could see the storm brewing. And his knowledge of it, of the outcome of the storm yet to pass, terrified him. The Great Father could see it in his brother's eyes. He was afraid for his brother and for his Sons. Worried about a future that he had no ability to change and that his brother had already seen.

Anna knew she wasn't supposed to. Chance had been so brave when it had been his turn to receive the Great Father's bite. But, she couldn't help it. As the Great Father joined his brother and sank his fangs into her flesh, she cried out. Numbness assaulted her limbs. Her hands glowed with that terrifying white light. Energy surged through her fingertips, going wild when she had nowhere to focus her power. Searing the green grass to blackened stubble.

She knew what it was like to die. Death was a cold place. A dark place. And the brothers drained her, dangling her over the empty abyss. As powerful as the brothers were, they couldn't force her to live. They couldn't pull her back if she chose not to heed the call of their blood. Anna drank greedily. Taking the gift of life into her body in deep swallows.

A history she'd never known existed flashed before her mind's eye. The life of every brother, fragmented bits and pieces fused into her memory as if they were her own. She saw John Mark as a baby in his mother's arms, Toby blowing out candles on a birthday cake, Alex sitting in the sunlight reading a book, Patrick grooming a beautiful black mare, Dane chopping wood and wiping the sweat from his brow, Robbie opening a present on Christmas Day, the Great Father warming his hands by a fire, the Prophet drinking from a sun dappled stream, the Shaman gathering herbs, Candace giving birth to Chance, Will wading in the ocean, Marcus, Lance, Bryce, Sam, Janine, Robert and Danielle, Alexander and Leigh, Mack, Thomas, Lucien, and so many others. She knew they were here with her on the bluffs, in body or in spirit, one with the blood, with the past, part of her present, and the blank slate of the future.

There was pain, so much pain, her knees buckled and she dropped to the ground. Cold seized her limbs and turned her blood to ice. Anna wasn't afraid. The song of the brothers comforted her. Eased her agony. She'd died, twice. And been reborn, again. Although, she was just a small part of the bigger whole, she didn't feel small or insignificant. She let the largeness of the life around her lift her up and draw her in. She was a part of something bigger than herself. She lived, not bound by the confines of her body or the aloneness every person felt in their hearts, but as one in an endless, unbreakable circle of life.

Toby beamed like a proud papa. There was so much that defied explanation. Things he could never put into words. But now, Anna saw them and understood them for herself. Cautiously, mindful of her pain, he walked across the singed grass and lifted her onto her feet. Gently steadying her with his arm around her shoulders.

"Let her bear our mark," The Great Father said. He stepped back and allowed Toby to guide her to the Shaman who was busily readying his tools. Anna was wobbly on her feet. Stunned by the power of the blood bond between the brothers. He was no prophet, not like his brother. But, he knew, somehow, this woman had an important part to play in the future.

Anna lifted her top, bearing her back as she leaned over the tree stump. She had seen this done. Been witness when Chris received her tattoo. She knew what to expect. Sort of. She gasped with the first strike of the needle against her skin. Thinking of other things, of how much she loved Toby, and the song of the brothers in her head, she ground her teeth, enduring the pain.

A noisy party ensued after the ceremony. The brothers knew how to celebrate. Anna lifted her body off the rough surface of the stump and eased her shirt down over her throbbing skin. Ultimately, she knew her pain was worth it. Someone reached out and pulled her into the line of wildly undulating bodies dancing and chanting around the bonfire. She was official. She belonged. This was her home. These people, and yes, they were people, were her family. And of course, there was Toby, always Toby, dancing beside her.

Chapter 43

Janine gave up on sleep. Glaring at the clock, she got out of bed and wandered around the house. She flipped on the light and stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror for a long time. She vowed never to lose sleep over a man. But, here she was with the world's worse case of insomnia. Sniveling and crying over Patrick like some lovesick teenager. Her eyes were red and swollen, her nose glowed brighter than Rudolph's, and the dark purple bags under her eyes were so beyond the capabilities of anything she had in her makeup bag. "Buck up girl," she grumbled at herself. Dejectedly flipping off the bathroom light, she settled on the couch and grabbed the remote, surfing through the channels.

Patrick stood on the sidewalk in front of the house, listening to the monotone banter of infomercials droning from the TV. He could sense Janine's mood. She was miserable, utterly miserable. Good. So was he. A part of his subconscious muttered in the back of his mind that they were even. But, the bigger part, the part that cared for her, hated to see her suffering and despised that he was the cause of it. He whispered a suggestion and walked up to the porch, unlocking the door with the key he'd snuck away from Robbie and copied.

Janine yawned and her eyes grew heavy, her mind responding to Patrick's suggestion. Stubbornly, she fought to keep her lids open and her mind alert. Damn it, she could feel him in her head and resented his interference. If she was going to be a raging insomniac, what was it any concern of his? Unable to resist him, she slid into the dark realm of dreams.

She stirred when she felt Patrick lift her body off the couch. His body was warm and felt so good against her skin, easing her loneliness. "Fuck you, Patrick," Janine mumbled, her voice still thick with sleep. She slid into a deep slumber as soon as he put her head on the pillow.

Patrick slid onto the bed next to Janine's sleeping form. Even though she was oblivious to his presence, lost to a world of dreams, and probably would not reciprocate if she had any idea of what she was doing. Being beside her felt good. Right. "I'll never let you go," he whispered, spooning into the curve of her body. "What ever it takes, I'll win you back." He nuzzled in closer, enveloping her in his arms as he buried his nose into her soft hair and inhaled her scent. "This is where you belong." And even though he didn't say it. He knew that this was where he belonged too.


The party ended with the rising of the sun. Anna's back was tender. But, she was very happy. She was sated, filled from the thrill of the hunt. And overwhelmed with joy. She walked back to the compound, her fingers locked around Toby's. "I set a date for the wedding. Now, when are you going to tell me the big surprise?"

"You'll find out in a few days. You can wait that long." Toby smiled down at Anna. He lifted their intertwined fingers to his lips and brushed a kiss across her knuckles. He led her to their room for a shower, maybe some play, and definitely a nap.

"No, I can't. Please Toby." Anna batted her eyes at Toby and shot him a pleading look. The wait for her big surprise was killing her. She was the kid that climbed under the Christmas tree and shook all the presents, trying to figure out what was in them. She was the adult that pretended her birthday wasn't a big deal then squealed in delight, when thanks to her dropping of hints, the office pooled together and threw her a party.

"Nope. I promised Chris I wouldn't say a word," Toby said pressing a finger to his lips. "I always keep my promises. I promised I'd make you very happy and if my guess is right," he grinned, "you are."

"Yes." Anna squeezed Toby's hand tightly. "I am." She wound her arms around his neck and drew him in for a kiss. Luckily, the hallways were empty and they were free to kiss, take a few steps, kiss, and eventually make their way back to their room uninterrupted.


Janine awoke to the bright morning sun and the gleeful sound of chirping birds. She sighed and rolled over, peeling her eyes open to glance at the clock. "Shit!" Realizing what time it was, she jumped out of bed with a start. She was going to be late for work. She gasped, startled when she saw Patrick, dozing fitfully in her bed. "Patrick!" she ground out on a hiss. "Out! GET OUT! You can't be here!"

"Janine, what's the matter?" Patrick asked sleepily. The last few days had been hell on him and he was finally sleeping fitfully. He rolled over in the bed and nuzzled the pillow, still dented from the imprint of her head, against his cheek. Her bony, little fingers reached down and pinched him hard on the bicep. "What?"

"What are you doing here? You can't be here." Janine was scrambling in her haste, gathering up her clothes. The man would not move. Patrick rarely slept. And when he did he slept like the dead. On a frustrated grunt, unable to rouse him, she turned her back to him she shimmied out of her sleepwear and into her clothes. Irritated beyond irritated with his presence in her bed, she reached over and gave him a hard pinch on the arm.

Patrick shifted, pulling the covers back over his groin, which had swelled to epic and damned uncomfortable proportions at the sight of her naked body as she changed in haste out of her sleep clothes and dressed for work. "Why not?

Janine shot Patrick a glaring stare. She really did not have time for this today. "You don't belong here." She scrubbed her fingers through her hair, arranging the wild curls into some form of order. "You don't belong in my bed."

"You didn't seem to mind it a couple of days ago," he grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest indignantly. Stubbornly, staying put, he propped himself up against her pillows.

"Don't bring that up," she stammered, rolling her eyes. Balancing on the edge of the bed, she pulled on her socks and shoes. Was he ever going to take the hint and leave? Of course, he'd mention their tryst. Naturally. She just couldn't go there right now.

"Why not? I enjoyed it."

Her face burned red. Ok, so they were going there. Fine. "I did too. But, it was a mistake, a horrible mistake." He wasn't making this easy for her. But, then again when did he ever make things easy for her? She bolted to the bathroom and loaded her toothbrush with toothpaste, quickly scrubbing at her teeth.

His temper boiled at her insinuation that the night had been a mistake, a little 'oopsy' in the grand scheme of life. Like he tripped and his dick somehow ended up inside of her? Train wrecks were accidents. Making love to her was no accident. How could she call what happened between them a mistake? He thought it was wonderful and amazing. He stomped from the bedroom, following her into the bathroom. "Mistake?"

"Look, I'm going to be late for work." Janine rinsed out her toothbrush and dropped it into the holder on the side of the sink. She turned and pushed her palms against Patrick's chest, driving him out of the doorway. "Can we talk about this later?"

"Fine. I'll be right here waiting on you." Patrick plopped onto the couch and crossed his arms over his chest. Oh they were so having this out when she got off work. Mistake his ass. He'd have her panting and moaning beneath him, begging him for it. And damn it, it would not be a mistake.

"No!" Janine spat out the word. "I want you gone. And I want you to promise me you won't ever come in here again. And I want your word, no more mojo." She tapped her temple. "You can't do that again, ever." She wasn't too steady on her bike. Today, thinks to Patrick's bruised ego and the fact that he would not leave, she was going to have to drive the car Chris had so generously loaned her to work. She hunted for the keys and found them inside a decorative bowl on the kitchen table.

"I'm promising nothing. If you're in danger, I'm coming in. I'll do what ever it takes to keep you safe." Patrick got up from the couch and yanked Janine's purse off the back of a dining room chair, sliding it over her shoulder. Maybe, if she could get it past her thick skull that he really did respect her and her job, she'd cut him a little slack and at least agree to talk with him when she got home tonight.

"Fine. Whatever." Janine huffed, glaring at him for having the balls to let his fingers linger on her shoulder. "But, if you pull a stunt like that again, I'm telling Dane."

Patrick's mouth fell open in shock. She was going to tattle on him? What was she five years old? "Telling him what? That you've become an emotional wreck? That I gave you a few moments peace? That I put you in a warm, comfy bed and protected you all night? That's what I did, now isn't it?" His chin jutted out challenging her to say something to the contrary.

"That's not exactly what you did and you know it." Janine trembled in fury. The man had no clue. She stood toe to toe with him, jamming her finger in his chest. "I. AM. LATE. NOW. GO!" Janine pointed to the door. "Promise me you won't come back. PROMISE!"

"Ok, Ok," Patrick threw up his hands in resignation. She was so bull headed. There was no way he'd get her to listen to reason when she was like this. "If you don't want me here, I won't come back. EVER!" He was royally and thoroughly pissed now. His temper was just a little too close to boiling over. He was going to say something he'd regret. And it was better that he left before he did. He stormed to the door, twisting the handle so hard in his fist the metal began to fold. He turned to look at her over his shoulder before he left, slamming the door so hard behind him the wood rattled in its frame.

Determined to have the last word, she flung the door open and took a deep breath to scream something very nasty at him. The street was empty. He was gone. Damn him and his vampire speed. "Fine!" She shouted down the deserted sidewalk, feeling a bit foolish for doing so. But, she knew he heard her. Mrs. Jones, her neighbor across the street, peeked out from behind her lace curtains to see what the ruckus was about. Which served to make Janine feel even stupider than she already did.

Janine's hands trembled as she tried to put the keys into the ignition a second time. Patrick really knew how to get to her. And she felt guilty as hell for yelling at him. Maybe, he was trying to make amends and be a nice guy. But she wasn't going to let him get away with it. He had no right to crawl into her bed. No right to climb inside her mind, no mater how good his intentions. She was through with him. Done. Over.

"Damn." Patrick hissed from his perch on the neighbor's rooftop as he watched Janine pull out of the driveway. He really screwed things up, again. Ok, so maybe he was a little pushy. He only wanted her to get a good night's sleep. It wasn't his fault she'd woken up late. She didn't have to be such a bitch about it. He really didn't get why she was so mad at him. He cared and he was trying to show it. What was her deal anyway? Mistake. He'd show her a mistake. Dumping him was the biggest mistake of her life. And damn it he was going to prove it. If she liked suffering and insomnia, so be it. He definitely wasn't coming back.

Chapter 44

Anna obediently extended her arms as Chris adjusted the dress. The soft white leather was adorned with fringe and intricate beadwork. It was the same dress that Chris had worn when she married Dane. And before her, Robbie, and Alex, Candace had also worn the dress to the bluffs to marry Will, and Alex, to marry Chance. The dress had been handed down from bride to bride and Anna could not believe it was her turn to wear it. Her heart beat excitedly. It was really happening. She was getting married.

She was so much taller than her sisters. She didn't think the dress would fit. Or if it did, the length would be so indecently short that she wouldn't want to be seen in public. Chris's frame was so petite and curvy. How could the dress fit? Maybe it was one of those mystical things that just were. But, the dress was the right length and with a few tucks here and there, fit like it was made for her. Anna stared at her reflection in the mirror. The expression on her face was happy and content. She played with the fringe, watching the leather sway between her fingers from the weight of the beads. "I'm getting nervous," she admitted.

"There's nothing to be nervous about," Chris reassured. "The ceremony doesn't take that long. You'll be fine." She smiled and chuckled, giving Anna a wink. "I'd be more nervous about the bachelorette party than the wedding. Do you have any idea what Janine has planned?"

Anna shook her head and frowned. "Not a clue." Since Janine had moved out of the compound, she hadn't seen much of her friend. Anna knew Janine's relationship with Patrick was at a particularly rocky point. And she hadn't wanted to pry by asking questions. And it seemed rude to call Janine and not mention him. So, she hadn't called.

"Oh boy." Chris pulled up Anna's hair, Smoothing and gathering up the silken platinum strands, trying to decide on a style that would be simple yet elegant. "I hope she's gentle with you."

"I can't wait until it's her turn," Anna said grinning, her eyes meeting Chris's in the mirror. "No mercy."

Chris chuckled and nodded. "I agree, no mercy." Everyone agreed whatever the issue between Janine and Patrick, they were so in love with each other that one day, soon, they would end up together on the bluffs. And Janine was going to get one hell of a send off into married life.

Anna nodded in approval at the simple French twist and ducked obediently as Chris pinned the uncomplicated twist into place. She wouldn't be wearing any makeup. But, she didn't need it. Her complexion was flawless. And her skin glowed with a bride's eager radiance. Her eyes narrowed slightly as Chris slid the pins free and sent her hair cascading over the tops of her shoulders. She carefully stepped out of the dress and slid into her clothes. "So what's this big surprise Toby keeps talking about? Chris, what are you planning?"
