Dawn's Never Ending Glow


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She knew she was never truly alone. She had her phone. And Chris, her best friend, and she spoke everyday. She could call Toby anytime she wanted. And the trackers had her back. One of them was always out there, out of sight, guarding her, protecting her while she lived her life. But, none of it, the phone calls, the e-mails, and texts, even knowing the trackers were with her, was the same as being there at the compound in Toby's arms.

Once in a while, Bryce stopped by, just to let her know he was there. Lance held a silent vigil in her backyard, on her rooftop, or wherever it was he lurked when it was his turn to baby-sit her. Anna rested her head on the window and felt every mile, the distance increasing inch by inch, carrying her away from Toby. She could do this. Be strong and get through the week, and the weeks that followed. Do this. End one life, the right way, and begin another, as his wife, just as soon as it was humanly possible.

Chapter 4

Janine stretched out and yawned. The afternoon sun was deliciously warm on her skin. What could be better than vegging out in a bikini, on a beach towel, listening to some good tunes, and reading the latest issue of GQ? She needed to enjoy what little free time she had left. She was about to be a career woman again and most of her summer would be spent inside, dishing out ice cream to the locals. Working, actually earning her keep, would be a nice change of pace. And getting a weekly paycheck, most of which she intended to spend on her favorite person, herself, would do wonders to rebuild her confidence, which had begun to swirl down the toilet.

She'd taken care of ordering most of the things Robbie thought they'd need to open. Tomorrow, she planned to spend the day cleaning and making sure the place was spic and span for opening day. They were scheduled to serve their first customers this coming weekend. Strategically planning opening day to coincide with the first day of The Spring Planting Festival. She already had her uniform, folded neatly on her dresser. Ok, so it wasn't the trim, designer business suits, silk stockings, and spiked heels she was used to wearing to work -- back when she had a job. But, what did it matter? MBAs weren't really in demand out in the sticks. And business management was business management.

She was going to be a "What's the Scoop?" girl. Actually, Robbie had given her the tile of Assistant Manager. All major decisions would be left up to Robbie. But, she was responsible for the day-to-day operation of the shop. The HBIC- head bitch in charge, as it were.

It was sad to think about the reasons behind why Robbie was hesitant to open this season. Her parents were gone, killed last spring in a car accident. This would be the first opening day without them. She really didn't know the kindly middle-aged couple. But still, the thought of it, made her sad. She always took the time to make a special trip out to the country from the city, at least once in the summer, to nab onto one of their delightful ice cream creations. Robert and Danielle were always so friendly and welcoming, treating her and everyone else who wandered up to the window, like family.

Some traditions just were. 'What's the scoop' was one of those traditions. Summer wouldn't be summer without ice cream dripping in sweet rivulets down your fingers, the buzz of fat bees, lazily swarming around trashcans, the sharp, electric zap of the bug zapper, children laughing, fireflies lighting up the night sky with their neon green glow, the boom of fireworks, languid days melting in the summer heat and relentless humidity, lounging on the beach, and searching for a cool spot in the sand with your toes. That was what summer was supposed to be. Long, hot sunny days, the air filled with the sweet, sugary smell of cotton candy, coconut scented suntan lotion, and the pungent smell of summertime sweat.

Janine scowled as a shadow fell across her body, blocking her sun. At first, she felt a jolt of fear, what if Roark found her? But, shielding her eyes and glancing up, she saw Patrick looming over her. She couldn't read his expression with the dark lenses covering his eyes. His mouth was drawn into a tight line, leaving her to guess at what was on his mind. "Get out of my sun," she barked, shooing him away with a wave of her hand.

"What are you doing?" Patrick growled, glaring down at Janine. She was barely covered. The scrap of hot-pink bikini left little to the imagination. She was slathered down with some kind of oil that reeked of coconut and was nauseatingly sweet. She was stretched out, lying on her back, baking herself in the harsh damaging rays of the sun. What was she trying to do? Kill herself?

"Getting some sun." Janine pulled her earbuds out and scowled up at Patrick. Who did he think he was? Her father? "Now go on." She popped her earbuds back in and cranked up the music. Turning onto her belly, she ignored him, and began flipping through the pages of her magazine.

Patrick kept his feet planted. "Looks like you're getting skin cancer to me." He knelt down beside her and ran his hand along her back, sucking in a breath at the heat in her skin. She was on fire. Her fragile skin no match for the damaging rays. "Come on inside, you're burned." Eager to hurry her along, he grabbed her t-shirt and shorts in his hand and rocked back on his heels.

Janine flipped her fashion magazine closed and craned her neck up at him. "I'll be along in an hour or so." She wasn't about to let him boss her around. Defiantly, she untied her bikini strings and stretched out on her belly, resting her chin on her folded hands. Tan lines were so unattractive and she had high hopes of getting to try that little backless number she'd had stashed in the back of her closet, sometime this summer.

Patrick hissed and tied her bikini shut, securing the strings in a series of tight knots that would have done a boy scout proud. One wrong move and the compound was going to get a hell of a show. "Janine there are cameras everywhere. You don't want someone to see you."

"Like I care," she said, nonchalantly. She had breasts. She was a woman after all. He was pushing her buttons and testing her patience. She was already mad at him and he simply didn't know when to quit. If she wanted to flash the brothers, what business was it of his anyway?

Patrick was tired and in desperate need of a shower and some rest. "I do," he replied between clenched teeth. God, this woman was stubborn. Who knew what in the hell went on beneath those highlights of hers? Sometimes, he wondered. Did she truly have no sense of self-preservation?

"Do you really?" She opened the magazine to a random page and pretended read the print. She was giving him her best cold shoulder routine. Maybe, he'd take the hint.

"Janine," Patrick hissed in a warning. "You're not safe out here." He yanked the tiny pods out of her ears and jerked her up by her arm onto her feet. For once, just one damned time, couldn't she do something that he told her to? Her life was at risk. The brothers were still no closer to figuring out how the Rogue Master had slipped past them. The bastard could be anywhere.

Janine squeaked and jerked out of Patrick's grip. "Stop it." She plopped down on her beach towel and glared up at him. She had a mind to knee him right in the nuts. Nobody manhandled her. She was a person, a human being, and she had no intentions of letting him get away with treating her otherwise. "I happen to know it's not safe. I was on the bluffs yesterday ALONE." She pointed a finger at Patrick's chest. "I made a decision not to let fear dominate my life. I wanted to get out and enjoy some sun, so I did."

With a huff, she stood, gathering her things and stuffing them into the canvas bag. The whole day was ruined, thanks to his 'he man' attitude. Not bothering to dress in her shorts and t-shirt, she wrapped the towel tightly around her body and crammed her feet into her flip-flops. She was so mad she was shaking and on the verge of tears, which only pissed her off more. "Oh, by the way, from here on out, I'll be spending the night in my own room."

"Why?" Patrick huffed. He sensed Janine's anger wafting off of her in waves. Its peppery scent burned his nose. What did he do? Couldn't she see the drastic steps he took to make sure she was safe? He hadn't wanted to leave her alone at the reception last night. He had a job to do. Primarily, much to her intentions otherwise, keeping her alive.

"I need a vacation." She turned, slinging her bag over her shoulder. Her flesh stung under the weight. Damn it, Patrick was right. She was going to have a bad sunburn. She was too pissed to be reasonable right now. Far too angry with him to think through her words before they tumbled out of her mouth in a hurtful waterfall of repressed emotions.

"A vacation?"

"Yeah." She defiantly lifted her chin. "From you." She stomped along the trail with him at her heels. She was glad for her sunglasses, shielding her tears from his view. "Just leave me alone for a while. I need time to think."

"Janine." Patrick stood in the middle of the trail, stunned. "You can't leave me. We're bonded."

Janine didn't bother to turn around. She kept walking as fast as her dime store flip-flops would carry her. Her vision blurred by tears. Tears she wanted to keep hidden from him. She wanted nothing more than to bury her face in his chest and feel the security of his arms around her shoulders. To be cared for and loved, the way she deserved and he ought to do. This emotional distance thing between them was driving her crazy. But, she couldn't do it anymore. Couldn't handle hanging on to hopes and waiting, when she wasn't even sure what she was waiting for. "Keep pushing me and you'll find out that I can."

John Mark stepped out of the tree line, positioning himself between Janine as she retreated and Patrick, who was still standing on the trail with a dumbfounded expression on his face, fishlipping it like a carp on the beach. He hadn't heard the whole conversation, but he'd heard enough to know that his brother was in deep shit. Whenever a woman demanded time to think. It was a bad thing. A sure sign, there was trouble brewing in paradise. He also knew that Patrick wouldn't give up. He'd keep chasing after her. Keep pushing her buttons. And further driving the wedge between them.

If Janine didn't want Patrick bothering her, as much as he really, really didn't want to, John Mark knew it was his job to step in between them and get his brother back in line. He was pledged to keeping her safe and a jilted lover, especially Patrick, wasn't safe. He rested a firm hand on his brother's shoulder and guided him away from the trail. "Come on man, just give her some space."

Patrick twisted out of John Mark's grip, his shoulders drooping as he let his brother guide him away from Janine. He only had one question for her to answer. The words searing the tip of his tongue in a painful, agonizing burn. Didn't she love him anymore? What did he do?

Chapter 5

Nightfall was dropped over the city like a curtain, surrounding the buildings and all the people in it with the electric, orange din of artificial daylight. The SUV exited the interstate, on its way to her house. Anna kept quiet on the way back, lost in thought. She spun the engagement ring on her finger. There were so many unanswered questions. She closed her eyes, sinking wearily back into the seat, wishing Toby were here beside her. There was only one way that she could really fit into his world and she was ready to take the next step. Her body slid forward, as the vehicle slowed, breaking to a stop at the curb outside of her house. "Thanks guys," she said hopping out before one of the brothers in a stupid act of chivalry opened the door and insisted on carrying her bag and quite possibly her, to the front door. "Are you on patrol tonight, Bryce?"

Bryce smiled and nodded. He could sense she had questions rolling about in her mind. Her engagement ring sparkled in the dim glow from the streetlights above. "Yeah. I'm guarding you."

"Stop by later. Once you get settled in and make your rounds."

"Will do." He had a feeling that Anna was going to have another long, sleepless night. And he'd be there for her. Guarding her.


Toby was trying to keep busy and control his thoughts. Anna was safe, guarded by the trackers and there was no need for his worry. It wouldn't accomplish anything but driving him ape shit crazy. His hands flew along the keyboard, typing in commands. If Roark was hacking into the system and gathering information, he was determined to find out how he did it. His security systems were airtight. At least, he thought they were.

Tomorrow morning the new, tighter security software he'd ordered would be arriving and the hardware with it. Once the system was installed, nobody was getting past it, at least not for a while. Technology was constantly changing and evolving. And it was difficult to stay one step ahead.

Reluctantly, he had to agree with Dane. There was no way to ensure that a video feed was secure. But, he would love to see Anna's lithe form stripping for him again over the net. Cybersex wasn't the real thing. But, in a pinch, given that he was grounded by his duties, it would be better than jerking off in the shower alone with nothing but his memory and his palm to get him off. It didn't matter though. Soon enough she'd be stripping for him live, every night. He was anxious for her to set a date. Tomorrow would be perfect. The sooner the better, as far as he was concerned. He'd give her a few weeks and if she hadn't come up with a date, he'd offer a suggestion or two. He wasn't about to give her time to back out and wiggle off the hook.


Anna wandered through the house, straightening this and dusting that. Her laundry was done and everything was tidy. But, she took no comfort in the diversion of her labors. The house was strangely quiet and lonesome after staying with the Sons at the compound. There something was always going on. Somebody around. She plopped on the couch and put her feet up on the coffee table, a bad habit she'd picked up from Toby. Surfing through the channels, she wondered why she paid for cable TV. There was never anything on and certainly nothing to occupy her mind.


Roark took his time. Waltzing up the dark sidewalks of the quiet neighborhood like he owned them. And soon enough, he would. At least the underground the humans knew dick about. Once he had discovered the woman's name the rest was quite easy. A few minutes on the Internet and he had her address, phone number, and date of birth. Tonight, he'd pay her a visit and introduce himself. Not that she'd remember it.

Hissing he ducked into the shadows. A vampire was on her front porch, knocking on her door like a damned Avon lady. Sniffing the air, he determined that it was one of the Sons. A guard? Dedicated to a human female? They certainly were protective of their own weren't they? She must be a woman of some importance to them. And that pleased him immensely.

He had been ducking into shadows and keeping out of the Sons line of sight for almost two centuries. He didn't have a grudge against the brothers, per se. But, their lifestyle disgusted him. They were vampires, the same as him. But, they pranced about in the woods, drinking the blood of animals, worshiping an imaginary goddess and bowing to one, much younger than he. Utterly despicable.

What the lofty Sons considered a weakness. He considered his strength. Human blood was a necessity. The brothers barely took enough to survive. He reveled in it. But the do-gooders did serve a purpose. Ridding the world of the depravity of bloodthirsty and out of control rogues.

The leader of the Sons was weak and inept. Roark offered the man friendship with one hand while holding a dagger in the other. He had no interest in befriending the Sons. No, he meant to conquer them. His interest lay in their Great Father. The man he'd delivered into this life almost two hundred years ago.

He would have to wait to claim the woman. There was no use in alerting the brotherhood to his presence. He'd first seen her stripping on a video feed he'd hacked into. She belonged to one of them. That fact in itself was enough to peak his curiosity. Roark found her fascinating, merely a casual diversion, and nothing more. But, he'd have fun playing with her. Once he grew bored, he'd send her back leaving nothing of her but an empty shell.


Bryce smiled as Anna answered the door. She was wearing a pair of yoga pants and a long sleeved t-shirt. He knew for a fact that she really slept in less, much less. He'd been guarding her carefully for months and couldn't help but notice the feminine gauzy gowns she wore to bed. "Hi."

"Come on in." Anna stepped aside and held the door open for Bryce. "Everything quiet out there?" she asked, taking a look into the darkness beyond the glow of her porch light before she closed the door. She motioned to the couch. "Please. Sit down."

Bryce shrugged and had a seat. He waited for her to start the conversation. He saw her nervousness, her hands toying with the tasseled edge of a throw pillow. "What's up?"

"I need to know some things." She leaned in close and extended her left hand. "I wanted to ask Toby. But, I wasn't sure of where to begin."

Bryce sucked in a breath and acted surprised when he saw the ring. "That's nice." He whistled low taking her hand in his admiring Toby's taste in both rings and women. "When's the big day? Are you going to ask me to strip at your bachelorette party?" He had already heard the news. The psychic connection he shared with his brothers left little room for secrets. That fact and the respect he had for Toby were the only things that kept him seated on his end of the couch. Otherwise, he'd pursue Anna for himself.

Anna pulled her hand away and swatted at him. "No." she smiled at Bryce playfully, "I think your last act would be hard to top."

"Why, thank you. It's the chaps. Women love to ride a cowboy," he boasted shamelessly. "I'm a stallion. What can I say?"

"Keep on and you'll be a gelding," Anna teased. "We haven't set a date yet." She bit her bottom lip in doubt. Unsure about what Bryce would have to say. "I'm going to ask Toby to make me like him."

"You'd do that for him?" Bryce gasped.

"I'd do it for us."

"Wow, you must really love the guy." Bryce couldn't imagine two people more in love than Chance and Alex. But, apparently Anna's feelings for Toby had them beat.

"I do. But, I need to know a few things."

"Like what?"

"Does it hurt?" Anna swallowed hard, waiting for Bryce to answer her question.

"You should really talk to Toby." Bryce didn't want to scare her by telling the truth. Once the blood took hold the pain was excruciating, agonizing. Sort of what he guessed it felt like to be born the first time, only you remembered each and every second of your birth.

Anna rested a hand on his shoulder. "Tell me, please." Her eyes connected with Bryce's silently pleading for answers and the truth. She wanted to know. Had to know what to expect.

"It is the worst agony you can ever imagine. The pain rips through your body as the blood takes hold. You're freezing. The cold biting its way up your legs and into your chest until it reaches your heart. When you finally come around enough to form a solid thought. Every sight is blinding. Every sound is deafening. Every smell is nauseating. The gentlest breeze sends waves of utter torment along your skin. And that's not the best part. There's blood Anna, you'll want it. You'll need it. You'll want to kill to get it. And to a certain degree, that hunger never goes away, ever.

"Anna I don't want to scare you. The suffering only lasts a little while. Once you adjust, it's a wonderful thing to experience. This life never ceases to hold some level of fascination." He held her hand and ran a finger down her cheek. " I'd like to say for the sake of love, it's worth it. And maybe, it is. To have a chance at forever, isn't that what everyone dreams of?" Gently, Bryce reached out and took her hand. "Think carefully on this, Anna. You've got plenty of time to decide."