Dawn's Path: Completed Work


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"I am. I come as an emissary for the Great Father. This city is under the protection of the Sons."

"The Sons!" Eric tamped down on his temper, lest he strike too soon. Keene was unarmed. But, he had not come alone. He needed to strike clean and lethally. One shot at him was all he was going to get before the almighty brothers intervened and full scale war broke out. Keene stood there a mountain of a man, relying on his reputation as a rogue, as Roark's second, spouting talk about the Sons. The idea of it was offensive and a sick joke.

From the corner of his eye, Keene caught the glimmer of steel blade clutched in

Eric's palm. Noticed the slight tremor in his hand and the uncertain twitch of his fingers. O'Sullivan was ruthless. But, he was no killer. He lacked the balls behind his convictions. He preferred the slaughter of innocent humans to the murder of his own kind. Eric's hesitance would be his undoing. Keene stiffened, preparing to block the blow.

"Unimportant now don't you think?" Eric purred, silky and smoothly.

"We both wanted him dead. Everyone wanted him dead," Keene retorted calmly and coolly.

"And so he is." Eric's fingers tightened around the dagger's hilt. His men were in position. Now was the time. Lightening fast, he swung blade through the air, aiming for Keene's throat.

Ducking, Keene blocked the fatal blow with his forearm. The blade stung like a bitch as it bit through his flesh. But, he wasn't dead and that was a good thing. He'd heal. Spinning. Keene lashed out with his boot. Knocking the vampire to the ground. Flat on his back, Eric stared up at Keene with surprise and disbelief in his expression. Wiggling under the pressure of Keene's boot pressing against his throat, Eric heaved for breath. "Stand down or I'll kill him. You all know that I am a man of my word. Do not doubt that I'll make good on my promise," Keene warned the approaching vampires.

"Do it! Kill the miserable bastard!" a vampire some distance off cheered.

Carter shook his head, nodding to Sebastian. He'd watched this little power play go on long enough. Keene could kill Eric. And while that would solve all of Carter's problems, now was not the time or the place for death. "Now!" he whispered. Emerging from the thick shadows of the ornamental trees flanking the river, he led the rogues onto the banks. He'd found others like him, vampires sick to death of the endless struggle between extreme good and extreme evil.

The rogues were quickly gathered up and the Sons flushed out of hiding by the vampires Carter commanded. At an impasse, the factions stood on the riverbanks. Warily staring one another down. Nobody wanted to draw first blood and start a war. Carter spoke up. His voice cut through the thick silence like a sharp blade. "You both have it wrong," he said. Shaking his head at Keene and Eric, still pinned beneath Keene's boot. "Keene, let him up. There's no need to humiliate him any further. Don't get me wrong," Carter said. "You do deserve to die, but not today and not in this city. Gentlemen, the city belongs to us.

"We will enforce our laws in our own way. Murders of humans and our brethren will be dealt with. Those who compromise our secret will be punished. Peace will be maintained within the boundaries of the city at all costs. Of that you can be certain." Carter held his head high with confidence, not shrinking away from the myriad sets of eyes focused on him.

"We are not Rogues nor are we like the Sons. We live our lives our own way and serve no master." Carter extended his left forearm into the air. Pulling up the sleeve of his jacket to reveal the symbol he'd tattooed onto his left forearm. The design wasn't one of ownership like Roark's and it was not an intricate display of rank or position like the brotherhood's. The infinity symbol, a symbol without beginning or end, simple in design and leaving no interpretation to its meaning belonged solely to them. A roar of approval and of unity and defiance echoed through the crowd as more symbols were revealed. "We stand united to defend this city and the people, both human and vampire, who call it home. We are the Guardians, and we will enforce the peace we have waited such a long time to receive."

"Well spoken," Keene said. He dropped to his right knee in a display of respect and allegiance. Angel had seen in Carter what the man quite possibly had not seen in himself. It took extreme circumstances to force Carter to become the leader Angel believed he was. And Keene was not disappointed in Carter. His bravery had avoided a war.

Carter nodded in acknowledgement of his new supporters. The brothers crouched on one knee in the mud in a show of unity and support for his cause. Armed to the teeth, they could have just as easily fought him for the city. But, they had not. They had accepted him and the Guardians as her rightful protector. He turned to look Eric in the eye. He'd spared Eric's life and he hoped Eric would simply pack up and go. "And you?"

Eric tipped his head. Carter had become far more powerful than he'd anticipated. Shielding his thoughts with the skill and raw power of a master. Tonight was not the night for a battle. Carter had made his stand. And O'Sullivan saw fit to allow Carter his moment of victory. With all this responsibility, Carter wasn't going anywhere. And Eric had gotten what he'd come for. He'd found his lost son and the only thing left to do was to wait him out until he returned home. "Well played, Carter."

Eric turned to leave. Melting into the shadows as he always did. Carter watched him go. Knowing far too well, this wasn't over between them. He said nothing. But, unshielded his thoughts so that Eric could read them. For now, he bid his former master goodbye. Eternity was a damn long time. And they would cross paths again.

Chapter 73

The Great Father bowed to Carter and whispered a greeting. He was impressed and deeply moved by the show of courage Carter and his group had displayed. They could have stood back and let the scene unfold. Perhaps, there would have been a battle between the Sons and the Rogues and most likely there would have been. But, the Guardians, as they called themselves, had stepped forward. Carter had stepped forward and avoided a war.

"I consider you a friend to the Sons," Drew said. He grinned when Carter somewhat sheepishly accepted his hand in a handshake. They had met before and Carter remembered. Their introduction had been brief, not much more than just two strangers passing. But, it appeared they'd both made an impression on the other. Carter had the presence of a great leader. He didn't cower. He didn't shirk away from the brothers. He stood, tall and proud, and held his ground. The Guardians were small, grossly outnumbered. And the city was still teeming with rogues to be dealt with. Flushing them out and bringing them to heel would be no easy task. More than what a force of twenty could handle. "Please feel free to ask our assistance with any issues or needs you might encounter. No favor is to great."

Carter's fingers burned from the handshake. The Great Father, or Drew, as he'd heard the man preferred to be called, exuded power. Like all other vampires, or at least, any vampire he'd ever come across. He'd heard the legends long before he'd met the man in the most unlikely of places. Even in the club and totally out of his element, the man had been a powerful presence. Geared for battle, well needless to say, Carter could understand why Eric had avoided a confrontation and ran rather than fought. Why most vampires stuck to the shadows rather than go head to head with a Son.

Revolutions were a tricky thing. And although the good guys had avoided a war tonight, it was still coming. Eric would be back. And he'd return with larger numbers and more lethal force. Revolutions were also expensive. Carter was not without resources. But, not the type to fund and maintain the Guardians, let alone actually gear them up and train them for the inevitable war that was coming. Most vampires were scrappers, learning to fight out of necessity. The Guardians needed a highly trained and properly outfitted force if they were going to be taken seriously and rid the city of rogues. The brothers had that. And he had no doubt that they could back their reputation. But, wasn't that just it. By reputation alone, the Sons kept themselves out of the fight. The Guardians needed that kind of reputation. Eric used it. Roark had certainly used it. And while the Guardians would have to take steps to earn their presence in the city, Carter would rather avoid killing as much as possible. "Actually, we could use a few things." Carter hesitated to commit his Guardians. They needed the support only the brothers could provide. But, at the same time he would not nor would his Guardians be the brotherhood's lap dogs.

The Great Father nodded in understanding. Carter needed the help and the backing the brotherhood had to offer. But, he wasn't willing to let the Guardians be used as pawns in anyone's game. And well, Drew could respect that. The Guardians and the Sons would have their differences on a great many things. Carter and he would have plenty of disagreements over time. And maybe, eventually, they'd come to a point where a split was mutually beneficial for both parties. But, for now, they needed one another.

A new era was dawning in the war between the brotherhood and the rogues. There were plenty of brothers that believed the only good rogue was a dead one. And at one time, Drew might have agreed. The early days, when the brothers were few and the rogues many, were bloody and brutal. Times had changed. And the Sons were going to have to change with them. "Sometimes, necessity forms strange alliances. The very best that the Sons have is yours. Your enemies are our enemies and your friends, our friends. What you speak, you speak on the brotherhood's behalf. The actions of the Guardians are those of the brotherhood. You are more than a friend, Carter. I would like to call you and yours brothers."

"Brothers," Carter said. The Great Father had done more than extend the hand of friendship. He'd made the Guardians his extended family. And that went far beyond the rules of necessity and the commonality of their goal to rid the city of the rogue influence infecting it. Unsure of where to begin or what else to say, Carter excused himself to join the ranks of his Guardians. Unexpectedly, and quite accidentally, he had become a leader. All eyes were on him. Waiting for him to decide their next move. Tonight the Sons and the Guardians had changed history. The city and the humans that lived in it would be safer for it.

The warriors disbanded, melting into the shadows from which they'd come. Carter stood, facing his Guardians. His ranks were made of the best of the worst. Each and every one here had a reason for choosing as they'd chosen. Some just wanted peace, some, the safety and security that came with belonging, and others, simply had no place else to go. A number in Eric's former employ had switched sides and now looked to him for leadership. And Carter wasn't quite sure what to do with them or what to make of them. He wouldn't kill them. He wouldn't kill anybody unless he had to. Carter walked along the riverbank, his feet sucking into the mud along the water's edge. All the decisions and moves yet to be made weighed heavily on everyone's shoulders, most of all on his.

His mind was already busily forming plans for the future he could not even begin to fathom. As uncertain as it was, one thing was a given. Eric would be back. Bianca's presence in the Guardian's ranks ensured that. She was no defector. She held no allegiances to anybody. Not to Eric, and sure as hell not to him. She served no one, except for herself. She hadn't chosen a side, except for her own. And as much as Carter resented her being here, knowing she'd play both sides, he was a firm believer in keeping his friends close and his enemies closer.

Home was an easy answer to a question plaguing the Guardians' minds. Why not? Living there was a smack in the face to both Roark and O'Sullivan. As they'd both called it home and a lot of their money and resources had been poured into the grandness of the building, right down to the marble in the foyer. The Guardians might not be much, yet. But, they were going to prove their worth in style. The skyscraper was the perfect base of operations. It was a place easily recognized by every rogue. And it would make exactly the statement that the Guardians needed to make. Flaunt it in the rogues' faces and make them think twice. The Guardians feared no one. And nobody, not a master or the brothers, fucked with them.

Sebastian spoke softly with Dane. Starr and he had made up their minds. They weren't returning to the compound. They were staying here in the city where they belonged. The Guardians needed numbers in the ranks. And Sebastian saw his place in them. There was danger here in the wilderness of the city. The rogues just simply weren't going to give up their hold on her without a fight. Carter stood across the distance speaking to the Great Father. And it was an awesome, frightening thing to see the two masters form this pact of peace and allegiance. He and his wife had chosen their side. And maybe, it wasn't as sure as a bet as staying miles underground at the compound. But, the life of a vampire was never safe.

Dane nodded. He'd expected Starr and Sebastian to return to the city. For some, the city was just in their blood. Dane actually knew little about the couple's past. Vampires weren't so different in this shady world of almost death than they had been in their human lives. Sebastian was fiercely protective of Starr and he'd do anything to see to her happiness. Starr loved beautiful things and she existed for the sole purpose of making the world a much prettier place. Many of the long, bland corridors in the compound had been graced by her drawings. And they were much better, vibrant and filled with drawings of places the brothers would never see unless duty called them there. "We'll miss you both."

Sebastian grinned. Dane was being Dane, so stoic and emotionless. But, during his time of living with the brothers, he'd seen Dane and the Sons in their natural habitat with their guards down. And they were caring, much more so than they pretended. The stoicism was a mask, a front Dane and the brothers hid behind to do the things, sometimes horrific and terrifying things they needed to do to get the job done. Killing wasn't easy, especially if you weren't a killer. And none of the brothers, especially Dane, killed easily. "And us, you."

Dane shook Sebastian's hand and clapped him on the back, pulling him into a man hug. After awkwardly releasing him, he said, "We'll see each other again."

Sebastian shared Dane's certainty. Times were changing and change was difficult. He tucked Starr into the security of his arms and turned, nodding to Dane over his shoulder, "I'm sure of it."

The ride back to the compound was a quiet one. Drew had left Chance and Will in the city. The father and son team along with Marcus and Sam would aid the Guardians with flushing the rogues out of hiding. The Guardians were equipped well enough to handle a few random rogues. And Drew had little doubt that when Carter presented them with the choice of a life, as a Guardian or in exile, out in the city's boundaries, either that, or a quick death as an alternative, most would choose life or leave the city of their own accord.

Everyone was eager to get back to the compound for any number of reasons. And Drew was no different. He had a certain she-wolf he was particularly interested in getting to know a lot better. The wolf in his head perked up his ears at the thought of Tala, or rather, her wolf. None of the brothers had dared to breathe a word of question about him or his wolf. They sensed him prowling through Drew's mind. Caught the wolf's scent mingling with his. And Drew felt certain that the brothers knew he and Tala had a lot more in common than just his brother. Drew hadn't bothered to explain a thing to Dane or the others. He wasn't sure how when he barely understood it himself.

Her secret hung over his head. Perhaps, it was best that the brothers knew as little as possible. He trusted his brothers with his life. But, the possibilities of Tala's blood and the blood of her kind truly possessed. To father a child, to stare into the sunlight, to eat real food, and the most envious gift of all, to father a child, a real flesh and blood child and obtain true immortality. What wouldn't a vampire do even betray a sacred mission and trust, for such a thing?

Chapter 74

"How was the party?" Lance asked. His body was battered. He ached with exhaustion and the sting of healing cuts and bruises. But, he quickly forgot them the minute Angel walked into the room. She smiled, genuinely smiled, from ear to ear. Her face beaming with happiness and joy as she juggled the packages in her arms and set them on the dresser with such care. Angel could say whatever she wanted to about cocktail weenies and fancy napkins. But, she was reveling in the attention everyone lavished on her. He'd thoroughly enjoyed his bachelor party, stiff neck, sore back, busted nose, and all. And, although she'd never admit it, whatever the women had done for her bachelorette party, she'd enjoyed hers too.

Angel smiled at Lance and set the armload of gifts on the dresser. His face had taken a beating. And given the way he winced, holding his ribs as he got off the bed. So had the rest of him. His black eye and the bruises were already fading to a sickly greenish-yellow color. She cocked a brow, curious about how many it had taken to pulverize him so thoroughly. But, she was in too good of a mood to chastise him for allowing it. He'd heal. He already was healing. And if that was his idea of a good time with the guys, who was she to question it? She'd rather get presents than the shit beat out of her. And she had truly enjoyed the gifts. No matter how corny or embarrassing they were.

"I have no idea where we're going to put half this stuff," she said, taking inventory of the gifts the women had lavished her with. She had never seen so much frivolous stuff in one place in her life. But, really what did she need? The scented candles, silky teddies, glittery baubles, and sexy, kinkier items Janine had given her thinking she'd embarrass her, would be put to good use. Well, maybe not the toys. What use did she have for things that required batteries when she had Lance?

Their quarters, while luxurious, were cramped. She'd moved into Lance's room out of sheer practicality. He had more stuff than she did and it was simply easier for her to yank the few things she owned out of the closet and dresser and go to him rather than him moving in with her. Especially after his things had arrived, neatly boxed, from his apartment in the city. She had no idea a man could own so many pairs of black socks and underwear. He'd dutifully cleared out enough space for her things and tolerated Mr. Smiles, the pink bear Kayla had given her, on his shelf next to his vintage baseball card collection.

"You'll come up with something," Lance said. Curiosity got the better of him. He'd always wondered what kind of presents women gave at bridal showers. The baubles and smelly candles he'd kind of expected. Snickering he pulled a vibrator out of its box and turned it on. The thing rattled his fangs when he flipped the control on high. Purple was a nice color for a sex toy, he supposed. Inoffensive enough. And while he was no connoisseur of cocks, the girth and length of the thing was impressive. He'd never seen a real dick this big. Especially not one that could do the things this one could. Joking, he ran the purple tip down the top of her blouse and over her nipples. Scowling at him, Angel snatched the toy from his hand and turned it off. He guessed toys were not allowed in bed, at least for the first century or two.
