Dax & Lulu: Married Ch. 02

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Hello Party People -- I tried my damndest to get this in before years end and just could not get it done; it has been a crazy bumpy holiday ride, distractions from every direction.

Besides which I personally hate reading a two or 3 pager and didn't want that for my readers.

Turns out that a perfectly respectable 13 pages in Word = 2 online pages. The struggle is real y'all.

Also, a word of caution for would be thieves: I have the printed and original hard copy of the first story originally written in 200? printed out and have a witness as to when I originally wrote said story.

On this very site I've read from numerous authors about being ripped off and finding their stories posted elsewhere. Its caused more than a few of my favorite Literotica authors to cease posting. Which is a real shame.

If I see or hear of any of these stories out there without my permission, I will bring the swift and full fury of the law.

Happy Reading!!

Dax & Lulu Ch. 2

It's always better on holiday

So much better on holiday

That's why we only work when

We need the money -- Franz Ferdinand


Dax is up to no good. His smile was sly this morning as he got me up bright and early, fixed us a light breakfast, and promptly packed me off to the spa to be coiffed, waxed, massaged, polished and buffed to within an inch of my life. Promising me an excellent meal upon my return.

"Go take care of yourself today bébé."

Indeed, when I walk in the door five hours later, the house smells divine. Tins and tins of my new favorite Puerto Rican takeout are in the oven on low - nice and warm and waiting for me.

How hungry does he think I am, there's enough here for several people.

Nevertheless I open the containers and quickly gobble a few spoonfuls of pigeon peas & rice, suckling pork and Arroz con Pollo before going in search of my loves.

On our bed I find the three of them asleep. Him in the middle propped up asleep flanked by the two. A large hand on each little back, their chubby cheeks resting on his stomach.

Borrowing a page from his book, I snap a pic with my phone. My new screen background.

Going into my dressing room I lock the door and sit down to pump. Jacinta thought of everything. This is a much better pump than the one recommended by the hospital lactation nurse. I am now down to a solid 15 minutes of pumping versus 30-35 with the old pump. I'll be sure to tell Eddie and Lili about this if I can get up with the two of them.

While I wait, I scan emails on my phone.

Something is in the air. My birthday is in 2 days and except for MM and Uncle Junie everyone seems to be too busy, missing in action or unable to converse for extended periods. Can't even get June on the phone. June is always available.

Who in the hell is ringing our doorbell like crazy? Looking down through the living room window, there look to be like 20 people on my stoop!

Lili, Max, Jackson and baby Izzy-Lou; Eddie, Lenny and baby Paco; Uncle Jack & Arlene; Hanni and Relia; MM & Junie; June & Riley; Matt & Gertie; Antreas & Ariadne, and Byte! Oh my goodness, where on earth are we going to put a dog?! Our family, Hell just about everyone is here too.

Well it's not like we don't have room.

Opening a window, I lean out to address the crowd. "We don't want any."

"Let us in Aunt Lou!" Jackson grins up at me. My babyfriend is now a snaggle-tooth, and I missed it!

I can hear Byte barking as I run down the stairs. Questions are just whirling in my head. Mainly, how in the hell are they all here at the same time?

Opening the door I am instantly surrounded as they crowd right in. I don't blame them, its August in NYC and it is broiling out.

It's only been a few weeks but I have missed my family.

"What are you people doing here?"

"We came to be obnoxious tourists." Says Uncle Jack.

"We came to party Liebchen. Besides, we are still on our honeymoon." Says MM looking at her Junius adoringly.

"Well considering the group size, that must have been some plane ride not to mention the cab here."

"Dax got us a private plane here."

My husband slips his arms around me and whispers, "Happy almost birthday, bébé."

June enthuses. "It was fantastic Lou! You should have seen it, I am sure people thought we were like royalty or celebrities or something."

Riley gives an exaggerated eye roll. But June continues:

"No lines, no crowds, no waiting, and best of all, no stress! Showed up to the private terminal, and went from parking to take off in 15 minutes. No chaos, just ease and convenience. No cattle-call boarding and, planeside luggage service. Complimentary beverages and snacks, Champagne!

First class-style legroom, Riley wasn't cramped at all; Comfortable leather seats and full flight attendant service. I may never fly commercial again.

Our baggage was waiting planeside when we landed. 5 Shiny black mini-vans brought us straight here. We were in Richmond an hour and a half ago. We stopped at JFK and picked up Antreas, Ariadne and Gabi and kept right on going."

"Fantastic. But where is the luggage?" Asks Lou.

"I had them bring it in through the other entrance bébé. The drivers were nice enough to bring it up and I got us some domestic help for the weekend and its being unpacked and put away right now."

Domestic Help?!

"You need a real job. You have way too much time to get up to all manner of things around here, and this place is too big to keep a proper eye on you."

Lou eyes him with mock suspicion.

I love how thoughtful he is, but seriously, Dax is out of control with the planning, doing and executing.

"What can I get you folks to drink?" Asked Lou.

Before anyone could reply, several wait staff stepped forward with various trays of refreshments. Everyone drifted to the deep green sofa in the salon.

Lou turned to her husband.

"Dax, sidebar."

Lou jerked her head towards the foyer.

Damn it. He gave a tight grin to some of the more curious folk.

"You know I do not like strangers in my home. What the hell?"

"I know baby, but it's just for a few days. I want you to relax and not have to worry during your birthday."

I know he means well but . . .

"Just keep me in the loop on these things. Ok?"

"Yes, dear."

He kisses her cheek and hugs her.


Despite the grandeur of their new home, Lou did not want to become those people. Her plan was for them to remain laid back paying no mind to formality whatsoever. A little impossible to do if strangers were all over the place.

Spotting Matt across the room with another surprise, Dax beckons him over.

"Now keep an open mind, because I have another surprise."

Matt hands him a cat carrier.

"Zora! What are you doing here girl?!" The delighted smile is instantly back on his wife's face.

Once freed, Zora zoomed over to butt her head against me in greeting, but immediately returned to Dax and after weaving through his legs, fell down paws up for a belly rub, writhing and purring with shameless satisfaction.

"Zora, Nooo! Get up from there! That is a disgraceful display. What have you done to my lovely wild girl? You tamed her?!"

"Just like I did her mother. I petted and fed her just so, and BAM! Just like that it was over. Pussy is pussy - if you feed it and stroke it and treat it just right, it will follow you and do all manner of things."

He elbows Matt who howls with laughter.

Thankfully the elders are in the kitchen

Lou blushes hard, but it wears off quickly.

"Is that right?"

"Yep." Said a smugly grinning Dax.

"I tell you what Mr. you had better retract that statement quick fast and in a hurry, or you will be spending all kinds of time with Ms. Zora."

"Come on now, Lou." Dax gives her a little goose and a kiss.

"Humph. Your comedy routine is going to cost you dearly. You will be riding the sofa with nothing for company but Palmina and Fistina and Zora looking on. Keep it up."

Side eye from her.

"And you will be right there with me. We have an arrangement."

The arrangement is that we sleep in the same room, no matter what else is going on.

Lou gives him another saucy look.

"Yeah? Sounds like that falls under a marriage statute, you should have got that in writing."

"Verbal agreements are binding, Lou."

"You'd have to prove it, you cheeky bastard or get me to admit to it and there were no witnesses. You got no papers, no recording and no tape."

"Fucking Lawyers." He grumbled.

"A brave effort."

She gave him a small consolation kiss before drifting off with the ladies to another area, leaving the men to talk.

They marvel at the new home.

"Dax did all this?" Asks Eddie, looking wildly impressed by everything.

"Yep, pretty much. I added a few touches here and there but this is pretty much all him."

"Well, damn. Is there anything he can't do?"

"Laundry. The man shrank several of my favorite sweaters. There were some very warm and well-dressed street urchins roaming Richmond last winter as a result."

Whether or not Lou is in earnest about being upset behind the laundry incident is questionable as she is all smiles, fondly recalling the shrunken sweater he had her wear over her swollen belly while riding him to furious completion that Christmas morning on the living room sofa wearing nothing else but her socks, as the tree lights twinkled happily in the background.

The gray alpaca cashmere sweater he picked out in London.

Birthday Morning

Her 31st birthday dawned clear, bright and hot. You could virtually see the heat pushing against the windows from the outside.

She turned over and found herself alone in bed, no Dax in sight. No doubt off preparing more surprises.

Lou took herself to the bathroom and washed up before sitting down to pump. A quick shower and she ventured out to find her family already assembled at the long dining room table on the second floor.

They've all made themselves at home more or less.

Jackson is chasing the animals or rather a very patient Byte as Zora has gotten away.

Lili and Eddie are discreetly feeding their two under cover of Aurelia's exquisitely woven linen coverlets, and speaking with Ariadne.

Dax, Lenny, Matt and Uncle Jack are in deep conversation about god knows what.

An evidently very jetlagged Harry is passed out in one of the sun chairs overlooking the backyard.

Antreas is making those fabulous greek potatoes with calamari & fried oysters.

Junius and MM are helping with breakfast but mostly bickering amongst themselves.

"Stop pestering me and close the frigidaire Junie. You forgot last week and we had to replace an entire weeks' worth of groceries."

"It's not a frigidaire 'Nelle."

"You know exactly what I meant, now close it." Says MM curtly.

Shaking my head, I help myself to a large glass of guava juice before venturing to the stove to try helping Antreas who shoos me away.

I manage to score some bacon and fruit before snagging my nephew for cuddles as he whizzes by.

This is what I call a birthday, no phone calls to make, everyone, almost all of my very favorite people in one place.

Uncle Eugie and his wife as well as Milton and the Mrs. should be here by the time the party starts.


From the private backyard the mouthwatering and tantalizing smell of roasting meats wafted through the neighborhood.

Jacinta, with the assistance of John Wayne had arranged a Brazilian birthday feast of Churrasco, Grilled baked pineapple, Pao de Queijo, Hearts of palm salad, Feijoada, Moqueca, and Brazilian braised pork with passion fruit and peppers.

Within and without, the food, tropical flowers and foliage were arranged accordingly. The soothing sounds of Bebel Gilberto were being sound tested and set quite a mood.

Satisfied finally that everything was fastidiously perfect he went and found Lou in her office.

"I still can't believe it. Married with children, the original bad girl herself."

"I know right?!"

"Alright Duchess, where are these babies you made? I have got to see this. I'm betting they're little owl eyed bullfrogs if the voices on you two are anything to go by."

"My babies are not mutants, thank you very much! I may be biased, but they are absolutely gorgeous, just you wait and see. Brace yourself though, they're roly poly - big babies, the pediatrician has said they are already to start on solid foods and they have taken to it with gusto. They sleep the night through now thank god."

"Here they are."

Two tiny café au lait, red haired cherubs quietly sleeping in their respective cribs. John Wayne looked completely enraptured.

"You know, I've never really seen a baby up close and personal, they're spectacular Lulu," he said in awe.

He pulled up a rocking chair to watch them and just like that he was a goner.

"Are they going to wake up soon?" He asked excitedly.

Lou laughed softly. "They should. If not, I usually wake them so that they sleep the night through."

As if on cue, April yawned, stretched and wriggled before opening her eyes.

Lou caressed her little tummy. "Hello baby girl. Hey how ya doing? We've got company."

Scooping her up quickly for kisses and cuddles as she continued to wake, Lou rocked her and kissed her hair. Still laying on Lou's shoulder, April turned her head and fastened large eyes on John Wayne and smiled a dimpled grin.

He gulped. "Can I hold her?" He whispered reverently.

Lou chuckled a little.

"Of course."

She carefully handed her over.

"What do I do now?"

Mildly flustered, John Wayne froze.

"Nothing much, support her back and keep a firm but gentle grip, that one is a wiggle worm, but that's about it."

"Like this?"

"Yep, you've got it."

"Oh my god Lulu, she's amazing. She smells so good!"

"Yeah, they smell good now, stick around, you might come to feel differently on that score." Lulu gave a rueful chuckle.

He sniffed her little head, fingering the soft springy curls.

"I'm your Auntie/Uncle Paul -- yes I am little diva." He crooned.

April responded by noshing on his extravagantly colored silk tie. He took it off and gave it to her, to Lou's amazed amusement.

"Totally worth it."

A small cry and August was quickly scooped up as well to get acquainted with Auntie/Uncle Paul.

"Oh my god Lou! It's like you cloned yourself -- twice, like two little mini-me's!"

She got a picture of the three with an absolutely enraptured John Wayne in the middle.

John Wayne helped her change them and watching what she did with April, did the same for August and for a novice he was very adept at it.

"I don't know Wayne, be careful you don't get baby fever; it can put a dent in your social scene man."

"I have been feeling like I want to procreate. I am glad you have these; maybe it'll shock me to my senses."

Watching him with her two, it looked as if he were being drawn further and further in.

He helped her get the two ready for the party and watched them while she got ready.


Dinner Party

John Wayne outdid himself. The food, the music, everything was perfect, nothing to do but glide down the stairs and into the party.

The women and men had more or less grouped off.

The mothers discussed their babies and growth percentiles and favorite pregnancy foods. The men talked sports.

Eventually though conversations on both sides turned to those of the opposite group.

'I love the man, but damn', seemed to be a common refrain amongst the women.

"This is a great party, but Dax is all over the place, man. It's a good thing this place is so huge, some days it's all I can do to find a spot to settle and work in some relative peace and quiet without him bothering me. The man needs to find another hobby, instead of being after me all the time."

"Those Wilde men are cut from pretty much the same cloth, if they aren't after something, they are after you.

Relia and MM chuckled and exchanged knowing glances.

"Still?" asked Eddie incredulously eyes as big as saucers.

"Oh, yes." Said MM with a weary nod of her head.

"I don't know what sadist invented Viagra, but I'm not quite sure I wouldn't thank them profusely or shoot them on sight! I am leaning towards the latter, I think."

Eddie and Lulu gave each other side eye, both laughing and grimacing simultaneously.

Lili and Relia more or less gave the same advice.

"Some times you just have to kick them out." Said Lili emphatically with closed eyes.

Relia nodded in agreement, "Yes, not forever mind you - because life would be dull without them, but yes, absolutely some days for your own peace of mind sending them out of the house for a few hours is the only way to have a moments peace."

Looking across the room at her husband she was intrigued to see John Wayne surrounded by the straight men who seemed to be hanging on his every word.

The word "Astroglide!" spoken loudly and in unison by Virgil and John Wayne got laughs and head nods from the rest of the men. Matt seemed to be taking notes even.

It also got Lou's immediate attention.

Interest piqued and suspecting something undoubtedly raunchy afoot, Lou decided to see what was going on.

The group scattered at her approach as she found her way to Dax's side and took in the scene.

Most interesting was the fact that Virgil and John Wayne seemed to be hitting it off.

Personally, Lou found Virgil a little standoffish. John Wayne however, seemed entranced and actually got him to laugh and it was wonderful to see. The two were really cracking up.

"Dax," Lou nodded subtly in their direction "You might want to warn your friend. He's being romanced whether he knows it or not."

"Oh, he knows exactly what he's doing. Trust me." Dax gave a wry smile.

Lou's eyes widened.

"Really? Still waters run deep, he did not trip off my gaydar."

"Years of hiding in plain sight in the military will do that for you, or rather to you depending on how you look at it. Hell, if I hadn't run into him in a certain place down in the Quarter back home, I still wouldn't know.

He was initially embarrassed, angry and scared, but once he was reassured of my silence on the subject he calmed down. He's a great friend and has had my back in dangerous places on many an occasion. When you travel to places to fight people it gets pretty close.

The man is like an extra brother."

"Well that settles that. I suppose I have to love him at least a little bit." Said Lou.

Dax kissed his wife's temple and stroked her back in their favorite spot.

Lulu gasped and reaching back quickly and tightly gripped his wrist but not before her eyes rolled back in her head a bit.

"Come on man. Don't do this to me right now. I cannot think straight when you touch me there."

"Good, I don't want you thinking right now." He growled in her ear.

Maneuvering her to a corner, Dax wrapped his arms around her and with his free hand stroked the spot again, before kissing her cheek and neck.

"There's a room full of people Dax."

My husband is a goddamned exhibitionist - he just does not care. Lou grunted and panted in aroused annoyance.

"Yes, and they know that we love each other -- truly, madly, deeply, always." He murmured.

He punctuated each word with a kiss and just like that her rising pique evaporated. She gave in and kissed him back for all she was worth.

It was Dax who finally broke away. Clearing his throat.

"We should probably continue this later, unless you want to step away for a bit . . ."

Watching as Lulu bit her lip undecidedly, he chuckled.

"I promise to kiss and make it better later."

He said before kissing her nose and arranging her clothes a bit before guiding them out of the corner.