Death Brings Déjà Vu Ch. 01


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"You never play fair," I said loosing a load into her. "unhgg.... cheater...."

"What, me cheat? You're the one that cheated first with that toy in there. You liked the feeling I could tell. You got so hard inside me. Ohh uh ahhh......"

Finally finished, she just pushed herself back on my cock as far as it would go. Grabbed my legs and laid flat out on me with her feet in my face.

I sucked on her toes and she would lift one foot up and then the next. We played like this for several minutes. It was heavenly. Finally, I plopped out of her. She moved back up beside me and cuddled as we drifted back to sleep.

When we finally awoke it was around 9:15 leaving little time until we needed to leave for the reading of the will. A nice soothing shower was just what we needed. No fooling around. Well, I mean nothing serious. We were washing one another so there was lots of tender contact, but we resisted this time. I had forgotten to wash my travel clothes, so they were not in great shape. Instead, I wore the suit. Probably a little overdressed for a will reading, but whatever.

Liz was dressed before me with another awesome outfit. It was a nice little blouse and another fall length skirt. She really had packed and planned all of this for my benefit. Every detail from the pubic waxing to the toys to the clothes. She never failed to surprise me. She watched me putting on the suit again. "Men."

"Well, if I have to stay much longer I'll buy some new clothes Liz."

"Hey, did you get your tickets sorted out?" she asked.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I'm going back out of Pittsburgh on Wednesday. It's the earliest I could get on short notice. It would have been Friday from here."

"That's cool. I guess we can stop somewhere on the way," she said.

"You are thinking right up my alley. In fact I was thinking maybe a luxury hotel with a Jacuzzi suite."

"Always the sex with this one," she intoned in Yoda form again.

"I think we know who started the sex on this adventure, Liz."

She looked pained. "Who, little 'ol me?"

"You really are a goof sometimes. Do you know where this reading is? I didn't hear Amber say."

"I think she gave you a card, Bert."

"Oh, is that it? Let's call and make sure," I said. A quick call verified the card was the address. "It was in Amber's office building. I thought we were going to his office." I started thinking this was getting weird again. Okay, yeah, weird is relative and double entendres abound, but what was going on here?

Liz and I headed out to the car and drove the very short distance to Amber's office building. Once there we headed to the room on the card. It was on the tenth floor and so Liz held me throughout the elevator ride.

At the top Amber was directly outside the elevator with John and a couple of other relatives. It was embarrassing, but I just explained my elevator issues. "Beth is such a dear. She has always helped with my various phobias, like elevators."

When we entered the office I could see there was a new nameplate on the door and it read John J. Smithe Attorney At Law. Funny the last names didn't match. Maybe that was because he was a half-brother of a bastard brother. Not sure anyway I guess he's got an office here now?

"When did he move in here?" I whispered to Amber.

"This is the first day it's been open, but I think he'd been planning a move," she replied matter of factually.

"Okay, let's get started," John said, beginning the reading. It was long and drawn out. The house in the mountains was to go to Amber. The house here was to be sold and profits split amongst the other four kids. Not quite even I thought, but whatever. There were trusts for the children under fifty and direct payments for those over. Amounts were all about the same. Then there were trusts for Beth and I. To everyone's surprise they were about three times what the others had gotten and an argument broke out. John, handled it very well. He is a people person. Explaining that some money had come from our mother's trust to Nan. To me this didn't make any sense, our mom and dad were poor. I didn't make any waves, but I think there was some subterfuge going on here.

Somewhere along the way I started drifting away. It was odd having all this happen with no real family of our own. Dad had passed suddenly in a work accident five years after mom. I thought at the time it must have been suicide, but I suppose if he were like me he could become distracted at work. But the money thing wasn't making sense, they had little money to pay for mom's illness and ... The room was hushed and everyone was looking at me. I'd missed it again. "Sorry, I was thinking about something. What did I miss?"

Beth looked ashen, "The older cousin's want us to get a genetic test, or they'll challenge the will."

John said, "They cannot make you do that and the will is a legal document that doesn't depend upon heredity; it is clearly spelled out here. 'The beneficiaries of this will needn't be of any blood relationship.'"

"Oh, well, then what's the question?" I said. "If it isn't relevant, then what purpose would it serve?"

"They may tie up the distribution of assets for a time, but you will win. The request is absurd," John exclaimed.

"Okay, well I see no need and I have no urgent monetary demands. We'll follow John's advice on this. We didn't even know we were to be included until yesterday," I said seeing Liz nodding clearly in agreement. Her situation might even be better if the money was delayed and she was getting divorced.

The meeting adjourned without much fuss, but the older cousins were clearly miffed about the whole thing. I was just astounded by the amount of money that was being talked about. Plus the fact that the older cousins were getting a sum in its entirety, I couldn't imagine why they'd be acting like this. Our trusts would pay modest monthly allotments but wouldn't be available in their entirety until our fiftieth birthday.

John and Amber held us back in the office for a while as the others left. "I had a feeling something like that might happen," John said. "That's kind of why I wanted you in the know on the other history."

"I just don't understand why they are being like that," Beth responded. "They are getting a great sum and are nearing or at retirement. We will be working for many years and the amount in the trust may not grow much."

"I think there is something else going on here," I said. "What is the true source of this money, John?"

"Well as I'd said, my father was a lawyer and he set up the trust for Nan."

"Yes, but in there you mentioned a trust for our mother," I said. "We didn't have any money John. How did she get a trust?"

"That is the sticky part Elbert," John said. "I am not quite certain, but Jason may have set that up as well."

"Why wouldn't the trust have then gone to our father or us when our mother passed then?" I queried.

"My father may have had a relationship with your mother as well. It isn't at all clear. The older cousins may have some inkling of what happened; and that may be the source of the requested genetics testing," John sighed.

"Whoa!" Beth exclaimed. "You mean your father Jason might have been our father too?"

"Well, it is a distinct possibility. However, your father had lighter complexion and Irish ancestry. Your mother's hair was blond though so it is difficult to know without a genetic test. You two should probably have one done privately. There can be bad outcomes from brother / sister offspring. The mixing in of a half-brother makes it more along the lines of cousins having offspring. Although there can still be problems there, it is legal in many states for first cousins to marry and have offspring."

Beth looked at me in a completely different light at that moment. "We're just the logical outcome of inbreeding."

I'm not sure if she was letting the cat out of the bag with that statement, but I didn't think we should continue talking about it. "So I guess we'll hear from you within a month or so regarding all this John?"

"Yes, we have your addresses and we'll be sending you some information within the week," he said.

"Who is we?" Beth wondered aloud.

"Oh, well Amber will be joining my firm. We'll be taking some of the profit from the mountain house to do investments."

"Wow, that was quick," I added. "You two got right to business. No fooling around."

"Well, it's not quite like that," Amber stated.

"Oh, I didn't mean like that," I stammered, both of us turning a bit red.

"I guess Beth and I should head out. I need to wash some clothes and get to Pittsburgh to catch a flight."

With that we were off to the dreaded elevator. Amber and John were closing up and following so we waited for them. I was trembling when the doors opened and moved across the threshold slowly. Beth was right behind me holding me so it wasn't misinterpreted. Amber and John came on and pressed the G button. The elevator started down and that was when I hit the floor. At least that's when I think I hit the floor. I came to in what appeared to be emergency lighting and there was an alarm going off in my head. Or maybe it was a real alarm... It wasn't really clear to me.

"Beth," I said. "Are you here?"

"I'm here Bert," she said holding my head in her lap. "Something happened to the elevator. They are trying to get it going." Gently stroking my head. She seemed a little tense too.

"Did I faint?" I asked. "I don't think I've ever fainted."

"The elevator lurched down and your legs gave out. I don't think I'd call it a faint, you weren't out very long just a few seconds really. More like you zoned out during the fearful moment, dear," she said still stroking my hair.

As I regained my senses I could see John and Amber were holding one another in the opposite corner. Amber's nipples were rock hard and pressing her top oddly in the dystopic emergency lighting. I could see John's hand appeared to be on or around her ass. Maybe my jest earlier hadn't been so far off.

"You two okay?" I asked.

Startled by my observation, they separated and John spoke. "It just caught all of us off guard I guess."

The elevator situation was not getting any better. Time was passing at a snail's pace for me, so I know things were distorted. Beth on the other hand was also suffering from the event. Which might have been normal, but at the time seemed really weird to me. Beth was trembling a little now that I was observing again. So I just held her back.

After about what I thought was 30 minutes of this (might have only been 5 minutes) the emergency lighting was starting to fail. When it was nearly dark, Beth just lifted her blouse enough to place it over my head. Inside her bare breast brushed against my face as she leaned forward a bit. Then a nipple pressed against my mouth. Not knowing what else to do I just took it in my mouth. With my head now nestled between two breasts and a nipple in my mouth, I was calmer. Beth became calmer too. I didn't really know if Amber or John had observed or heard anything that was going on. It was practically pitch black and I wasn't being noisy with my sucking; it was just a comfort thing.

I was contemplating the possibility that they might see as the human eye is a magnificent thing. It can see in bright sunlight and very low light situations. Then I heard them shuffle around and sit down on their side. "I guess it's going to be a while," John said.

Removing my mouth from Beth's breast I said, "Just to be clear, I fucking hate elevators!"

Everyone laughed and I resumed suckling Beth's tit. After some time she shifted and had the other nipple at my mouth. It was so calming. She was so smart; she knew instinctively what would settle me down. She took full advantage of the darkness and was certainly not letting on her activities.

Over in the other corner there was some new noise. The breathing became heavy. There was some nearly inaudible sounds of what I imagined were the manipulation of clothing to allow access. It was a little hot. I could tell Beth was aroused, I could smell her. I know I was thinking, We should fuck, this might be our last chance. I wondered if that was what Amber and John were thinking. Amber was never very straight with the facts when it came to sex. Business and other things were different, but if sex was on the line, rules and boundaries were flexible.

Another thirty minutes seemed to pass. Now there were definite sexual noises occurring in the corner opposite us. The distinct scent of a female's sex was potent in this confined space. Amber's breath became a pant and I could tell she was about to climax. I'd heard it just last night. Now I could just make out a groan from John and things got awkwardly silent. Beth must have heard the noise too, as she was releasing me from my pants and soon had me in her mouth. She was being more discrete. No slurping just gentle sucking.

The silence in the corner changed to a new noise and it was clear that John and Amber were doing something else now. The smell told me it was anal and it must not have been very clean.

The thought was making me super hard and Beth swung around and lowered herself on me. When had she gotten her panties off? I wondered. Again Beth was super quiet. There were almost no sounds. She was gripping me mightily with her cunt methodically moving up and down. Extreme control was her thing right now.

The noise in the corner was coming to a lusty and boisterous conclusion. John was the one that gave up the game. "Oh, fuck Amber you are killing me. Unghhh oh ahhhhh - " She had clearly covered his mouth with something at the end and shushed him.

I was keeping on track with Beth. She was the champion. Quietly, I felt her quake and I spent myself, well what was left of me. I'd come more in the past three days than I had in months. I don't know if anything even came out, but we were silent. There was some motion in the elevator, but I don't think it was clear that we were fucking our brains out. When our tension passed, Beth and I resumed the prior position with my head in her lap. She was magical. I felt a wet wipe on my cock and we were settling our clothing back into normal positions.

That was very fortuitous timing because just at that moment, the elevator began descending. There was commotion in the corner. No lights had come on yet, but we were easing down. Seemed like several minutes, but I was in a fucking elevator, so who really knows. The doors opened and outside stood a couple of elevator mechanics. Beth and I stood up shakily. Amber and John were already up.

"Thank goodness you guys got us out!" I exclaimed. "I so hate fucking elevators." Although as I said it; I knew it was less true now than before.

Beth was looking at me oddly. "Are you going to be okay, Bert? I thought your heart was going to explode." She was so naughty and so freaking right.

"I love you, Lizzy! You know that, right?" We hugged and headed for the door. "We're so out of here guys. We'll talk later." I had to get out of there right then. We were in the Escape and driving for the hotel moments later.

Copyright © 2015 by MindsMirror. All rights reserved.

Thanks for reading the first part of our story. Before running on to Chapter 02, please, take a few moments to vote or let us know what you think. -MindsMirror

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Well, I think It would be better if there was a part 2 but since you wrote this in 2015, I guess part 2 is not going to appear to soon.

lovedefactolovedefactoalmost 2 years ago

This has the makings of a fantastic story!!! Please finish it! Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Another terrific story from MindsMirror – I really love your approach. Can't wait to get on to Chapter 2; you've already given us a few clues of where this might be going and also inserted some new mysteries.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I can’t fault the story, a full 5 stars.

Complicated and long, but well done.

Bill S.

lovedefactolovedefactoabout 2 years ago

Oh come on! Really? You won't finish this after such a good start?


MindsMirrorMindsMirrorover 2 years agoAuthor

We aren't sure what the comment means. Beth called Bert on Tuesday and they met on Friday for the weekend funeral. -MM

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


... also, Wednesday, not Friday? WTF?

WargamerWargamerover 3 years ago

A great story. Please finish it. I want them to get together. Trina die in childbirth, and Beth divorces Tony. Then they can be together.

It is your universe so you can do it no problems.

Please finish the damned story.


cursrahcursrahalmost 4 years ago

I see you still visit this site so like other people I'll ask you to finish this story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Shame on you Mindsmirror !

A good story, but here it is over FIVE YEARS LATER and you haven't finished it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Am hanging out for the next installment

I have really enjoyed twists and turns. There must be something in the water down there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Once again you have not failed to make it seem as though romance is in the heir!

MarshallaMarshallaalmost 5 years ago
I think ...

... that you should finish this fine story!

5 Stars, and thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

I've been on this website reading, reading, reading for about a year now. This is only the 2nd story I've read written by this Author- 'MindsMirror'.

Quixotic Rapprochement was the 1st (F'ing Awesome!) I usually HATE long stories on Literotica. After reading Quixotic R. I realized WHY----> because usually, it's difficult to get through 14 pages of suck-ass, poorly written dialogue, description, plot, etc. I had NO PROBLEM spending time reading Quixotic R. in fact if it had been 100 pages I would have been happy. Anyway, I digress.

After reading page one of Death Brings Déjà Vu I smiled to myself. "This writer is Myer-Briggs aware and has created an INTP personality-type doctor!" Page 2 nailed it even further. Now THAT'S an intelligent thought process to go to that extent in fleshing out a character. I would be willing to venture that the author themself is, in fact, Meyer-Briggs INTP a rare (3%) personality type: Research scientist, absent minded professor, brilliance, VERY specific in their language and dialogue (you would have a very difficult time lying to an INTP) alot of internal dialogue pretty much lives inside their own heads most of the time, does NOT care about social status or popularity, VERY chosey about who they let into their lives, preference to stay in rather than go out, not interested in small talk, people drain them, quiet reflection and solitude power them up, the logician who is neither led nor wants to lead...dances to their own drummer. I know you. Introvert/Intuitive/Thinker/Perceiver- INTP

You are my favorite author. I am so happy I have so much more to explore and read by this author. FUCK YEAH!

DarkkBrothaOneDarkkBrothaOneabout 5 years ago

Great story all around! It wasnt hurried, there was tons of exposition that developed the characters,. There was an underlying story that bolstered the sex scenes. Drama, passion and an issue to be resolved. Also, your story was based on a realistic chance happening. This is IMO, one of the too 5 stories I've read so far on Lit. I definitely hope you continue this great writing. 5 stars!

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