Death of a Master Ch. 08


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Xavier smiled as he responded. "Yes, you must be Ms. Thinkle. Ms Carstares is waiting for you."

Susan blushed at being addressed by her last name; something that almost never happened. "Thank you," she said as he showed her in.

Mary, seeing her enter, stood up with a smile on her face. "Susan, it's so good to see you." As she took hold of the former slave's hands, she asked, "How have you been since...?"

Susan swallowed and squeezed Mary's hands back. "Okay, now. It was very hard at first, and I still feel like crying at times." Looking Mary in the eyes, she added, "I've heard you haven't been doing so well yourself."

"No," she answered, showing Susan to a seat. "On top of missing him, I've been feeling snowed under by the new job. There just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day."

"He always felt the same way, did you know that? If I hadn't been there, I'm sure he'd have needed to hire a housekeeper or some such thing."

"He never looked like he was overworked."

"That's because I was there, doing everything at home. All he had to do at home was relax and maybe play with me when he felt like it." Susan looked down into her lap. "I miss that. I think that's why Valerie's trying to get us together."

"About that. You know I can't be a Mistress, right?" Susan nodded her head. "And, I'm not attracted to women at all. There'd be no sex."

"I know, and I'm really not ready for a true Master right now; at least not full time. I can play with other people I know for when those needs come up. Ma'am, I want to help you. I want to see Calvin's baby, this magazine, continue to thrive. I want to see you...succeeding, I guess." Susan leaned forward, her face earnest. "You're the only vanilla person who's ever been okay with my slavery. You've even complimented me on my welts, and we both know you really don't think they're pretty."

Mary chuckled at the observation, which was spot on. "I do need someone to help me. How much would you be looking at for pay?"

"Nothing," Susan answered, her head shaking. "I...I have the insurance money from Calvin, as well as my initial savings from when I started with him that's been building up. And, it won't feel like service to me if I'm getting paid. I guess you'd say I'll work for room and board..." She smiled as she added, "Just like I did for him."

Mary shook her head with another chuckle. "I'm not going to win this argument, am I?" Susan shook her head. "Okay, let's give it a go." Mary unclipped a key from her key chain. "This is my apartment key. I'm at 1265 Magnolia drive, apartment 213. Get your things moved in, though we'll have to turn the second bedroom back into a bedroom this weekend. I'm currently using it as a second office."

Susan accepted the key, smiling. "I'll try to have everything ready by the time you get home. When will that be?"

"I'll try to be there by six. We'll have to order out, as I don't have anything worth cooking in the place. You can do some shopping tomorrow."

"Of course, ma'am."

As Susan rose to leave, Mary asked, "Oh, Susan, do you know anything about foot rubs?"

"Yes, ma'am. I've given Calvin plenty of them. Tonight?"

"Definitely; while we're waiting for the delivery guy," she confirmed with another smile.


Two years later

Mary Carstares was relaxing in her front room, letting her mind wander as she tried to come up with a solution to 25 down; eight letter word meaning The way it's done, ceremonially. She knew the third letter was d and the seventh letter was t. Her thoughts were interrupted by the door opening and Susan walking in, overnight bag slung over her shoulder.

"Susan, welcome back. How did the weekend go?"

The huge smile on her face was really all the answer needed, but Susan answered anyway. "I had a wonderful time. They're a wonderful family and I felt like I'd fit in perfectly."

"So, I assume it's on?" she asked, a twinkle in her eye.

Susan nodded. "Yes! They invited me to become the family's slave. I'd be the least of all the members of the family, subject to anyone's orders and discipline."

Mary had risen to her feet and gave Susan a big hug. "I'm so happy for you, Susan. I know you've been needing this for a while, and I'm sorry I couldn't give it to you."

"That's okay, ma'am, really. I've enjoyed being able to help you these past years." Susan looked up, a little unsure. "Are you sure you'll be okay on your own again?"

"Yes, Susan, I'll be fine. I've learned to pace myself, and take care of myself better. Xavier is even more helpful for me than I was for Calvin." The slightly pained looks of both women was barely noticeable now. "He won't let me get out of control again, like I was at first. You live your life the way you need to." Mary looked behind the submissive, noting the darker colorations under her top. "I see you got used this weekend as well."

Susan smiled, her eyes sparkling. "Yeah, it was horribly painful. Master John had me sobbing like a baby."

"You go, girl. So, when do you move in with them?"

"Master John wants me to move in tomorrow. He's sending Penelope and George by with the van to pick up my stuff. Most of it's going into storage, as I won't need much as their slave."

"Good, we should get you packed tonight. First, though," Mary added, a gleam in her eyes that any who knew her would recognize as her innate curiosity coming to play. "Tell me about your new family; you called them a leather family? I've heard of the term, but have never had anyone I could ask who actually knew one. Spill the beans, girl."

"Well, they're not always the same, but in Master John's family, it's kind of like a cross between an extended family and a poly household. Master John is the...father...I guess you'd say; kind of like the head patriarch. Legally, he's married to Ann, who's also his personal slave as well as the top slave in the house. Penelope and George are married switches who have agreed to be submissive to John and Ann. Ann's brother is also part of the family, but isn't in the Master/slave hierarchy. As far as I can tell, he's vanilla, kind of, and dates outside the family. He's a trucker and spends a lot of time on the road. There's another half dozen who don't live in the house, but are part of the family. They do visit and participate in the dynamics. I get the feeling that some of them are still trying to figure out where they fit in, and I know there's been a couple who've left. Then there's me."

"Wow, that sounds complex. How do they avoid problems, like jealousy issues?"

"They don't avoid them; they just try to work through them as they come up. The number one rule is openness. Secrets are what destroys, not feelings."

"I can see that. Well, again, I'm so happy for you. Have you told Valerie and Sally?"

"No, not yet. I wanted you to be the first to know."

"Okay, why don't you make some phone calls, and then we'll get you ready to move."

"Right. Oh, and ma'am, 25 down is modality."


Lilly looked up as she continued to massage the dye into the scalp of the lady in front of her. "Valerie, Sally, it's so good to see you. Are you due for another waxing?"

Valerie smiled as she led Sally into Full Body Beauty by her hand. "No, not today. We have an appointment with Tony, actually."

"Ah, well, he should be ready for you in a few minutes." Turning to the lady, Lilly added, "This needs to set for 20 minutes, Darla. Then you'll be that redhead you always wanted to be." Lilly rinsed her hands and turned back towards Valerie and Sally. "Come on back," she said with a wave.

Val and Sally followed her through to the back area where the non-standard beauty treatments were done; things such as Brazilian waxes and piercings. Lilly's husband, Tony, was the shop's piercing and tattoo artist. A curtain covering a large alcove showed shadows of a man bent over a table. The buzz of a tattoo needle could be heard as well.

"So, who's getting what?" Lilly asked.

Valerie answered as Sally looked demurely towards the floor. "I'm getting two new piercings for Sally. One will go here," she added as she took hold of Sally's head and turned it towards Lilly. Valerie pointed at Sally's nose.

"Oh, a septum piercing. Sally, that's a pretty visible, and bold move. Are you sure?" Lilly asked.

Sally looked up, a curious blend of embarrassment and desire on her face. "It's what Mistress wants. I want to feel even more like her property, Lilly. When I think of being led on a leash hooked to my nose, I get such a rush."

Lilly, who had known Sally for years, even longer than Valerie; thanks to having once worked at Charles' mansion, took hold of Sally's hands. "I didn't mean to sound judgmental. I was just concerned. You know I don't get the slavery thing you're doing. I do know that you always seem happiest, most fulfilled when you're like this, under Valerie's thumb." Lilly turned back to Valerie, honoring their Mistress/slave relationship. "So, where's the second piercing."

"Through her clit hood," Valerie answered, a loving smile gracing her face.

Lilly winced at the though of something piercing her so near to that sensitive organ. "I know that's supposed to be incredibly arousing, but all I can imagine is how much it will hurt."

Sally glanced at Val and received her nod. "It's not for everyone. But, the bar will pull my hood across my clit a lot, keeping me aroused nearly constantly. It'll be torture at times, and I'll be ready for Mistress' desires all the time. I can't wait." Sally's eyes glistened with desire, her pupils large. Her voice had that husky quality of someone anticipating an erotic encounter of great intensity.

Lilly, seeing how wanted the piercings were by both of them, gave each a hug in turn. "Can I see it when it's done?" she asked.

As Valerie nodded, Tony's bald, dark skinned head peeked around from the curtain. "I thought I heard you two. Give me another couple of minutes and we'll have you strapped in in no time."

"Sure thing, Tony," Valerie replied.

"Now, you know the drill," they heard Tony saying, "Clean and rotate the spike every day. You don't want scar tissue sticking to it."

"The high pitched voice that responded was clearly that of a much younger woman. "I will. When can I replace it with my stud?"

"I'd give it at least two weeks. The spike I put in is hypoallergenic. It'll resist sticking to the body better than your stud. Nice stud, by the way. Pay Lilly out front, and stop in if there's any complications."

"Thanks Tony."

A small teen came out, a streak of purple running along the right side of her shoulder length brown hair. She glanced up at Sally and Valerie. "Lovely collars," she said as she walked past them, Lilly joining her. Valerie and Sally giggled, wondering just how much the teen knew about the lifestyle.

"Teenagers," Tony chuckled. "You got to love them. Celebrating her eighteenth birthday with a belly stud. Come on back you two."

Behind the curtain, Valerie nodded to Sally and her slave stripped the few clothes she was wearing. Tony, who had done numerous piercings in intimate locations before, seemed not to notice as he placed several instruments on a moveable tray, similar to the trays near a patient's bed in a hospital. By the time he turned back around, Sally was in the chair.

"Val, did you want to restrain Sally?" he asked. Tony not only knew of the relationship, but he and Lilly engaged in bondage themselves (though just bondage, and mild bondage at that).

"Yes, may I?"

At Tony's nod, Valerie removed some straps from her bag and immobilized Sally to the table. Sally flexed her arms and legs, finding them pleasantly unable to move. Even her waist was unable to lift or shift.

Tony moved his stool next to Sally's head and tilted the chair with a step on the foot peddle. He used a long handled cotton swab to swab the inside of both nostrils with disinfectant. Valerie reminded Sally, "Keep your mouth closed, dear." Sally gasped at the strong antiseptic smell that filled her nasal cavities. Tony also used the swabs to feel around the septum.

"Val, there's no sweet spot," he announced, referring to the patch of skin normally between the two cartilage sections in the septum. "If we go on, we'll have to go through the cartilage itself."

"What are the ramifications, Tony."

"For the procedure, nothing much. It'll take a little more effort on my part, but nothing untoward. The cartilage will make the ring more firmly embedded. In fact, if you're planning on attaching a leash to her ring, it'll hold a bit better."

"Okay, go ahead."

Tony place a clamp inside, framing the spot he intended to lance. Sally hissed at the pain while her hands clenched at the arm rests. He followed with his needle, poking it through the cartilage. Sally found the actual piercing less painful than the clamping. Soon, Tony had threaded a horseshoe shaped bar into the hole and was swabbing the traces of blood from the wound.

"You'll have to be very fastidious about cleaning on this one, Sally. The nose can give bacteria a rich breeding ground if you're not careful. Now, let's look at your clit."

Sally and Valerie smiled, thinking how much of a chore that would be for Tony. He washed his hands and probed at Sally's clit and hood. Sally's arousal, already simmering from the bondage and the nasal piercing, skyrocketed. Tony didn't seem to be bothered by the copious fluids being generated by Sally's pussy.

"Sally's hood is almost perfect for this piercing. I'll get started."

Tony picked up a needle and a small tube, so it seemed. The tube, called a needle receiving tube, was visible through the thin skin of the hood. One practiced poke later, the needle had made it's way through, and Tony followed it with the bar, setting it vertically along Sally's sex. Sally blinked and rose her eyebrows. "That wasn't as painful as the nose."

"No, it wouldn't be. It will also be easier to keep clean and heal. Sea salt baths every night, and no soap. Of course, you'll have to avoid oral sex until it heals and any penetration for several weeks. The mouth is the dirtiest place in our bodies, and I'm sure Valerie doesn't want to give you an infection."

"No worry about that. Sally will be going without for a month. Of course, she'll be putting her mouth to good use still," she added with a smile.

"Normally, I'd advise cotton or no underwear, but I've heard that Sally doesn't wear any anyway."

Valerie started to release Sally from the table. "Thanks Tony. Could you get Lilly, she wanted to see the finished product."

"Sure thing."

When Lilly saw the piercings, she stared, her mouth slightly open. "I didn't think they'd look so...erotic. Do you have the jewelry you plan on putting in after it heals?"

"Yes, these here." Valerie showed Lilly the ring for her nose and the jeweled stud for the hood. "We're going to have the ring sealed shut, making it permanent for all practical purposes. She'll be a real slave girl," Valerie added with a smile. Sally looked down, a blush creeping up her face.

"They're beautiful. You will bring her by to let me see them in place, of course."

"Of course, Lilly. Get dressed, Sally. I'll pay up with Lilly."

Several minutes later, Valerie and Sally were back in their car, heading home. Valerie turned to Sally as she parked the car. "Sally, there's something I need to talk with you about."

"Of course, Mistress. Anything; I'm yours."

Valerie hesitated a minute, working up the courage to broach a subject that had been preying on her mind for weeks. "Sally, have you though about being a mother."

Sally gasped. "No, Mistress. I've been assuming that I would never have the chance now."

"Mike," Valerie started, referring to her husband of long ago. "always wanted children. I didn't want to interrupt my career." Valerie's voice caught as she relieved the painful memories, both of Mike's death and of his poorly hidden disappointment at not being a father. "Then the infection and scarring meant that I could never have children." Valerie had suffered a uterine infection that had left both her fallopian tubes scarred so badly that she could never become pregnant. "I do want us to have Mike's child."

"Mistress! How is that possible. Mike's..." Sally was unwilling to say the dreaded words to her Mistress' face.

"No, it won't be Mike's child, really; but it can be a Burbon child. Mike had a brother. I want to ask him to father our child."

The End

To see how Valerie's wish plays out, read Valerie: A Deep and Dark December by estragon on

Thanks to Sugaro for editing again; especially for keeping the epilogue from truly sucking.

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Cindy1001Cindy1001over 3 years ago

Loved this immensely, thank you!

mrswolfsmrswolfsover 11 years ago
Charles and Nadine

Have loved this series and would love to see some more about some of the other characters. Would love to see Charles and Nadine's story from beginning to end as well. Also some more about Susan and even June.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
I feel sad ...

Sad that it's over! Please understand, I have never engaged in BDSM (nor do I think I ever could because it's not "me") but I have read your series about Valerie and her friends in a matter of days. Good thing I had a few days off work! I was positively hooked and I am sitting here wishing there was more. Thank you for opening my eyes to this lifestyle. And I do hope there will be more!

DryhillDryhillabout 13 years ago

This is terrible, in the scene where Valerie and Sally go to Racheal and Giggy's for a meal, you have them eating blueberry cheesecake. There should have been a warning at the begginning of this scene of the potential for readers to encounter distress.

I love cheesecake and the best of all cheesecakes has to be blueberry cheesecake. How could you write about such delectation when I have:-

1. No cheesecake in the house; and

2. Living in the UK it is very difficault to get blueberry cheesecake.

This is far worse for me than the little bit of orgasm denial Sally suffers, how am I going to sleep tonight?

Other than that total disaster thank you for a very enjoyable addition to a favourite story. Also thank you for writing some more about fictional characters who have almost become very dear friends. Whilst I can realise you probably need to "get away" from Valerie, Sally etc I hope you will write the odd extra story from time to time, just letting us know how they are getting on, for example you have never had them go away on holiday (yes I know they went to the Pony Exhibition but that was really for Valerie's work).

Thank you again for such a fantastic read, it is no wonder I have you listed as Favourite Author.

CoryleaCoryleaabout 13 years ago

Nice to see you back here again, and it's always nice to see Valerie and Sally. I've been reading them so long now, they feel like friends.

estragonestragonover 13 years ago
Grand Master, Words Fail Me

Magnificent is too tame. How beautiful! Having you back is like Spring coming after a brutal winter. An absolutely splendid continuation of the Valerie series. It just gets better and better. I will try not to damage your brilliance with my efforts. Thank you for your trust in me.

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