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"Now satisfy me..." came her husky voice as she expertly gyrated herself over him, making her pussy muscles jerk his cock about and inciting him to become even more aroused.

Kenneth's cock now returned her actions and thrashed mightily inside her, the jolts making his head spin, and it wouldn't stop, it just would not stop! Once more the dam of pleasure exploded, his mind struggling to comprehend what was happening.

IM-IMPOSSIBLE?! How could he be cumming again?! Yet there he was, unloading yet more spouts of sperm, to Chanda's obvious enjoyment. Her jointed legs had clasped themselves around the lower ends of his legs, her tail swishing back and forth excitedly, the bed shaking from her exertions.

"Mmm, yes... yesyesYES!" Hugging his head to her breasts she moaned, then cried out in greater ecstasy, continuing to stab her stinger into him in concert with her other wild thrusts. She had in fact run out of venom by now, and was simply reveling in the extra pleasure she felt from using her stinger.

At this point so much venom was coursing through Kenneth that he could barely register Chanda's stings. All he felt was the raging, lustful heat and desire to express it. He couldn't have hoped to keep count of how many times he orgasmed under her before his body gave in and his consciousness faded into darkness, that stinger striking and thrusting to the very last moment.


So thirsty...

So tired...

Sore... so sore...

Those were the only sensations, the only thoughts, that seemed able to cross his mind, until Kenneth's lips found the salvation of cool, fresh water crossing them. He swallowed quickly, his overeager action causing a fit of coughing, but once he had recovered from it he soon found more water pouring into his mouth. He also felt the warm relief of various lotions being rubbed into the skin of his sore body.

His returning senses soon detected the heavenly scent of a stew nearby, and he struggled to open his eyes, rise up and locate it, groaning with the effort. However, his attempts to move were stopped as he was pushed back down, his blurry vision making out a beautiful face that shushed him. He wanted to eat so much, but he didn't have the strength to overpower her.

Yet his worries were for nothing as he felt Chanda's hot lips on his own, the girtablilu deftly coaxing his mouth open before letting the stew she was holding in her mouth flow into his. Rabbit stew... he should have figured as much. Again Kenneth swallowed with eagerness, this time managing to avoid the coughing. Several more times the hot stew was fed to him, and with it and the healing oils and gels she was using on him he soon felt like himself again.

Noting it was placed beside him he greedily downed the rest of his bowl of stew without getting up, then looked over to where Chanda had laid down on a nearby cushion. "I thought... I thought you were going to drain me dry..."

She gave him a quizzical look. "Now why would I do that? I'm flattered you were that impressed with my endurance, but I did tire out eventually. Aside from that I only have so much venom and it takes a bit for my body to make more. I actually ran out midway through and just kept thrusting my stinger in.


She smirked, "Because it feels good. You liked sticking your 'stinger' in me too, didn't you?" Chanda chuckled lightly at the uncomfortable expression he made in answer. "Anyway, now that you've rested a bit, how about a bath before we sleep? It's quite late at night already."

"What about my body?" he asked slowly, noting how he now felt rather stiff and numb.

She gave him a mildly sympathetic look. "You may not believe it but your body is in fine condition, considering that was the first time you experienced my venom. Even without my giving you that healing potion you would have been up and around by morning, and you'll recover more quickly once my poison is done altering your nerves."

"Altering... my nerves?" he repeated wearily as she helped him stand up and allowed him to lean against her while they walked into a corridor leading to another room. It was only now his dulled senses realized they were both still naked.

She gave him a seductive smile. "Yes, and eventually you'll find my sting and poison to bring you almost as much pleasure as the sex itself."

Soon they entered a new room, lightly illuminated by what appeared to be glowing moss or fungi on the walls, and in the middle of this room lay a large clear pool of water, evidently part of a spring. Looking to the side he saw a few pots laying on the ground, presumably used to carry water to be boiled elsewhere to make sure it was safe to drink. The low glow of luminescent walls gave the room a cool beauty to it, one his captor reflected as he looked into her eyes, so much calmer now compared to the fire he had seen in them earlier.

As she led Kenneth to sit next to the cool water, he looked down at his body and noted for the first time the many small red marks scattered over it from Chanda's stings. They were certainly minor, he could barely feel them and they looked like the sort of marks that would be healed and gone by morning.

He watched silently as Chanda used her tail to pick up a towel from the stone shore, then soaked it in the pool before wringing it out over Kenneth's head. Gasping at the cool, cleansing feeling it gave flowing off his head, Kenneth sighed and let his weary body recline back against the girtablilu's chest. She gave him a fond smile before grabbing some soap sat on the floor and scrubbing off the sweat and dried cum from his chest, followed by the rest of his body.

Kenneth felt so relaxed he almost fell asleep, only to feel Chanda finishing washing him and mechanically returning her favor by taking the now soapy towel and washing her. It simply seemed fair to. He ran it over the segmented plates of her scorpion body but focused much more on the humanoid portion, earning more than a few knowing looks and moans from her whenever he ended up kneading her tantalizing private areas.

He was surprised at how tender this all felt, it was as if they were long-time lovers. "It's strange..." he muttered. "I really shouldn't be so calm and accepting of all this. It all seems so surreal..."

"You're just still in a bit of shock from the frenzy of our mating," Chanda responded matter-of-factly, her eyes shut in contentment at being washed. "I'm sure you'll start worrying and thinking too much again before long. You humans have a knack for complicating things and ruining your own happiness in the process."

Soon she got up and led him waist-deep into the water to finish rinsing off and to soak for a while. "You did well you know," she remarked, stroking him affectionately as he rested against her again, "it was very satisfying."

"Oh, I bet you say that to all the guys you capture and ride relentlessly," he remarked, a bit of his energetic mirth coming back. "Is doing things like this really as normal and acceptable as it seems for your kind?"

"It isn't as if we mamono have much choice," Chanda responded seriously. "The long courtships of humans are luxuries, especially in a desert. It's been over a decade since I became an adult and left my mother, and I've spent all that time here waiting for a suitable man to come along, so when he shows up of course I make sure he doesn't get away."

"Yeah, try telling that to people like those of The Order, to them taking and raping men who strike your fancy is just proof that you're evil monsters, albeit they do add nonsense about you killing and eating the men afterward," he laughed a bit.

Chanda frowned at this. "Groups like them are one reason we have to be so aggressive. It's not as if a mamono can just go into town and ask for somebody who is willing to love her, she'd be attacked."

She sat him up and held him in the water face-to-face, staring into his eyes in a way that left him breathless. "So instead, we take by force men we judge to be a good match, and to keep them with us we show them our skills in making love and giving pleasure. Once that is done there is plenty of time for the courtship and bonding you humans crave."

Kenneth frowned. "I still think it's not the ideal way to find a good partner, you leave a lot up to chance and can end up really hurting people. Humans care about more than just pleasure when it comes to love you know, having incredible sex be the foundation just isn't enough."

"I'd say your ego is more of an obstacle than a lack of love or good foundations," Chanda said, sounding slightly irritated at his allegation. "Most mamono are very good at judging compatibility. If they weren't then a lot more men would eventually run away from them. They end up not leaving because they realize that the mamono's senses were right about them being a good match. There's a reason most of us don't take just any man who comes along. You humans just don't like giving up control."

Kenneth closed his eyes in thought. "That much is true, that's for sure." Inwardly he pondered about what she had said concerning compatibility, could mamono really possess such a sense?

"I agree it's not all ideal," Chanda conceded, "but neither is the world we live in. We do what we have to, to survive, reproduce and find love. Perhaps one day things will change..."

He lay against her, both of them silent for a while, until Chanda's caresses began to take a more rough and erotic turn than the comforting manner of earlier. Kenneth's body shook in a pleasured spasm and he lost his footing, causing Chanda to hold him tighter. He moaned helplessly, his strength too drained to fight even without her venom immobilizing him.

"Please... please, not again..." he pleaded, "...I can't take it..."

"You dislike how aggressive I am? You were begging me to keep going not long ago." Chanda purred, pausing the nibbles and kisses she had been assaulting his earlobe with.

"It's- not- that-" Kenneth strained. "It's just- I've cum so many times... I'm afraid I'm gonna break..."

"Oh?" she asked coyly.

Kenneth, realizing he was sounding quite unlike himself, tried to fake his usual confident grin. "It's not- not something I find easy admitting... I always thought I was in pretty good shape, but the things you do..."

"Shh," she hushed him in his ear, her voice turning as reassuring as it was lustful. "You are in a most desirable shape, and with me as your partner you'll get stronger and stronger from our 'exercises.' For now though, I just want a quickie before we sleep. I won't ever let you break Kenneth, I'm going to make you realize just how precious you are to me... I'll prove it to every inch of you, again and again and again..."

Her stinger stabbed into his shoulder, his heavy breaths turning to a loud gasp as venom surged through again. He closed his eyes and moaned. Perhaps his body was simply numb to pain by now, but it felt like the sting hurt less somehow...


Three months later...

Kenneth panted, his mind racing along with his heart. He had to keep moving. He knew she could come at him at any time and from any direction. Living in such a tough environment, among other things, had made him stronger and faster than he'd ever been before, and he knew his foe's abilities much better now, yet all the same he knew she still had the advantage.

He tore a rock from the crumbling wall beside him, causing a small avalanche as he dashed from there to where the rocks met the sand dunes. He needed to get to high ground where he could see her coming more easily. But even as he began to race across the sand and up the nearest dune a blurred shape caught up and tackled him from the side, sending them both rolling back down the dune.

The girtablilu righted herself first, striking even as Kenneth regained his footing. Her stinger found its mark, except that instead of the yelp of pain one would expect there came a cry of ecstasy, Kenneth slumping onto the sandy ground, his body quivering and convulsing in a pleasurable seizure as the venom coursed through him.

Unfortunately for Kenneth his convulsions caused him to roll to where he ended up planting his face in the sand, unable to control his body enough to move from the embarrassing position. Chanda stepped forward and eyed him with an amused smirk, enjoying the sight as she waited for the initial shock of pleasure from her venom to pass from his body.

Once it had she removed her veil. "Quite clever, causing a rock slide in order to mask the vibrations from your movements..." she observed calmly. "It might have worked too, if you hadn't already been in my sights. Still impressive... you made it a mile out before I caught you. That's a new personal record."

"Yay me."

"Oh, don't be so grumpy," she cooed in his ear as she rolled him over and wiped the sand from his face, letting him spit out what had gotten in his mouth. "Your body is always pleased to get caught," she stroked his hardened member through his pants, "just look at how eager it is to reward me."

"Do- you-" he panted, now with arousal instead of exertion, "really- enjoy- these- chases- that- much?"

"Of course, nothing gets me in the mood more than a good hunt. Besides, it's useful training for us both." She ogled him up and down and licked her lips. "Now then, to the victor go the spoils, and I intend to indulge myself in them thoroughly..." she spoke with a sultry mirth as she began undressing him, only to suddenly pause, a distracted look in her eyes that Kenneth noticed immediately.

"What is it?" He narrowed his eyes when she looked unwilling to tell him. "You sensed something didn't you? Bandits? You know what we have to do."

Chanda only frowned, debating whether or not to attend to the intruders she had sensed encroaching on a nearby caravan route. It was times like this that she regretted making that deal, responsibilities that interfered with mating were not kindly taken by most mamono.

Kenneth glared back with all the authority he could muster, he knew if he wavered at all then Chanda would take it as an excuse to continue where she had left off. To bolster his resolve he thought back to how their present job had come about.

For it had taken a bit of time to work out (convincing Chanda that he would come back had been the hardest part, she had ended up opting to shadow him the whole way there and back), but Kenneth had arranged quite a good contract with the company of the client who had earlier hired him to take down Amad. Now, in exchange for a reasonable monthly payment, he and Chanda worked with one another to keep the company's caravan routes clear of bandits and other hazards, such as overzealous monster girls. Bandits were their main foes though, as Amad's death had caused a power vacuum in the criminal underworld that many now tried to fill.

Chanda, who had formerly relied largely on trading items she stole from bandits, was pleased to have an income to expand her rather lavish tastes in decorations in their cavern home. It was a good deal for the trading company as well, as it meant they didn't need to hire as many security guards for the caravans. Getting willing and able people to live out in the desert for the sake of their profits wasn't something that had worked out for them before, so they were eager to agree when Kenneth not only volunteered for the job but added that he had a girtablilu as a partner who was willing to assist him. Having a desert mamono as infamous as her guarding the caravans gave their company much publicity as one of the most secure ways to transport goods through the desert. Criticisms from local factions of The Order on the partnership were an issue but a minor one as the company cared more about profits than The Order's desires, and The Order itself had relatively little influence in this arid, patchily inhabited region.

As for Kenneth it was the sort of reliable, regular income that most bounty hunters could only dream of. He was happy certainly, albeit he did miss traveling and the wider variety of work and adventures he used to go on. Perhaps when the bandits were finally under control (he thought it likely that other mamono and human couples in the region would take their example and eventually start making similar deals with other trading companies until no route was unprotected), he could convince Chanda to go on a nice long vacation with him somewhere, see the world a bit before they raised a family. Regardless, he'd found settling down wasn't so bad, even if it had been pretty much forced on him Chanda proved to know what she was talking about. They really were compatible together.

And then there was the sex, more wild and rough than ever but far more enjoyable now that his body was stronger and her venom had warped his nerves to where her stings were interpreted by his body as sources of intense, orgasmic pleasure.

Which led back to their current situation. Chase and tracking exercises where one of them pursued the other always left Chanda quite hot and bothered, as did fighting with bandits or any other exciting activity for that matter. It was clear she would much rather screw him here on the sand dune until the sun started burning them than go out and protect a caravan. But Kenneth couldn't allow it, they had reputations to maintain. Not that he wasn't tempted to...

At last the staring contest ended with the girtablilu reluctantly conceding. Chanda sighed, putting her veil back on and getting the vial of antidote to her venom from the satchel Kenneth carried. "Fine, but once we're done I'm giving you an extra long workout... in bed," she added with a seductive gleam in her eye.

Kenneth swallowed the liquid antidote, developed by the two of them for situations just like this, and gave her his typical cocky grin as she helped him up, his body rapidly regaining full mobility. "It's a promise. Now let's teach those bastard cutthroats to respect the name Deathstalker."

Her predatory smirk returned, her claws snapping open and closed with excitement.

"Yes. Let's."


The End

Author's note: Real scorpions are very sensitive to vibrations, and so I Chanda a supernaturally sensitive vibration sensing ability.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Read Viridian Ninja recently. Except for name and "monster> changes, this was just another rehash of the same tale for me.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Good story. For first time I have read a story around scorpion-women. U should write more on such beings.

NovaMNovaMover 1 year ago

Great reading. Like I was standing next to them, so lively. More, more, we are hooked.

Au revoir, Perentie

SatyrDickSatyrDickalmost 2 years ago

Fun und Zexxi!

11/10 Solar Stones!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story, brilliant world building. It kind of gives me Star Wars vibes. The action was pretty cool too.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Always a lot of explaining and dreaming about a girl when the guy is held down and should be making an escape. Besides what she looks like we get whole back story and history of her people. That can come after he breaks free

EzDemon187EzDemon187over 6 years ago

Ever since I first read monster musume and found the monster girl encyclopedia I've always had a fascination with the more "interesting" monster girls, glad to see them. Great story and look forward to reading more of your stuff

VyresOfTheArtVyresOfTheArtalmost 8 years ago
OH MY~ 😉

Ooh yeah, nothing like some hot sexy scorpion-gal on human action, and there was a story in between all that which is amazing! 5/5 for you! I definitely wouldn't mind hearing more about Chanda and Kenneth, or a new story altogether about more mamono gals.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Mamono Lover

Please write more stories about other monster girl species like matango, tentacle plant, manticore, baphomet, kikimora, and queen slime

phoenix23ninjaphoenix23ninjaover 8 years ago
More please

Very good job, well written

Please write more

SPARTAN047SPARTAN047over 8 years ago

I love chase sequences. This one was perfect! And it ended with them actually liking each other instead of one quickie.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

More stories like these please.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
the best

simply the best monster girls writer in the world.

SatMornCartoonsSatMornCartoonsalmost 10 years ago

Great story! Please keep writing monster girl fics. :)

bradw316bradw316about 10 years ago

I like this and the other one think you could make series

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