Debauchery on Faculty Row


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"I don't think you could ever do anything that made me uncomfortable, Chase. You're such a gentle, caring, wonderful lover. And I feel totally safe and happy with you. And, for the record, my taboos; at least where you're concerned, are few," she giggled, blushing.

"I just don't ever want to make you feel uncomfortable, Abby. As happy as you declaring you've come to terms with this nightmare makes me, I can't imagine anything so horrendous could ever be totally eradicated from the back of your mind."

"I think, with your help last night, I've managed to put everything in perspective, Chase. You were absolutely right. I'm a victim. I was drugged! I certainly would never, ever consent to being any part of something so atrociously perverse."

"As far as we're concerned, unless I see another woman writhing around under you, I'd say everything else is fair game," she laughed.

"You're all I need," he laughed with her, wrestling her down beside him and kissing her. And then he kissed her again. And again.

"You can sure kiss, Mister," she cooed.

"Now. In case you've forgotten, I kinda lost breakfast, lunch and supper from the entire last week last night. Thank you so much for cleaning that up-again," she smiled.

"I'm starving, and I haven't had a chance to hit the grocery store this week. How about if we go out and get some breakfast, and then we come back here, get naked, and do naughty stuff all weekend. Thanks to my new, wonderful boss, my three day shift doesn't start until Monday."

"Well there'll be a slight delay. I was so pissed off last night, I forgot to pack any clean clothes. I had to throw the clothes I was wearing in your washer. I was wearing some of those meals you purged," he laughed. "I fell asleep before I got a chance to throw them in the dryer."

"I'm so sorry, Chase. That was awful. I've never had a panic attack before. I pray I never have another one."

"Abby, not to beat a dead horse, but you said you've battled your demons last night. And I know what a strong woman you are, but are you absolutely sure?"

"I'm sure. Actually, I knew the pain and self loathing was disappearing the first time we made love."

"I haven't been with anyone since...that night. And I haven't even dated anyone. I wouldn't even let Gerald touch me after that. Once I put two and two together, I threw him out and filed for divorce. I told him that if he so much as gave me one bit of trouble about the divorce, I'd expose him and that vile congregation of animals he's part of. Needless to say, he was gone without any of the usual divorce fanfare. It was over and done with very quickly."

"On top of everything else, I found out he was screwing one of his students. I guess that's when I came to the stark realization that the man I married, someone I thought I could trust with my life, was actually a sick, sadistic piece of shit who was capable of actually doing something so ungodly horrible to his own wife. I wouldn't be surprised to find out he's subjected his side piece to that nightmare, too."

"I seriously dealt with some intense trust issues; and definitely some intimacy issues after that. I didn't want a man touching me. Any man. And, please don't laugh at me, but I even retired my little vibrating friend that I used to use after Gerald got in his two grunts and rolled over and went to sleep."

"I'd like to see you get busy with your vibrating little buddy," Chase laughed, tickling the little angel

She was giggly, writhing under his tickling. "Really?! Jeez, talk about anticlimactic. After experiencing that beautiful beast between your legs, nothing else could ever satisfy me again," she chuckled, blushing.

"However, I wouldn't be averse to putting on a private little pre-show for you as a warm up before you totally rock my world, Adonis."

"Wow! Just when I think you couldn't be any more perfect," he laughed.

"As I said, there's just something about you, Chase. You put off this caring, trustworthy vibe. It just oozes out of you for all to see. And you're so tender and gentle when we're being intimate. I trust you implicitly. Do you think I'd have ever been as comfortable and carefree running around naked in front of anyone else? Not a chance. I've never, ever, done that with anyone in my entire life. I've reached new vistas since I met you."

"That makes me extremely happy, Abby. You deserve to be treated like the queen you are."

Abby leaned in and planted a sizzling kiss on his lips. "Can you do anything for that poor woman, Chase? I've felt the indescribable pain of what she's going through. And it's a horrible, soul crushing, pain, believe me."

"I can't even imagine, Sweetheart." He kissed her again.

"I hooked her up with a psychiatrist friend of mine. An old college buddy who, I'm afraid I'll be introducing you to soon," he laughed. "He's a typical shrink. Crazier than a shit house rat."

"Anyway, sadly she hasn't been able to deal with this as well as you have. Getting those pictures shoved in her door pushed her over the edge."

"I can certainly understand why. That poor, poor woman."

"Listen, Chase. The next time you speak with her, please tell her that she's always welcome to contact me. Maybe talking to someone who's been through it will help her get past it."

"That's very kind of you, Sweetie. I'd mention it to her, but I doubt I'll be speaking to her again. At least not until whatever this is that's going on is brought to an end. I don't want her, and especially not you, involved in this in any way. Had I known this was going to get so utterly insane, I'd have never involved her in the first place. I just thought someone was skimming off the top. Never in my wildest dreams could I have ever imagined all this other nightmarish hell would come to the surface. Now there's someone else involved who apparently has bigger balls than I do. And she's never been a guest at that dungeon of debauchery."

"Anyone I know?"

"You should have been a KGB interrogator, you know that," he laughed, tickling her again. Her giggle always made his heart feel as light as a feather.

"Stop! Stop! I'll pee the bed!" She was giggling that magical giggle, fighting to roll away.

"You just lay there, Stud. I'll start a pot of coffee and throw your clothes in the dryer."

"And, for the record, you're more than welcome to leave a change of clothes and your shaving kit here. Unless I'm being presumptuous," she laughed.

"I didn't want to assume," Chase laughed, tossing a pillow at the naked angel.

"Feel free to assume to your heart's content."


Chase saw Kay again after the ten days. They met at Stephanie's sister's palatial house thirty miles north of the campus.

After his house and office were ransacked, Chase was acutely aware of the potential dangers in everything going on around them. He spent most of the ride checking his rear view mirrors, stopping in shopping center parking lots out of nowhere; ensuring constantly that he wasn't being followed. Kay had suffered a devastating assault. He was doing everything in his power to make sure she suffered no further dangers. Stephanie's sister and her husband were on vacation in Europe and Stephanie was house sitting for them.

Thankfully, Kay was doing much better. This time he went prepared and got blood samples and a swab to confirm that the treatment was working. If it was at all in his power, he'd performed his last exam in a horse barn.

Not only was her physical exam encouraging, but her overall demeanor seemed much more relaxed. He had a feeling Jess was working his magic.

He ran the labs himself when he got back to the clinic. Kay was going to be just fine. Physically, anyway.

With the exception of a few short texts telling Chase that things were progressing, it was another two weeks before he actually spoke with Stephanie again. Chase had just finished seeing a patient when his cellphone rang.

"Chase! I just got a tip that they're having one of those meetings you know where tonight?"

"Oh boy. Well I highly doubt we'll be invited, Steph."

"No, Silly. But we could hide out in the trees across from the club and see who goes in and who comes out. If there's one thing we're rotten with on this campus, it's trees," she laughed. "Then I can match the names of anyone we see going in to some of the expenditures I've been tracking down."

"I don't know how much help I'd be, Steph. I barely know any of the faculty. They haven't exactly been beating down my door with invitations to any cocktail parties since the chancellor made that scene in the dining room."

"Probably not, but I'd rather not go alone."

"You'd damn well better not," he chuckled. I wasn't implying that I didn't intend on being stuck to you like glue. Just that you'll have to be the facial recognition software. I'll just be there for moral support. What time's the party?"

"For the record, I have no morals, Chase!" she laughed. "But I need all the support I can get!" She had a chipper, cartoon like laugh that always cracked Chase up. "I just drove by there on my way in. The board outside the club says they're closing at seven for a private party."

"Then we'd better get there around six-thirty and find a good spot where we can see them, but they can't see us. Things have been quiet since that night at the south gate. We don't need anyone seeing us and getting suspicious."

"Ok. Meet me in the woods across from the front door to the club at six thirty."

Luckily, Abby had her tutoring session with the nursing students that night. Chase just told her that he had a meeting to attend. He didn't like keeping things from her, but given her heartbreaking divulgence, he'd take a bullet before he saw her involved in any of this. He didn't know how deep this went, or how far they'd go to hide their money laundering scheme; or their twisted little sadist's society, but he knew he was in their cross hairs. He'd die before he let them broaden their scope to include Abby. The thought of Abby being collateral damage, their trump card, if they found out he and Steph were on to something scared him. And he didn't scare easily. Just the thought made him shudder. God help anyone who ever hurt that little angel.

If Chase had his way, they'd just turn everything they had over to the city police and let them ferret out the sickos. They'd certainly garnered enough evidence to start an official investigation. The police had a lot longer reach and a myriad more expertise than a doctor and an accountant; but Stephanie insisted on digging deeper. She was determined to bring everyone involved to justice by any and all means.

The clinic was coming along beautifully. He had the current budget straightened out. Things were going well. Students and even the staff were coming back in droves thanks to word of mouth and some attractive advertising. His friendly, cohesive team at the clinic were happy and performing at the top of their game. He was ready to see the entire nightmare brought to light and prosecuted. The longer they waited, the better the chances of someone being tipped off and the guilty taking their nefarious acts underground and out of the reach of the law.

Most importantly, things with Abby were getting more wonderful by the day. He was downright smitten with that adorable little bundle of smiles and passion. Every day he spent with her just got more magical. He'd never felt about anyone in his life the way he did about the beautiful Abby. Things between them were getting joyously serious.

"It seemed that every time he and Steph communicated, she'd uncovered another ten or twenty thousand dollars of embezzled money for some unnecessary drug or some unlikely medical or clinic upkeep expense. The gall of whoever was behind this was shocking. It was as if they felt infallible and beyond discovery.

Stephanie was dissecting all the budgets and expenditure sheets from years past. Chase could only shake his head in disbelief. In as much as he wanted to leave the cloak and dagger aspects to the professionals, he also wanted to see them all turning on a spit over hot coals: or at least rotting in jail for the remainder of their miserable lives, a whole lot more. Weeks later and he still couldn't help but feel a deep-rooted, gnawing sadness over what Abby and Kay and God knew how many others had been subjected to. Kay's pictures still haunted his dreams. He couldn't even fathom anything so fiendish happening to Abby.

He got to the densely wooded area across from the nefarious Faculty Club at six twenty and parked a few blocks away. Just the sight of the evil, foreboding place, sitting at the edge of the woods at the top of a dead-end hill made him angry.

The department heads on the faculty occupied the row of attractive cookie cutter houses leading up the hill to the club. Chase had to wonder if they weren't like the wagons circling the dark epicenter, protecting the disgusting goings on. He pictured some of the stodgy department heads he'd seen in the dining room acting as the evil sentinels keeping vigil over the nefarious Faculty Club. The gargoyles at the gate.

The one larger house at the top of the hill beside the club belonged to Chancellor Zeigler. Chase felt a flash of anger just thinking about the peculiar, petulant little man.

He almost stepped on Stephanie as he tried to navigate his way into the dark, thickly forested, area. She had an excellent spot picked out with a perfect view of the comings and goings at the club; but the thick foliage made the two of them invisible to the arriving and departing ghouls.

"I brought some sandwiches and beer, Chase. They're there in the cooler," she whispered loudly, laying on her stomach, peering through her binoculars from under a large bush.

"Why the binoculars," he whispered, smiling. "You can see everything perfectly from here."

"I'm writing down license plate numbers."

"You look like a commando scout on point!" Chase laughed, reaching for a beer. "And you're not exactly dressed for a spy mission."

She was wearing a short skirt with a pretty peasant blouse. She looked like she was watching a movie in bed. Her shoes were off, sitting beside her. He couldn't help but notice that she had a hell of a set of legs on her. And the rest of her was equally appealing. The skirt had ridden up, exposing the bottoms of her bubbly butt cheeks separated by a lacy blue thong.

"Feel free to peek, grope or fondle to pass the time, Handsome," she chuckled. Have I mentioned that I'm a bit of a nympho? She was giggling as she peered intently through the lenses. "And I have this weird aching right here." She was whisper-giggling as she reached her hand between her legs. "Got something that could cure it, Doc?"

"Oh, look!" She was waving her hand behind her frantically toward him to ensure she had his undivided attention; her amorous come on seemingly forgotten. "That's Doctor Crawford! He's the dean of the pharmacology school!"

"That would explain a whole lot. He'd have access to Rohypnol: if that's what they're drugging these poor women with. And propofol, ketamine, midazolam, or any of the other numerous sedatives, the sick fuck."

"I wouldn't be surprised. He's a pompous ass and as slimy as the day is long. There have been quite a few complaints about him being touchy feely with some of the students and staff. He's even been censured once for groping a student."

"Jeez, Chase. This is a veritable who's who of the faculty hierarchy."

"But we can't be sure about what they're doing over there, Steph? This could actually be just a coin collectors meeting or a gathering of bird watchers."

"If it was a legitimate meeting, I'd have heard about it. I keep Harry's calendar."

"There's two huge ballrooms off of the main bar-dining area, Chase. And given the number of people I've seen going in so far, either of those two rooms could hold that crowd easily and not interfere with the regular operation of the club at all. No. There's definitely something going on here that they need complete privacy for."

"I hope you're wrong."

"Me, too. But I have a feeling I'm not. Augh oh!"


"There's our illustrious chancellor and your favorite nurse. Look. They're coming out of his house. And they're both carrying black coats or something."

"Why would the be carrying coats? It's seventy-eight degrees out here."

"Good question. Come to think of it, I've seen a bunch of them with black coats over their arms. Let's wait until the traffic going in settles down a little and get a closer look."

"Are there any windows or an outside door going down into the basement?"

"I don't know about outside. As I said, the only times I've been in there were for Harry's staff meetings. But I did notice that the inside entrance to the basement is well hidden on the inside. I did some snooping through old building blueprints before I went over there for last week's meeting," she giggled.

"There's a coat room behind the bar with a wall that opens up. According to the prints, the coat room is supposed to be a hallway with double glass doors at the end leading down into what used to be a bowling alley. Now it's a solid, disguised wall that opens. I'm not sure if it just pushes open, or if there's a hidden button. I almost got caught snooping from the corner of the bar as I watched one of the staff going through it."

"Thank God you didn't. You could have ended up like Kay." He hadn't mentioned Abby's experience to anyone.

"That poor woman. She's a mess. Your friend is doing her a whole lot of good, though. Whatever he prescribed seems to be working."

"I just hope he can help her get past this nightmare. Trauma and PTSD are his specialties and he's damn good at what he does. I know she was in better spirits when I saw her at your sister's house."

"She's doing a lot better, Chase. Thank you so much for suggesting your friend. She's actually been able to sleep lately without the nightmares."

"Ok, let's just keep watching. When it gets a little darker, we'll sneak around to the back and see what we can see. It's seven-thirty now; and the movement at the front door is minimal. The sun should be setting any time now."

"Maybe I should go and check it out, Steph. I don't want you getting hurt, and you're definitely not dressed for covert operations."

"I came prepared." She stood up, unashamedly slipped out of her skirt and blouse and reached into her backpack. She pulled out a set of black coveralls and some black sneakers.

"Holy shit. You've been watching far too many James Bond movies, Steph," he laughed.

"Last chance to grope, fondle or get busy with," she chuckled, wiggling that amazing, thong clad, ass in his face.

"Not that that isn't tempting, but I'm happily spoken for," he smiled. He didn't, however, mind the view one bit.

"You're seeing Abby Fulbrock, aren't you?"

"I am."

"Such a beautiful girl. And so sweet. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to settle for Ron," she laughed, pulling on the coveralls. "But if you ever change your mind..." She lifted the cups of her bra, flashing her firm, impressive tits at him, laughing and winking. He quickly changed the subject.

"Ron? You mentioned him that night at the barn. Is he staff here?"

"Yeah. I've been dating him on and off for about a year now. More off than on. He's in IT. Nice enough guy, but kinda nerdy and boring in the sack-if you get my drift." She was faking a huge yawn.

"You're a trip," Chase laughed.

When the activity in front of the club slowed to a near-stop, Chase and Steph took a long loop from behind their observation post and swung far around the club's parking lot until they found themselves behind the club. Dark was settling in.

They could smell the cooking aromas wafting out of the screen door at the back of the kitchen. Chase was painfully reminded that he hadn't eaten since lunch.
