Deep and Dark - A Drow Queen's End

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For the first time in ages the drow queen meets other races.
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Notes: My first attempt at a story, hopefully of many, I hope you enjoy. Please let me know how can I improve, specially english mistakes.

Everyone had heard the tales of the Underdark. The enormous cave system buried far underground, it's depths were home to all sorts of terrible monsters, ancient evils, and forgotten societies that dwelled on the darkness, such as the Duegar, Deep Gnomes, and of course, the infamous Drows.

Elves with skin as dark and gray as stone, equally hated and feared by the land dwellers for their cruelty. In a matriarchal society, no man was higher than a woman, and no woman higher than the Drow Queen.

And there stood such queen, in her luxurious castle, sculpted of dark stone with the work of hundreds of dark elves for the course of many, many years, no more than what she believed she deserved.

Mirthal had a slender yet curved body deserving of a goddess, her deep gray skin shining under the torchlights of the throne room in which she currently sat. A custom tailored purple dress decorated her beautiful elf body, matched with a beautiful golden tiara filled with precious gems on it's plate.

"What do we have here?" She asked, staring sadistically as members of the royal guard opened the door to the throne room. One of them, with a different uniform that represented his higher ranking among his peers, stepped up to answer the queen, but not before kneeling down in respect, and maybe fear.

"Foreigners, Your Majesty. We found these surface dwellers invading our territory. The bastards struggled a lot before we could capture them." Said the guard, never stopping looking down to the ground as he spoke to the queen, a lesson he learned to never forget, the whip scars on his face making sure of that.

The queen leaned forward to take a better look, giving clear view of the cleavage of her dress to any who dared look, that is, none but the prisoners clueless to how things worked there, who were blessed with a view so bountiful, only bested by her equally glorious ass that was squished down the cold stone of the throne.

The three of them were dressed in simple peasant clothes and overalls, carrying pickaxes on their belts. Apparently simply miners that ended up traveling too far down for their own good. There was a human that seemed to be in his 30s, hard work for most of his life giving him toned muscles visible through the tight old shirt, complimenting well his slightly tanned skin.

Then, a dwarf that seemed the most annoyed out of all of them, his expression looking half a moment away from insulting everyone in this room, with a long, unkept red beard that was completely dirty and dusty from all the mining he did, constrasting with his shining bald head.

And finally, an orc that was tall enought to almost match the elven guards even while kneeled, with a brutish face, green skin bursting with muscles and decorated in scars, his shirt ripped in the shoulders and neck as to fit his enormous body. The three of them stared at the queen, frustrated and tired.

"Your queen, I mean, Your Majesty... We mean your kingdom no harm, we were just lost." Said the human.

"Tch, don't even try, boy." The short dwarf replied with irony in his voice, seemingly very old to call someone that looked like that a 'boy'. "Knife ears got their heads way too far up their asses to hear people like us, specially these drow ones."

"Ugror is hungry, just want to go home, lady." Said the orc. The human looked nervous at his companion's choices of words, but before he could open his mouth and apologize on their behalf a loud crack was heard across the room as the queen cracked the crop whip she always carried with her.

"Silence, you dirty surface dwellers! I don't care who you are or what you did, you are trespassing on my territory. Not only that, but also insulting me, on my own castle?! You shouldn't even be looking at me! I'll have all of you pay for the dirty mouth on this half sized man that you call company."

Soon confusion ensued, as the three chained down men started trying to argue, angry voices filling the room before the matriarch ordered her troops to take the trio to the dungeons. It was a long, hard struggle, as the three showed a good fight with the enormous orc taking over eight armed men to contain. It would be way easier to simply execute them with their swords, but the queen wished to see them suffer, rot and starve.

The dungeons of the kingdom were located five sets of stairs down the castle, buried deep enough underground that the screams of the tortured couldn't be heard back in the castle. It was a dark and damp place, moss covering the never cleaned stone bricks, the tight, claustrophobic cells filled with chained prisoners, some of the freshest ones begging for release, most of them too starved and ill to even talk as they stared blankly to the ground, and a few of them simply dead, no more than dusty skeletons left to rot. Every single one of them were male drows, the queen wasn't interested in torturing the female criminals and as so these were sent to common prisons, and there was never visitors of stranger races before, so the trio stood out in the depressing crowd, chained at the very end of the long dark corridor, at a squared room with the dwarf and orc on two sides and the human facing the entrance.

" I can't believe this... My wife is still waiting for me back in town..." Whispered the human hopelessly.

"The audacity of that bitch! I swear, the next time I see the arrogant bastard, I'll teach her a good lesson, swear on the gods 'emselves!" Replied the fuming dwarf, not much of a reply and more of a ramble to express his wrath.

"This is all your fault, damn it... Have you gone mad, talking like that in front of the queen? I thought the orc was the dumb one here!"

"Shut it, boy! You know nothing about these leaf munching knife ears, we were doomed from the moment we had to deal with that cow!"

"Heeey, Ugror didn't do nothing!" Moaned the orc, offended.

And as so the three of them discussed and argued, talking for some hours before the hunger and tiredness settled in, and soon they started feeling the dread of being stuck in the horrible catacomb. More hours passed, the men having only the company of the mad ramblings of the already broken and insane drow prisoners, the rushed steps of the rats that roamed the place to gnaw on the bones of the dead, and the growling of their own stomaches as hunger kicked in.

At what was the end of the day, not that anyone there had any idea of it, two guards suddenly opened the gates, shining light in the place, carrying two pairs of rusty buckets. They quickly and unceremonially walked through the dungeon corridor, taking pieces of some kind of bread and throwing them to every prisoner they came across, some picking these desperate and almost swallowing them whole out of hunger, one unlucky one that was there for the longest out of any living one not even having the energy to pick the food up, simply laying there motionless, as the rats did the eating for him.

The eyes of the three miners gleamed as one of the guards took more bread out of the bucket once it came their turn, but quickly the other guard held his wrist, stopping him. It was at this moment the trio realized that one was the higher rank guard from before. "The queen said not to feed these."

"What?! You gimme that, you drow asshole! I'm fuckin starvin 'ere!"

"Hey, come on! What the hell? Are you gonna let us die in here?"

"Looks like disgusting bread! Why two want it?"

The men complained, most of them, at least, but the guards didn't care and turned around to leave.

"Try catching a rat, if you're really desperate. Let's go, we're done here." And as so they left, to the pleads of the human and insults of the dwarf.

And there they were left, abandoned with only their thoughts and each other for the rest of the day.

Meanwhile, the sadistic queen was in her chambers, sitting on her knees in a large, luxurious bed. If there was one thing that she liked more than ordering around these lesser than her, was punishing them.

And how much she ached for doing so... Leaving them abandoned for a whole day was just enough to make them start to get desperate, all hungry and cold in the dark. The next day would be glorious, the desperate look on their faces priceless before she started to punish them.

But the wait, though... The wait was unbearable on the queen, who anticipated what she would do, what she would say, what would they scream... Her precious black leathered whip found itself between her legs, the lady carefully and rythmically stroking it over her labia, dressed in just the black leather uniform she planned on wearing when she visits her prisoners.

As she rubbed herself until her wetness slipped from her attire onto the rigid baton, her moans filled the room, even though she demanded it to be soundproof it was impossible to muffle it to the two guards that guarded her chamber's doors, an uncomfortable look on their faces as they refused to acknowledge the situation to each other. As far as they were concerned, they were the next ones to be thrown into the dungeons to rot if word had spread out, and as such were the only confided with handling these special needs of the queen, one of them changing her sheets once she were done and the other one cleaning the soaking wet ones.

Soon rubbing through leather was not enough for her desperate lust, and she undid her clothes so quick that it could damage them if not for the tough material, opening entrance to her exposed pussy, liquid dripping from it to the sheets. She moved the baton's ribbed hold through her naked labia, biting her lip before slowly poking it in, already wet enough to do so with no problem.

Soon the dark matriarch was bouncing like crazy on her own bed, having undone her seductive top that accentuated her breasts and stomach as she touched her own breast with one hand, stroking her nipple with two fingers while her other hand kept the crop whip firm in one place, all while she rammed it deep inside her pussy.

The solo action took almost two hours, by the end the queen had twice orgasmed and twice stained her sheets in a distance from her body that would be quite the feat if there were someone to track it. She looked down to the baton, almost entirely fitted inside her pussy, moving slightly in and out as she breathed heavily, sweat glistening her dark body as she licked clean her fingers, soon after lying back in bed and falling asleep almost instantly out of exhaustion, she couldn't lose tomorrow's show, after all.

And such came the next day, the queen waking refreshed, aching to visit the new attractions to her own little private zoo. She took a quick, yet fancy bath prepared by two of her female servants, then treated herself to wine made by the fanciest brewers of drow society, a bottle made exclusively for her. Then, she dressed again in her black leather suit, which would be seen as a mix of lingerie and a sexy dress in the human society, put on her fanciest heels and got her best servants to prepare her makeup, putting up a sexy, glossy purple lipstick and a subtle dark purple mascara that combined with it. Then, after grabbing her trusty whip, she was ready.

Meanwhile, the captives were already feeling the tow on their minds, even if it was just their second day.

"Ugror wants fuck... Want to go to pretty tavern lady..." The orc moaned in sadness, looking down to the floor.

"Shut it, big man, we have bigger problems right now than getting your dick wet..."

"Heh, you ain't seein your wife anymore, Ugror. Just rub yourself here, we all gonna die anyway, I won't judge." The dwarf answered, seemingly the least worried out of the trio, perhaps his hatred for elves keeping his mind firm.

"Hell no, don't do that! Don't you give him ideas, damn it..."

Their conversation was interrupted as the reinforced door opened, torchlight illuminating the corridor again. Just from her shadow silhouette from far away, the accentuated curves on the chest and hips made it clear who was there.

"Oi, ya whor-" The human leaned to the limit of what his chains allowed to cover the dwarf's mouth. "Shut up! Let's just try to get to her good side if you wanna live!"

As she walked, no, paraded through the corridor, swaying her lips left and right, every drow man that still had a mind cowered, sticking to the dungeon walls and hoping she didn't look at them. But she didn't even bat an eye at anyone, her eyes were right on the curious three exotic men at the end of the path.

"You invade my kingdom... You fight with my loyal guards..." She said, cracking her whip in her hand with every pause.

"You disturb my peace... And dare insult me in my face, in my castle?" As she finishes her last phrase, already standing right in front of the three men, the crack of her whip comes out louder than the rest, echoing through the rest of the chamber.

"Ma'am, I'm so sorry, this is all a misunders-" The human, who knew he had a way better chance of defusing the situation than his partners, was interrupted by another loud crack, his face turning left as the crop whip strikes it, leaving a red mark on his skin.

"Don't you talk unless I tell you to talk, scum." She said in her most intimidating voice, looking down at the man with disgust. He shuts up, taking the message, but is met with a heel planted on his cheek, the drow putting her foot on his face and pressing his head to the dirty wall. Unbeknown to her, this lifted her dress, giving the dwarf and orc a perfect view of her exposed thighs and leather panties.

"O, Ugror likes... Lady is beautiful assed... Ugror wants a touch..."

"Hey you cocky slut, leave the boy alone, ya drow cocksucker!" The comment of the dwarf makes her not even notice the orc's one. She very quickly took her foot off the man's face, and turned to look at the dwarf.

"It seems you're the worst of the bunch, maybe I should give you an extra special lesson you won't forget..." As she says these words, she bends over to grab the dwarf roughly by his beard, pulling his face up as she touched the tip of her whip on the tip of the dwarf's large nose. Now he had a perfect view of her obscenely large cleavage, her massive gray breasts almost touching his head, a similar situation happening to the orc as her sudden turn messed her dress, giving him clear view of her enormous ass. The orc's eyes almost bulge as he notices her exposed anus, lowered by her not being able to wait again and playing with herself before getting there, a butt plug with a red jewel inserted there nice and tight. By now, the three men had boners growing in their pants, but Ugror's one actually threatened to rip a hole into the cheap worker pants.

"Ohoh... Ugror... Wants..."

"What you think you gonna do, whore?" The dwarf defiantly said. spitting right in the woman's face. Outraged by the disrespect without saying anything she lifted her arm to whip him in the face, but before she could do the strike a loud clang was heard as the orc behind her broke his chains while overcomed by lust.

"Huuhh?!" The woman tried turning back, but the orc was faster as he planted his face on her fat ass, holding her in place by the hips with his enormous hands.

"Ugror wants pussy!!!"

With ease as if it were paper, the orc ripped her leather panties clean off her legs, throwing them away as the queen's royal pussy was perfectly exposed, already glistening wet as if it hoped for this outcome. Without waiting any further, the brute dove into it with his mouth, using his wide tongue to lick it relentlessly.

"Ooooh!~" The queen's wild moan echoed through the chamber, probably even to out of it, every single prisoner who had the strength to do so turning their hands to look. She dropped her whip as her hands went weak, doing a ridiculous face that was priceless for the dwarf, who was now smiling like a bastard.

"Heh, serves you right, damn elf slut! Hey big boy, go nuts on her!"

"MMghh uhmm..." The orc mumbled as he tasted the queen's juices, his tongue spreading her open by itself and exploring her vagina's weak spots like it was instinct. The queen arched her back, rolling her eyes back as her head pointed to the ceiling.

"Fuck!~ Guaaaards..!" She shouted, unable to fight back as her pussy was eaten by a starved orc. Her juices smeared his face as he sloppily ravaged her insides his pointy noise poking the plug inside her anus. The dwarf was laughing, the human was dumbfounded, but both had a hard on in their pants. The smaller one, way more shameless than the human and also enjoying the situation more than him, found his way to take it off his pants while still chained, and stroked himself to the show.

"You bruuuute..! Let me go right now, or I swear I'll cut your... I'll cut... I'll cuuuum..!" As she could not handle anymore the tornado in her pussy, the drow's hips spasmed as she squirted wildly, spraying the orc's face with her juices as he enjoyed the treat.

"Ooh... Ugrog was thirsty, not more... Ugrog wants cum too!" The towering orc said, giving her ass a quick slap like one would slap the shoulder of someone to congratulate them. Then, he stood up, taking his hands off the queen who instantly fell down on the floor with her ass up the air, then ripped his pants off clean with even more ease than when he ripped her panties. There stood his monster of a cock, almost twice as long as the baton whip, and thrice as thick.

"Oi, big guy! Will ya break me chains before giving her what she deserves? I want a taste too!" Shouted the dwarf, his throbbing cock still up as he oogled the queen's ass.

"Sorryyyy! Ugrog excited!" The orc said, ignoring the woman for a moment as he started pulling on his friend's chains.

"Come on, you don't wanna go too boy?" The dwarf asked as he stared at the human who looked equally startled and excited.

"... Fuck, might as well now that we're here."

And as such, the three men stared at the half naked queen, who was now trying to crawl away before the dwarf stepped on her dress. She turned around to look at them, seeing three cocks towering over her face. The human's was pretty big for his race, definitely bigger than any drow, while the dwarf's length was not much to write home about, but it's girth surpassed even the orc's. But the orc's... It could be probably used as a blunt weapon, reaching almost the drow's arm length, not that she would have time to measure.

"Very well lassie, what we have here?" The dwarf was the first to advance, staring at the butt plug that was still sitting there in her butt. Without any care, he inserted his burly fingers in the gap and pulled the thing out with one yank, answered by the gasp of the queen. "What's with this little gem? You can buy this at a dwarf's store for 20 coins, ya broke queen... Here, let me show ya some real dwarven jewelry!"

As he taunted, his fully hard cock found it's way into her butt, it's path easened by the plug's preparing but still giving her a good stretch she wasn't ready for.

"Gah! You dwarf asshole..!" She gasped again, the girthy cock hitting her like a truck.

"The asshole here is yours, dumb whore, I'mma the dwarf cock in it!" He said as he laughed heartedly at his own joke.

"Well, fuck me... Sorry, your majesty," Said the human as he found himself a spot next to the dwarf, pointing his dick's tip to the entrance of her pussy. "But I tried to fix things, you know? Things can't get worse anyway, so I'll have my fun since it's hard to find a woman when working the mines."

"Wait, Ugrog wanted pussy!"

"Sorry Ugrog, but I think it's better we leave you for last in there... Don't you like blowjobs though?"

"Oh, mouth! Ugrog loves mouth!" As the brute said, shifting from sad to happy instantly, he rushed over to the other side of the woman, stomping the floor with loud thuds, before putting his cock over her face, the tip reaching her belly button as the middle rested between her boobs, leaving his massive, hairy balls on her face.