Delicate Touches Pt. 04


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"Granted there are small minorities from different sides of the spectrum who want to drag us all into a race war or a religious war, but most of us are just trying to make the most of what we have right here and now," she reached the bottom of the vee and thumbed the button but then she released it as she heard footsteps coming from the living room.

"Someone's coming," she murmured, "sit up and I'll take another picture," she picked her camera up and pressed a button.

Mei Lin sat up slowly and put on her glasses as Nicki aimed the camera.

"Left hand up to your hair and look to the side," she murmured.

Mei Lin turned and lifted her hand as her mother stepped into the room. Nicki took the picture and then said, "okay, hand on the bed and turn your upper body towards me."

Mei Lin turned and Nicki flicked the tie across a bit and then took another picture.

Her mother coughed and mother and daughter looked at each other.

"It is going well?"

"Excellent, we've got some great shots," Nicki replied, "I haven't had such a natural model before, she's the kind of model photographers dream about having."

"She's a beautiful girl," she nodded, "we are all proud of her," she looked at her watch.

"We're going to bed, are you two going back through or can we turn the lights off?"

"I'm going to bed, mum," she replied.

"Sleep well," she smiled.

Mei Lin waited until she was in the bedroom before lying back down again.

"Speaking of sleep," Nicki patted her face, "I've got to be out of bed early and you have to pack your clothes and whatever else you're taking with you."

"Clothes mainly," she raised her leg and nudged the other door open a little wider, "a lot of clothes, I'll have to duck out and buy a roll of bin bags."

"What about the dressing table?"

"Tempting but those mirror wardrobe doors are pretty good, I might have to find a chest of drawers for my makeup and other crap," she traced a line down the front of her blouse.

She reached her belt and rubbed the buckle for a few moments and then she undid the buckle and slid her hand down behind her jeans. Nicki aimed the camera and a few seconds later she took a picture of her lying across the bed with a hand down the front of her jeans.

"Wow, that was a nice shot," Nicki took another shot, "don't worry, you can't see your face," she brought the camera forward to show her the last shot, "it just shows a woman with a hand down the front of her jeans. This is what I call an award winning shot."

"Do you want me to undo my jeans?"

"Okay," Nicki brought the camera back.

Mei Lin undid the button and slid her hand back down again while Nicki took another couple of shots, she then unzipped her jeans and Nicki instructed her to spread her legs while she took another shot.

"And now for the piece de resistance," she reached over and undid a button and parted the blouse slightly to show the hint of a bra, "hold that pose," she adjusted her camera and took three shots in succession.

"Okay," she leaned back against the bedhead, "these shots might go well in my portfolio," she patted her shoulder gently, "unless you object?"

"Not at all, glad to help."

Nothing was said for a few minutes as Mei Lin felt her own genitals. Nicki was scrolling back to look at the series of intimate shots when Mei Lin spoke again.

"This is the furthest I've gone with modelling, it's very seductive," she felt herself gingerly.

"A bit like sex," Nicki chuckled.

"Don't even mention sex," she sighed, "if I ever have sex it'll be because someone seduced me, I've tried to go all the way, ever since I came back from Singapore but every time I go out on a date with a guy, I find an excuse to get out of a second date."

She sat up slowly and stared at the wardrobe. Nicki reached out and traced a finger up her spine, Mei Lin shivered slightly and arched her back as she went higher. She reached her hair and Mei Lin flicked her hair aside to expose the back of her collar. Nicki moved up to her collar and then she got her fingers behind it. The garment rose at the front and fell at the back as she let her fingers hang on the collar. Mei Lin put both palms on the bed and leaned back slightly as Nicki drew the back of her hand across her neck.

"I meant what I told your mother just then," she murmured, "you have a natural talent, you're a photographer's dream, most models have to be instructed and arranged but you play to the camera and seem to anticipate my next move."

"I don't think I've thought of myself that way, most guys just dream of being my first fuck."

"Not just the guys," Nicki sighed, "you're a lesbian's wet dream."

Mei Lin chuckled and leaning forward, twisted around to face her. Nicki eyed her as the younger woman looked down at her. She stared at her unzipped fly and then moved up to her breasts, all it would take was a deliberate action and Nicki had the realisation that it was really that simple, and yet, she let her mind wander. It would complicate matters even further. Amanda was still very much in the forefront of her mind, fighting for dominance with Roberta and that threatened to unravel more than just her relationship with Amanda. If Darren found out he might pay her a visit and there would be harsh words spoken.

"We can't right now," she swallowed, "I have issues to sort out first, Amanda and Roberta."

"Roberta? Darren's girlfriend?"

"It happened this morning, she came onto me and I didn't resist, and now I'm trying to work out what to do next."

"I understand completely," Mei Lin swallowed, "I'm your friend and I always want to be your friend, no matter what, but I'm going to have a shower now, I'll leave a towel for you," she leaned over and kissed her on the lips, her mouth parted just slightly and then she straightened up and eased off the bed.

"I've got nighties that will fit you, I'm bigger up here," she patted her breasts and with that parting comment she left the room.

Somehow that just made things more complicated Nicki mused to herself some twenty minutes later as she stood under the shower and let the water cascade over her. If it came down to a choice between Amanda and Roberta, with Mei Lin waiting in the wings she had no doubt she'd ditch her first two choices and focus on Mei Lin instead. But that opened up another can of worms because they were going to be housemates and one of Nicki's unwritten rules was to never get involved with a housemate.

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread, she wiped the mirror with her hand some time later and stared at her reflection.

She's too good for you.

Mei Lin was wearing a cream, satin nightgown that fell to her ankles and she pulled the duvet aside as Nicki entered wearing a pair of silk pyjamas. The two women looked at each other and then Nicki closed the door. Mei Lin turned the lamp off, plunging the room into semi darkness with only a sliver of light coming from a crack in the curtains. Nicki felt as if her legs had turned to lead, a most uncharacteristic sensation for her indeed.

What am I doing?


An hour earlier.

"What are you doing?" Stella grinned as Evie carried the cake into the living room.

"I've been busy," she set the cake down, "be nice to me, this is the first cake I've made since my home economics classes in high school."

"It looks better than my cakes and I'm a veteran cake maker," she glanced at the cake.

"The last one I made in high school was with alcohol."

"They allowed that in high school? Why didn't I go to your high school?"

"It was kept under tight control," she grinned, "Mrs Roberts kept it on her desk and even when we suggested she go into the storeroom with a volunteer so we could sneak a swig she still took the bottle with her," she perched on the edge of the couch.

"But this one has no alcohol, I can promise you that."

"It wouldn't matter to me anyway," she replied, "when alcohol is cooked it loses its alcoholic content."

"I'll remember that one, I'm just going on what uncle Peter says, he even avoids foods cooked with alcohol," she picked up the knife and handed it to her, "would you do the honours?"

Stella took the knife and stuck it in the middle.

"This is something I didn't expect."

"I know, that's why I did it. I want things to be spontaneous between us."

"Hence the outfit," she smiled at her.

"You like it?"

"I do like it," Stella glanced briefly at her again, "very innocent looking."

The outfit Evie had changed into resembled a schoolgirl outfit without going all the way. She had the white blouse and striped tie along with a black, pleated short skirt and a tan cardigan.

"I haven't worn this skirt in ages," she grinned, "it showed too much of my legs."

"It still does," Stella glanced down, "a pair of stockings would do the trick," she started cutting the cake.

"I thought about it but then I had a bath and shaved my legs instead."

"Oh, did you now?" Stella's eyes twinkled merrily.

"How was your meeting?"

"It was okay, I met a new member, Charlie," she handed a plate of cake.

"Did you give her your number?"

"Yeah, it was Gina's suggestion, she brought her to the meeting."

"Cool, there's nothing wrong with that," Evie smiled as she noticed the shift in Stella's eyes, "seriously, I understand the AA way of doing things. If you take her to meetings that's fine, you have to find a way to balance your private and AA lives."

"It takes time," Stella murmured.

Stella felt some of the anxiety dissipating as they sat together on the couch. For the last few days she'd been fretting about this very subject, taking members to meetings. Usually it was men taking men and women who took women although that wasn't always possible. However, it did seek to minimise the chance of sexual temptation, often called the thirteenth step but with her sexual orientation, Stella had found that particular arrangement somewhat troublesome for obvious reasons.

Thus, to have her girlfriend virtually opening the gate left her feeling both relieved and a little anxious. She chanced a glance at Evie, the younger woman was scrolling through one of her social media feeds.

"Nicki's been busy," she commented, "check out her latest photo shoot with Mei Lin."

"My God," she leaned closer, "that's my housemate?"

"She's quite a woman," she leaned back against the back of the couch, "she's also your office temp as well."

"She posted that already?"

"She texted me," she swung her feet up onto the couch and rested her legs on Stella's legs, "so, my love. What are your plans for tomorrow?"

"Apart from sleeping in?"

"I was thinking of fucking off to Eastland in the morning and then we can go and meet my mum and Rob, my stepdad."

"I thought you were going to you know, break it to them gently."

"I was," she adjusted her position slightly, "but times have changed and so have I, it's not like she's a homophobic mother from hell and my stepdad just chills out in front of the telly or out in his man cave, he's restoring an old Monaro or has been for the last two and a half years. Mum calls it his white elephant, last Christmas she got him a wooden white elephant one of her girlfriends made in a craft class for his garage."

"She sounds like she has quite a sense of humour," Stella ran her hand along her leg.

"You have to be with the life she's had," Evie replied.

Stella tickled the back of her knee and Evie winced and then wriggled.

"Ooh, do that again."

"For how long?" Stella kept tickling.

"All night long if you want."

"What did you last slave die of?" Stella grinned.

"You'll keep," Evie closed her eyes and wriggled again as she spread her legs a little more, "you're in line for a good old fashioned clit licking."

"Promises promises," she teased her as she tickled her other knee, "I was thinking of licking your clit tonight."

"Oh, there's my favourite two words in one beautiful sentence," she giggled.

"Mine too, although I've always been partial to multiple sequential orgasms myself."

"Stop it," her eyes snapped open as she slapped her hand, "you'll make me orgasm just thinking about it."

Stella's hand slipped further down her leg and Evie smiled slyly as she lifted the skirt and spread her legs wider. Now and then Stella looked at her to find Evie with her eyes closed as Stella caressed her bare skin all the way down to her panties. When she reached the cotton knickers Evie finally opened her eyes as she pulled at her cardigan buttons. Stella rubbed her labia through the panties as she studied her face, which was slightly flushed.

The cardigan finally came apart and Evie arched her back and pulled her cardigan down her back. Stella reached out and grabbing her tie, pulled her upright. Their lips met a few seconds later, a teasing kiss followed by a more passionate one that lasted a little longer than the first kiss.

They parted briefly before starting all over again and Stella restrained herself a little as she just stuck to kissing and stroking. The rewards came soon enough when Evie changed position and straddled her. The skirt was riding high up her legs, giving Stella ample room to stroke her legs and pussy. Evie was starting to take deep, even breaths as she stroked Stella's front through the blouse. Considering her somewhat patchy dry foreplay the other night this was like night and day. Stella was definitely feeling the familiar symptoms of arousal.

She pulled down on the tie to expose the top button and Evie paused just long enough for Stella to undo the button. Their lips met in another lengthy exchange as Stella loosened the tie even more whilst Evie's fingers danced up and down her front, stimulating the delicate little nerve endings. Several times Stella thought she might very well break first and to try and push her over the edge she slipped her fingers behind Evie's knickers and slid her fingers up and down rhythmically.

Evie's breathing became ragged and she pulled the blouse out of Stella's trousers and then slid a hand all the way down her trousers until she found her moist pussy behind her knickers. She got a finger halfway up her before Stella let out a loud, "oh, my fucking God, oh fuck, oh right there."

Evie bent her finger more as she moved back and forward, stimulating her clitoral mound from behind and finding her G spot purely by accident judging by Stella's low whimpering and the fact she'd stiffened suddenly.

Evie suddenly stopped and she pulled her finger out as she glanced over her shoulder.

"Who is it?" Stella asked as lights swept across the room.

"Diane's home," she slid off her but kept a knee hooked across her.

"She won't arrest me will she?"

"God no," she slapped her arm, "I just didn't want her walking in to find me with my fingers halfway up your snatch."

Diane definitely looked bemused when she walked in a few minutes later to find the two of them just sitting there trying to look innocent.

"Well this could take a bit of getting used to," she took her police jacket off, "Evie's usually sitting in front of the telly but the live show was always more exciting."

"We were just heading off to bed," Evie replied, "help yourself to some cake."

"Did you cook this?" Diane glanced at Stella as she picked up a piece.

"Not guilty your honour," she nodded at Evie, "Evie did all the work."

"Hmm, mm," Diane murmured a few moments later, "you're a dark horse," she stepped back, "and on that note I have to hit the shower, see you two lovebirds in the morning."

"Shall we?" Evie eased off the couch.

"Pit stop," Stella straightened up, "I'll take care of this," she nodded at the cake on the tray.

"No, that's okay, I'll do it," Evie picked up the tray, "I know where everything is kept."

Stella stared at her reflection in the mirror as she washed her hands some time later in the second bathroom. She still wore the same short-sleeved pink blouse she'd worn to work although she'd dispensed with the suit trousers and jacket in favour of a pair of white jeans and a stylish brown leather jacket with dark brown, suede sleeves. The pussybow tie and first few buttons had been undone for a more after five look.

Mandy's face rose in her mind's eye once again. Evie was very much like Mandy in that she'd switched from men to women in the blink of an eye without questioning her decision. It was as if she'd just been waiting for an excuse to ditch men.

She's not Mandy, she flicked at her hair, she's Evie.

In the room down the hall she could hear running water as Diane showered. Stella stepped into Evie's room a few minutes later. She was sitting with her back against the bedhead whilst she tapped at her phone but when Stella entered the room she swiped the screen and spread her legs. The skirt rode down her legs and from this angle Stella could see her panties as she closed the door and pulled off her jacket.

"So, you've been a naughty girl," Stella murmured.

"Very naughty," she stroked her front, "I licked the spoon, twice."

"And who were you thinking of when you licked the spoon?" Stella tossed the jacket onto the end of the bed.

"I was thinking of you," Evie pulled her tie down further.

"Oh, okay," Stella reached the end of the bed and knelt on it, "well maybe I might lick your pussy instead," she crawled on all fours towards her.

Evie undid her tie as Stella reached her and then she drew her fingers up Stella's front as their lips met again in a slow, teasing kiss that turned into several more of the same. Evie undid a couple more of Stella's buttons and danced her fingertips up and down her front. The deliciously erotic sensations elicited low moans from Stella and then it was her turn to do the same to Evie, she undid three buttons and stroked her bare skin with soft spidery sweeps and then the younger woman was falling to one side and dragging Stella down with her.

Evie wound up on her back with her legs spread wide for Stella's inquiring fingers, which were soon sliding up and down her legs. She reached Evie's pussy and now the exploration became much more intense and focused. She found her moist vulva and then her opening, and not long afterwards she got her hand behind the panties so as she could get a finger inside her. Evie parted her legs even wider and placing her palm against Stella's pussy, she rocked back and forth, judging her success by the softening of Stella's eyes and the low moan she let out.

Stella moaned again as Evie found her own rhythm, dragging her fingernails over her perineum and up her zipper but gradually that slowed as Stella changed position and straddled her. She could now rest her pussy on top of Evie's and in this position she was able to rock back and forth with a lot more force. This particular manoeuvre had her wriggling beneath her and grabbing her buttocks firmly as she held on.

By the time Diane opened the back door to let Satan back inside, Evie was whimpering as Stella undid as her skirt and pulling it over her hips, she pulled the blouse up over her belly so as she could go to work on her belly, pussy and legs. Satan stopped at the bedroom door and whined as he tried to nudge the door open.

"Here, Satan," Diane grabbed his collar, "leave them be."

On the other side of the door, Stella had managed to unbutton Evie's blouse to expose her bra and the rest of her front, which had now turned darker. She drew her tongue up and down, finding her most sensitive spots and staying with them. Evie's breathing turned ragged as she became more and more aroused with each passing minute. Stella nibbled at her nipples in turn, sending her further into the abyss and yet she had enough control to pull the blouse over her shoulders and arching her back, she pulled it down and then grimaced as Stella returned to her pussy, a broad lick signalled the start of her own assault.