Demon's Punish Ch. 03


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Rhea blinked. "Say true?"

Vomit rose up his throat, and Gideon used the last of what he had to push it back down. "By my name." The weight of those words descended upon the entire room. No one could deny the authority in them. His name was power. His name moved creation.

"Truery true." Rhea retreated, rubbing her paper-thin hands together. "He says true, don't he?" She was looking at Bill now.

Bill nodded. "I felt it. My gift isn't yours, but..."

There was another scream from upstairs. Something heavy fell to the floor.

"What the fuck?" Jake said, cocking the shotgun. He swiveled between the stairs and Gideon. "What's going on?" He shook his head, blinked, and shook it again. "I thought we all agreed to smoke his punk ass."

"Jake," Bill's voice was low. "We are family." He took a step around the table. "But I am its head."

The barrel of the shotgun wavered. Two of the troupe made a slow approach behind Jake. He whipped around. "Back up Jimbo. You too Sam-sam."

Rhea glared at Jake, but didn't seem to be able to do the same trick twice. She hissed. "I'll curse ye, boy."

Jake backed up towards the front door until he could keep everyone within view. "He's getting into your heads people. As a family, we agreed. We got approval." He pounded his chest. "He took from us."

"Think of Ang, JJ."

"Old gran will..."

"Nay boy. I were of a wrong mind." Rhea shook her head. "Time! Thinking with your thinker. She dies on you." Rhea leveled one gnarled finger at Jake. "Ye ter blame. Ye." Rhea glared.

"Hey," Bill said, cutting in. "It's my call. She's my blood. You would deny me?"

"But him!" Jake pointed with his shotgun.

Gideon could just watch. He had nothing left to speak with. Even keeping his eyes open was becoming too much. One of his lids drooped closed. Keeping one open was a bit easier than both. Breathing was still brutal with the flechettes in his neck. Maybe it was time to let go and try again with another life. Gideon's one good eye settled on Jake. There wasn't much he could do with rage and envy.

Lavinia screamed and wiggled against the two men holding her down. "He's dying you fucking idiots!"

All eyes turned to Gideon. Gideon's lips pulled but a centimeter. He fought to keep his good eye open a sliver, but he was beginning to think he was better off conserving his energy for breathing.

Bill looked at the troupers. "Let her go. Maybe she-"

Something exploded upstairs. Heavy footsteps pounded down the hallway.

"Oh god," Jake said, pivoting the shotgun towards the stairs. "It's out of her. Oh god no."

Bill whirled. "Ang? Girl you there?"

"Food." Her voice was low and husky. "Eat. Eat." She chanted over and over as her foot fell down each stair. "Eat. Eat." Darkness clung to her like black tar. Shadows lengthened. Her belly was large and swollen. It moved. Things within it stretched and slithered against the skin. Half-way down the stairs, she leapt and landed amongst the troupers. Her eyes were terrible and huge. "Food," she said again. "Eat. Eat." She hopped onto the nearest man, pinning him to the ground. "Eat. Eat." She put her lips over his.

The man's hair fell out of his head. His skin shriveled. Age spots blossomed over his face. He aged decades in seconds. She lifted her head when there was nothing left but a husk.

Everyone in the room stood in shock.

She sprung forward into the air and leapt across the room to the table. She landed on top of Gideon, scattering the blooded salt and knocking off a bunch of acupuncture needles. Her giant black eyes could have been looking at everything or nothing. It was impossible to tell. She nuzzled Gideon's chest but howled when she came away with his blood.

Gideon was working hard on breathing. He'd decided keeping his eyes open wasn't worth the effort. Even so, since it was so painful to take a breath, he tried not to move his lungs unless necessary. He waited until his lungs burned and panic raced through his brain. Then he pushed them to take in a breath. There was no longer a sense of time or even existing within creation. He was a breath followed by nothing and another breath sometime later. Inhale. Nothing. Exhale. Inhale. Wait. Waiting. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.

Tendrils of lust and greed laced within the cold air. Desires and unsatisfied needs joined these. It was crumbs. To a man starving to death, it was a feast. He found that he could be breath. With another breath he could also be flesh around the bladder filling and deflating with the air. More still, he could protect that air bladder with a prison of bone. From the bone there could be muscle to move the bone when the bladder needed to fill. Muscle to push the bone and collapse the bladder of air when needed. Muscle gave way to blood and in time flesh to put a pretty veneer upon the whole thing. That in turn needed materials to support and repair, so a tube and means of digestion came into being. This new stuff needed muscle to move and bone to protect. It also required skin to contain it all. Of course he needed a way to get the materials into the tube, to analyze those materials, to grind them, and to move to them.

--- --- ---

He felt surrounded by body heat and sweat. Hair tickled his lips. The pain was there, but it was receding. These new sensations replaced the agony. He heard snoring and smelled body fluids. A thousand more sensations joined those.

Gideon opened his eyes and found Lavinia's body coiled around his. Her head rested on his chest. She was naked. Behind her, a man was snoring with one of his hairy arms tossed over Lavinia's waist. The man's flaccid penis dribbled semen. Another guy was wedged against the first man. Gideon blinked, rising up onto an elbow. He was at the epicenter of a massive orgy. Had they all fucked over his dying body?

He knit his brows, trying to work the mystery out. He'd needed essence; perhaps his anima had leaked out and drawn them to him? Someone had removed all the flechettes and needles, or they had fallen out on their own. He saw a bucket nearby filled with both. He suspected that would have been Lavinia. Maybe she had cleaned him up and then convinced the guys to go at it in the hope of resurrecting him? It was a nice thought. Then again, he doubted altruism would have been behind that desperate act. Without him, she was just a girl who had seen too much and wanted more than she had. She was like all these people around him.

He ran his hands over her body, searching for any signs of abuse. He found none. At least he didn't have to waste time hurting the troupers. No, he'd rather not tip off Jake, Rhea, and Bill. None of whom were down stairs.

He slid out from under Lavinia and crawled over the men passed out around Lavinia. He counted seven men reeking of semen and sweat. He felt the aftermath of their orgasms and the sleep that beckoned.

He pulled himself to his feet, using a nearby chair for support. He teetered but found his balance. He felt like shit and looked worse. Waves of dizziness rolled over him. Nausea wracked his stomach. What was left of his lesser self wanted to vomit, but his greater self wouldn't allow it.

Without thinking about it, his fingers flickered through a few gestures. His dark essence ballooned out from him to touch all of the sleeping men downstairs. "Sleep." Except that wasn't the word he spoke. It was something else. New memories were pushing their way into the front of his mind, but he didn't have time for them yet. He anchored himself in the present and the memories receded back into the darkness.

"Ugh." Gideon found moving his throat without the help of essence much more then that impossible. He caught the smell of his mother's cooking. He swung his head around. Sure the other half the troupe was passed out in the kitchen. They were asleep with bits of noodle and cheese splattered over their faces, spoons slack in their hands.

Naked still, he walked into the kitchen and looked at the five gallon pot tipped over on the counter. There was a little left at the bottom. He scooped out a handful and let it rest on his tongue. He savored the flavor, and then let it nourish his body. A few more mouthfuls finished off the pot.

His throat felt better. His body looked better. His scabs were falling away, revealing puckered dabs of pink skin. He worked his jaw from side to side, experimenting with moving his tongue around his mouth. It was still dry. He turned on the faucet and sucked at the gushing cold water. He drank until his belly bloated. Then he turned around and tilted his head back up to the ceiling. He was starting to feel whole.

All of the troupe, those who had slaked their desires in gluttony or lust, were asleep downstairs. He straddled the doorway between the kitchen and the dining room. This was going to make him feel even better.

He raised his hands, working his fingers in different independent gestures. They helped smooth out the friction and inefficiencies in invoking his own name for a curse. "By my name, I curse thee. May you ever remember this night as the last that you were able to sate your desires." He felt the curse slither out as tendrils of dark energy worming their ways into the souls of the troupers around him. Their bodies shuddered as the curse was written upon their bodies.

He nodded to himself. It did feel great to punish the wicked. He stretched, popping bones and snapping tendons back into place.

He walked back over to where Lavinia was curled in the center of the men that had fucked her. He stepped over their bodies, bent down, and lifted Lavinia up. He carried her over to the living room, which was empty. He laid her back down and inspected her body again. Other men's body fluids lingered in her mouth, pussy, and ass. It was a minor thing now to abjure those substances.

His fingers flashed through a series of movements over her pelvis. He pressed upon several of her meridian points, activating dormant pathways of power with a transference of his own essence. The darkness rolled down her belly and scoured the inside of her holes. He performed the same rite over her head. It took only a few seconds.

He pulled Lavinia to him. Her lips were soft and supple. He took something from that kiss, feeling the heat it ignited in the rest of her body. Her lips were not enough. He wanted to taste her.

His cock flexed against where it rested along her back. Little fangs, like the mouth of a serpent, extended from the head of his cock. They dribbled an aphrodisiac that was injected into her body as the fangs pierced her skin. It was weird having a cock that was both penis and snake in some sort of odd but functional hybrid. It almost had a mind of its own. Maybe it did, because it wanted to cram itself down her throat and then pound away at her pussy until she ached. Gideon very much wanted these things as well.

Sure, there was some crazy shit going on upstairs, but for right now, he needed to do this. Worse case, Angie would come bounding down the stairs as some hellish, death machine of destruction, but Gideon was sure he could handle Angie.

"Gideon." Lavinia's voice was hoarse. Her eyes fluttered, and she scrambled to sit up. "Oh fuck." Her body shuddered. She spread her legs and thrust her hips up at him.

"Easy," Gideon said, slapping her pussy.

Lavinia pouted. "I..I'll be a good kitty."

Gideon grinned. "There we go." His hand lingered over her swollen lips. He traced a slow circle around their perimeter. They were already slick. "You really want it don't you?"

"Mhmm," Lavinia took a deep breath and held it, nodding her head. Her fingers played with the carpet.

"Good kitty." He stroked the cleft of her pussy like someone would a pet. "I have three questions. Then maybe I'll reward you."

Lavinia's hips bucked as he played with the inside of her. She moved in a series of jittering thrusts. Her ass rose off the carpet then fell back. "Oh." She thrust again, wiggling her pussy around his finger. "Kay."

Gideon shook his head, swatting her once again upon her sex. "Bad kitty."

"Fuck." Her little face screwed up in pain, then relaxed as he resumed his slow stroke of her pussy. "B-but I want it. I needs it bad."

Gideon brushed over her outer labia, flicking the pulsing pink flesh blossoming out from within. "It's a pretty pussy, I'll give you that." He lifted his finger to his mouth and licked along his soaked finger like it was a lollipop. "So what did I miss?"

Lavinia bit her lip. Her hips shuddered, making small thrusts into his finger, but then stopping herself when Gideon raised an eyebrow. "But, ah, when you di-died." She lifted herself up on her elbows, watching his finger play with her pussy. Her fingers grabbed fistfuls of carpet and clung to them for support. "The old bitch went upstairs...with that girl and a few others. Guy that shot you. The other one, ah the leader? I don't know. When"

"They took the coup?"

"No, that girl ate them and passed out. Then whatever was in her stomach started going wild."

"Womb." Gideon frowned but got distracted appreciating Lavinia's curves. He lowered his lips and kissed along her belly button. "I forged a weapon in her womb." He stopped and kissed the space between her pelvis and navel. "Right here, where life is made." He raised his head and looked into her eyes. "Might not have been my brightest idea, but limited options and all." He shrugged.

"Is that what you did with the other girl back-" Lavinia trailed off, as her body shuddered through the rising tide of an orgasm. "An-another toooool?" Her voice trailed off as pleasure peaked within her body.

Gideon was only playing with her pussy, but still he could feel the effect it was having on her.

"Well, a sword needs a shield, but I don't think I got that right. And I needed to buy us sometime. They shouldn't move until after the poker game."

"It's been about an hour."

"Probably fifty-seven minutes." Gideon compressed his lips, looking over her body. Lavinia's tits were tight mounds with nipples erect and hard.

He was naked; the flechettes were gone. He still had scars around his wrists and ankles from the iron chains. "Who cleaned me"

"You died, Gideon!" Her body wriggled. He looked away, withdrawing his finger from her and instead gathering her up in his arms. "I felt you go cold. I...I don't think they'd have left you down here alive. The girl went down when you died. Then the ones that mattered got busy with taking the girl upstairs. Everyone else went wild for those noodles. Then I felt it; it's not supposed to happen. I'm too weak, but it did."

"What?" Gideon looked back down at her. There was something different about her.

"My blood. We call it the Eld. I'm not sure what your kind calls it. Amongst the Flame Kissed we call it an Awakening. But it always requires death, like your death. For the mortal to give way to the divine. Somehow I did it without. Maybe we did it together. You weren't coming back to life. body went all hot with need. The men came." She blushed and looked away from his dark eyes.

Gideon sought after her gaze, lowering a hand to turn her head back to his. "You fucked all those men. Took something from them. Gave it to me." He didn't need to ask questions now, he was beginning to connect old memories with new. "Eld. Elder Blood. Divine. Infinite. The Little Death." His head was spinning as flashes of walking amongst disciples flickered in a series of black and white images. He blinked them back, he could get lost in those memories. There were more than he could review in his lifetime.

"I'm fairly certain Angie wasn't supposed to eat the coup. I had an image in my mind of your belly button piercing, binding the coup there over her womb."

With very little effort, Lavinia rolled Gideon over on top of her. "That was four questions. I want more." As she raised her hips to meet his, his cock dove into her wet slit.

He let all those worries and concerns fall away. He wanted to fuck her senseless. He wanted a taste of Angie, but right now he wanted to fill-up Lavinia. He went deep into her and bottomed out, his balls slapping against her thighs. He reached down and lifted her legs up and spread them out wide so he could get full access. Using her legs as purchase, he went wild.

After abusing her for several minutes, he flipped her over, pushing her head down into the carpet. He slapped her ass, growling, "Get that up into the air."

Lavinia hissed at the cessation of fucking, but responded as commanded. She waved her ass in the air. The slender curves of her waist flexed out around her hips and ass. Gideon gave it another slap, leaving a bright red print. "Higher."

She lifted her waist up higher, curling her head around so she could watch him with wide eyes. She bit her lower lip. "Please don't stop."

Gideon lowered a hand into her mess of dark hair. Leaned over and kissed the side of her mouth. He wrapped his arms around her waist and rubbed his cock along her slit. The mouth of his penis, still part snake, bit her clitoris.

"Fuck...that..." Lavinia started to pant. "Hurts so good."

Gideon grinned, leaned back, and thrust his cock into her pussy. There was no foreplay left. Now he just pile drove his cock into her wet, hot hole over and over again. His balls slapped against her ass checks. Up and down, in and out, like the beat of an insane drum, his plowed and pushed himself into her.

Lavinia panted, making low purring mewling sounds. Drool trickled from her mouth and her eyes rolled back into her head. Her body shivered and rose and fell through one orgasm and went right into the ascent of another. "Ah...uh...oh..." She cycled through the most basic of vowel sounds.

He grabbed her hair, wrapping it around one of his hands and pulled her back up on to her hands. Her head wanted to fall forward, but he tugged her back up. "Look at me while I fuck you." His voice was a low growl.

"Uh...okay." She said, pushing back against his every thrust, rushing to meet him every time.

"You wanted this." He raised his other hand and struck her ass. He pulled back on her hair like it was the reigns to a horse. He thrust back into her until his thighs met hers. "You're my toy."

"MhMmmm, yes master."

"That's right." He thrust again, pulled out and slapped her ass cheeks until both were cherry red. He kept a tight hold on her hair, giving it a yank every time she tried to turn away. "I never said I'd be nice."

"No. No. I. I. Just want to be yours. Please."

Then they both came in violent spurts. He felt the darkness pouring out of him and into her, but he also felt her fire envelop him.

In the aftermath as they cuddled, him on his back and her leaning on his chest with one naked thigh slung over his waist, Gideon was surprised by the cruelty of those final moments. He hadn't given a fuck about Lavinia, just wanted to make her his, to use her like a tool. It was too late to go back, but he hoped he didn't become a total asshole.

"Are you okay?" He asked after the silence had stretched out.

"Yeah, that was awesome."

"I was a little worried about the end."

"No, it's how I like it. How I need it really."

"Good." Gideon gave Lavinia a light tap. "Okay help me up. I got some people to punish and a girl to save."

Lavinia helped him to his feet. He teetered but found his balance. He felt like shit and looked worse. Waves of dizziness rolled over him. Nausea wracked his stomach. His lesser self wanted to vomit, but his greater self wouldn't allow it.

--- --- ---

Gideon took his time with each step up the stairs. He didn't know why. It wasn't dread over what he had to do next. The opposite was true. He savored what was to come. He wanted to remember this moment. The feeling of righteousness guiding his hand to punish the wicked. They had not only left him for dead; they had killed him. The fact that his death hadn't stuck, was minor in his mind. And now there was only one self. He wasn't sure, but he was greater than what he had been before. He realized that yesterday had only been foreplay to his emergence. He wasn't a new born colt blundering through the world. He had awareness of what was behind his actions now.