Derek's Party Fun Ch. 01-02

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A young man slowly learns his powers, through a fun game.
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Author's Note: Hey readers! Feel free to skip this if you want to get straight into the story. I am mostly just rambling about random stuff. This is my first time writing anything like this, or really writing anything in several years. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I will be honest, this is mostly a first draft, with very minimal editing. If I decide that this is something I want to do more of, I will probably rewrite the first few chapters, but for now I just wanted to get something out there. I thought the setting made it clear, but just in case, all characters involved in the story are over the age of 18. I hope this tickles your fancy, as it did mine while writing it. Comments are always appreciated.

Chapter 1

I was just out of high school when I first realized the issue I had. Of course, at the time it didn't feel like much of an issue. I couldn't tell you how long I had the power, since it tends to be pretty subtle, and I was probably using it long before I realized it. It is probably the reason that I coasted through high school as easily as I did. But that is the the boring stuff no one really wants to hear about. Lets get right to the first time I realized I had the power to make others do whatever I wanted them to.

Austin was dragging me along to the post graduation party. I probably would have just stayed at home, but he can be quite insistent, and to be fair, he made sure I always had a good time, so I trusted his judgement a lot more than my own about these things. The party was being held at an event center. The senior class president had gotten the schools approval to spend the rest of their budget to throw a giant party after graduation, and thanks to a variety of loopholes, there would be minimal supervision. There were still some rules in place, as it was a school sponsored event on paper, but Austin was sure that once it passed midnight, things were going to get crazy.

We walked in around half past 9, and followed the signs past the indoor soccer field, and around a corner to the "Basketball Courts". There were two courts side by side, with bleachers that could be pulled out of the walls on the sides, but you could barely tell that was what they had been, as the floor space was taken up by a few inflatable games, and a mess of tables, rugs, and balloons. Along one wall there was a buffet table with snacks and drinks, watched over by the three school staff that were supervising: Principal Vikovic, a portly woman in her 50s who was known to be rather strict, Ms. Munoz; fresh out of college and teaching Spanish and history; and Mr. Edmonds, the giant of a man who taught Gym, but didn't give a hoot what the students did outside of his class.

For the first couple hours we just enjoyed the regular side of the party, trying out the different games and events. From the rock wall, to the staff fighting ring (you stand on two posts in a giant inflatable ring, and are given excessively padded sticks to knock the other person off their stand.) to the inflated obstacle course. In between I found myself talking to the other graduates, and overall just losing myself in the fun and games. But around midnight Austin tapped me on my shoulder, and pointed towards the door, where I could see Principal Vikovic slipping out, leaving the two much more lax teachers to supervise.

"Now the real party begins, Derek" His words would prove more true than he could have known.

Within minutes Alcohol emerged from seeming nowhere. Ms. Munoz looked a little worried, but Mr. Edmonds wrapped his arm around her, and whispered something in her ear that seemed to calm her down.

"Some people wanted to play soccer, and we need you." Austin had thrown his hand on my shoulder, and was gently pulling me away from my plate of chips and dip.

"You know I was never big into sports." I said as I reached for one last bite before he inevitably pulled me away.

"Trust me on this. It's guys vs girls, and Alexis started talking about making some wagers on it. With Vikovic gone, I get the feeling this is going to be where you want to be." At the mention of Alexis I let myself be dragged away. I had been nurturing a giant crush on her for a year or more, but never had the courage to do anything about it. It didn't help that she constantly seemed to have some other boy she was hanging around.

"Fine, but I don't make any promises about how well I can play." I wasn't in bad shape, but I was much more of a theatre kid than a jock. I let Austin lead me to the soccer fields, and I was a little shocked at the group that I saw there. Alexis was there of course. She was tall for a girl, standing just a hair over 6 foot, although you never would have gotten her to admit to anything over 5' 11", with long black hair done up in a ponytail that stuck out the back of her baseball cap. She had on a blue dress that fell about halfway between her knee and her ankle, with a slit on the right side that went about half way up her thigh. The other girls with her were a far bigger surprise, since they were not exactly known for running in the same crowds.

To her right was Felicia, the prom queen and chief bully of the school. Her blond hair was in a pixie cut, and her short green dress was far to reminiscent of Tinkerbell to be a coincidence, especially complimenting her diminutive stature at exactly 5 foot. It definitely served to highlight her curves though, and while here personality might have been the worst, the same could not be said for her body. She of course was flanked by her two cronies, Maddison and Ivy. Maddison was almost the lesser Felicia. Roughly the same height, but while Felicia had perfect blond hair, Maddison's was tinged with light brown. Felicia had curves that defied her stature, and Maddison's were all a size or two smaller. I had always assumed Felicia kept her around so she could always feel better about herself in comparison. Ivy on the other hand looked nothing like her friends. Her hair was dyed a dark green, and she had tattoos of plants climbing her arms, and disappearing beneath her white empire waist dress with cap sleeves. Ivy was the muscle of Felicia's little crew, used when Felicia's words weren't quite enough to get what she wanted.

One the guy's side we had me, who in spite of being 6 and a half foot tall, and reasonably fit, was fairly uncoordinated and largely inexperienced in the game. I had only played it when we had to as part of Gym class. Austin should do well enough. He was fairly short, at 5' 7" but he was built like a brick, and surprisingly fast. Apparently he had roped in Kyle, who was about 6', and bounced around pretty much all the sports. He was never a star player, but he should be good enough to give us a bit of an edge. Unfortunately I wasn't seeing a fourth player for our team.

"Lets get this rolling. When you score a goal, you get to make someone on the opposite team do a dare. If they decline, you get one of their items of clothing instead. Everyone good on the rules?" Alexis announced.

"Wait, why is it three against 4? Shouldn't the teams be even?" Kyle was looking nervous, but I thought we still had the upper hand. Alexis was probably pretty good, and Ivy might be a challenge, but Maddison and Felicia probably wouldn't be able to do very much to stop us three guys. Not to mention Kyle could probably run circles around their best player.

"So you little losers don't think you can win against a bunch of girls in dresses? I should have known they were too big of cowards for this Alexis. I don't know how you talked us into this. Come on girls, lets get out of here." Felicia waved to Maddison and Ivy and started walking to the door, and I could have sworn I saw Alexis wink at Austin, but it happened to fast to be sure.

"Now, don't be a spoilsport Felicia, Kyle just gets caught up in the spirit of a fair game sometimes. I know you wouldn't want your last act in front of the class to be running away from a fight." Austin stepped in front of Felicia. "Trust me, you don't want to miss out on this chance."

"Fine." Felicia sighed as she stepped back into line with Alexis. "Lets get this started already."

Alexis dropped a ball in the center of the court, and Austin stood across from her. Kyle and I stood several feet back and to each side, while the bully squad formed the rest of a diamond shape behind Alexis.

"Three!" called out Felicia from the back. "Two! One!" On one Alexis started forward, and Austin charged right after, quickly stealing the ball back and driving down the field. Ivy started running towards him, and so I sprinted towards her. Austin started cutting to his right, and I caught up and placed myself between Ivy and Austin. Austin passed the ball to Kyle, who kicked it into the goal from three quarters of the way down the field.

"So I get to give the girls a dare?" Kyle asked, clearly not quite comfortable with the game just yet.

"Yup! Take your pick!" Alexis was grinning, which seemed odd, but maybe she was banking on the fact that us guys would rather get back at the girls who had mocked us all through high school.

"Then, Maddison, I dare you to kiss someone here, with tongue." Maddison looked a little nervous, and glanced down at her shoes, 3" red heels that contrasted with her long green dress. She started to kick them off, clearly choosing to give them up rather than have do the dare, but froze when Felicia started speaking.

"Don't you dare back down from this Maddy. They are not getting one up on us this fast. You ARE going to kiss someone." Maddison slowly nodded, then started shuffling towards Kyle. "No! The guys aren't going to get that much play out of us. Go to Ivy. NOW!"

That was pretty much how Felicia always treated Maddison, and the dare hadn't specified who the kiss was for, so I let this slide without commenting on it. Maddison walked up to Ivy, and nervously put her arm on Ivy's shoulder. "Umm. Hi." Maddison was clearly trying to work herself up to it, and she squeaked when Ivy leaned over and kissed her. I would be lying if I said it wasn't hot, but right as Maddison started to seem more comfortable, and lean back into Ivy, Felicia stopped it all.

"Ok! That's enough! Lets get back to the game." Maddison broke away quickly, turning away from Ivy, and we all jogged back to our positions on the field. The next round went quick enough, and Austin scored the goal, sending the ball right between Felicia's feet as she stood in front of the net.

"Well, Felicia, since you let that one in so easily, I think this dare has to be for you." Felicia's glare was withering, but Austin couldn't stop smiling smugly. "And since you were so adamant that Maddison not skip out on the dare, I am sure you will be willing to take this one no problem."

"Damn straight. I can take whatever dare you're puny brain can think of." She crossed her arms under her surprisingly large breasts for her size, lifting them up into an impressive shelf. "What's it gonna be?"

"I dare you to give your panties to Derek, if your wearing any. If you are not, you have to prove it by letting me feel under your skirt for 5 seconds."

"That can't be a legal dare! I would have to lose some clothing either way! Pick something else!" Felicia hissed.

"Actually, I find the dare totally different from the forfeit. If you give up some clothing, you pick the piece, and it goes to Austin. If you accept the dare, that choice is gone, and it goes to Derek. Totally different, and perfectly valid." Alexis winked at me, then smiled down at Felicia. "What's it going to be?" What on earth was Alexis trying to say with that wink?

Felicia went from petulant, to furious, to restrained calm over a couple seconds, then slipped her hands under her dress, a fact made easier since it only went partially down her thighs anyway. "Fine. As I said, I can take whatever dare you can think up. Don't think something like this will stop me." And then in one motion she brought her hands down to her ankles, and then stepped out of the lacy green panties. My dick went the opposite direction, tenting the front of my slacks as she sauntered up to me, making sure to keep a saucy sway in her hips that I now knew where bare under that dress. "And get that under control before something happens to slam into it during the game." She whispered in my ears as she tucked them into my pocket, then straightened my erection before she pulled her hand out. "I had better get these back after the game."

"Actually, I think you may find that I don't." I mentally froze, even as more words kept pouring out of my mouth. "The dare was give them to me, not loan them to me. They are mine now." I could not have told you what possessed me in that moment, but I fully expected to be slapped in the face as I heard myself say them.

"Fuck. Fine. Maybe we can come to an agreement later then? I really like those ones." My brain refused to process what she meant by that, and I just nodded, still expecting something terrible to happen. She stepped away, and returned to her normal aggressive tone. "Shall we get back to it? Ivy, you need to pull your weight this time. I saw you pulling back last time when you were supposed to be blocking Kyle!"

And just like that, I had used my power for the first time.

Chapter 2

The complete shock of what just happened lingered through the next round, and Alexis sent the ball right past me and across the field to Ivy, who managed to sink a goal as the rest of our team was playing offense. "I think Kyle should play the rest of the game with his shoelaces tied together." She was clearly aiming to score more points in the long run by handicapping our best player. That would basically give them twice as many people as we had, and I was about to protest when Kyle put his hand on my shoulder, and shook his head. He knelt down to take off his shoes, tied the laces together, and then tossed them to Ivy.

"Just take them then. Ready for the next round?" Ivy looked a little disappointed, but tossed the shoes to the side line and nodded, then moved back to position. The next round took a little while, as everyone was playing defensively, but finally I saw an opening. Kyle had been busy keeping the ball away from Ivy and Felicia, while Alexis was covering Austin. I managed to slip in front of Maddison, and signaled to Kyle that I was open, and he shot the ball my way. I managed to get ahold of it, and it wasn't too hard to keep it away from Maddison, which left their goal wide open. Felicia was running straight for the net, while Ivy stayed on Kyle, so I took my shot. It went really wide, and I thought I had totally screwed up the play, but it bounced off the wall, and just barely slipped into the net from the side.

"That shouldn't count!" Felicia yelled breathlessly, having been playing hard for the last 5-ish minutes. "It totally went out of bounds!"

"Yeah, but no one touched it while out of bounds, so I think it's still good." Austin immediately stood up for my goal, then bent over panting to catch his breath.

"Fine, let's vote on it." Felicia said with her characteristic smirk. "Everyone who thinks that counts?" She must have been confident that having 4 players on her team would ensure her the win, but she obviously hadn't counted on Alexis' more sporting interpretation of the rules, as 4 hands went up. "Alexis! What are you trying to pull here? That obviously doesn't count! Put your hand down!"

"Nah, I think it's fine. It's just a game for fun, and the ball is in the net, so I say it counts." She smirked right back at Felicia, then turned to me. "Derek? What's the dare?"

"Good question. I think ... Felicia, since you didn't want to count the goal, I dare you" and once again I heard myself saying the words before I had thought through them. "to suck my dick for a minute." At this point I wasn't sure if it was the fact that I had only gotten about 6 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours, or the fact that I likely wouldn't be seeing these people again for several years if at all, but my brain had apparently told it's filters to take the night off.

"Did you say a minute because that is the longest you have ever lasted? You should be praying you don't blast your load the moment I breathe on it." Felicia was walking closer, swinging those hips as she came.

"I mean, I was trying to be fair, giving you a quick way out, but if you want I'll give you a second bet." I really did need to get that filter put back on. I had no idea where I was going with this. "If I can last 5 minutes of you blowing me you give me your dress." What did I just say? Brain! Get back in charge and stop letting me think with my dick!

"What did you say?" Felicia stopped in her tracks, and glared at me. That was fair. But apparently my filterless brain wasn't about to stop talking.

"You heard me, if I last 5 minutes of your best blowjob, you have to give me your dress. Unless you are to scared you're going to lose." There was no way she should fall for bait that flimsy. Absolutely no way.

"Fine, you have a deal." And she closed the last of the distance between us and fell to her knees. What in the history of insanity is going on?!? This has to be either a prank, or a dare, or something, because this should not be happening. Her hands came up, and her fingers traced my hard cock through my pants then went to my zipper. "Does someone have a timer?" she called over her shoulder, her hands prepared to pull the zipper down, but waiting for that confirmation.

Everyone looked shocked, as no one expected things to go quite like this. Austin was the first to break free from the stupor. "Umm, yeah, give me a minute." He pulled his phone from his pocket, and fumbled with the touch screen for a bit. "Alright, Ready, set, GO!"

The moment he said go, Felicia slammed open the zipper and fished my erection out of my pants, then licked it from base to tip. She paused with her tongue still touching me right at the frenulum, then pulled it in and blew gently, making me shudder as the cool air caressed my dick, especially where her tongue had left it wet. This made her smile for a brief moment, but then she shoved it all the way to the back of her throat, closed her lips around the shaft, and started to apply suction, then slowly slid it out until the inside of her lips were touching the base of the head. She held it there for about 3 seconds, then started circling the tip with her tongue, then pushed it back in slowly, keeping her tongue actively stimulating me throughout. I almost blew my load right then, but she stopped when my dick hit her throat with a soft sound, and held it there for a moment, and I was able to shake my brain free start holding myself back. I found it bizarrely helpful to focus on why exactly this was happening, and this was the first time I had any idea as to what my gift could have been.

Why would she take this deal. Obviously it is a bad deal, and it doesn't stand to earn her anything. She only stands to lose. And to lose a lot. She had moved one hand onto my backside, and the other was stroking my shaft as she made short bobs with her head. I mean, for that matter, why are we playing this game in the first place? Why would Alexis set this up? Did she just want Austin, Kyle and I to bring Felicia and her cronies down a peg or two? Then why is she in this game? Wouldn't it be better to just pit us against them? Maybe she needed to be part of the game to get Felicia to agree? She turned her head so I was thrusting into her cheek while she flicked her tongue all over my dick, and her hand was fondling my balls. Oh FUCK that feels nice. NO! Focus.

What does Felicia get out of this game? Did she think she was going to get to strip us and then get to mock us one last time before she left for college? Was she trying to get Alexis to be embarrassed publicly? But it seemed like Alexis was the one to instigate this whole thing. But Felicia also has seemed bizarrely accommodating with the dares. Why would she just accept that I get to keep her underwear? Maybe she just didn't want to make a scene then? But Felicia has never avoided causing a scene before. In fact she probably caused more scenes in public than everyone else in the school put together. She went back to deep, hard thrusts, trying to force my dick into her throat, causing her mascara to run as it forced tears to her eyes. This had better not last much longer. Focus! She wanted them back, until I told here the dare was to give them, not loan them. Maybe she just sticks to the rules of the game? That might be it. But then why would she accept this second dare for her dress. I mean, I did impugn her fellatio skills, which are certainly not lacking. NO! Focus, don't think about that. Baseball, diamonds, Grandma, diapers, anything else. FOCUS!