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Jill hoped that the offer of remuneration would satisfy this obviously wealthy man and that he would let it go with the apology.

"Thank you for the apology. I think we are off to a good start here, Jill." The big man leaned back in his chair and crossed an ankle over his knee. This movement pulled his pants tight against his groin, displaying a hefty bulge. "My Grandmother was a very strict old lady, but she was very smart too. One of the things she taught me was that the words 'I'm sorry' were only the smallest part of an apology."

Jill's stomach twisted. What did he want from her? Where was this leading?

"She said that an apology consisted of three things. First, an admission of guilt. I think we can say that you took care of that for me by coming here. Second, there should be an honest expression of sorrow that you caused someone harm. Now a cynic might say that you haven't met the mark here. He might say that you are just sorry that you got caught." Raymond paused, letting the tension build. "But I am not a cynic. I believe in the goodness of people. I am willing to let your expression of sorrow for your actions stand as meeting the second criterion."

Jill almost fainted with relief. Things were going to be fine. She smiled at Raymond, encouraging him to go on.

"The third and final part of an apology, according to my Grandmother, was an attempt to make right what ever the wrong was. Now you said that you can't pay me right away for the repairs to my car, and I'm sure you can't reimburse me for the inconvenience of having to have it fixed. While I appreciate the offer of weekly payments, you have to understand that I am a lawyer, not a banker. I don't think that will work."

Jill felt tears coming to her eyes. "But I don't have enough..."

Raymond leaned forward, "This is where I am willing to be flexible. I am willing to let you work off your debt to me. I will give you a job here in the office. As part of the deal, I keep half your wages until we are even. I know what you are making now, I'm willing to double what they are paying you. That way you won't even miss the money you are paying me."

Jill was surprised. Double her salary. That would be incredible...too incredible. "Why would you do that Mr. Johnson? It doesn't seem like you get much out of the deal."

"But I would, Jill." Raymond smiled confidently. He picked up the phone and told Laura to join them. "I would get a lot out of the deal. You see, the work you do for me would bring me great satisfaction."

Laura Weldon came into the office and walked up to Raymond. "Show Jill what you do best, Laura." said Raymond.

Laura knelt down between Raymond's legs, unzipped his pants, and withdrew his black cock. She stroked it a couple of times. Then she glanced at Jill, winked, and then she sucked Raymond's cock into her mouth.

Jill sat frozen in place. She could not believe what she was seeing. This well dressed business woman was casually sucking on the thick black cock. Her pale skin contrasting with the darkness of his. Jill could see the shine of her saliva on his skin. She didn't know what to do. One minute she was having a perfectly "acceptable" discussion with a businessman in his office, the next she was the audience for an X rated display.

Jill was experiencing a confusion of emotions. She was shocked at what was happening. She could feel the weight of her societal and cultural upbringing telling her that a wanton public display like this, especially one crossing racial boundaries, was bad. At the same time, it was fascinating, even exciting, to watch. Laura was going for the gold from the moment her lips touched his cock. No teasing, no gentle licking. She was stroking him from base to head and twisting her head around his black cock hard and fast. Jill felt a thrill run through her. This was so close to the fantasies she and Gary had.

It didn't take long for Raymond to come. Laura's head froze over his cock. She looked like she was trying to suck his balls through his dick. Jill had never seen anything like it. Finally, Raymond relaxed. Laura raised up and looked right at Jill. She smiled and licked her wet lips. Then she carefully put Raymond's still-half-hard penis back in his pants and zipped them up. She left the room without having spoken a word.

Raymond looked over at Jill as the door shut behind Laura. "You see Jill? Great satisfaction."

Jill was still in shock over the whole thing. He would let her pay for the damage to the car with sex. It was one thing to imagine kinky stuff in bed with Gary. Heck, it was even OK for her to get a little thrill from having watched that little display Raymond just put on. But to actually do way. He was going way to far. "Mr. Johnson, I don't know what kind of operation you are running here, and I frankly don't care. I am a happily married woman. I was raised with certain values and standards of behavior. I have offered to make the damage to your car right the best I know how. What you are suggesting is wrong and I won't be a party to it."

Jill stood to leave. Raymond picked up a remote controller and said, "Before you leave, Jill, you might want to watch this." He pointed the remote at a TV and VCR set into the bookshelf across from his desk.

What Jill saw froze her in place. It was another security camera video of her in the parking lot. This time it showed her and an unidentifiable person standing next to her car. A young black boy came up to Jill and handed her money. In return, Jill reached into the car and pulled out a small bag and handed it to the boy. He then turned and walked off. There were ten minutes of "deals" spliced together on the video that Raymond showed her.

Jill was aghast. She had no idea how this video was made. She had never done anything like this, but it was clearly her in the video. You could see the license plate on the car, it was hers. It looked for all the world that Jill was dealing drugs to school age kids in the supermarket parking lot. Jill was speechless. She turned and stammered to Raymond, " never..."

"Yes you did. As you can see on the tape yourself." Raymond said. "You just don't remember it, that's all. Now, by itself, this might not be enough to convict you if it showed up in the mail to the local Vice Squad. But if one or two of my little friends there were to swear that you are their connection....well Jill, let's just say that you might be in need of my professional services." He went on to explain about the Rohypnol.

Raymond stood and walked to Jill. He was much taller than she was. When he moved close to her it seemed that he engulfed her with his presence. She craned her neck to look up at him. Her heart was pounding, her head was a confused mass of things. He stood so close that she could smell him. No perfume or after shave, just a strong scent that seemed to make her knees week.

Raymond said, "I know that you are in a bit of shock right now, Jill." He stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. "I will give you a day to ponder things. Laura will pick you up tomorrow at eight-thirty and bring you back here. We will talk about the details of our agreement then." With that, Raymond reached around and pulled Jill's body tightly against his. She felt his hard cock pressing against her. He lowered his head and kissed Jill deeply. She clamped her teeth at first, but when he grasped the back of her neck and gently squeezed in a silent threat, she relaxed and let the black man have access to her mouth. His tongue probed her mouth, it stroked her tongue, he sucked on her lips. Jill's knees melted. The only reason she hadn't fallen to the ground was that Raymond was holding her up.

He finished the kiss and guided her to the door. "I think we both know what the answer will be, Jill. You just have to let yourself go. " As the door shut, Jill could hear him laugh.

The walk back to the limo and the ride home were a blur. Jill was in shock. Her original fear and concerns about scratching the Cadillac were enough to be upsetting. To add to that the blackmail was almost more than she could take. Jill staggered up the steps to her front door more in shock than not.

When she had composed herself, she called in to work. Sure enough, her boss told her that Raymond Johnson was a part owner of the restaurant. He congratulated her on being promoted and hired to work at Raymond's office. Jill mumbled a dispirited thanks and hung up the phone. He had her coming and going. She didn't know what to do.

That afternoon Gary was happily surprised to find Jill home when he got in from work. "Hi, Hon! You still feeling under the weather? I thought you had work."

Jill was sitting on the couch wearing an old T-shirt of Gary's. Her bare long legs were tucked up under her where she sat. "No," She said. "They messed up the schedule. I got off early."

She followed Gary into the bedroom and watched him changing out of his work clothes. When he was down to underwear, she stepped up behind him and pressed herself against his body. It felt so good, so familiar. She reached around and stroked his chest.

" That's nice." Said Gary as he felt her embrace.

Jill guided Gary to the bed, pulled his underwear off, and sat him down on the edge. Then she knelt between his legs with her hands on his thighs. As her mouth closed over the head of his cock, she closed her eyes. In her mind she saw Laura's mouth closing over the dark skin of Raymond's cock. Running that scene through her mind, Jill attacked Gary's cock. Stroking with her hands as she bobbed and twisted her head, she sought to make him come. Her efforts were quickly paid off. It didn't take long before Gary arched back and she felt the bottom of his cock pulsating as he came into her mouth. Jill slowed her assault, but continued gently tonguing and sucking on his sensitive member.

"Oh God. That was incredible. What brought that on?" Asked Gary.

Jill paused in her sucking, "You just looked tense. I thought I'd help you relax."

"Remind me to come home tense more often."

Jill stood and skinned the oversized T-shirt off over her head. She stood nude in front of Gary. He slid a hand up the inside of her thigh and touched her soaking pubes. Jill shivered. He slipped a finger into her pussy and stroked her clit with his thumb. That was all it took. Jill came from that brief contact. In her mind she remembered the feel and taste of Raymond's tongue as her husband held her pussy in his hand as she shuddered and trembled in her first orgasm of the evening.

That night, after a marathon session in bed, Jill sat up staring across the dark room listening to Gary sleep. It was one thing to fantasize and play the games they did. Pretending that she just came back from a lover or reading stories was healthy and fun. Actually doing something outside of the bonds of marriage was a whole different story. The reality of Raymond's demands scared Jill to death. She couldn't tell Gary what was happening. How could he, how could anyone, believe that she was drugged and had no memories of selling drugs to those kids. She had to find a way out of this jam. Jill tossed and turned trying to figure out what to do, but the last thought that passed through her mind as she fell asleep was what Raymond's cock had felt like pressed against her belly as he kissed her in his office.

Jill felt numb as she sat and filled out the paperwork for her new job. It seemed so normal; IRS forms, personnel forms, even health insurance forms. This job offer great benefits that she knew she would never see working at the restaurant. But hanging over her every second of the mundane paperwork was the thought of Raymond and the events she witnessed in his office.

Jill knew that Raymond was planning on having sex with her. She also knew that she was excited at the prospect. At the same time, though, she was terrified. She was a good wife. She had always been a "good" girl. Some of her friends in school had been with a bunch of guys, but for Jill it had just been Tommy on the night of the prom, and then Gary after they had been dating a while. The fantasy games with Gary had been fun, but they were fun because they were safe. This was real life and it terrified her.

Jill was startled from her thoughts by the approach of Laura Weldon, who picked up the papers and dropped them into a file folder. Then she stood back and looked Jill up and down, shaking her head.

"Sweet heart, we have a dress code here at the office, and those duds just won't cut it." Laura tsked. "We have an appointment for you to have your hair and nails done at 3:00. I will take you out to shop for some new things this afternoon before then, but first, you have an appointment with Raymond at 10:00."

Jill looked at her watch - 9:45. She had fifteen minutes to find a way to stall this. If she could just put it off for a day or two, she might be able to find a way out of this mess.

Laura led her to the powder room and instructed her to freshen up. As Jill looked at herself in the mirror, she took stock of her appearance. The "business" outfit she had picked up at Wal-Mart was ok, but clearly not top quality. Her hair was combed and nice, but she had deliberately kept it simple today. Her make-up was subdued and plain. She had gone out of her way to downplay her natural sexiness.

She bit her lip as she looked at herself. For all of her fear, for all of the anxiety, for all of her wanting to find a way out of this, there was a tingle deep in her belly. That tingle increased as she remembered the feeling of Raymond's bulge against her belly yesterday afternoon. Jill quickly looked away from the mirror, afraid to face the lust that must be written across her face. She washed up and powdered her nose, then she met Laura in the hall.

Laura led her to Raymond's office. As they passed the receptionist's desk Jill noticed the girl looking at her with a smirk. "Oh, God! They all know. They know I am being led in there for this." She blushed and lowered her eyes.

Laura opened Raymond's door. Jill looked inside. Raymond was not in the office. Laura led Jill to the couch and told her to sit down. She explained that Raymond would be back in just a minute. Then she sat next to Jill and took her hand.

"Don't worry honey. You'll be just fine. You shouldn't be trembling like that." She reached up and brushed a stray lock off of Jill's cheek. Then she leaned close to Jill. "Raymond is wonderful. You'll see," she whispered into Jill's ear. Then she gave Jill a kiss on the cheek that was somehow just as innocent as it was sexy. Laura left the room and closed the heavy doors behind her, leaving Jill to wait breathlessly.

After a few minutes a door into the office that she hadn't noticed opened and Raymond walked in. He strode purposefully across the office and sat at his desk without acknowledging Jill's presence. He picked up the phone and had a brief conversation. Jill sat uncomfortably, waiting, fearing, and also somehow...wanting.

Raymond hung up the phone and fixed his attention on Jill. She was sitting there like a deer in headlights. He felt a stir in his pants. Raymond knew this was going to be fun. He walked over to Jill and stood in front of her. He was wearing a white shirt and a hand painted silk tie. Paisley braces were attached to his pants. Somehow, they looked much better on him than the ones Larry King wears.

He reached down and gently tilted Jill's face up to his. His gaze penetrated. Jill felt like he could see everything in her mind as they looked at one another. Jill trembled. She felt her nipples tighten. She was ashamed of her body's reaction, it felt like a betrayal.

Raymond said, "Now is the time to let go, Jill. No rules, no taboos, no fears. I won't force you to take the next step. If you want, you can be given filing or receptionist duties until your debt to me is paid off."

Jill was completely confused. This is exactly what she thought she wanted. It was what she had been hoping for all day long. Yet, she felt disappointed. The confusion was too much to handle. Her eyes began to tear.

Raymond saw the tears and knew he had won. Jill didn't know it yet, but Raymond did. "I don't have time for this. I have work to do," he said. "I am going to get a blow job in the next minute. I don't care whether it comes from you or Laura. It's your choice. If you aren't going to do it, just pick up the phone and call Laura in here. Otherwise, you know what to do."

Jill froze in place for a moment. It was her moment of truth. What was she to do? Trembling, she slowly leaned forward and reached for the phone. She picked up the receiver and spoke to the receptionist. "Laura Weldon, please," she said.

She looked up. Raymond was still standing in front of her. As Laura came on the line, Jill noticed the outline of Raymond's cock through his trousers. She saw it give a little jerk. "Hi...Laura. It's me, Jill. Mr. Johnson wants..." She paused looking back at Raymond's trousers. "It's ok. Never mind. Mr. Johnson needed something, but I think I can take care of it without having to bother you."

"I'm sure you can, honey. Have fun. When you are done, we'll go to lunch and then find you some clothes," replied Laura.

Jill placed the receiver back in its cradle. Then, slowly, with trembling fingers, she reached up and unfastened the Raymond's trousers. She grasped the zipper and lowered it. Blood rushed in her ears. Her vision tunneled to the point that all she could see was her hands and his zipper. Time seemed to stretch out. She felt as if she could have counted the teeth on the zipper as she lowered it.

Finally, with the zipper down, she reached into to his pants. She eased his ebony member out of his briefs and looked at it. It was half hard and felt heavy in her hand. She stroked it gently with her fingertip. Jill felt a trill of excitement when she saw it lurch as it hardened. With one hand gently holding his cock, Jill fished his dark balls out of his pants. She held them in one hand while she stroked his cock with the other. She was totally mesmerized with the size, color, and texture of Raymond's manhood.

Jill noticed the slickness of pre-cum that had covered the head of Raymond's cock. She lowered her head and breathed the musky smell. The smell reminded her of Gary and the many times she had done just this for her husband. A wave of guilt coursed through Jill's body. Tears sprang back to her eyes. How could she be doing this? She had an option. She could be answering phones or filing papers. Instead she was sitting here with this strange man's dick in her mouth. And just to make it worse, her body was responding to this situation. She felt her nipples tighten, her pussy was flooded. What kind of slut was she?

Jill continued to work Raymond's now hard cock and stroke his balls. She felt the head pushing at the back of her throat on the down stroke. She felt the crown kiss the inside of her lips as she pulled back. She paused there each time and sent her tongue across the head, teasing the pre-cum out with her tongue and stroking the shaft with her hand. Then she would sink back down until her nose was buried against his pubic bone. She continued this until she felt him reach down and hold her head still. She ovaled her lips and Raymond started pumping himself into and out of her mouth. Very soon after he pushed himself about half-way into her mouth and she felt the throbbing along the bottom of his cock and the tightening of his balls as he came into her mouth. She continued sucking and stroking long after he came.

Finally, Raymond pulled himself out of her mouth. Jill whimpered as he removed himself. Then she realized where she was and what she had just done. Guilt and shame ascended again. What if Gary ever found out. How could she have done that? Jill trembled at the confusion of guilt and residual sexual excitement. She sat at the edge of the couch with her eyes down. She couldn't look at the man she had just been so intimate with.