Despair to Light

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She cheated. He found a new love.
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My boss Tim Harding was in my face yet again. In the last three months, he'd had me working longer hours on business plans which were way beyond my pay grade. According to him when the financial year opened, I could be looking at a good promotion. That period was about to come up.

The reason for his insistence I work later was the number of jobs on my desk. He wasn't happy when I told him, "There's only so much I can do. Shouldn't you be yelling at those you are actually paying to do these jobs. They just laugh and pass them on to me. It's a game. By Friday it'll all be exposed."

He knew what I meant; he'd have to pay up or else. He understood I knew he wasn't going to promote me. He wasn't happy.

Alongside this, my wife of three years Theresa and I were not in a good place. We hadn't been to the cinema, theatre or weekend away city breaking in recent months. In fact, nothing I suggested was deemed suitable. More arguments ensued when she'd started arranging nights out without me when I was available.

We may have shared the same bed but never the same space.

Even the weekends when we were able to be together she always had something more important to do than be with me. Last month I scared her when I grabbed her and made her sit. She wasn't heading out until we had talked. Well, I ranted while she looked at me like I was a stupid imbecile. The only time she looked remotely like she had listened was when I said vehemently, "As far as I see we are headed for a divorce. You've created a new life for yourself without me. If you want one tell me. If you're fucking around on me, I will name and shame you to your parents."

All she said was, "Rory, you wouldn't dare!" as she walked out.

I didn't miss she'd never denied it nor offered any reason we should stay together.

The final proof as far as I was concerned was two weeks ago. It was our anniversary. I never mentioned it and she went out as usual with her "friends."

I had moved into the spare bedroom. I made plans to move my stuff elsewhere. I changed my passwords and stopped any access Theresa had to my accounts. I moved money in accordance with the divorce settlements on the Sheriff Court website.

I knew Harding was just stringing me along. Now I would be looking to move somewhere I could make a fresh start. I updated my CV and sent it off to a number of firms who were looking for people with my skill set.

As Harding had said he would pay the extra hours I had filled in the claim forms. I was never paid. I fought with HR that the email authorising the overtime meant they either had to pay or the hours should be termed Time Off In Lieu. They tried to say neither. My not backing down came as a surprise to them but I had reached the end of my tolerance for the way I was being treated. I told them, my solicitor said, "Pay or TOIL or he'd sue the firm." I added as my sister worked on the sister paper to the local one she'd make sure the case was given a lot of prominence.

Harding was forced to agree to the TOIL solution which worked for me. At knocking off time on the Friday, all my notification period for leaving would be covered by it and my leave which I had not been able to take due to Harding refusing my requests due to the volume of work on my desk.

I hadn't been idle. I knew I'd need to make the case for divorce inevitable as Theresa would fight it. It cost me but I now had photographs of Theresa with her lover Phillip Dawson, no surprise to me, a friend of Harding's. I took the cost from the amount I proposed she received. We earned similar salaries and didn't own anything of value.

I didn't put in a power of work that week. I went in at my proper start time and had my lunch hour. I did a few things in the early evening so I was home at my now "usual time."

On Friday morning, low and behold, I was passed over for promotion. What a bummer! I had my resignation into HR within minutes. At 4.30pm I closed down my computer and walked away.

I arrived home just after 5pm. Theresa was surprised. I looked at her, with no attempt to conceal my contempt, "Well you've changed your tune. You'd never dress like that for me, not even in the house, as according to you this is how a whore dresses! I'm sure Phillip appreciates your willingness to be a whore for him. I'm not so sure his wife will feel the same. I'll have the divorce papers ready for you to sign when you come back."

She was stunned and annoyed, "Why are you here? You're supposed to be working late."

I laughed, "Harding and Dawson arranged it to help him fuck you. I quit. I don't give a shit about any of the three of you. You made your choice. Dawson will dump you when he sees a newer model."

Theresa was mad. Her eyes flared as she almost screamed, "We'll speak tomorrow when I'm back. You'll find what your new role will be."

I flashed a great big smile as I stated firmly, "My new role will be as a free man. You had a choice to speak a few weeks ago but didn't. I won't be around a whore!"

A car's horn sounded. She looked at the door. Her anger at my words meant she snarled, "We'll speak tomorrow."

As she walked through the door I shouted, "GOODBYE AND GOOD RIDENCE!"

I walked up the stairs and videoed her getting into Dawson's car and them kissing. Both looked at the house angrily. I hoped he'd come into the house. I'd make sure I recorded him threatening me before attacking me. He wouldn't like my response. I'd love to destroy his porcelain teeth, nose and jaw. His balls would be a bonus. Unfortunately, he drove them away.

I printed off the divorce forms and covering letter. It said, "I'm not paying the cost of this. You caused it so you can. I have only put irreconcilable differences but if I'm not served within the week at my parents' home (I'm not staying there but they know how to contact me) I'll put the forms in myself but adding adultery with Phillip Dawson. (I left a couple of photos of them fucking so she knew I had the evidence.)

I have taken the money as per the court website. You didn't pay into our house fund the last three months so I removed my payments for that period before splitting it in half. I took the cost of getting the photos and videos of you fucking the bastard off your share.

I have changed my mobile phone provider and have a new number. You can contact me for one month on my email address. I will close it after that time."

I never mentioned letting his wife or her parents know. I would but not immediately.

I left the forms, the letter and my ring at her place at the kitchen table. I finished packing, filled my car and took the last of the beer and good whisky. I drove away to a new life in my hometown. I'd start a new job when my previous employment with Harding officially ended. Okay I'd do a few jobs from my new home to help out my old friend.

My parents knew why I'd left her. I never said they couldn't tell her parents. They did know I had informed those I wished of my new phone number. No one else needed to know it.

The next day, I was walking to my new home after having a fish supper from the chippy on the retail park. They had a great reputation, well deserved if what I had just eaten was normal. The table service was very good as well. My parents' called to update me. Theresa's parents had called as she was upset I'd left before we could talk. Dad explained she hadn't wanted to talk before and I viewed her fucking Dawson as the end of the marriage. Mum laughed as Theresa's genteel mother began cursing and swearing about her daughter - the whore!

Theresa's dad asked, "What did I propose to do?"

Dad explained. Her dad said, "Thank him for giving her an option to have some dignity. She'd better take it as I certainly wouldn't be as generous in his shoes."

Theresa did send me an email asking for my telephone number so we could speak. I refused on the grounds she'd had her chance. Her adultery just confirmed our marriage was over. Put the divorce forms in or a week on Monday, I'd put my version in.

The next day she sent another email, one full of expletives as her parents now knew about Dawson and were making their displeasure clear. I assured her I hadn't spoken to them. Maybe some of her friends had taken the opportunity to give them the good news. You were free of me.

The next email showed she was living in cloud cuckoo land.

It said, "Rory, I don't want a divorce and I know you don't. Come home and we can sort this out.

I will have the occasional lover like Dawson to help me retain my individuality. It is meaningless. I just don't want to be known only as a wife. When the time comes to have our children, I'll try and ensure they are yours but I can't promise that.

I know I haven't been loving to you recently so I will make sure you do get frequent sex. I'll make time to do things with you again.

We'll both benefit from this new arrangement.

Come home."

I replied carefully, "There was not one word about love, being a better, faithful wife. It was all about a delusional woman wanting her cake and eating it.

I will not return home nor even contemplate any intimacy with a whore. You'll need a standing appointment at the STD clinic.

File for divorce or I will!"

As I said, a week on the Monday I submitted the divorce forms citing irreconcilable differences due to her adultery with Phillip Dawson. It was served on her on the Wednesday. It didn't go down well as she phoned my parents looking for me.

At the weekend she went to my parents' home to try and meet with me there. Dad said he would call me. He left her outside. He called, "Rory, she's here. There are also two strange cars with people who arrived as she did. It's a trap for you to walk into."

I laughed, "Sounds like something Dawson would do. Tell her I'm away skydiving this weekend. You mention, you'll have your shotgun ready if her friends were looking to give me trouble."

About ten minutes later dad called back, "She wasn't happy. Your mum caught her out beautifully. She had come past the cars as she finished her walk with the dog. As she came up to us, Theresa tried to get her on her side. Mum said angrily, "those bastards are talking about what they plan to do to Rory. Get the heavy cartridges for your shotgun, not the rock salt for the seagulls. If they attempt to get Rory if he comes by, use it."

She gave Theresa both barrels. "If she ever came back she'd shoot her herself. She and they have left."

Go mum!

It was no surprise when I received notification she was fighting the divorce. Three months later I was sitting in the court waiting for the proceedings to start. I had the investigator who recorded her fucking Dawson and the videos to be used in court. My solicitor was happy with how we'd gathered the evidence.

Theresa came in with her solicitor and her parents. I didn't see Dawson.

Our solicitors gave their opening remarks. One for divorce and one against.

I was called and gave my evidence. How she treated me, my suspicions and how she'd gone out on our anniversary. I had engaged a licenced investigator who recorded her on several occasions including our anniversary being intimate with Dawson. I explained how she saw our relationship going forward and how that was totally unacceptable to me. My solicitor gave a copy to the court clerk.

The investigator gave her report and the solicitor played the appropriate video. Theresa's mother was glaring at her daughter. Her anger palpable.

Theresa then gave evidence and compounded it by suggesting we would be happy living with me a cuckold and her free to fuck around. Her mother almost fainted.

The Sheriff granted the divorce. He was scathing of Theresa's behaviour and suggested she never remarry as she didn't know the meaning of love.

Her parents came up to me and apologised for their daughter. They would try and get her to accept help as she was seriously dysfunctional.

As my solicitor and I were about to leave, a man came up and served me. He said, "It's an order preventing you from giving any evidence seen today to Dawson's wife."

My solicitor opened it and read it briefly. He said, "I'll examine this fully. I doubt it will last a full hearing."

Once back at his office, he was all smiles. He explained, "Dawson's wife is the money. He's the glorified boss but the reality is it's her family. If he used her solicitors he'd be in the deep shit. This firm he used isn't a good one. We could go to court to have this rescinded but we don't need to. It only covers you. I'll send the evidence to his wife. It will be given when he is not at home to interfere."

Helen, the investigator said quietly, "You worked for Harding. He was often present so I caught him with a couple of women. More than enough to fry him if you wish."

I laughed and laughed. "Hell yes. They tried to fuck me so burn their arses!"

Their wives duly received the evidence. Apparently neither took it well and both were evicted with their tails between their legs (if they were attached!).

My life was improving. My friend I now worked for suggested I see a counsellor to help me understand my feelings. Knowing me he thought I harboured some suspicion I had some culpability. I had but she showed me how unstable Theresa had become. She suspected their evenings involved some so-called recreational drugs which had made her highly impressionable if not delusional.

Within a few weeks I was surprised to feel a lot better within myself. It helped I met a lovely girl Monica at the gym. She'd started as her boyfriend had done the dirty with her former best friend. The HITT sessions allowed her to work her anger out. I wouldn't have liked to have been her former friend if her work on the punchbag was anything to go by. It started slowly, just by the water fountain, an odd word. We bumped into each other at the coffee shop and over a few weeks we learned about our partners' betrayals. We spent some time venting to each other before laughing.

I explained about the counselling and how it had shone a light on ways I failed to make my views clear and how I went along with stuff I didn't want to just to ensure there were no arguments. Monica had done similar as she had thought he was the one. We were both in far better places now. We agreed, we had won by losing them.

When we became intimate, the difference was amazing. She looked to pleasure me while I looked to pleasure her. She noted at seven and a half inches, I was about twice the size of her former boyfriend. I had to tell her I'd never seen such incredible breasts. I loved her rosé areolas and expandable nipples. Her pussy has the most gorgeous lips and tastes absolutely divine. It was so tight she could wank me with it.

When I asked how she managed it, she didn't try to explain she just did it again. Her smile as I tried not to cum quickly just lit her face up. She's so full of fun. I love working from home as she has a habit of being under my table as I'm speaking to people. She'll edge me until I've finished. She walks away saying, "She's hurt I don't want her." I pick her up and fuck her on the table. Her instructions show her lust and love for me. I'm scared one of these days I'll be so aroused I'll forget to turn the programme off.

When we go out, she'll often dress to tease me, not slutty. I know it's only for me. She may flash her stockings and I've had her knickers in my pocket halfway through the evening. She makes me stay as she teases me. I haven't fucked anyone in the back seat of my car or in the open in years but we've done it many times. She building a list of my fantasies so she can seduce me when I least expect it. I had to tie her up and edge her for over three hours before she gave up her secret fantasies. Oh boy! She's not my fantasy woman, she's far more. We're both agreed, we'll be playful but only involve each other.

My parents thinks she's adorable. They seem to think we're meant to be together. Mum gets on so well with her, I often confuse who's giving me instructions. I was complaining to my dad, "She seems to have moved in." He just laughed, "Who helped her?" I laughed.

Life now is certainly very good.

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Elias1Elias12 months ago

Nylon these anonymous comments are from stupid readers or worse... I gave you five stars ....yes this one was short but the MC was what most men want... the wife was over the top crazy but they are always fun when they act that way.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Wow, that was just kind of stupid. And generally just kind of poorly written. How does the "counsellor" change from a 'he' to 'she's in the space of two sentences?

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Author, although I’ve only read a few of your stories, it seems that all the women are stubborn to their husbands but weak to seduction from others. There is always some excuse for their actions and never a real empathetic regret. I give this three stars only because there is nothing between lower other than disliking it.

pummel187pummel18710 months ago

Yeah, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but she is a rebounder, I mean like Sir Charles Barkley. Not that there's anything wrong with that, no just be prepared

RimmerdalRimmerdal12 months ago

Third person narrative boring.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This was hardly a novel. More like a short short story. 3*s

Nasty56Nasty56about 1 year ago

I feel like something missing to covet the start and ending of this story.

muskyboymuskyboyabout 1 year ago

LW story outline. Not your usual effort.

AardieAardieabout 1 year ago

Novels are usually more than two pages. This should have just been put in the Loving Wives category.

CrazyDaveTrucker60CrazyDaveTrucker60about 1 year ago

Good story, could use more detail, emotions , fatten it up a bit, don’t you think? Overall, not bad. Many folks like to see karma in action, consequences, just a suggestion for next time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I'm glad I found this story, although you didn't exactly make it easy. I agree with BlackJackSteele that this belongs in Loving Wives (where I definitely would have found it). You did a fairly decent job with tags, but including at least "divorce" would have helped the people who enjoy this type of story to find it.

The story would also benefit from an editor, proofreader, or even just a beta reader. I can overlook most grammatical errors, but there were a few things that just left me pondering what you meant. One was this line: 'She walks away saying, "She's hurt I don't want her."' I can ignore the run-on sentence aspect, but it doesn't really make sense to me, especially in the context of the paragraph you included it in.

Another one that made me stop and puzzle out what you meant was 'Theresa's dad asked, "What did I propose to do?"' This didn't make any sense as written. Since it was supposed to be a direct quote, you had her dad asking what her dad had proposed. The (presumably) correct quote would have been, "What did he propose to do?" since I'm pretty sure he was curious what her soon to be ex-husband had proposed.

So, I encourage you to keep writing, but to also put the necessary effort into the polishing it deserves.

nixroxnixroxabout 1 year ago

3 stars - your writing is getting more 'serial romance style', where you change the setting and a few details, but use the same characters over and over and over again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

It had all the elements of a good story without any type of soul.

BlackJackSteeleBlackJackSteeleabout 1 year ago

You've given us the outline.

This could be a very good story with a bit more character development and more detail and background.

My big question is why you've published it under novels and novellas? It would be better suited as a flash story (in its current form) under loving wives.

Please accept my comments as constructive criticism as I believe you have a writing talent.

Bronco56Bronco56about 1 year ago

Good story. 5stars

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyabout 1 year ago

It all worked out in the end!


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