Diavolo Ch. 14


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Sweat poured into his eyes as he ran the length of the stage, leaping onto on of the massive sets of speakers there. In his mind's eye, he imagined the roar of the crowd. When they'd performed at Finalnd's Metalfest, there had been more than fifteen thousand people there. The roar of the people there was something he wouldn't soon forget, nor the banners of Diavolo waving within the massive gathering.

Being like this, on stage, was his escape. It was like a drug, second only to being with Abby.

The lights dimmed and he was supposed to walk off stage to allow his personal assistant dry him off and do a quick shirt change, but he remained on the speaker as the familiar intro to the ballad he'd wrote for her floated through the warehouse where they practiced their routine for the upcoming tour.

Slowly he slid from his perch and approached the spot marked for this song. The lights would dim and a lone spotlight would light on him only.

Gabriel raised the mike to his lips and closed his eyes.

The words he'd written out of the love he felt for her had never left his lips so sincere as now. Would his burgeoning fame tear them apart? What was with her lately? Was she regretting having married him?

They were hardly together anymore, just at night when he finally slid beneath the covers next to her after working out in prep for the tour.

Would she tire of tagging along for the shows? Maybe he'd been too hasty in forbidding her to get a job, but even as he thought about it, his male ego protested the notion. She didn't need to work. He had more than enough to keep her in the lap of luxury.

Somewhere off to his right, the sound of something large crashing to the ground startled him. The music stopped and he looked with a frown to see what had happened.

A second later he was running.

Gabriel grabbed Abigail and hauled her into his arms, pulling her far from where one of the large overhead lights had fallen into lots of pieces..

"Jesus, are you okay?" he said over the din of shouts around him.

She looked bewildered, but unharmed.

"Y-yes. Oh my God."

He cupped her cheeks and forced her gaze to his, away from the three hundred pound piece of equipment currently throwing off a stream of sparks.

"Don't touch that," he yelled at a young tech who bent to touch the lamp.

Mike yelled for someone to cut the juice to the stage lighting before asking Abby if she was okay.

Gabriel pulled her tight against him and nodded at Mike.

"Oh-my-god, what happened?" Diamond said rushing up to them.

Gabriel watched Mike lean over to look closely at the fallen lamp.

"Be careful," Gabriel warned.

Some of the techs joined him.

"Somebody get up there and see how the hell that lamp came loose," Angelo was yelling.

"This is one of the spotlights that illuminates you during Lost Soul.

The ballad he'd been in the middle of.

He pressed Abby close into his chest. Her fingers clutched at his waist.

He moved back. "Why are you here? Geez, baby, that thing could've killed you."

He said it as gently as possible but saw the hurt in her eyes. Suddenly her gaze slid over to Diamond.

His manager rushed over, eyes wide and nervous laugh making her sound breathless. "I feel like this is my fault. I told her to stand over here to get a better view of you as you sang her song."

Gabriel pulled Abby back against his chest and kissed the top of her head.

"Ouch," she said muffled against this chest.

He let her go with a questioning look.

She straightened her glasses upon her pert nose and said in a soft voice, "You were squishing my glasses on my face."

He tipped her chin up, loving how sweet she looked with her glasses...and her pretty white buttoned up blouse, jeans, and gold sandals. She was so different from the usual woman that accosted him. It was what he loved about her. Even when she used her contacts and dressed showing a little more skin, Abby would forever hold an untarnished innocence that would always bring him to his knees in awe of her.

And he could have lost her just a few minutes ago.

"I thought you were going to your family's house?"

He felt more than saw the immediate change that came over.

"I did," she said moving out of his arms and smoothing back her hair.

He knew he was still upset at almost losing her, but couldn't keep the edge out of his voice. "And then you decided to come here without letting me know?"

Her eyes snapped up to his, wide. He wanted to kick himself for causing that look of hurt and confusion in those sweet baby-blues.

Her eyes became icy after that. "I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

When she turned to stalk away he gripped her arm and hauled her away after him.

Mike called out a warning, but Gabriel didn't stop until he reached the bathroom in the back of the stage.

"Gabe," Mike snapped two steps behind them.

Gabriel slammed the door in his face and locked it.

Abby stared up at him wide-eyed.

"What's go—"

She never had a chance to finish her sentence. Gabriel grabbed her around the waist and sat her on the counter behind them.

His lips latched to hers as he buried his fingers in the heavy mass of blonde the trailed down her back. He loved when she left it loose. Most times she kept it up. At least she no longer made that sever bun she'd loved to sport when he'd first met her.

His tongue drove deep into her mouth letting her know what he really wanted to do instead. He kissed like a starving man. Actually, he was starved for her. He'd spent the entire night miserable, aching for her, but she'd shut him out. Rejected him.

He tore at her blouse. The dainty buttons went flying, making her gasp against his mouth. He ducked his head to seize a nipple between his lips, giving her the chance to yank at his hair and slap him or say something to let him know she was not going to let him fuck her within the next moments...because that was his plan.


Abigail couldn't think. Gabe's mouth was doing wonderful things to her nipple. She arched her back at the feel of his teeth grazing her skin before his lips pursed around the entire areola to suck hard. Each tug sent jolts of longing straight between her legs.

Her fingers curled in his sweat-soaked hair as he attacked the other nipple with the same fervor.

"I love you, Abs," he growled against her skin as he nibbled his way back up and took her mouth again.

Abigail barely had time to take a breath when he pulled her down from the counter, turned her over and yanked her jeans down her legs.

She gasped when he pulled her hips back, tilting her ass to him and after a few seconds, he was sliding deep into her. They both moaned.

He set up a quick pace behind her, leaning his slick, hot body against her back. Abby's breasts bounced from his pounding thrusts, her glasses sat on her nose askew. For a second, their eyes met in the mirror before them. His were almost black with unrestrained passion. She'd never seen him so lost in the moment. One of his hands released the breast it cupped and slid down her belly to strum her clit. White-hot pleasure made her close her eyes and cry out.

"Yes, Gabriel," she moaned.

He bit her earlobe and demanded, "Open your eyes. I want you to look at me when you come."

She opened her mouth, gasping a lungful of air only to release it in a long wail of release, eyes locked on Gabriel's fiery green ones.

His guttural bark of pleasure followed quickly on the heels of her own, his body going taut, trembling. Neither of them broke eye contact. Abigail felt as if a part of her soul had detached and merged with his.

His eyes looked bright for a moment before he closed them to nuzzle into her neck.

"Don't ever stop loving me, baby," he said huskily against her skin.

Her eyes pricked with moisture. Leaning her head back, wanting to hold him in her arms, she arched back against him, feeling him twitch deep inside her still. She would never stop loving Gabriel. Ever.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Scrambled Eggs

Glad you are back LevanaHyll.

Oh my goodness. This chapter actually grated my nerves with Abby being such a (no words can explain). Diamond trying to kill Abby again. Diamond did not have Gabe's address before, why give it to her now and leave her in the house to wait for Abby to come home. Did she know what time she was coming home????? NO!!!!!!!!!. Women should never leave their purse and cell phone out where an evil doer can take advantage of your information. That is Abby going into the bathroom and leaving Diamond in her bedroom. Coming out Diamond is gone. Diamond and the lame birthday (surprise) scheme. She plotted for Abby to follow her where the group rehearsals take place. Told Abby to stand in that spot, knowing that she would get her life knocked out of her. Abby was doing so well in the previous chapters leaving those moron family members alone. Why draw them back to her? Those people are destroyers to other people's lives. They are haters to her marriage to Gabriel and all that he is and will be to her. Mikayla deep rooted hate for her sister. She never wanted Daniel. Her mother is the selfish eitch that wants this marriage. Gabriel has already told Mikayla (Abby has no knowledge of this) that he wants nothing to do with her, and when he did, he was drunk and heartbroken over his grandmother's illness. Baby please. Misery loves company and will rub off on others. Do not let it rub off on Abby. Boy-Oh-Boy.

ariesgirlariesgirlover 8 years ago

Both Gabriel and Abigail make me want to bang my head against a wall. I know Abby is naive but come on. She can't be this clueless. She knows how her sister is yet she believes her instead of telling her husband what is going on. She thinks she is helping both Daniel and Gabriel but she is only making things worse. I don't understand why she is trying to protect Daniel's feelings. He is a big boy and is able to handle his own affairs. If her skank of a sister is really pregnant everybody will find out eventually. And if Gabriel really is the father she would've told him and not her.

Gabriel need to give Diamond the boot. She is too inappropriate for my liking. Doesn't she work for Gabriel and the band? She act like they work for her.

SilencedsnowSilencedsnowover 8 years ago
Yes!! Finally

A new chapter abs a promise of a other to follow. Happiness. Although I am getting annoyed by how naive she is. Can't wait to see where this goes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Mikayla is trying to pull the same crap. Cannot wait to see how this plays out in the next chapter. Hopefully Diamond also gets her cumuppance.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Yay a new chapter!

So glad to see you've conquered the writer's block! Still a great chapter, although I just want to take them both by the shoulders and say 'COMMUNICATE!!' Hahahaha. Perhaps that's the mark of a good writer, that you can get the reader to feel concern/care for the characters and to write comments. I do hope they start to talk things out - both of them, not just Abby - because keeping everything secret will not help this fledgling relationship, no matter how much they love each other. And since Gabriel never actually slept with Mikayla before escaping her clutches, I am going to submit my theory that she is either faking or pregnant with Edvard's baby. Looking forward to seeing where you take us next (although I hope Abby is not pregnant yet-too much confusion in their relationship still to bring a baby into it)!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
How stupid can someone be

Title says it all. After the lies from her sister and how her sister has treated her, shes going to believe her without checking it out? And she knows she has been whoring around so how could she know who the father is. Abby needs to be shown with some intelligence and independence. You can still be innocent and naïve without being stupid.

WickedwrathchildWickedwrathchildover 8 years ago
Welcome Back.

Another great chapter. Hope to see more soon. I'm a musician and I can relate to some of the stuff.

LevanaHyllLevanaHyllover 8 years agoAuthor

Don't know if I should say anything in Abby's defense or just let it ride. She's out of her element. She grew up in boarding schools were the girls were taught to obey and keep shut. I should know. I went to catholic school back in the day when there were only nuns and talking back got you a mouth washed out with soap. It took me a long time to finally break through the programming they instilled and learn to defend myself. She knows her aunt likes to intimidate people, but doesn't believe Paulina can actually hurt the band and she's right. Mikayla was lying. Mikayla is a compulsive liar. Remember, Gabriel never stuck his dick in where a girl needs to get pregnant. Mikayla just gave him a few blow jobs in Vegas when he first met her. After that she stalked him everywhere. Abby doesn't know that because her and Gabe have never discussed how far he got with her sister. The past is the past, but still, Abby is just scared. She's probably more afraid of Daniel and Gabriel ending up in a tussle than anything else. She might not be in love with Daniel anymore because Gabe owns her heart now, but she still sees Daniel as a wonderful respectful man who she admires. She didn't tell Gabe anything about the "baby" because she wasn't 100% sure it was Gabe's. She thought Gabe had had sex with her sister (which he really didn't as you'll see in the next chapter) and that there might be a possibility that he was the father, but she wasn't going to stir up shit just yet until she had more proof. She's not so dumb just scared right now on protecting her man from possible negativity dumped his way because of her psychotic sister.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
In short....

I hate Abby. I was rooting for her like Tyra Banks was but she can't be that naive, no not naive what was shown here was stupidity not naivete. She is supposed to be a good Christian right? Then why does she see, hear and even do some bad things and doesn't do anything or try to make it right? I just can't with her. She is like a person that says they would help anybody even the crackhead that broke his arm and needs her to tie him off and shoot him up. She would try to clear her conscience by believing his lie about it being medicine even though she saw him get the drugs from the drug dealer who told her that he sold drugs and still help him out. That's Abby and I don't like her.

Oh btw, I am not saying that your story sucks. I actually love your writing style and attention to detail. It's just her I don't like her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Glad to have you back

Great to see you are writing again. Have missed the characters. But did find the whole story line quite annoying this time. Why would she not tell him straight away?? Why not tell him the untie is out to ruin the band!! I thought we had got passed the goody two shoes routine, but she still being very silly and naive after all she been through!!! Hope next chapter moves things along.

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