Dilemmas of Love


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"...so I was thinking...this long weekend is coming up right? Aaand...if I'm not mistaken you have Monday off..."

The brunette smiled affectionately towards Lydia. This seemed to unnerve her even further causing her to respond with her second "I-am-nervous routine" which meant biting her lower lip.

God, she's so hot when she bites her lip like that...

"True...what do you have in mind?"

"...okay...so I'd say it would be an excellent opportunity for us to go camping...you know...it would be an awesome chance for you to see our lovely beaches...do some site seeing...some R&R, that sort of thing."

Chloe's smile widened even further. "That sounds like an awesome plan Lydia! I'm in!"

"Great! Excellent! Super! I was hoping you'd say yes! I think we're going to have a blast together. There are tons of cool stuff we can do, it'll be awesome! You'll see!"

The raven haired girl was being borderline giddy, something which made her even more adorable to the brunette. For Chloe these past few weeks had been quite interesting to say the least. It was the first time she'd been abroad and the first time she had to actually work full-time. Her exchange program involved her being team supervisor for an English speaking children's summer camp organized by the local American college. She was in charge of a group of eight children, boys and girls aged around twelve. It was demanding work but it was also good fun. Her little protégées were immensely fond of her and that was the biggest reward of them all.

And then of course there was Lydia who had been like a gift from heaven. That her accommodation was a truly first class experience was one thing. That Lydia had embraced her like a long standing friend was another. And, as Chloe strongly suspected, the raven haired girl might be nurturing a bit of a crush for her. Ever since Emma had ushered her in the world of female to female relationships, Chloe's whole being had become a bit more attuned with respect to other girls. She could sense that Lydia had a thing for her and if she wanted to be truthful to herself she was not indifferent either. But she didn't want to make things awkward because she was being hosted in her family's house. Plus, there was always Sandra lingering in the recess of her mind and she felt pangs of guilt about that situation too. The blonde had taken the time to write lengthy e-mails to her but her answers were short and, she felt, lame at best. Where there any true, strong feelings for her? What was it that they had going?

Chloe didn't want to be tied down in a serious relationship so soon after the lukewarm affair she had with Trevor. This whole new side of her sexuality was new to her and she wanted to explore it further. She wasn't sure that she loved Sandra but she didn't want to hurt her feelings either. Chloe was good natured in heart and didn't want to intentionally hurt anyone, that's why she hoped she had been as clear as she could with Sandra when she left for Greece. But she was also twenty-two, freshly out of college and ready to fully enjoy her summer. Therefore, she reasoned, if the hot looking raven haired girl made a move for her, she wouldn't object.

Lydia's sale's pitch was, in fact, so good that Chloe found herself counting the hours which separated them from Friday afternoon. Finally, the moment came and Chloe, after saying her goodbyes to her colleagues, rushed towards the campus entrance gate which was their predesignated meeting point. True enough, the red Yaris was waiting for her with Lydia inside bobbing along to some dance mix. She wore a simple white racerback bra on coupled with a black tie-side skirt leaving acres of sun-kissed skin free for the brunette's enquiring eyes.

She's really hot in these...and she's really cute when she splays her hair like that...

Chloe gently rapped the driver's window to let Lydia know of her presence. Alerted to that sound she turned and beamed this huge smile back at her.

"You ready to party girl?"

"Yep! All set to go!"

"Let's hit the road then."

The place they were going to be camping was called "Kalamitsi". As far as names go it sounded just as Greek as anything else for Chloe but Lydia had practically painted her a picture of heaven on earth. They were looking at an eighty mile drive ahead of them, most of which would be through jam packed roads filled with holidaymakers. But Chloe didn't care; the weather was forecasted to be brilliant, Lydia was jubilantly happy right next to her and whenever she looked out the window the sea was practically beckoning to her.

"So what's the general plan?"

"Well...my idea is that we get to the camp first, set up our tent as quickly as possible, get that out of the way...then we can either just chill on the beach or go out for dinner or do whatever you like! For the night though, I have a surprise for you..."

Intrigued, the brunette tried to read Lydia's face but the shades that she was wearing threw her off.

After a two hour drive they had finally reached their destination. Camp "Thalatta" in Kalamitsi was situated in a remote cove. Barren mountain ridges surrounded a half mile long sandy beach. Where the sand ended there were extensive groves of poplar and pine trees to provide shade for the tents and caravans. Lydia had been here many times with both friends and family and she knew the all the good spots.

After making short work of their igloo tent they both opted to change into their swimsuits to cool off the sweat.

"Wanna change first?"

"We can change together if you're okay with it..."

She's really cute when she blushes...

"Yeah alright, why not!"

Delicately, both girls entered their pitched tent being careful not to bring any dirt inside. Once there, Lydia quickly zipped the mosquito net shut and fastened the interior drapes together. Immediately a sweet pink twilight enveloped them. There was a palpable silence as they begun to undress. Chloe caught Lydia's eyes as they darted towards her, checking her out. The air seemed to be charged between them as they started to gravitate towards each other. The raven haired girl licked and bit her lips. The brunette closed her eyes in anticipation.

And then...a bicycle crash followed by the sound of a screaming, wailing child. Both of them jumped to the ceiling startled by the sharp, invasive noise. Chloe fell back on the air-mattress and started laughing. Her laughter was infectious and soon they were both sprawled side by side hugging their tummies as fits of giggles went intermittently between them.

"Stop...please stop or else I'm going to pee myself!" begged the brunette. This only caused Lydia to explode anew.

"You...you're...ha-hahahahaha...you're crying..."

"I know...can't help it...it's your fault...you started it..."

Finally, they managed to calm down from their hysterics and change into their swimsuits. Chloe had a classic canary yellow Adidas sports bikini on. Lydia on the other hand had opted for a sexy orange ChooksLA tie-side thong.

"You absolutely own this swimsuit Lydia...your body rocks girl!"

In response the raven haired girl did a slow pirouette naughtily wiggling her behind towards the brunette who unabashedly devoured her with her eyes. There was lots of eye contact going on between them and there was definitely something there besides the banter and the good fun.

...you're so damned hot! I hope the sea is cool enough otherwise I don't see how I'll get through this evening without shoving you in the tent and ripping that thing off!!

In the end they both grabbed their towels and headed for the beach. As they were walking, Lydia's hand first brushed and then lingered on Chloe's. In response the brunette held her hand. The shinning smile on the raven haired girl's face made her heart do a flip flop. And the funny thing was that Chloe's heart didn't do flip flops. For anyone! Was she falling for this beautiful and sexy Greek girl? It certainly felt that the feelings were mutual...

...God she's so pretty...and fun...and cute...and sexy...and she makes my heart go...that's definitely a first Chloe isn't it?

Their arrival at the beach momentarily pushed all thoughts aside. Chloe couldn't help but marvel at the site. As the trees gradually receded, they gave way to coarse sand and gentle scrub covered dunes. In the background a crystal clear sea beckoned to her.

"Come on!" Lydia tugged at her hand without breaking her hold. "We have a rule here! The first time each summer that we enter this sea, we do it with a running splash!"

Discarding their towels and flip-flops they ran towards the sea. Never letting go of Lydia's hand Chloe hurtled onwards entering the cool sea water with a splash. Opening her eyes underwater she looked around for Lydia as their acrobatic entrance in the water had caused their hands to separate. And then she saw her lithe body a few feet beneath her. Lydia effortlessly reversed her body and with her head now looking skywards, she began to surface towards Chloe. As she did their bodies touched and their faces where mere inches apart. Their gentle brush sent the warmest of tingles down the brunette's spine causing her to pleasantly shiver as she resurfaced.

"That was fun! We should totally do this again!"

"Yeah...I've been doing this ever since my parents first brought me here as a child."

"What, surfacing through the water near other innocent swimmers?"

"No. That's a maneuver I reserve for special occasions only."

Yet again there was this strange zoning effect that caught hold of Chloe whenever the beautiful Lydia was near her. It was as if an invisible hand was inexorably pushing her towards the raven haired girl. All exterior stimuli ceased to exist and her senses were hyper focused on her. She could see Lydia's eyes focused on her as she bit her lower lip in anticipation...

She wants this just as much as I want it! But we can't do it here...not in front of all these people...

Chloe leaned forward rapidly diminishing what little distance remained between them. Electric jolts shook her whole being as their semi-naked bodies touched. Instead of going for her mouth however, her face took a sideways glance until her mouth rested within whispering distance of Lydia's ear.

"I want..."

...here goes nothing...

"...our first kiss to be special and not in front of all these people..."

Chapter 13 (Lydia)


Lydia's smile lit her face up. Moving slightly backwards she stared deeply into Chloe's eyes. Chloe smiled back and nodded. And then the raven haired girl took off like the Duracell bear and started splashing around Chloe. She was so happy she felt she could fly to the sky and shout for all to hear. "SHE LIKES ME!"

After a goodly amount of splashing and sloshing around they both calmed down and settled back on the water.

"Okay...I agree...you are right" said Lydia.


"I'm saying that you're right. About that kiss thingy...I agree but under two conditions."

"Kay...and what are those?"

"One, that I buy you dinner. I know just the place and I think you'll like it. Two, I have something to show you later in the night. After that...well, I'm all yours..."

The brunette smiled in response. "Okay...I think I can live with those terms! I' not a hundred percent certain that we'll make it until then but we can always try!"

After cooling off in the sea for a bit they then decided it to call it a day and head for a shower and a change of clothes.

"So how does this work?"

"We grab some shampoo and some towels from the tent and we head for the communal showers...and...being late as it is we pray that there's some warm water left. After that we dress and we head for dinner..."

"Uh-oh...about that praying part..."

"No biggie...it's not like we're going to stay there forever...just a quick rinsing off the salt...besides...there's bound to be warm water in some stall...we can always share."

...if we can manage to keep our hands off each other that is...

As if reading her mind the brunette shot her a coy look but didn't say anything.

A few brief minutes later they were standing in line, toiletries in hand, waiting for their turn in the showers. It was late evening now and with the sun finally dimming, it was shower rush hour as everyone scrambled to desalinize themselves before dinner. The laughter and banter going on didn't bode well for their chances of catching some even remotely warm water running through the showerheads.

A while later, two neighboring shower stalls were freed. Lydia waited for the brunette, hoping perhaps that they'd share but Chloe rushed straight in hers and closed the door.

...oh well...it is super crowded in here anyway...

She was in the process of rinsing out her hair when she heard a loud "fuck that's cold" from next door. Suppressing a laugh she offered: "come on Chloe, it can't be that bad..."

Instead of an answer, she heard doors sliding open. In a flash the brunette materialized before her.

"It's too cold in there..."

Lydia reached out and touched Chloe on the arm. True enough her skin was quite cool.

"You're right...for a moment there I thought you were pulling my leg...here...get under the water...it should be warm enough..."

They traded places under the showerhead. Sparks once more shot through Lydia's body as their bodies touched whilst they swapped. The raven haired girl felt a real surge in her pussy. Their not-so-subtle flirting all day had left her in a semi-permanent state of hornyness which, from experience, she knew that only a good orgasm could alleviate.

...or two...or three...or fuck...thousands...who counts...

"Here...let me do you..."

"Here? Now?"

"Har-har! Very funny! Do your hair I mean...turn around."

She has a fantastic ass!!

Lydia dutifully proceeded to shampoo the brunette's hair giving her a thorough scalp massage in the process.

"Mmmmmm...that's amazing...you're hired!"

"You're welcome...would you...errr..."

"...return the favor? Gladly!"

After the brunette had rinsed they changed sides. Chloe proceeded to shampoo Lydia's jet black hair with gusto. But her hands strayed a bit and those magical fingers of hers found their way in her ears, on her neck and on her shoulders. The raven haired girl had her eyes closed and was literally purring her approval.

Fuck...if she keeps that up I'm gonna cum just like that. Now that'll definitely be a first!!

A soft voice woke her from the seriously pleasant feelings that she was enjoying.

"Lydia? If I keep doing this we are not going to leave this place...like EVER..."

She's right...boooo hoooo...

"...kay...you're right...but this felt amazing! Your fingers are like wizards!"

Reluctantly she disengaged from the brunette's skillful hands and proceeded to rinse the suds. After toweling off, they made their way to the tent in order to get dressed for dinner. Within the restricted space of the tent, Lydia couldn't help but notice the brunette's eyes allover her naked body. Although she had dressed and undressed countless of times in front of other girls, both in a locker environment and in front of Nikki, this somehow felt different and she felt herself blushing.

Really Lydia? Blushing? You've got it bad for her girl...

Did she have feelings for this beautiful and loveable brunette? Yes, she admitted to herself. She made her laugh and that smile of hers felt like the sunrise. With Nikki it had always felt like riding an endless rollercoaster; there were extreme highs and extreme lows and no middle ground. With Chloe, Lydia felt like she'd been friends with her for years, she felt a level of comfort that she'd never ever felt with Nikki. And Lydia was yearning for some comfort, for a laugh, for a smile, for a warm hug...

...and yes she DOES have one hot body there...especially that turquoise Calvin Klein thong which I absolutely want to rip off!! But...that will have to wait...hopefully just a bit. How is it that with this girl I'm thinking about cuddles and smiles and the next second I want to rip her clothes and bury my face between her legs?

"Are you okay? You seemed a bit lost there."

"Sorry what? Oh...yes...thinking about something?"

"Anything good?"

"It was about you so it was definitely good!"

"And? Aren't you going to tell?"

Chloe's eyes peered right into her soul. She had this happy grin on her face. Lydia's gaze alternated its focus between her eyes and her lips. The brunette was biting her lower lip, something which she'd always found difficult to resist. But now she didn't want to resist...

The distance between them closed. Lydia gently cupped the brunette's face with her hands. Chloe had her eyes closed and her image was graced with this gentle, warm smile. The raven haired girl closed her eyes too. She felt their noses slide together as they inched closer. She felt her heart almost leaping inside her as this incredible, indescribably warm feeling coursed through her body. Their lips touched...it was the lightest of touches but it was enough to send sparks of overwhelming happiness throughout her. Their eyes opened simultaneously. Chloe's ever present smile made her heart melt.

They leaned into each other once more, only this time their lips locked. Lydia's hands never left the brunette's cheeks but she felt her hands reach behind her. One hand went to her neck the other, lower still on her back pulling their bodies together. Their kissing grew desperate as their passion started conquering new, previously unknown peaks.

Tongues started their intricate dance as their kiss deepened further. They were both breathing through their noses now, desperate not to break off the magic. Chloe's tugging on her back caused their breasts to mash together making Lydia moan inside the brunette's mouth. Hands started flying on naked skin. After a particularly deep kiss Lydia momentarily pulled back to look at the brunette.

«...σε θέλω...» she whispered hoarsely towards Chloe. "...I want you..." she added immediately. "God I want you so much..."

Instead of an answer the brunette gently pushed Lydia backwards onto their shared air-mattress with herself following suit. Straddling her with her legs she lowered her head down. Strands of her still wet hair fell to the left and right of their faces as she once more sought Lydia's lips. With their bodies in intimate contact they renewed their passionate kissing. Chloe snaked a hand between Lydia's legs letting her fingers graze her inner thighs as they travelled.

"Mhmmmm...hmmmphhh..." was all that escaped the Lydia's mouth as she hungrily pushed her pussy towards those tantalizing fingers.

Their kisses now grew sloppy. Their breathing was hoarse and alternated between rough inhales through their nostrils and desperate panting when they came up for air. Chloe's fingers had reached their destination where they found Lydia's pussy lips flooded with her juices. After generously coating her fingers she begun to methodically rub the raven's clit.

Lydia felt herself drowning; her ears were ringing her neck felt on fire and her nipples were almost sore from rubbing against Chloe's breasts. But all these feelings where dwarfed in comparison with what was building up in the lower recesses of her stomach. She felt this massive wave of pleasure bubbling to the surface; she felt everything surrounding her pussy expand and heave like a frothing sea. Most of all though she felt her clit ready to explode from the stimulation.
