Dilemmas of Love


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"Oh yes...yes...that's...that's...yes..."

Chloe gulped down a quick succession of short breaths. Her mouth opened in a silent scream and her knuckles turned white as she gripped the sofa, holding on for dear life. Her body it would seem was no longer her own to command, as wave after wave of contractions trashed and tossed her about like a doll in the hands of a child.

Sandra dutifully lapped up the flood of juices all the while carefully avoiding the brunette's over-sensitive clit. Even after Chloe lazily slumped even lower on the sofa, apparently unable to even lift a finger, the blonde's tongue continued its journey in a quest to trace every single pleasure spot there.


"Yep?" answered the blonde as her tongue traced over the brunette's inner lips.

"Shouldn't...I mean...you know...do you now?"



"Haven't finished with you yet...just sit back and enjoy. This is your first time, I want it to be memorable."

"But...more? I've...I've already finished twice! That's...this is already a world record for me!"

"Just shhhhhhhh...Relax...sit back...enjoy! There's more from where those two came from."

This time, the blonde decided to change tactics. She slid her body to the brunette's side and decided to refocus her attention on Chloe's breasts. The girl was probably way too sensitive down below anyway so what better way to continue with pleasurable activities than to, once more, pay lavish attention to those marvelous, perky orbs. Now that she was in no hurry she cupped one luscious tit in her palm and examined it closely. The brunette's breasts were of medium size, probably low C cups with the left one being a bit larger and pointing slightly towards her arm. Her areolas were smallish and lightly pink in color but her nipples were sizeable and pointing out proudly.

Without releasing the tit from her palm, the blonde moved her face towards it, aiming her mouth towards the nipple. Looking up, she could see the brunette wondrously staring at her with eyes, wide with amazement, almost telegraphing the thought: "can there be more?"

Oh, but we've just scratched the surface here Chloe! You've no idea what more I can do for you. Just sit back, fasten your seatbelt and enjoy the ride!

As soon as her lips made contact with the nipple, the blonde's tongue darted out and started slowly twirling around. She could actually feel the nipple expand even more as she alternated between sucking, licking and light biting. Every new path that her tongue took would elicit a moan of growing urgency in response.

After a thorough workout, Sandra pulled back to admire her handiwork. True enough, she had left behind a dark pink nipple, fully extended and aroused and a breast glistening with her saliva.

"Oh man...that was absolutely fab...nobody's ever done that before for me...I nearly came when your tongue twirled around like that...it drove me mad..."

Sooooooo...sexually responsive breasts...check...let's see if we can use this information to our advantage!

"You mean nobody's played with your breasts before?"

"I mean nobody's ever done it for so long and so skillfully..."

Sandra smiled mischievously and dove for the other breast. Only this time, she positioned herself in such a way as to have access to the brunette's sopping pussy with her free hand. Just as Chloe had closed her eyes and was savoring the delicious effects of Sandra's tongue, the blonde dipped her fingers inside it.

"Oooohhh...yes...yes...yes...do that...yes...put them inside me...harder! Yes...faster...like that..."

Sandra didn't need to be told twice. Her hand got into a rhythm and her fingers started ramming the brunette's pussy. First one finger, then two and then three fingers went inside. By now, Chloe had been reduced to a quivering mess, her body no longer her own to control.

And then she came...violently...for the third time that morning...And it was hard and beautiful to behold. There were no sounds which came out of her mouth. There was no shaking like her body produced before. But Sandra could feel the brunette's pussy walls rhythmically clench around her invading fingers. And that clenching went on and on and on for a good forty seconds, before Chloe feebly placed her hand on hers...

"...please...please Sandra stop..."

The brunette was so wasted that it was no longer fun. Even though she was careful while withdrawing her fingers, the girl winced and instinctively closed her legs shut. Sandra smiled affectionately at the brunette. She was truly beautiful to behold sprawled as she was on her sofa, hair splayed allover, breasts glistening with saliva and thighs coated with her juices. In fact, judging from the quantity of liquid on her fingers she'd bet that they'd made a substantial stain on the pillows but it had been extremely well worth it if they had.


"It was okay..."


"Yeah...it was a solid C...perhaps a B minus at times..."

"Oh really? Well then...perhaps I should keep at it until we reach A plus..."

"No...no...that...that won't be necessary! I'm just messing with you. It was the best sex I've ever had."

Chloe sat upright now on the couch and looked towards the older girl with affection. "You...I...I've never had anything as intense as this before! Never! And well...you have given me some answers and offered me some questions that I have to think about..."

"Well, that's me! That's what I'm here for..."

"Honestly though...you've got to let me do something for you...anything...I mean...it's totally not fair..."

No...don't look at me like that...and stop pouting!

"Look...I...umm...there is nothing more in the world that I'd like right now. But it wouldn't be healthy for us if I gave in to what my whole body demands right now. I'd like for you to go home, have a good long thought about those questions and answers that you mentioned earlier and I'll be around...

There are reasons for me doing so...it mainly has to do with the fact that...well...a couple of years ago I fell for a straight girl who was not unlike you...I fell for her heads over heels but apparently she wasn't as into me as I was into her.

Now...don't get me wrong here...I like you...I like you a lot...I think you have a totally hot body...no, don't laugh...it's true...and there's a lot to like in your from the very little that I know you...but that's the thing...I know very little about you and I'd like to get to know you better. So...consider what we did today a preview...a small sneak peek if you'd like into the world of girl to girl love. I'd really like to see you again but I also need you to have time to process these thoughts. What do you say?"

"I'd say...well...I'd say this is solid thinking from your part. And I feel foolish right now...you must think I'm a total nut-job, waltzing in here with my ill-humored innuendos..."

"Chloe? Look at me. No, I don't think you are foolish. No one was born with some built in crystal ball in her head. No one has ever been born knowing it all. If you must know, I actually liked your foxy comments...I found them cute...and it certainly takes a lot of...well...balls to brazenly hit on someone the way you did, so full marks for you on that. All I'm asking here is that you give yourself some time to think...you know...sort some things out in your head. Look around...ask your friends if you wish. They'll offer their very own perspective but still it's extremely valuable to have someone to talk to right in your own house. And, of course, I'd like for us to go out again whenever you feel like it...

Look...in all honesty here...sex on the first date was not supposed to happen...but I'm only human and I have weaknesses...and well...you happened to hit upon those weakness all at the same time. But I'd like for us to date...or see each other again...call it what you will..."

The brunette sensed the vulnerability in Sandra's voice and despite the fact that she was still buck naked, moved in closer for a hug.

No...don't hug me...or I'll cry!

Again, Chloe, as if imbued with an empathic six sense picked up on Sandra's vulnerability and softly disengaged.

"Thank you..." they said in chorus.

They sat there staring at each other.

God you're beautiful...

And then Chloe stood up in all her naked glory. Sandra gulped.

What a body! You'd better get dressed quickly honey otherwise I'll lock that door and swallow the key!

Chloe bent over to pick up her panties and bra. This gave the blonde a perfect portrait of the brunette's heavenly ass. She caught herself licking her lips as her eyes caught glimpses of the brunette's still glistening pussy. And then, as Chloe slightly stumbled and turned whilst trying to put her panties on, her eyes caught Sandra's stare as she was practically devouring her.

As Sandra's face was rapidly turning into a fine shade of crimson something unexpected happened; Chloe, with a smirk on her face, let her panties drop once more on the floor and moved decisively towards the blonde. Without any words being exchanged, she pushed Sandra back, fell on her knees and yanked down her running tights and thong in one swift move.

With her eyes wide with amazement Sandra stood witness as the brunette's head made its slow, tentative descent towards her aching pussy. She had been wet, stuffy and her whole pussy felt congested for some time now and she was planning upon rubbing herself raw the minute Chloe closed the door behind her but this...Although her mind had told her to resist, her body had just capitulated.

The moment Chloe's lips made a soft, awkward contact with her pussy was as if a thunderbolt had struck her body. Sandra knew that any attempt to try and properly savor this were futile; she was so geared up that she'd cum in mere seconds. The brunette, unsure about what to do, traced the tip of her tongue about trying to get her bearings. Her feather-like movements were maddening for Sandra who felt her whole body boiling up.

And then it happened. Chloe shifted her tongue towards her clit and her lips slightly clamped around it. Sandra was for a moment afraid of what was happening. An indescribably powerful sensation started from somewhere in her lower spine or abdomen and steadily built up, funneling its colossal energy towards her pussy. As the brunette gently lapped at her throbbing clit, this built up sexual energy burst through and exploded throughout her body.

Quick-firing contractions involving her clit, pussy lips and sphincter spread wave after wave of pleasure throughout her body until Sandra started seeing silvery flashes in her eyes. Then, her throbbing body collapsed on the sofa, her limbs went limp and her eyelids closed.


"Y...yes...?" replied a very drowsy blonde with her eyes still closed.

"Are you alright?"


"Did...was it any good?"

"Fuck yeah..."

Sandra opened her eyes but remained slumped on the sofa, unable to move a limb. The scene was truly surreal to her. There she was, laid in a puddle on her sofa, sports bra still on, her leggings and panties bunched below her knees and her body still gloriously tingling from THE best orgasm she'd had in ages.

"You're just saying that..." said the brunette, still feeling insecure about her performance.

Sandra extended her hand in reply. "Here...gimme a hand up..."

Chloe smiled and helped the gorgeous blonde to her feet.

"Believe what you may, but for the record, this one goes down in hall of fame of my orgasms...I won't tell you where exactly it ranks in case you get too cocky..."

...and believe me kiddo...it was a shuddering no.1!

Chloe beamed with pride just like a proud student when she gets a particularly important award.

They stood there facing each other, both girls a glorious, sexy mess neither one daring to say something more, until Chloe broke the silence first.

"Ummm...I'd better get going...ummm...you know...have a shower...change clothes..."

I'd love to bathe every single inch of your body...

"You can have one here if you want...we...could have one together..."

Chloe stood there hesitant.

"Look, scratch that...it wasn't very thoughtful of me to ask, I don't want to guilt-pressure you into something...it's contrary to everything I said before...just forget it..."

"I didn't say no did I? I'm sure that we'll get the chance to try this soon!"

"Fair enough..."

"So..." said Chloe with every inch of her face smiling now, "...when's our next running date?"

Chapter 9 (Chloe)

"So how's the relationship going?"

"The what?"

"Very well...let's play this little game...this thing you've got going with Sandra?"

"Oh that...it's cool!"

"See? I've always told you that you'd eventually succumb to the dark side. You do realize you've got to give me more than that, don't you?"

"Depends on what you want to know Em."

"Have you had sex?"

Chloe nearly choked on the orange juice she was casually sipping which in turn elicited more than a few laughs at her expense.

"Ah yes...Emma, sweet-sweet Emma! Subtle as always! Trying to place a pin using a sledgehammer..."

"Let me see now...it was some time last year wasn't it? We were having a certain conversation in a certain dorm-room and if my memory serves me right, I believe it was a certain roommate of mine who was asking these questions...So spill! It's an order."


"Yes what?"

"Christ Em, do you want me to paint a picture for you? Yes, as in yes we've had sex..."


Chloe was blushing profusely now. "...and well...ummm...I can confidently say that you're a crappy friend. Yes! That's all I'm willing to say!"

Emma looked towards her friend with a raised eyebrow and a lopsided grin. "And why is that?"

"It's because all these years that we've known each other you let me go on crappy dates with guys when I could have been having all this fun!"

The redhead's smile widened. "So you DID like it then!"

Chloe lowered her head, her cheeks colored bright pink. When she slightly raised it again she had this lovely coy smile on her face which spoke volumes.


"Surely you can do better than that!"

"Yes as in, it was fucking awesome! It was...God...it was sublime! I've never had three O's in a row before Em! Never! I've never had such intensity before. I've never before managed to orgasm from oral. It was more than awesome! Everything just clicked into place! It was like having an epiphany, like...shit...THIS is how it's supposed to be!"

"Well that's great news Chloe! But...I sense that there is more?"

"Yes...there is more to it Em...and it's the main reason for why I asked for a one on one with you...the million dollar question is, what do I do now?"

"What exactly do you mean by what to do? What to do as in, am I a lesbian or not, or am I in a relationship or not?"

"Well that lesbian label you used...okay...okay...as I said before, the sex was awesome...it was better by a factor of twenty at least...am I into girls? I think the answer here is a yes...I mean I've done a lot of soul searching these past few days and I've rethought a lot of past experiences...I still need some time to digest some things but I've finally had a lot of answers come to me. The relationship tab might be a bit trickier to pick though..."

"Do you have any feelings for her?"

"I...ummm...look...okay...we need to have the big picture here. When I first met her...dear God...anyways...when I first met her I was already having...errr...strange experiences...I ummm... oh just fuck it for Christ's sake...I've fantasized about girls while masturbating...and...and well...umm...I've caught you guys twice...and...I couldn't stop watching...and I was horny...AND I want the floor to split up right about now and swallow me whole!

Anyways, during that barbecue thing I had one of those pervy moments...I was going to ask you what to do with the salad dressing when I caught you two making out in the back yard. I was instantly transfixed! I just stood there and gaped at you like a fucking retarded perv! I felt horny watching you! And ashamed! And I felt puzzled! I wanted to walk away and I just couldn't! And then along came Sandra and I liked her...I just don't know what had gotten into me that day...perhaps I was ovulating or something, I dunno...I felt weird. Later in the kitchen, she nearly kissed me when you interrupted us. And believe me, I was the one to light all the green lights along the way.

Later, we exchanged phones, went jogging together and well...I wasn't so subtle about what I wanted and we had sex. We've been on three more running dates as we call them...all of them had the same outcome...she says that we aren't supposed to be doing this, that I've got to think things through first but I guess both of us can't resist...but..."

"What is it Chloe?"

"...I...I'm...it's not like you and Abigail...there's certainly lust but...I would be lying if I said that I loved her. And the thing is that, I know for a fact...she's told me as much, that she has been burned in the past by a hetero girl...and I'm almost certain that she's more into me than I am...and that scares me and I don't know what to do! I'm not ruling anything out for the future but I fear that...I fear that things might be going too fast...that I might be dragged into another relationship just like I did with Trevor and I don't want that Em...not when I just got out of one..."

"I hear you Chloe...and I understand every bit of what you're saying...sometimes I wonder myself what I've done to deserve such luck...with Abigail I mean...love at first sight can be such a coin toss sometimes...but listen...there is a solution to your problem..."


"Yes...hear me out on this. You're leaving for Greece in a few days' time aren't you? Yep...I remember you telling me. Anyways...you'll be gone for about two months? Okay...that's ample time for the both of you to sort things out. This way you can avoid an unnecessary break-up and you have time and distance to sort things out. If both of you find out that you're really committed to what you have then you'll take it from there when you come back. If it doesn't work out...well these things happen but at least you've both had the proper amount of time to think it through...

...look...I don't want to sound like a whore but hey...you haven't murdered anyone! Sex is fun! It's not like you forced yourself upon her...it was mutual...both of you wanted it...both of you are hot as hell!...all I'm saying is, don't fret too much about the sex part...things will sort out...you'll see..."

"You think so?"


Chloe scooted closer to Emma as the redhead gave her friend a good old fashioned hug.

"Just be you and everything'll be fine, OK?"

"Yeah, I guess so...thanks Em...I really needed that...the chat and the hug...especially the hug, you're a great hugger!"

"Hey, you're my pal, I'd do anything for you! Don't fret it too much! Go to Greece, have some fun, enjoy the sea and the sun and you'll figure it out."

"Will do...oh...shit, what's the time?"

"Quarter to ten, why?"

"Gotta run! We have a running date in fifteen minutes, I don't want to be late!"

"Running date huh?"

Chloe stuck out her tongue as she stood and then blew her redhead friend a kiss. In reply, Emma made a "V" sign with her fingers, brought it to her mouth and playfully fluttered her tongue in between. Chloe covered her mouth with both hands pretending to be scandalized, until both of them broke into hearty laughter. Which in this case, was exactly what Chloe needed to clear her mind from all her worries.
