Dillon Court Neighbors Ch. 01


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Sara stopped in the middle of the street and looked at me with big eyes. "I've seen what you and Mike do with the Russerts. I would like to be included."

Suddenly, I was the one that started to stutter and stammer. Finally, I managed to put a coherent sentence together; "Errrrrrr, included in what?"

Sara blushed almost to a bright scarlet, and then a tear ran down her cheek. "I wasn't snooping or peeping ... it's just that my home office overlooks the Russerts ... and I see into their kitchen. I've seen Mike and Ellen making out, and it was so sweet and tentative it moved my heart. And when I've been walking Max ... well, from the street you can see right into their living room too unless they pull the drapes ... and you and Jim kiss and pet on the sofa sometimes. I watch when I see any of you together ... it makes me hot and bothered."

She paused then went on talking at full speed, obviously before she lost her nerve to indulge in our conversation, "I haven't even kissed anybody since my ex and I broke up. I'm thirty, with a kid, not in a job where I meet single guys, and not the kind of person to cruise the bars and clubs to find a guy. I don't do one-night stands or computer dating. So, I'm strung out ... and I want to be kissed ... no, I need to be kissed passionately by someone whom I know, who's friendly and kind, and who might care about me a little. I even saw you and Ellen kissing romantically."

Sara put her face in her hands and hid her face. "Oh, God. I'll never be able to face you again. Can you ever forget that I said anything ... that I stopped in the street and just watched you guys make out? But, I was spellbound ... and I..."

I pulled Sara into my arms. "Honey, it's all right. We all have needs and passions." I thought for a full minute as the shorter woman shuddered into my shoulder to avoid crying. "I've always liked you and wished we had more of a relationship. If you want let's start spending more time together and see what happens and how we feel about each other." I kissed the side of her temple. "Having you part of us is not my decision; it's something that has to develop over time. It also belongs to each of us individually -- Ellen, Jim, Mike, me, and especially you."

I felt compelled to add, "I don't think any of the four of us -- Mike, Ellen, Jim, or me -- is sure where the relationship between our two families is going, but it seems on a loving and sexy trajectory. We like each other -- a lot, and I guess it shows. What you've seen from your window and on your walks is like a few scenes from a movie that touches something deep inside you -- and you want those same feelings."

Sara nodded her head into my shoulder. She pulled away, "I'm sorry I said anything."

"I'm not. I'm glad to know you find us interesting enough to say what you said. We'll start to include you in some of our activities." I pulled her to her house, "Come on, get what you need for Rachel, and then let's get back to the party. Know that I now know how you feel and I intend to do something about it in a nice way for you."

Sara continued to blush, but went inside and came back out only seconds later with an iPad in her hand. She explained, "My ex-hubby loaded a couple of dozen kid movies on this. She loves watching them." She waved the iPad around.

We walked back to the party. I reached over and held Sara's empty hand all the way to the Winslow's backyard. She gave me a pleasant smile in return and squeezed back.

While Sara set up Rachel in a patio chair with her movies, I went and said a few things to Mike. "Hubby, I want you to do something. Would you pay some special attention to Sara? See whether the two of you resonate and hit it off. She likes you, and it'd make the afternoon special for her. Kiss her if you feel like it. I'll explain more about my request later."

Mike smiled and said, "A pleasure to have you pimping for me, dear." He leaned in and kissed the tip of my nose. He turned and made a beeline for Sara and Rachel.

Mike liked kids; I knew we were approaching a time in our own relationship when we'd want to start a family. I looked at the Winslow's two adult children, Kevin and Maddy, about twenty-one and eighteen years old. They were nice citizens, and I liked them more every time I met them. Kevin was messing around with the charcoal grill and talking to Jim. Maddy, Ellen, and Liz were seated at a patio table talking and enjoying the sunshine. The two children seemed so adult, and they fit right into everything going on despite their youth.

Before I could decide what to do next, a pair of masculine arms surrounded me. Eric said, "You look as though you need drink and some company." He laughed and turned me loose. "Beer? Wine?"

I gave Eric my best megawatt smile, "Chardonnay, please." I allowed Eric to lead me to a table set up as a temporary bar. Seconds later, I had my drink in an acrylic glass; he explained they didn't want to chance broken glass around the pool.

Eric engaged me talking about our jobs, and the observation that many of us on the cul-de-sac worked at home, and apparently worked so hard we didn't often appear outdoors to socialize. I did web design and media consulting; Jim did some radiology work at home when he wasn't at a Boston hospital; Ellen was a popular author; and Eric did some of his financial management work from home, although he had an office downtown. Of the others, my Mike commuted to Boston to his law firm, Liz mostly worked downtown doing photography sessions and framing, and Sara worked as a paralegal in a nearby lawyer's office.

For the first time since Mike and I had moved to our house two years ago, I felt a connection to my neighbors. Jim and Ellen had broken that ice, but Sara, Eric, Liz, Kevin, and Maddy were delightful, and people I wanted to spend more time with both individually and collectively.

After the cookout dinner, I ran home, and put my bikini on again. Many of us took another swim, this time staying in pool more than during the daytime. I watched Mike be his attentive best with Sara, wooing her in his smooth and easy style of friendship that reminded me of why I'd fallen in love with him. He had her laughing, and I watched the two of them often touching each other to make a point and openly flirting with each other.

When Rachel fell asleep, Sara bid us all goodbye. Before she could awaken her daughter, Mike swept in and scooped up the sleeping child, nestling her small body into his broad shoulders and chest. He followed Sara around the side of the house to carry Rachel home. Mike didn't return right away, but when he did he gave me a brief grin and a wink. I watched him go over and devote some concentrated time with Ellen and Maddy; I saw Ellen visibly relax as he put his arms around her in a friendly hug. He hugged Maddy too, and she seemed to glow after his attention to her.

Kevin and I had an animated discussion about web design approaches and software languages. Our conversation may as well have been in an obscure foreign language for everyone else at the party. I think we impressed each other with our knowledge and what we'd been doing and studying. Kevin had just become a senior at the nearby state university. I suggested he talk to me when he started to think about a job. I'd been working as an independent freelancer, but I'd also started to think about expanding and taking on some employees so I could leverage myself and take advantage of my marketing and sales skills.

I also joshed with Kevin about what I called his 'Hunk Factor,' hugging his tight body to me just to make sure. Kevin worked out, had six pack abs, a square jaw, and could have been a fashion model. He was smart and would graduate in a field that guaranteed a good, high paying job and career. I thought about how many college girls had Kevin in their sights. He countered with compliments about my 'Babe Factor,' talking about my smarts, job, and then my looks and curvy shape. I got another full body hug from the young man, one that stirred my libido. We clearly impressed each other. I gave Kevin a significant kiss on the cheek.

Later, I noticed Jim and Maddy having a comfortable discussion. Not as evident as Mike and Sara had been, but I could see the subtle flirting the two of them were doing with each other. I wondered if it were a natural response of a man or woman when in the presence of someone desirable, even if there were a significant age difference. Jim and Ellen's children were also young adults, past college, and miles away starting on their careers.

Several of Kevin's friends came by the house to lure him out for a few hours on the town. I felt privileged when Kevin brought them over to introduce them to me. I imagined the fluorescent pink bikini might have had something to do with the attention I got from the trio. Kevin went out of his way to point out that we worked in the same field, and that I was a 'hot' job prospect. I laughed at his emphasis on the word 'hot,' clearly teasing me about our earlier discussion.

After Kevin and his friends left, the party started to break up. We helped clean up the patio area, put the last of the food away, square away the bar, and make sure things were weatherproof.

Jim, Ellen, Mike, and I walked across the cul-de-sac together. Once we were in the shadows, we paired off with each other's spouses and necked for a minute. I told them all about Sara's observations and her request from earlier in the night.

Mike explained about how I'd 'aimed' him at Sara. He commented that the two of them had created a special bond, and so he'd introduced her to the joys of manly kisses again. He said, "I was about to leave after tucking in Rachel, and Sara saw me to the door. After talking with her most of the party, I felt something special with her, so I bent down and kissed her. She threw her arms around my neck, and before I knew it, we were lip locked for ten minutes. I think she likes me."

I smiled. Everyone liked Mike, a point he always found surprising and that he'd never taken advantage of. Besides, I knew when Mike got amorous or horny or both; I always ended as the beneficiary of his moods.

Ellen commented, "I've always liked Sara. Let's just start including her in our plans and see what happens." We all agreed, and after some more kisses, we went home.

Mike did indeed make me the beneficiary of his happier moods of the evening.

* * * * *

About a month later, Mike created a wonderful social event for the five of us: Mike, Ellen, Jim, Sara, and me. One of Mike's friends had just opened a restaurant in downtown Boston. The grand opening included a wine tasting with two oenophiles and a magnificent assortment of heavy hors d'oeuvres that added up to a great meal. A string quartet entertained the guests as well. The setting was intimate, and only about seventy people were in the new venue including several members of the region's food and restaurant press. We spent an entire evening sampling multiple courses from the new menu, and sampling all sorts of great wines.

Jim and Mike were dressed in suits and ties. Ellen, Sara, and I took advantage of the outing to dress to the nines, wearing our most upscale cocktail dresses with pointy heels and jewelry. Ellen and I even had concurrent afternoon appointments nearby to get our hair done at a nearby spa.

Jim drove and as had been our custom, I rode in the passenger seat to keep him company. This arrangement left Mike in the backseat with Ellen and Sara. No fool, Mike got between the two women, and we'd no sooner left the restaurant than Mike started to make out with the two women.

Ellen responded as she had before, but Mike kept his hands above board. Their kisses became involved, passionate, and very oral. They also served as a model for what he did with Sara. Soon, the younger woman was deeply involved in French kisses with Mike, their tongues often dueling in the air between their lustful mouths.

As we drove, I reached over and stroked Jim's leg again, bringing my ardent fingernails into play on his thigh and running them right up to and over his hardening shaft. Before too long, I could see Jim's eyes bug out of his head whenever I got near 'ground zero.' I know Sara could see what I was doing from the backseat, but that didn't deter my teasing. I thought I might be testing her to see how far she was willing to go with us.

Back at the house, we invited everyone in for a nightcap. Sara ran home to check on Rachel's babysitter, and let the sitter know that she was nearby; she came back with an eager look on her face. I could tell she didn't want to miss anything.

Mike got everyone a drink. After he'd served Jim, Sara, and me in the living room, he returned to the kitchen for the other drinks. Ellen jumped up and said she'd help. I knew that was shorthand for 'I'm going to the kitchen to make out with your husband.' I winked at her as she passed by.

Jim put his arms around Sara and me, and soon was duplicating what Mike had been doing with Ellen and Sara on the drive home -- kissing in the nicest of ways. After we'd gone back and forth several times, Sara took Jim's hand and held it to a breast in an unmistakable invitation to fondle from outside her clothing.

Sara said in a soft voice, "I've seen you two make out. I know you like to touch each other ... because I've seen in your front windows when I've been walking Max." She gestured to the large plate glass window that graced the front of our homes. "I'd enjoy what you do too. I'm more than fine with it."

Jim looked pleased, and so did Sara as he started to smooth and excite her breasts. With his other arm around my shoulder, I felt a similar touch. One of my hands fell naturally on Jim's thigh, so I started to repeat the sexual taunts I'd started in the car. Sara modeled my behavior on his other thigh, and soon the two of us had Jim heading into a low earth orbit. Eventually, Jim stopped us; "Ladies, it's not nice to play with toys unless you plan to clean up after yourselves."

I laughed and said, "And what made you think we're not ready to clean up."

My comment both shocked and amused Sara who burst out with an embarrassed chuckle. She said, "You're right, maybe we should stop. I need to stop anyway, as my babysitter has to head home. You two can keep going."

Sara's departure broke up our nightcap session. Mike and Ellen heard us moving around, and soon they appeared from that side of the house. Ellen looked a little disheveled, and Mike's fly was partly undone. They looked so obvious, but I managed to contain my laughter until everyone had kissed and said goodnight.

I pointed at Mike's open zipper after our front door shut. He chortled, "Oops. Guess I forgot something. Ellen had her hand in there for only a minute just before we came out."

I raised my eyebrows. "Do you have briefs on?"

Mike laughed, "No, I'm commando tonight. I surprised Ellen. Maybe it was a bit over the top, but I got a charge watching Ellen's eyes get as big as saucers when she discovered I was au naturel in there. I thought you'd be OK with moving to that level based on seeing you toying with Jim in the car."

"Oh, I'm fine with it. I wouldn't mind Jim pawing his way around my pussy either."

After a pause, Mike asked, "Hey, was Sara OK with tonight? What'd you guys do?"

I nodded, "I think so. I'll check with her tomorrow or the next. Jim was almost to second base with the two of us on the sofa. She likes to kiss him ... and she likes to kiss you too from what I saw in the car ... and she invited his fondling of her breast from outside her clothing. She also joined me in rubbing Jim's thighs and touching the resulting bump. I think she's OK with what we did. I got the feeling she'd prefer to go further too, and might have gone further if she didn't have to relieve the babysitter."

On that note, Mike led me upstairs to make love to me.

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mannydcampmannydcampover 10 years ago
Great Story

I loved your story but have to admit I almost didnt continue reading. I love slow moving stories as I find them much sexier and they also feel more realitic, at least based my our experiences. So when the neighbors (who they didnt seem to know all that well ) arrive and Mike quickly has a tongue in his throat I thought another stroke story.

Well my husband was at a football game and I had some time to kill so I read it anyway and was very plesantly surprised.

Great slow burn and great writing!!!

I will read more


myassisdraginmyassisdraginover 10 years ago

I like this story, I think it's the first time you have written from the female side of things and it offers another view of things.

Change can be interesting.

blackwatereagleblackwatereagleover 10 years ago

has to soar in and welcome RR1 back. I am glad he didn't take to long after getting Crystal settled. Although I'm not sure we have seen the last of THE GROUP!!!

This group is getting together, so a cul-de-sac group would be fun to see developed by B.T.P

two talons up " "

NellaBarely2NellaBarely2over 10 years ago
Another good read

I agree, it's mathematically improbable, but possible. Statistically, it's not likely that three couples just happen to live together with an open marriage mindset, at the same level of security and intensity. That said, you again crafted a very good, nicely erotic situation to set a readers emotions in gear for the heat of the night. We too know of Two couples that eventually exchanged partners and remarried and remarried ... but not neighbors. That only happens with HBO and in Romantic1's world. Tehe

fanfarefanfareover 10 years ago
very good read

R1, thank you for this new story, I am really enjoying it on a personal level.

I like the pacing and the humanity of the people described. Economical and emotional on a scale I can feel part of.

bobabcdbobabcdalmost 11 years ago
Great to have you with another story

I've been missing your posts since you ended the Crystal series. Liked the pov on this one. Love all your stories.

ShadowlandsShadowlandsalmost 11 years ago

Nice and slow, just as a good read should be. Probably not in real life though. Would have jumped each other on the second date lol. Lucky for us. Thank you for your excellent crafting of the story. I too look forward to the next chapter(s).

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
I know this will be a great one ...

Hurry with the next chapters. Great build up. I think I can see what's coming. The whole neighborhood gets involved. Can't wait.

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